
AltRefNoQ/SO7 page 379
TitleWilliam Howell Ewin, Dr of Law and JP bought to court a conviction signed by him on 7th January 1775 stating that on 6th January 1775 Joseph Ricket, servant to farmer John Farlow of Fen Ditton, and the renter of the Turnpike Gate known as Paper Mill Gate, had on 6th January 1775 charged Ricket on account of Farlow 1s and 0.5p for passage of 1 wagon drawn by 3 horses, a higher toll than authorised in the relevant act of parliament. On 7th January Smith was summoned and denied the charge but Ewin, adjudging Ricket a credible witness, found Smith guilty and fined him £5. Smith gave notice of appeal and to that end entered into recognizance. On 13th January 1775 Smith came to court and through his counsels, Edward Benson and Robert Graham, appealed against the conviction on the grounds that the fine was not in accordance with the relevant acts of parliament, that the same acts are full of errors and due to the court variation between the information and the conviction, the court agreed and quashed the conviction.
Date13 January 1775
CreatorNameCambridgeshire Quarter Sessions: entries in Order Book
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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