
AltRefNoQ/SO7 page 355
TitleHenham Runham of Harston, a labourer, appeared at the courts previous session due to a recognizance entered into by him and his sureties George Hatley and William Allen before Justice of the Peace William Howell Ewin, Dr of Law, on 4th January 1774 to answer the complaint of the church wardens and overseers of the poor at Hauxton parish for producing with spinster Ann Warboys a bastard child, who, if born a bastard, would be chargeable to the parish. Since Ann Warboys had not yet had the child the court prdered, with Runham and his sureties, consent that the recognizance be respited until 15th July 1774. By lunchtime the child had been born a month and no order of bastardy made. The court therefore released Runham and his sureties from the recognizance and gave Runham liberty to depart the court.
DateMichaelmas 1767
CreatorNameCambridgeshire Quarter Sessions: entries in Order Book
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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