
Person NameCotton; Sir; John Hynde (c.1717-1795); 4th Baronet; of Landwade and Madingley Hall
ForenamesJohn Hynde
Title4th Baronet
Epithetof Landwade and Madingley Hall
ActivitySir John Hynde Cotton, 4th Baronet's (c.1717-1795) main occupation was as a parliamentarian, and between three constituencies he served in the Commons for over two decades. He is emblematic of the corruption and backroom dealing which marked this period in politics, seemingly being unenthusiastic about his post for long stretches and constantly seeming willing to give his seat to a political ally. He explicitly requested a lucrative posting towards the end of his life and seemed to think it was his due given his loyal service to the Tory party. He is not recorded as having made a speech in parliament from 1754-1780, however it is clear that he did put some thought into the issues discussed in parliament as though he usually voted with his allies he dissented on a number of key votes. Following his retirement from politics he lived peacefully on his country estates, evidently beset by ill health for some two decades before his death.
RelationshipsFather: Sir John Hynde Cotton, 3rd Baronet (c.1683-1752)
Mother: Lettice Crowley (m.1714,d.1718) daughter of Sir Ambrose Crowley of Greenwich
Spouse: Anne Parsons (m.1745) daughter of Humphrey Parsons Esq, Lord Mayor of London (1730,1740)
Children: John Cotton (d.1781)
Sir Charles Cotton, 5th Baronet (c.1753-1812) m. Philadelphia Rowley (c.1763-1855) daughter of Vice-Admiral Sir Joshua Rowley, 1st Baronet (1734-1790)
George Cotton (d.1781)
Alexander Cotton
Henry Cotton
Edward Cotton
Sarah Cotton
Anne Cotton m. Rev. Mr. Oldershaw
Lettice Cotton
Linked entries in the catalogue
K588/A/57Mercer's bill.
K588/A/80Mercer's bill.
K588/C/8/24Letters from Lord Sandwich at Hinchingbrooke concerning the appointment of a navy surgeon. (2 items).
K588/A/85Coffee and tea bill.
K588/A/71Fishmonger's bill.
K588/A/28Estimates of income and expenditure of Parsons' estate. (4 items).
K588/A/62Bill for dressmaking.
K588/A/74Soap maker's bill.
K588/A/21London brewhouse: various accounts, etc, of brewhouse. (17 items).
K588/C/8/37Letter from Mr Conyers concerning a parliamentary Bill, unspecified.
K588/A/33Account book [John Hynde Cotton].
KQ/SO/6/a424The accounts continued: money was paid in by the Hertfordshire treasurer to the account for the families of the men who had served in the Hertfordshire militia. The Completed accounts list were signed by Thomas Hatton, J Hynde, Cotton, B Plumpt W, William Greaves, BB, W H Ewin.
KQ/SO/7/p33Before William Greaves Beaupre Bell Esq, Rt Hon Philip Earl of Hardwick, Sir Thomas Hatton Bt, Sir John Hynde Cotton Bt, Robert Plumptre DD, Dingley Askham, Soame Jenkyns, Hale Wortham Esq, et al. Sacrament certificate delivered into court and oath of allegiance taken by Henry Meen BA Fellow of Emmanuel College.
KQ/SO/6/a479Committee appointed to examine bills relating to the erection of a pollory and make a report at the next Sessions. Committee to consist of William Graves, Sir Thomas Hatton, Sir John Hynde Cotton, Baronet Dingley Askham, Samuel Holworthy, Edward Leeds, William Howell Ewin, William Elliston, Vice Chancellor of the University of Cambridge and Robert Plumptree, Doctor of Divinity, or any two or more of them.
K588/A/8Annual accounts of Sir John Hynde Cotton's London estate and list of the properties, with tenants. (11 items).
KQ/SO/7/p121Before John Drage Esq, Rt Hon Philip Earle of Hardwicke, Sir Thomas Hatton and Sir John Hynde Cotton, Baronets, William Howell Ewin LLD, Dingley Askham, Soame Jonyns and Edward Leeds Esqs. Sacrament certificate delivered and oaths of allegiance, supremacy and abjuration-James Garwood of Brinkley, Officer of Excise.
