
AltRefNoQ/SO7 page 173
TitleWilliam Webb, indicted last Easter Sessions for assault on Thomas Missen, found guilty and fined 1s. Indictment preferred by Elizabeth Bocock against Sarah Reddal, late of the parish of Burwell, for felony and petty larceny. Pleaded not guilty and was acquitted. Indictment preferred by Elizabeth Taylor against her husband William Taylor, carpenter, late of Kirtling or an assault. PLeaded not guilty but committed to gaol for lack of security fo appearance at next Quarter Sessions. Order that James Blows of Willingham, imprisoned last 5th August for deserting his wife and child be publicly whipped then discharged.
Date11 October 1771
CreatorNameCambridgeshire Quarter Sessions: entries in Order Book
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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