
Person NameCotton; Sir; John (d.1752); 6th Baronet; of Conington
Title6th Baronet
Epithetof Conington
ActivitySir John Cotton is an obscure figure, for instance we know almost nothing of the first half of his life, even where he was educated. He clearly spent some time administering the large estates that the Cotton family had accrued over three centuries, however despite being lord of some of these lands for over twenty years, he may have spent more than half of that time in exile in France. His Jacobite loyalties seem to have been the driving force of his career, spending much of his time in France where his father was one of the pillars of the Jacobite non-jurors. The strength of his convictions are shown by his choice to name his daughter Elizabeth-Stuart in honour of the royal house he served, or the fact that after successfully returning to England he clearly chose to go abroad again to support the invasion from Dunkirk which ultimately did not come about. The death of his sons in infancy and the unlikely proportion of daughters he fathered are clearly bad luck, and evidently the family had begun to lose land before he inherited, but the ultimate legacy of his life is an ignominious end to a dynasty that had a profound impact on the legacy of the country, most prominently in the establishment of the class of Baronets and the creation of the Cotton library.
RelationshipsFather: Sir Robert Cotton, 5th Baronet (c.1669-1749)
Mother: Elizabeth Wigston
Spouse: Jane Burdett, daughter of Sir Robert Burdett, 3rd Baronet (1640-1716)
Children: Robert Cotton (c.1711-1716)
John Cotton (1714-1739)
Mary Cotton (died young)
Mary Cotton (died young)
Hester Cotton (died young)
Jane Cotton m. Thomas Hart
Elizabeth-Stuart Cotton m. Thomas Bowdler
Mary Cotton
Frances Cotton
Linked entries in the catalogue
KHAC2/2940/1/10Deeds of seven cottages and outbuildings in Stocker's (formerly Wool) Yard in St Benedict's parish, Huntingdon.
KCON/4/2/2/3Rental of lands (in Steeple Gidding) belonging to Sir Robt. Cotton and John Cotton, and division of said lands between them. Field-names; names of tenants; and rents.
KCON/4/2/18/2Querries re. Conington Estate (sale to Heathcote from heiresses of Sir John Cotton). Rough copy. Later expanded into a memorandum
KCON/3/1/B/10List of Deeds of the Mannor, lands etc of Connington, to be executed by Sir John Cotton's heirs, and handed over to Sir John Heathcote, as belonging to him.
KFIELDEN/F5/9/5Marriage Articles. John Cotton son and heir of Robert Cotton of Gidding and Jane Burdett of Sir Robert Burdett of Warwick.
KCON/2/4/A/62Marriage Agreement
KCON/3/7/1/6Surrender Copy Court Roll: Alc. W.
KFIELDEN/F5/9/18Settlement. On marriage of Hart of Warfield, Berks to Jane Cotton, eldest daughter of John Cotton of Conington.
KCON/3/7/1/7Surrender; Copy Court Roll: Alc.W.
KFIELDEN/F5/8/12Release. John Cotton of Conington and John Cotton the younger, the Hundred of Norman Cross and the manors therein in Trust.
KCON/4/2/1/6Rental Lands and tenements in Conington, (in possession of heiresses of Sir John Cotton.)
KCON/7/10/6Letter to John Cotton, Esq., at Stretton, Beds., from John Pierce.
KCON/7/3/1Letter from Taylor White, Lincolns Inn, to: (Sir John Heathcote)
KCON/2/4/A/55Marriage Settlement
KFIELDEN/F3/7/2Agreement. Between Sir John Cotton and Thomas Truman for sale of Manor of Glatton and Holme and lands.
KFIELDEN/F5/9/13Settlement. Francis Cotton, widow and others.
KFIELDEN/F5/17/5Will. Sir John Cotton, Bart.
KAH/26/236/27Mandate for induction: John Hooper Rector of Sawtry St. Andrew: patron, John Cotton Esq.
KFIELDEN/F5/9/14Settlement. Francis Cotton, widow and others.
KFIELDEN/F5/35/2Lease for a year and bargain and sale. Sir John Cotton Bart, to Thomas Truman, manor of Glatton with Holme, for £14,880/12/6.
KCON/3/1/A/45Assignment of a Term in Trust
KCON/7/2/1Letter Edward Ferrar, Esq., to: Thomas Brand, Esq., at the Hoo, nr. Welwin, Herts.
KFIELDEN/F5/8/7Settlement. Robert Cotton of Gidding and John Cotton, his son on marriage of John Cotton with Jane Burdett of lands at Flitwick.
KHP17/3/1Receipts of Tithes by Rector of Cotton & Heathcote families
KCON/3/1/B/9Abstract of Title of the co-heiresses of Sir John Cotton, Bart, lately decd. to the Manor of Conington and the Advowson of the Church of Conington.
KAH/26/236/52Mandate for induction: James Orem M.A., Rector of Denton: patron, John Cotton of Shelton Hall, Co. Bedford Esq.
KAH/26/236/36Mandate for induction: John Davies M.A., Rector of Sawtry St. Andrew: patron, John Cotton of Conington Co. Hunt.
KCON/4/2/13/4Account (torn) of money due to John Day, coachman to the late Sir John Cotton, Bart, and paid by Lady Cotton, his executrix. Wages £10 p.a.