KQ/SO/7/p51Held before John Drage Esq, Sir John Hynde Cotton Bt, Robert Plumptre DD, William Howell Ewin LLD, et al. Sacrament certificated delivered into court and oaths of allegiance taken by Jeremiah Garner and Robert Lawn, Officers of Excise. Certificate of the State of the Militia from Rt Hon Philip Earl of Hardwicke, Lieutenant for the County, filed in the court's records.
KFE/6/453-4Conveyance (Lease and Release) £127-10-0 (of which £125 has gone to Cooper in repayment for mortgage)
KP114/28/1Volume of historical notes and cuttings begun by Rev. R.Y. Whitehead, vicar, and continued by others
K588/A/30Account book of John Hynde Cotton's payment of legacies to his aunts, etc.
K588/A/90Toy maker's bills - fine heading. (2 items).
K588/E/38Rental of Robert Phipps' Farm [?in Girton or Madingley] upon division to four separate farmers
K588/A/84Ironmonger's bill.
K588/A/89Livery bill.
K588/A/68Jeweller's appraisement.
K588/A/87Chandler's bill.
K588/A/65Mercer's bill - fine heading.
K588/T/105Draft or copy of 588/T/104.
K588/E/31List of plate sent to London [for sale]
K588/A/78Coffee and tea bill.
K588/A/63Receipt for rent of 11 Great Burlington Street.
K588/E/34Inventory of plate at Madingley Hall
K588/F/78Set of bookplates of Sir John Hynde Cotton, baronet.
K588/A/72Wig maker's bill.
K588/L/18Account in bankruptcy of Samuel Dickinson.
K588/A/95Medical bill.
K588/E/33List of plate sent to London [for sale]
KL92/D/12Abstract of title.
K588/A/88Lawyer's bill.
KQ/SO/7/p25Held before John Drage Esq, Sir Thomas Hatton, Sir John Hynde Cotton Ct, James Marriott LLD, Vice Chancellor of the University, Joseph Bentham Esq, Mayor, Robert Plumptre DD, William Howell Ewin LLD, Dingley Askham Esq and Jale Wortham Esq. Oaths of allegiance taken by Rev Anthony Shepheard DD, Master of Mechanics to His Majesty and Rev Thomas Ferries, Vicar of Royston. Appealfby Parish of Woodford, (Essex) against removal order for Edward Dean and hsi wife Elizabeth from Parish of Balsham. Appeal allowed.
K588/A/38Person account book [of Sir John Hynde Cotton].
K588/A/61Bill for labour, victuals, etc.
K588/A/19London brewhouse: account book of moneys borrowed to support the brewhouse.
K588/A/69Coal bill.
K588/A/86Receipt for beer.
K588/A/56Wedding expenses receipts. (7 items).
K588/E/129Excise receipt for 4000 ozs of silver plate.
K588/T/103Copy of 588/T/102. In this acreage of the arable is given as 15, and rent as £24.
K588/E/39Particulars of Moor Barns Farm in Madingley and Cambridge open fields.
K588/A/55Jeweller's valuation.
K588/A/66Coal and firing bill.
K588/P/3Plan of the brewery with later plan of the Cock and Lion public house. nd, [?1748] and 1 June 1852.
KQ/SO/6/a346William Greaves, Beaupre Bell Esquire, Sir John Hynde Cotton appointed to Committee for viewing and repairing Shelford Bridge
K588/A/79Stay-maker's bill.
K588/A/75Milliner's bill - fine billhead.
K588/C/8/34Letter from Mr Parsons with news of London.
K588/A/73Bill for street watering.
K588/E/32List of plate sent to London [for sale]
K588/A/83Bill for asses' milk - fine heading.
K588/A/32The Daily Pocket Journal used as account book of amenities.
K588/O/11Sir John Hynde Cotton's appointment as deputy lieutenant of Cambridgeshire.
K588/A/20London brewhouse: account book.
K588/C/8Correspondence of Sir John Hynde Cotton the younger, 4th baronet (1717-1795)
K588/T/347Wrapper from deeds once in possession of Charles Chambers, esquire, addressed to Sir John Cotton, baronet.
K588/E/35List of plate sent to London for sale in May 1778, with letter and account of Messrs Clayton and Co of King Street for sale
K588/C/8/19Letter from the Earl of Hardwicke on family and political matters and promising to send half a doe to Madingley at Christmas.
