
AltRefNoQ/SO7 page 362
TitleThe following prisoners confined for debt on 28th April 1774-Thomas Stewkin the younger, John Coile, William Coe, John Williams, Thomas Sendall, Deborah Crabb and Henry Foot were brought to court by the keeper of Cambridge Common Jail at the suite of the following: Thomas Stewkin the elder for THomas Stewkin the younger, George and Thomas Brunt,and Thomas Pater for John Coile, John Treeman for William Coe, Widow Williams for John Williams, Joseph Howell for Thomas Sendal, his Majesty the King for Deborah Crabb, and Widow Elizabeth Pratt for Henry Foot, who, in accordance with an act of parliament, have petitioned William Howell Ewin, Dr of Law and Justice of the Peace to bring all the named prisoners and the documents concerning them to court. This Mr Ewin did and in accordance with the act a notice was placed in the London Gazette and Cambridge Chronicle to this effect, 30 days prior to their appearance.
Date26 August 1774
CreatorNameCambridgeshire Quarter Sessions: entries in Order Book
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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