
AltRefNoQ/SO7 page 285
TitleThe following bills were ordered to be paid by the Treasurer: To Mr Richard Mee for surveying work done at the Castle, House of Correction and Shire Hall £2 2s 0d. To Constable of Girton for conveying vagrants 10s 0d. To John Austin, pumpmaker, for a pump at the Castle £7 19s 6d. To George Carman, Constable of Chesterton for conveying vagrants £3 4s 5d. To the Constable of Fen Drayton for conveying vagrants £3 8s 6d. To Mar FArlow, the expenses on passing Treasurer's accounts on the 2nd ist. £1 10s 7d. To Mr Farlow, the expenses of this day £5 0s 4d. To certify William Rous, otherwise Ryley was delivered to gaol having been convicted of taking one mare to the value of ten pounds, the property of Joseph Mackinder, and another worth twelve punds, belonging to John Wingfield. And that John Clark, for apprehending and prosecuting Rous, be dicharged from all duties within the parish of ST Andrew.
Date15 January 1773
CreatorNameCambridgeshire Quarter Sessions: entries in Order Book
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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