
Person NameCotton; Sir; John (1513-1593); High Sheriff of Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire (1549,1556); of Landwade
TitleHigh Sheriff of Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire (1549,1556)
Epithetof Landwade
ActivitySir John Cotton (1513-1593) was a prominent landholder with estates in Cambridgeshire, Suffolk and Essex. Because he inherited his lands as a minor, he clearly suffered from family members infringing on his property, and had to spend some time early in his majority securing his lands in court. He appears to have been a courtier in the reigns of Henry VIII and Mary I but to have fallen out of favour on the accession of Elizabeth I. He is known to have attended at least one reception at court, in 1546, and may have also been sent on Privy Council business to Scotland. He appears to have benefitted from a high-ranking brother-in-law Sir John Huddleston. He served in a variety of local offices in Cambridgeshire as well as being a JP and Sheriff, and served as a member for Cambridgeshire in two Parliaments under Queen Mary. He may have served militarily in the 1540s however there is the possibility that this is another family member of the same name. After the accession of Elizabeth I in 1558, and particularly after his denunciation at the hands of the Bishop of Ely in 1564 he was clearly out of favour due to his religion and retired into obscurity to live comfortably on his estates.
RelationshipsFather: Sir Robert Cotton (d.1517)
Mother: Alice Thornburgh, daughter of John Thornburgh Esq.
Spouse: Isabel Spencer (c.1515-1578) daughter of Sir William Spencer of Althorp, Northamptonshire
Children: Sir John Cotton (c.1543-1621) m. 1st Elizabeth Carryl, daughter of Thomas Carryl Esq. of Warnham, Sussex; 2nd Elizabeth Bradburne, daughter of Sir Humphrey Bradburne of Bradburne,
Derbyshire; 3rd Anne Hoghton, daughter of Sir Richard Hoghton, of Hoghton Tower, Lancashire
Sir Robert Cotton, Lord of Wood Ditton m. Elizabeth Dormer, daughter and heiress of John Dormer Esq.
Sir Edmund Cotton, m. Jane Tanfield
Alice Cotton, m. Sir Thomas Revett of Chippenham, Cambridgeshire
Anne Cotton, m. Sir Anthony Roper, of Farningham, Kent
Frances Cotton, m. Thomas Andrew esq. of Charwelton, Northamptonshire
Five other sons and two other daughters died in infancy
Linked entries in the catalogue
KP114/28/1Volume of historical notes and cuttings begun by Rev. R.Y. Whitehead, vicar, and continued by others
K588/M/17Orders for regulation of agriculture made in Exning manorial court and confirmed at court of manor of Coggeshall. Cf 588/M8.
K588/T/88Feoffment of 1r arable in Arnolde fylde, Exning.
K588/T/91Feoffment of ½ acre meadow in Exning.
K588/Q/1Confirmation of tithes of Landwade to the curate of Landwade church.
K588/M/15Estreat (in English) of court of manor of Coggeshall in Exning for 1586, 1599 ( 2 copies)
K588/O/1Memorandum ('Resolution') of court of half-hundred of Exning (damaged) with copy of same in letter of D. Thurston to Sir John Hynde Cotton, 21 November 1730.
K588/M/4Manor of Coggleshells in Exning (Suffolk). Court Roll
K588/T/82Feoffment to uses with power of attorney of manor of Exning.
K588/T/84Assignment of term of lease for 21 years.
K588/W/7Probate of will dated 10 May 1542 of Dame Alyce Cotton, widow of Sir Robert Cotton.
K588/E/3Agreement in form of indenture.
K588/F/39Cole's history of the Cottons of Madingley and Landwade and related families with pen and ink illustrations.
K588/T/87Feoffment of 1½r arable in Arnould feilde, Exning.
K588/T/86Bargain and Sale of 3r meadow in Landwade Moore, Exning, 2 half-acre pieces of arable in Arnowlde filde. Thomas Pleasance of Exning, yeoman, to Sir John Cotton of Landwade, knight, and John Cotton, esquire, his son and heir.
K588/T/90Lease for eight years.
K588/M/8Manor of Exning (alias Exning Hall): Court Baron
K588/T/119Covenant to procure marriage of John Cotton esquire and Elizabeth, covenantee's daughter.
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