
AltRefNoQ/SO7 page 218
TitleIndictment by Daniel Doe against Edward Witton, poulterer, late of the parish of St Sepulchre for practising as badger and poultry seller without a licence. Returned ignoramus. Furhter time allowed to inhabitants of parish of Fordham to plead presentment against them for a nuisance proffered by John Drage Esq al last Quarter Sessions. William PLeasants of Wood Ditton, yeoman, tried his traverse against a previous indictment for assaulting Ann the wife of John Starling. Fined five shillings for trespass and assault. William Taylor, carpenter, of Kirtling, previously pleading not guilty to assault on his wife Elizabeth, together with William Sampson of Kirtling, yeoman, Thomas Taylor and James Taylor who had offered recognizance for the appearance of WIlliam and ELizabeth Taylor in court; were discharged from their obligations as the dispute was fabricated and the defendant mentally confused.
Date17 July 1772
CreatorNameCambridgeshire Quarter Sessions: entries in Order Book
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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