K588/A/40Bank book of Sir John Hynde Cotton and others.
K588/A/98Bill for victuals.
K588/L/16Release of all actions. Walter Serocold of Cherryhinton, clerk, to Sir J.H. Cotton of Madingley, baronet
K588/A/82Breeches maker's bill - fine heading.
K588/T/290Lease and release of 3r arable in common fields of Madingley.
K588/W/22Particulars of estates of Sir John Hynde Cotton deceased, to be settled on his sons, and particulars of estates of marriage settlement.
K588/E/93Rental of properties in Wellclose Square, Spitalfields and Whitechapel, London
K588/C/8/3Letter from Hugh Hamersley in Chancery Lane concerning Reigate estate (cf 588/C/2/3).
K588/C/8/12Covering letter for bills from Mr Robson at Lincolns Inn.
K588/E/128Insurance premium receipt for Madingley Hall.
K588/T/297Agreement for lease for 6 years of farm in occupation of William Phyphers in Madingley and replacement of batten fence.
K588/E/36Letter of Messrs Clayton and Co to Sir J.H. Cotton about intended sale of remaining plate
K588/C/8/23Letter from John Conyers referring to a recent bereavement and will.
K588/C/8/15Letter from Bruce at Tottenham Park concerning an election.
K588/C/8/26Letter from Mr Dickinson concerning London estates, etc.
K588/T/289Lease for 7 years of house with close in Girton in lessee's occupation with covenants for maintenance.
K588/C/8/7Note from the Lord Chancellor postponing an interview due to ill-health.
K588/T/298Manor of Girton Pigotts with Ramseys: admission to cottage and close of pasture in Girton.
K588/F/25Letters of administration granted to Sir John Hynde Cotton as principal creditor of William Swan, midshipman with East India Merchant Ship 'Horsenden', at Madras, bachelor, deceased.
K588/T/316Lease for 21 years of grange with croft between grange and churchyard with tithes of mediety of Gamlingay Parsonage
K588/A/7Accounts of Reigate estate including rent and legal accounts.
K588/C/8/39Letter from Mr Holmes concerning various family estates.
K588/C/8/36Letter from William Isaacson thanking Sir John for some unspecified favour.
K588/B/5Papers concerning the ill-management of the Cotton's brewhouse. (6 items).
K588/A/67Shoemaker's bills - fine heading. (3 items).
K588/Z/15Names of justices (? of the peace) including Sir John Hynde Cotton and his son John.
K588/C/8/27Copy letter to an unknown gentleman concerning London brewhouse.
K588/P/2Plans of the Cock and Lion brewery estate, East Smithfield, London. (2 items, 1 coloured).
K588/C/8/11Letter from Mr Chowne at Calder House, Scotland, expressing regrets at death of Mrs Cotton.
KL92/D/13Abstract of title.
KQ/SO/6/a222Oaths of allegiance taken by Sir John Hynde Cotton, baronet, Samuel Holworthy, John Drage, Esq, Charles Mason, and Marwood Place, Fellows of Trinity College
KQ/SO/7/p181Held before William Greaves Beaupre Bell Esq, Jhn Purches Esq, Mayor, Sir John Hynde Cotton Bart, Robert Plumptre DD< William Howell Ewin LLD, Dingley Askham Esq, et al. Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire's Certificate of the Estate of the Milita filed by the Clerk of the Peace
KP77/25/3Lease and release of land in Girton, Oakington, and Madingley Meadow
K588/A/5Papers from 588/A: mainly bills, receipts, etc.
KQ/SO/7/p3Held before Edward Leeds Esq, Sir John Hinde Cotton Ct, Joseph Bentham (Mayor), Rev Robert Plumptre D.D, William Howell Ewin LLD, Dingley Askem Esq et al. Appeal by Parish of Pleshey (Essex) against removal order for Henry Witney, his wife Ann and children Martha (12), Ann (7), Mary (4), John (2) from Whittlesford to Pleshey. Order confirmed with respect to Henry Witney and wife, quashed with respect to children.
K588/A/26Personal (?of Sir J.H. Cotton, 4th baronet) account book including note of servants, tradesmen's bills paid, etc. Also lying-in accounts of Mrs Cotton, 1753, 1756, 1759, wedding expenses, 1745, and memos of visits to Reigate, Hallingbury, etc.
