
AltRefNoQ/SO7 page 292
TitleOrder granted for further time to be allowed for the parish of Fordham to plead to the presentation preferred against them at the Easter Session for a nuisance. Discharge from the County Gaol of Thomas Barron, who was committed on 4th March last on the complaint of WIlliam Symons, one of the overseers of Tadlam. Barron had been charged by Ann Sell with being the father of a male child born to her on 7 JUne 1767, but no order of bastardy ever having been lade or served against him, he was discharged by the court. Discharge from House of COrrection of David Carter, having been committed on 6 MArch last for deserting his wife and three children and leaving them chargeable to parish of Bassingbourn. Carter promised to maintain them in future and was immediately discharged.
Date23 April 1773
CreatorNameCambridgeshire Quarter Sessions: entries in Order Book
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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