
Person NameCotton; Sir; John (c.1647-1713); 2nd Baronet; of Landwade and Madingley Hall
Title2nd Baronet
Epithetof Landwade and Madingley Hall
ActivityIt is clear that Sir John Cotton, 2nd Baronet, was a wealthy landowner however he does not seem to have been as occupied by the administration of his estate as was his father. There is little record of him having acquired or sold significant portions of land. Instead he appears to have spent most of his life engaged in some form of governance and his career is a perfect encapsulation of the relationship between royal favour and political appointments at this time. He spent much of his childhood in exile due to his father's loyalties during the Civil War, but by 1680 was being preferred for appointment over even his father which was unusual. This was due at least in part to his views on the succession being more favourable to the Court at that time, but his offices were removed from him by the end of the decade because he was not sufficiently supportive of the King's policies. After William and Mary took the throne, his fortunes revived and he was able to hold his offices until his death, with the exception of his seat in parliament which he voluntarily gave up to ensure his son's political future.
RelationshipsFather: Sir John Cotton, 1st Baronet (1615-1689)
Mother: Jane Hinde, daughter and heiress of Sir Edward Hinde of Madingley Hall, Cambridgeshire and granddaughter and co-heiress to the heiress of Sir Thomas Maples of Stow,
Spouse: Elizabeth Sheldon (m.1679, d.1714), daughter and co-heiress of Sir Joseph Sheldon, former Lord Mayor of London (1675)
Children: Sir John Hynde Cotton, 3rd Baronet (c.1683-1752)
Catharine Cotton
Jane Cotton
Jane Cotton
Anne Cotton
Catharine Cotton m. William Sancroft of Fressingfield Suffolk, whose daughter became heiress to Archbishop Sancroft and left a fortune to Sir Charles Cotton, 5th Baronet, on her
death in 1788
Elizabeth Cotton
Frances Cotton
Dorothy Cotton
Agnes Cotton
One other son, died in infancy
Linked entries in the catalogue
KP114/28/1Volume of historical notes and cuttings begun by Rev. R.Y. Whitehead, vicar, and continued by others
KL92/D/12Abstract of title.
KCB/2/CL/17/2/Page 440aAppointment of Rt Hon Thomas Chichely and John Cotton, Esq. to attend at Westminster
K588/T/238Bond in £170 for performance of covenants of 588/T/237.
K588/M/35Manor of Girton: rental of copyhold and freehold properties and rents of hens and capons.
K588/E/5Note of new tenants amending those in 588/E4
K588/T/227Counterpart of same 588/T/227 (several pieces cut from it).
K588/E/20Rental of farms (in ?Girton and Madingley) and of booths in Stourbridge Fair (cf. 588/T255)
K588/F/12Bond in £4000 to perform covenants of even date by John Cotton of Landwade, baronet, to Nathaniel Curzon of Kedleston, baronet.
K588/F/13Writ of capias to Sheriff of Surrey to produce William Wogan in court to answer a number of persons concerning £125 debt with endorsed note of receipt from Sir John Cotton on the defendant's behalf.
K588/T/264Manor of Girton Pigotts cum Ramseys: Surrender of 3½ r arable in Girton Fields.
K588/T/237Lease and release of tenement and grove in Madingley in occupation of Nicholas Sterne (cf 588/T/232-235) bequeathed to donor by Joseph Nightingale of Cambridge, malster, her late husband.
K588/M/13Manor of Madingley: Court Baron
KCB/2/CL/17/2/Page 541Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Wardell, gunsmith, of booths known as Munseys Booths in the Cheese Row at Stourbridge Fair late in occupation of John Hignell, between booths of alderman Watson and John Cotton Kt.
KCB/2/CL/17/2/Page 826Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Wardell, gunsmith, of booths known as Munseys Booths in Cheese Row at Stourbridge Fair between booths of alderman Watson and John Cotton Kt.
K588/M/19File of court papers of manors of Exning and Coggeshall in Exning, comprising chiefly of lists of homages, verdicts, copy or admissions and surrenders and including orders for agriculture, 1653. Includes orders for commons (1694).
K588/M/21Manor of Exning Hall: Verdict of the homage
K588/T/226Lease for 60 years of farms in tenancy of Paul Roberts, John Rose and Robert Tall, yeoman, in Girton, Histon, Impington and Madingley.
K588/W/10Copy of the will of Sir John Cotton, baronet, of Landwade.
K101/T/323Wood Ditton. Other Estates. Assignment.
K588/O/28Various papers concerning elections and parliamentary business.
K588/F/39Cole's history of the Cottons of Madingley and Landwade and related families with pen and ink illustrations.
K588/M/23Extracts from the court rolls of the manor of Exning (1620-1705) of orders relating to grazing, especially on Snailwell Moor, and opinion of Robert Buxter upon possible action against tenants, with account for same.
K588/E/9Particulars of Cotton estates in Landwade, Exning etc. and Madingley, Girton, Histon, detailing tenants and acreages, with later calculations and house numbers
K588/M/12Manor of Girton Pigotts with Ramseys: Court Baron.
K588/T/98Manor of Exning Hall: Admission to 2 acre croft or pightle in Rotten Row, Exning.
K588/T/262Manor of Girton Pigotts cum Ramseys: Surrender of a tenement and admission of new tenant.
K588/Q/10Roper's Charity, East Greenwich: release of property in East Greenwich in trust for the poor of parishes of Farningham, Eynsford and Horton Kirby, Kent.
K588/T/96Lease for a year of Manors of Landwade, Cogishall in Exning, Exning called Cotton's Hall, Madingley, Burley Wash alias Moore Barnes Farme in Madingley and Girton
K588/L/1Commission to make inquiry ex parte Sir John Cotton, baronet, plaintiff v. James Margetston, Edward Daws, William Hinsby, Charles Pleasance, Edward Howlett, Thomas Pleasance and William Sergeant with interrogatories and replies annexed concerning sheepwalks rights of manors of Exning Hall, Coggeshall in Exning and Landwade Hall in lands known as Fenside and Haycrofts in Exning.
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