
TitleEnfeoffement (attested copy)
DescriptionPeter Brighty of Ramsey, gent, to Hugh Wauldby, gent, late of Ramsey now of Upwell, Isle of Ely and William Hopkinson, gent, of Bourn, Lincs, (trustee of the late Branabas Brighty). The conveyance is made to facilitate the sale of the property left to Peter Brighty, which is charged with anumber of legacies and annuities payable to Barnabas Brighty's wife and younger children. The property involved, including Ibbot's farm, if recited at Great length in this document. There is also a long list of copyhold tennures which are surrendered. The property is all in Bury and Ramsey. The proceeds from the slale of the property will pay off Barnabas Brighty's debts (£800) and the £1,000 Mortgage to John West, The residue will be invested to pay annuities etc. and the remainder in the deeds is a covenant to levy a fine. with the fine (office copy).
Date8th June 1820
CreatorNameFellowes family, Lords de Ramsey of Abbots Ripton
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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