
AltRefNoQ/SO7 page 453
TitleConstables of Fulbourn brought into court a man apprehended last night on privy search and charged with begging and strolling. Appeared on examination he who pretends to be a Dutchman and calls himself Dork Credelo (?) cannot give satisfactory explanation for his coming to England. Two large bags of half pence found on him appear to have been obtained by begging. Ordered him to be committed to the house of correction for 3 months and whipped at the market cross, Cambridge during his confinement; on release be passed to nearest seaport, unless he first agree to enter HIs Majesty's service, whereupon he shall be discharged at once.
Date12 January 1776
CreatorNameCambridgeshire Quarter Sessions: entries in Order Book
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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