
AltRefNoQ/SO7 page 352
TitleAt the Peace's General Quarter Session, 15th Janury 1773, Robert Plumptre, Dr of Divinity and a Justice of the Peace, brought a presentment against the inhabitants of Little Wersden for not repairing sections of the King's Highway within their parish. At the next session Henry Rycroft, surveyor of the highway within the Parish, appeared in court and pleaded guilty. The inhabitants were fined £100. Upon a motion by Barham Rushbrooke, Counsel for the inhabitants to make repairs to the road and provide a certifiate to prove this, before the fine would be enforced. On 15th July 1774 the inhabitants of Little Wersden produced a certificate dated 14th July 1774 and signed by Robert Plumptre and William Howell, Dr of Law, both justices of the peace, saying the road was well prepared. Barham Rushbrooke motioned that the fine of £100 should be remitted, and the court agrees
DateMichaelmas 1767
CreatorNameCambridgeshire Quarter Sessions: entries in Order Book
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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