
AltRefNoQ/SO7 page 463
TitleBills ordered to be paid including to Coroners, Messrs Day and Martindale £5 4s 9d, Simeon Saunders, gaoler £6 9s 4d, Thomas Peters, Constable of Fen Drayton for conveying vagrants £7 5s 2d, Barnaby Carder, constable of Ickleton for conveying vagrants £6 3s 0d, Simeon Saunders, gratuity for extra care of the two Stickwoods 10s 6d, Samuel Patten, whitesmith, for work done at Castle House of Correction £1 11s 4d, JOhn Atkin, Constable for Barnwell for conveying vagrants £1 14s 9d, Thomas HArt for expense of this day and last adjourned session £7 8s 0d.
Date19 April 1776
CreatorNameCambridgeshire Quarter Sessions: entries in Order Book
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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