
AltRefNoQ/SO7 page 40
TitleOrder to discharge Thomas Gibbons from custody, none of the officers of Haslingfield parish having appeared in court to support this complaint that he made Anne Wilson pregnant. Bond and receipt for transporting Ann Freeman, Mary Taylor, Margaret Kirby and William Ladwick or Lodwick, filed by John Mallinson, gaoler, from Jonathon Forward Sydenham and Moses Isreal Fonseca. Orders for payment by Treasurer as follows: William Mott, coroner, £2 16s 6d. Mr Headley, for expenses in prosecution against Stephen Manfield, £6 0s 5d. Barnaby Cader, constable of Ickleton, £4 0s 9d for maintaining and conveying vagrants. William Thompson, bricklayer, £1 3s for work at the Castle and House of Correction. John Mallison, £2 14s for expenses of putting John Boulter in the pilory at Newmarket. Mr Prince, 4s for attending Jonathon Stickwood, prisoner Samuel Patten, whitesmith, 13s 2d for work at the Castle. Mr Forlow, for dinner, £4 15s 6d.
Date7 October 1768
CreatorNameCambridgeshire Quarter Sessions: entries in Order Book
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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