
AltRefNoQ/SO7 page 301
TitleOrder for Sarah, wife of Thomas Mison of Wood Ditton, to be reconveyed to the house of correction for refusing to find sureties for her future good behavior. Mison had been committed on 5 July this year for declaring she had burnt timber belonging to Charles Meredith at the house in which she was living in Wood Ditton and that she intended to pull down and burn the rest of the house. Order for more time to be allowed for the parish of Quy to repair part of the common highway, an indictment having been preferred against the parish at the last Epiphany sessions. Estreatment of £100 fine respited to the next session. Order for more time to be allowed for the parish of LIttle Eversden to repair part of the common highway, an indictment having been preferred against the parish at the last Epiphany sessions. Estreatment of £100 fine respited to the next session
Date16 July 1773
CreatorNameCambridgeshire Quarter Sessions: entries in Order Book
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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