
AltRefNoQ/SO7 page 296
TitleOrder for payment of the following bills by the County Treasurer: To Mr Cobb, carpenter, for work at the Castle £1 11s 1d. To Mr Austin, carpenter, for work at Shelford Bridge £9 5s 6d. To Mr Harlock, glazier, for work at the Shire Hall, £4 12s 5 3/4d. To Paul Patison, a Quarter's salary or looking after and cleaning the SHire Hall 7s 6d. To John Atkin, Constable of Barnwell for conveying vagrants £1 9s 4d. To the Constable of Ickleton for conveying vagrants £7 10s 0d. To the Constable of Fen Drayton or conveying vagrants £5 5s 2d. Order for James Foreman to remain uin custody until next Session, he having failed to find sureties on articles of the peace exhibited against him at the last Michaelmas Session by Richard Garner
Date23 April 1773
CreatorNameCambridgeshire Quarter Sessions: entries in Order Book
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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