
AltRefNoQ/SO7 page 35
TitleIndictment by Thomas Harwell, clerk, against John Howlet of Chippenham, labourer, for petty larceny; warrant to be made out by the Clerk of the Peace to apprehend John Howlet. Order that the recognizance carrying a penalty of £20 for the appearance of John Howlett in court be respited to the next Quarter Sessions. Appeal by the Parish of Dullingham against an indenture in which a pauper from Cherry HInton was apprenticed to Joseph Sandfield, miller, of Dullingham, since the miller was unable to support him. Indenture made void and compensation of £3 to be paid to Parish of Hinton for the £5 apprenticeship fee.
Date7 October 1768
CreatorNameCambridgeshire Quarter Sessions: entries in Order Book
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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