
AltRefNoQ/SO7 page 90
TitleOrder that recogizances entered into by Henry Foreman of Cumberton, bricklayer, renouncing bastards from begetting a child on the body of Ann Smith, be withdrawn and Henry Foreman discharged. Appointment of a committee by the Justices and the Vice Chancellor of the University of Cambridge to examine the treasurer's acconts and a bill dlivered at the last Quarter Session by Mr Jeffs, stonemason, for work done at the Castle. Order to meet a committee to be appointed by the Corporation to consider alterations to be made in Shire and Town Halls for better accommodation for Judges of Assizes, Justices of the Session, gentleman of the Grand Jury and others.
Date6 October 1769
CreatorNameCambridgeshire Quarter Sessions: entries in Order Book
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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