KFIELDEN/F5/32/3Feoffment. John Cotton Esq of Stratton, Bedfordshire, to Latham Buzzard, messuage at Glatton.
KCON/7/2/3Letter T(aylor) White, Esq., representing John Heathcote. to representatives of vendors (heiresses of Sir John Cotton) of estate in Hunts.
KFIELDEN/F5/9/15Assignment. Of several terms in trust for heirs of Sir John Cotton, Bart.
KFIELDEN/F5/35/3Covenant for production of deeds. Sir John Cotton, Bart to Thomas Truman.
KCON/2/4/A/65Deed to Lead Uses of Common Recovery (Lease and Release)
KCON/2/4/A/66Exemplification of Common Recovery
KCON/4/2/2/4Rents of Steeple Gidding.
KCON/4/2/13/3Account (torn) of the personal estate of Sir John Cotton.
KCON/3/4/3/4Abstract of Title of the 4 daus. and heiresses of Sir John Cotton to the Manor of Upton.
KFIELDEN/F5/33/2Release. Sir John Cotton, Bart, to Truman of London, merchant, in consideration of £14,880/12/6, estate and boat gates as last above.
KCON/3/7/1/2Power of Attorney
KCON/4/2/18/1Queries re. Conington Estate (sale to Heathcote from heiresses of Sir John Cotton)
KCON/3/1/E/10Agreement (Draft); For securing the stipend of the living of C.
KCON/3/2/B/5Deed To Lead Uses of Fine
KCON/3/1/A/52Demise for a Term
KCON/3/1/B/1Agreement for Sale and Purchase
KCON/3/1/B/4Deed to Lead Uses of Fine (Bargain and Sale)
KCON/3/4/3/1Assignment of Term
KCON/5/12/10Re. Robert Pulleyn's Will Papers in Case
KCON/3/1/A/51Lease (counterpart)
KCON/3/1/B/3Lease and Release
KCON/3/1/A/46Assignment of a Term in Trust
KCON/3/1/B/5Deed to Lead Uses of Fine (Release)
KCON/3/15/7Deed to Declare Uses of Fine
KFIELDEN/F3/1/4Lease and Release of properties in Stilton
KFIELDEN/F3/7/11Schedule of deed relating to the Manor of Glatton purchased by Thomas Truman from Sir John Cotton, Bart, commencing with grant from James I, 16 July 9 James I.
KFIELDEN/F5/9/20Deed. Thomas Bart (1), Sir John Cotton Bart and Elizabeth Stuart Bowdler (2) declaring used of marriage settlement of 1742.
KFIELDEN/F5/9/7Deed. Appointing Mrs Jane Cotton's jointure in Gidding between Robert Cotton of Gidding, John Cotton and Jane, his wife, and Sir Robert Burdett.
KCON/2/4/A/79Marriage Settlement
KCON/3/1/B/6Final Concord (with counterpart)
KCON/4/2/2/6Rental and Valuation of the Estate of the heirs of the late Sir John Cotton of Steeple Gidding.
KCON/2/4/A/67Demise for a Term
KCON/8/1Pedigree of the Brus-Cotton family, showing the descent of the lordship of Conington, Hunts, from Waltheof Earl of Huntingdon to whom St. Edward the Confessor gave it after he had banished Turkill the Dane.
KCON/4/2/1/7Rental: Manor of Conington 2,607a. (in possession of heiresses of Sir John Cotton.)
KFIELDEN/F5/9/12Will and Codicil. Sir John Cotton
KCON/3/4/3/3Abstract of Title of Sir John Cotton, Bart., Decd., to the Manor of Upton.
KCON/3/1/C/4Deed to Lead Uses of Fine (Bargain and Sale)
KHAC1/1982/2/6Deed to lead uses of fine (and fine)
KCON/4/2/7/5Valuation of Denton, Caldecot, Stilton and Folksworth. (lands in possession of heiresses of Sir John Cotton.)
KCON/2/4/A/63Marriage Settlement (Lease and Release)
KCON/2/4/A/64Marriage Settlement (By Lease and Release)
KCON/2/1/4Will Sir John Cotton of Conington, Hunts, Bart.
KCON/2/5/A/10Assignment of Term (Lease and Release) (and Counterpart)
KCON/3/1/B/8Assignment of Term
KCON/3/2/B/4Deed to Lead Uses of Fine; (Lease/Release) and Copy.
KCON/3/2/B/8Assignment of Terms
KFIELDEN/F5/9/22Lease for a year. Mary Cotton daughter of Sir John Cotton (1) Sir Cardell Firebrace Bart, Sir Robert Burdett Bart and Charles Jennens (2) her fourth share in the Hunts properties.
KFIELDEN/F5/32/2Feoffment. Latham Brickwood and Mary, his wife, to Enderbee Yeardye of a messuage in Glatton, between cottage of ??? Sibley on East Common Street or Kings Highway to North and land of Sir John Cotton, Bart, to south and west, occupied by Samuel Taylor
KFIELDEN/F5/35/1Assignment. Charles Jennans (1), Sir John Cotton (2), Thomas Hart and Jane, his wife and Thomas Bowdler and Elizabeth Stuart, his wife, Francis Cotton and Mary Cotton, being only children of Sir John Cotton (3), Thomas Truman (4) James George Douglas, of various lands etc. including Manor of Glatton.
KP110/5/1Churchwardens. Accounts of total rates received and of disbursements
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