
AltRefNoQ/SO7 page 310
TitleDuplicate filed of returns of prices of corn in Linton market made by Henry Claydon to 23 September. Claydon to receive two shillings for each of the thirteen returns made. Order that a duplicate be filed of the pass dated 26 July 1773 conveying Mary Allison, singlewoman, from Royston to Stretham being her last legal place of settlement. Order for discharge from their recognizances of Evan Mortimer of Papley Grove, Eltisley, John Bullon of Cambridge and Peter Eversdon of Caxton. Mariann, wife of Mortimer, had failed to appear to make good her charge against her husband. Committee of magistrates appointed for passing the accounts of the county treasurer at the Rose Tavern on 24 December next. Order for following bills to be paid by County Treasurer: To Samuel Patten, whitesmith, for work at Castle and House of Correction £1 1s 3d. To Simon Saunders, Gaoler 8s 0d. To the officer of St Benet, Cambridge-an apothecary's bill for attending those militia men who fell ill of the Small Pox when on duty last summer £4 17s 6d. To Mr Cobb, carpenter, for work at the Castle etc £1 18s 3d. To Mr Masters for 52 returns of the prices of grain in Cambridge market to 25 September last inclusive at 2/- each £5 4s 0d. To Messrs Martindale and Day for inquisitions £11 1s 6d.
Date8 October 1773
CreatorNameCambridgeshire Quarter Sessions: entries in Order Book
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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