KQ/SO/6/a444Oath taken by Edward Martin junior esquire, sheriff of Cambridge County, on the election of Sir John Hynde Cotton, baronet to Parliament, in the room of Right Honourable Philip Yorke esq, (Lord Viscount Royston, Earl of Hardwicke)
KQ/SO/7/p115Before William Greaves Beaupre Bell Esq, Sir Thomas Hatton and Sir John Hynde Cotton, Baronets, William Richardson DD<, Vice Chancellor of the University of Cambridge, William Norfolk Esq (Mayor) Robert Plumptre DD.
KQ/SO/7/p62Per Contra. Balance passed to Michaelmas 1767 £72 17s 1 3/4d. Received Quarteridge xmas 1767 £96 7s 4d. Lady 1768 £94 6s 6d. Michaelmas 1768 £87 16s 2d. Arrears charged to Michaelmas £16 2s 2d. Received last year £461 15s 9 3/4d. Paid £381 6s 6 1/2d. Balance due to County. Jon Hynde Cotton, William Greaves, William Ewin, Justices of the Peace and examiners of the treasurer's accounts certify they have examined the above, recommended payment of arrears by the Chief Constables.
K588/A/70Rat catcher's bill - Madingley.
K588/A/64Receipt for fabrics - fine bill-head.
K588/A/99Legal bills, etc.
K588/A/96Jeweller's bills. (2 items).
K588/E/90Appointment by Sir John Hynde Cotton of Abraham Harman of Christchurch Spitalfields, gentleman, as rent collector and two letters of Harman to Cotton about financial matters
K588/T/288Lease for 15 years of Hows Hill sheep walk with house lessee dwells in and closes in Girton with covenants for agriculture of same.
K588/T/104Lease for 9 years of The Nest House with outbuildings, Dove House Close (3 acres) and 12 acres adjoining of low pasture land and 7 acres sedge ground in Burwell
K588/T/250Manor of Hardwick: Admission to property as 588/T/246.
K588/E/26Agreement between Sir J.H. Cotton, 4th baronet, and Lancelot ['Capability'] Brown for landscaping Madingley Hall grounds, and 3 letters from Brown at Hammersmith to Cotton about meeting him at Madingley.
K588/F/24Indenture apprenticing Ann Taylor to Mrs Charlotte Rennie of St James' Westminster, coat maker, Sir John Hynde Cotton paying charges.
K588/T/335Assignment of all title to portion from securities created by marriage settlement of 1745 (cf 588/T335) and of subsequent settlements with appointment of attorney.
K588/O/26Letters to Sir John Hynde Cotton, 4th baronet, relating to 1780 parliamentary election.
K588/C/8/35Letter from the Earl of Sandwich at Herford Street with an account of Henry Cromwell's residence at Spinney Abbey.
K107/F/b/302Sale of the manor of Bassingbourn by Sir Thomas Hatton of Longstanton to Sir John Hinde Cotton of Madingley and son Charles Cotton
K588/A/81Hatter's bill - fine heading.
K588/E/12Particulars of Landwade and Exning estates, detailing tenant, annual rents and land tax
K588/C/8/16Letter from Sir Clement Trafford in Norfolk concerning an unspecified favour.
K588/A/41Legal and other accounts of Sir John Hynde Cotton, baronet.
K588/C/8/28Letter from Mr Rushworth at East Smithfield concerning London estates with accounts. (5 items).
K588/L/19Letters and papers concerning a case brought against the brewhouse by one Holding (i.e. re bankruptcy of John Parsons) (4 items).
K588/A/76Hatter's bill - fine heading.
K588/T/101Lease for 15 years.
K588/O/20Papers relating to Sir John Hynde Cotton's (4th baronet) 1752 election in Marlborough.
K588/T/319Agreement for lease for 6 years of lands in occupation of John Malden, senior, of Gamlingay, with mediety of great tithes.
K588/W/17Will of Francis Cotton.
K588/C/2/3File mainly of correspondence and other papers relating to valuation of reversion of Reigate estate to satisfy John Parson's debts, 10 May 1748-4 February 1748/9.(cf 588/C/8/3).
K588/A/29Account book of disbursements according to Sir John Hynde Cotton's will, by his son with servants' and legatees' receipts.
