
AltRefNoQ/SO7 page 225
TitleExpenses of prosecution of Margaret Pavey for murder of her bastard child to be borne by County. Order to pay £6 10s 9d to William Mott, coroner, for taking inquisitions. Kneesworth Turnpike: Trustees mortgage to secure £200 and interest at 4%. INdenture dated 9th July 1772 between Sir Thomas HAtton of Longstanton, Rev Roberts Plumptre, Hale Wortham of Royston, JOhn Hitch of Melbourn Esqs, Joseph Beldam of Royston, gentleman, Rev Thomas Ferns, vicar of Royston, Joseph Foster, maltster of Royston, Edward Dowyer, draper of Royston, Samuel Luke, maltster of Royston, Thomas Trigg of Royston, merchant, trustees for repairing the highways from Royston (Herts) to Wandersford Bridge (Hunts) of the one part and Rt Hon Philip Earl of Hardwicke to pay to him tolls and revenues from the Turnpike in lieu of money borrowed on the credit of mene tolls-a sum of £200 plus interest and annually £4 in every £100.
Date17 July 1772
CreatorNameCambridgeshire Quarter Sessions: entries in Order Book
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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