
AltRefNoQ/SO7 page 68
TitleArticles of the Peace exhibited at last Quarter Session by Boulton Siggers against John Cross for a breach of the peace and threatening Boulton Siggers be discharged or withdrawn. Order for recognizance of £10 entered into by William Rumbelow of Chippenham, farmer, for the appearance of John Howlet at Michaelmas Session last to answer indictment for petty larceny,be escheated into court of exchequer for want of appearance of John Howlet. Accounts filed of Charity Estate belonging to Parish of Teversham for one year ending Michaelmas 1768. Mr Apthorpe, the receiver, has received £8 and disbursed £7 9s 9d so that Mr Apthorpe is left with 10s 3d. Order that recognizances entered into by Brummit Senior and James Senior, bakers, for James Senior to appear at last Quarter Sessions upon complaintof Parish of Granchester for begetting a child by Hannah Johnson, be discharged of withdrawn.
Date7 April 1769
CreatorNameCambridgeshire Quarter Sessions: entries in Order Book
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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