KQ/SO/6/a295Appointment of William Greaves, Beaupre Bell, Sir Thomas Hatton, Sir John Hynde Cotton, as committee for treasurer's accounts
K588/C/8/8Letter of thanks from ?prisoners at Cambridge Castle for a gift of money.
K588/C/8/31Letters from Mr Venables in Threadneedle Street, concerning Mrs Parson's estate, etc. (13 items).
K588/O/24Letters and note of Lord Sandwich.
K588/B/8Papers concerning brewery matters, coopers, ingredients of beer, etc. 1761 and (3 items) nd [18th century].
K588/E/102Binderton (Sussex), etc: Letter to Walter Smythe of Stopham (Sussex) to Sir J.H. Cotton, 4th baronet.
K588/A/97Bill for asses' milk - fine heading.
K588/C/8/1Letter from his son (? John) from Florence referring to the Old Pretender.
K588/A/94Mercer's bills - fine heading. (3 items).
K588/C/8/5Anonymous letter with a memorial for the late Sir John Hynde Cotton, 3rd baronet, and rough obituary.
K588/C/8/22Letter from Earl of Hardwicke at Wrest concerning quarter sessions and other matters.
K588/C/8/25Letter from de Ferrers at St James Palace concerning election of Cambridge University MPs.
K588/C/8/32Letters from Mr Harman in London, concerning London estates. (16 items).
K588/A/91Receipt for pew rent, Oxford Chapel, St Mary-le-bone.
K588/C/8/30Letters from Lord Hardwicke concerning ?quarter sessions, etc. (2 items).
K588/C/9/9Letters from William Cole to Sir John Hynde Cotton concerning destruction of hedges in the Isle of Ely with petition concerning this same. (10 items).
KAR119/008Records of Cotton family of Madingley Hall
K588/C/8/17Letter from the Earl of Hardwicke at Wrest, Bedfordshire, concerning the assizes.
K588/A/100Receipt for work, unspecified.
K588/B/2Papers relating to profits, etc of brewhouse. (5 items).
K588/B/1Book of orders for conduct of London brewhouse.
K588/C/8/13Letter from Lady Windsor concerning obtaining a post for Miss Cotton (?at court).
K588/A/93Vouchers, etc concerning a case between Sir John Hynde Cotton and John Rushworth, etc.
K588/C/8/9Letter from Mr Dickinsell [? Dickinson] at Clerkenwell concerning ?London brewhouse.
K588/E/37Copy of notice to tenant farmers [?in Girton] instructing them to pay rent to sir J.H. Cotton's son, John Cotton Esquire (probably intended to be divided and sent to addressees in parts). Madingley, 24 March 1780
K588/E/92Release of £20 in rents for storehouses in Whites Yard, St Mary Whitechapel (Middlesex).
K588/A/77Receipts for Easter offerings, water, poor and watering rates, widow takes, rents, lamp-lighting. (18 items).
K588/B/4Petition by Richard Edwards to Sir John Hinde Cotton, baronet, concerning management of the brewhouse.
K588/C/8/6Draft of a letter from Sir John Hynde Cotton to ?William Cole, thanking him for the book of his family history. (cf C62).
K588/L/17Copy of proceedings in action for trespass Samuel Dickinson v Sir J.H. Cotton, and others in King's Bench with solicitor's notice to Mr Elliot of forthcoming sitting.
K588/F/23Indenture apprenticing Ann Taylor of Hitchin, Hertfordshire, spinster, to Elinor Mathews of St. George’s Bloomsbury, Middlesex, sempstress, Sir John Hynde Cotton paying charges.
K588/F/22"Bond in £400 to pay £200 by Sir John Hynde Cotton of Madingley to Frances Cotton of Woodstock Street, St. George’s Hanover Square, Middlesex. (Earlier bond in £1,000 to pay £50 pa between same parties, 9 September 1734, enclosed). (2 items). "
K588/B/6Letter of resignation by brewhouse [manager?] to Sir John Hinde Cotton referring to ill-management and dishonesty.
K588/F/26Assignment of debt by way of mortgage by Sir John Hynde Cotton, baronet, to Edward Bates on Rowland Stephenson and William Hoggart of Lombard Street, London bankers. Consideration: £18500.
K588/A/31Account book of John Hynde Cotton's accounts with notes from Bundy's Roman History at the back of the volume.
