
AltRefNoQ/SO7 page 147
TitleIndictment preferred by Thomas Fletcher against George Agar late of the Parish of St Michael in Cambridge and Morgan O Meara late of the Parish of Little St Mary in Cambridge for an assault; court divided in opnion on motion that indictment be quashed. Indictment preferred by THomas Wilson against William Webb late of the Parish of Wood Ditton for an assault pleaded not guilty and entered into recognizance to try his traverse at next quarter sessions. Recognizance entered into by WIlliam Webb of Wood Ditton, shepherd, and James Cater of Wood Ditton, Gentleman, for ten pounds each on conviction that William Webb appear at the next quarter sessions concerning indictment for assaulting THomas Missen of Wood DItoon, publican.
Date12 April 1771
CreatorNameCambridgeshire Quarter Sessions: entries in Order Book
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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