K588/A/42Accounts and papers concerning trust for Sir John Hynde Cotton's children.
K588/B/7Papers concerning accounts of brewhouse, debts, etc: 2) brewhouse accounts, 1772-73; 3) re Dickinson's bankruptcy. (6 items).
K588/C/8/4Letter from his sister-in-law Sarah O'Dunne congratulating him on the birth of his son, Humphrey, to whom she is to stand godmother.
K588/C/8/10Letters from Mr Maynard at Biggleswade giving notice of his quitting Brook End House. (2 items).
K588/C/8/18Letter from Lord and Lady Hardwicke at Wimpole, thanking the Cotton family for visits which they regret being unable to return due to the inclement weather.
K588/C/8/33Letters to his son Charles to be opened after his death containing bequests, etc, written after death of eldest son John and a similar letter to the rest of his children. (3 items).
K588/O/23Letters, etc relating to Sir John Hynde Cotton's, 4th baronet, 1767 parliamentary election campaign in Cambridgeshire.
K588/T/291Lease for 21 years of a piece of ground in Wood Field, Madingley with windmill and cottage with stable and hog sty near Cold Bath Corner.
K588/T/334Lease for 21 years of a messuage with shed on south side of Wellclose Square, St George-in-the-East, adjoining lessor's property to west occupied by Government and known as the Court House and Town Gaol and formerly occupied by Capt Alexander Smith.
K588/C/7Letter to Lady Ann Cotton (wife of Sir John Hynde Cotton the younger) from her sister Sarah O'Dunne at Paris concerning the death of their mother Lady Parsons and other family matters.
K588/C/8/38Letter from Mr Steevens concerning publication of Mr Burke's work, family matters, a disturbance at a religious meeting, preferments in the church and the phantom pregnancy of a certain baroness.
K588/C/8/14Letters from William Secold at Cherry Hinton concerning financial state of Hinton Farm. (4 items).
K588/A/6Account book of servants' wages, 1760-69.
K588/C/2/1Correspondence between Lady Parsons and her son John at the Hague and others concerning his debts.
KP77/25/2Lease and release of land in Girton, Oakington, and Madingley Meadow
KR/R34/4/5Lease and Release.
K588/T/336Agreement by younger children not to demand payment of portions under family settlement for ten years.
K588/C/8/20Letter from Sir Clement Trafford requesting help for a Thomas Lowry with the latter's letter of petition. (2 items).
K588/F/39Cole's history of the Cottons of Madingley and Landwade and related families with pen and ink illustrations.
K588/C/8/29Letter from Mr Venables in Threadneedle Street, concerning the lease to the government of the gaol and court house in London.
K588/C/8/21Letter from Sir Clement Trafford thanking him for a favour granted, presumably in connection with Thomas Lowry's petition.
K588/C/8/2Letter signed 'A Briton' but said to be in John Hynde Cotton's hand, to Caleb Danvers deploring the Hanoverian succession.
K588/E/91Agreement between Sir John Hynde Cotton of Madingley, baronet, and Henry Goodwyn, James Bracy, Perry Erasmus Madox and Thomas Thornton of Lower East Smithfield, brewers, for lease for three years and further lease of The Clothworkers Arms on corner of Gracechurch Street and Eastcheap, London
K588/F/31Assignment by Edward Cotton, esquire, of Inner Temple, London, to Elizabeth Hurrell of Harston, spinster, of his share of £5000 under the marriage settlement of the late Sir John Hynde Cotton, deceased, by way of mortgage.
K588/O/25Letters, etc relating to Sir John Hynde Cotton's, 4th baronet, 1774 parliamentary election campaign in Cambridgeshire.
K588/W/23Copy of will dated 17 May 1754 of Ann Nugent, wife of Robert Nugent, esquire, of St George's Hanover Square, Middlesex.
K588/T/305Draft release of Madingley Hall and all lands in Madingley, Girton, Histon, Cambridge, Landwade, Exning and Hardwick, pictures, furniture and stock in Madingley Hall, manor of East Smithfield (Middx), freehold property and leasehold brewhouse, etc in East Smithfield in consideration of trustee's engagement to pay debts of £1500.
KFE/2/106Conveyance (Lease and Release) £651-10-0
K588/Z/19Diary of Abraham Taylor, steward to Sir John Cotton, including note of text of sermons in Madingley church.
KQ/SO/7/p128Before William Greaves Beaupre Bell Esq, James Burleigh Esq (Mayor), Sir Thomas Hatton and Sir John Hynde Cotton, Baronets, Robert Plumptree DD, William Howell Ewin LLD, Dingley Askham, John Drage and Hale Wortham Esqs. Sacarment certificate and oaths of allegiance, supremacy and abjuration-Henry Topping, Fellow of Kings College.
KQ/SO/7/p386At the court session 1st May 1772 John Drago, JP bought a presentment against the inhabitants of Fordham for not repairing part of the King's highway leading from Market Street to Newmarket, whereupon the presentment was filed and the inhabitants to appear at the next session. Since then all inhabitants of Fordham to make the repairs, until this day, when a letter signed by John Drago and Baronet John Hynde Cotton, both JPs, dated 12th January 1775 confirmed the road was suitably repaired. Charles Nalson Cole, Counsel for the inhabitants of Fordham moves that the presentment be discharged. The court agrees.
KQ/SO/7/p159Held before William Greaves Beaupre Bell Esq, Sir Thomas Hatton and Sir John Hynde Cotton Barts, James Burleigh Esq, Mayor Robert Plumptre DD, Soane Jenyns, Dingley Askham, William Howell Ewin LLD, Hale Wortham, John Drage, Christopher Jeaffreson et al. Sacrament certificate delivered and oath allegiance taken by Barnard Baroles, Excise officer. Oat of qualification as Justice of the Peace taken by Christopher Jeaffreson Esq.
K588/A/92Mrs Cotton's household bills.
K588/O/30Sir John Hynde Cotton's commission as militia captain and covering letter. (2 items).
K588/C/9/8Letters from William Cole at Blecheley to Sir John Hynde Cotton concerning his book on the Cotton family, now completed.
KP77/25/1Release of land in Girton, Oakington, and Madingley Meadow
K588/O/22Letters, etc relating to Sir John Hynde Cotton's (4th baronet), 1764 parliamentary election campaign in Cambridgeshire.
KQ/SO/7/p19Oath filed in the court taken by Edward Leeds, Sheriff, previous to election of Rt Hon Manners, Marquis of Granby and John Hynds Cotton Bt, to Parliament. Conviction on 11th January of Mary Wilmott of Barrington for selling ale without a license.
K588/T/106Manor of Exning Hall and Coggishall in Exning: admission to 1½ acres pasture called Burnt Yard.
K588/W/14Nuncupative will of Anne Cotton, leaving her watch to John Hynde Cotton, esquire, and other property to sisters Jane, Elizabeth, Francis, Dorothy and Agnes.
KAR50/11/6Commission of William Wales, gentleman, as Ensign in Captain Sir John Hynde Cotton's Company of the Cambridgeshire Militia
K588/E/13Particulars of Cotton estates in Madingley, Girton, Hardwick, Gamlingay, Landwade, Exning and Newmarket
K588/T/102Lease for 12 years.
K588/W/24Probate of will dated 4 June 1767 of Agnes Cotton.
K588/O/29Covering letter from Sir Stanier Porten to Sir John Hynde Cotton for stay of execution for William Johnson in Ely gaol.
KQ/SO/7/p87Before William Greaves Beaupre Bell Esq, Rt Hon Philip Earl of Hardwicke, Rt Hon Thomas Lord Montfort, Sir Thomas Hatton and Sir John Hynde Cotton, Baronets, William Norfolk Esq (Mayor), Robert Plumpton DD, William Howell Ewin LLD, Dingey Askham, Soame Jonyns and Hale Wortham Esqs. Appeal by Parish of Catledge and Kirthing against a removal order for John Mitchell from Carlton cum Willingham. Appeal dismissed subject to the opinion of James Wallace Esq.
KQ/SO/7/p364John Cotton, a Justice of the Peace and a Deputy Lieutenant of Cambridge, son of Baronet Sir John Hynde Cotton, apeared in court and delivered a certificate confirming his having received the sacrament of the Lord's Supper according to the Church of England's usage. 2 credible witnesses confirmed this. Cotton then took the oaths of allegiance, supremacy and abjuration and also took the declaration of transubstantiation.
KCB/1/A/46'Case Book', with Freemen list
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