
Person NameCotton; Sir; St Vincent (1801-1863); 6th Baronet; of Landwade and Madingley Hall
ForenamesSt Vincent
Title6th Baronet
Epithetof Landwade and Madingley Hall
ActivitySir St Vincent Cotton, 6th Baronet (1801-1863) is undoubtedly best remembered as an enthusiastic sportsman and gambler who revelled in adventure and did not give sufficient attention to the survival of his family line. He did not marry until the day before his death and his excessive gambling forced him to sell the majority of his property, which had all passed from the hands of his family within 25 years of his death. His masculine and leisurely pursuits are exemplified by his choice to serve as a cavalry officer despite his family tradition of naval service, and by his time spent operating a stagecoach between London and Brighton. However, this portrait of him is confused by his years serving as a militia captain, magistrate and Deputy Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire, all of which imply a greater capacity for public service than the lazy playboy image which has been his legacy. It is also worth noting that his family doted on him, his sisters were always by his side and his nephew enquired fondly after "dear Uncle Vinnie" when he was serving in the Crimea.
RelationshipsFather: Sir Charles Cotton, 5th Baronet (c.1753-1812)
Mother: Philadelphia Rowley (d.1855) daughter of Vice-Admiral Sir Joshua Rowley, 1st Baronet (1734-1790)
Spouse: Hephzibah Dimmick (m.1863, d.1873)
Children: None
Linked entries in the catalogue
K588/A/47Accounts of Sir Vincent Cotton with Lady Philadelphia Cotton for loan.
KP114/28/1Volume of historical notes and cuttings begun by Rev. R.Y. Whitehead, vicar, and continued by others
KL92/D/12Abstract of title.
KP77/25/4Lease and release of land in Girton, Oakington, and Madingley Meadow
KL15/31Conveyance of cottage &c:-Sir St. Vincent Cotton to James Michael Foster
K305/M/g/p41/4Conditional surrender by James Osborne to Rebecca Balls of land in Histon
K588/E/47Inventory of Madingley Hall, including detailed lists of books and paintings, by (?) Messrs Foster with annotations relating to sale or other mode of disposal.
KL15/20Admission:-Sir St. Vincent Cotton Bart of Madingley on death of Sir Charles Cotton his father
K588/E/44Inventory of pictures at Madingley, with postal cover
KL15/24Admission:-James Michael Foster on surrender of Sir St. Vincent Cotton
K588/E/46List of plate and other effects and related memoranda
K757/T/d/159Abstract of title of Sir St Vincent Cotton, Bart., to freehold manor and estate at Exning, 1678-1829
K588/F/58Certificate of St Vincent Cotton's initiation into freemasonry.
KL92/D/14Abstract of title.
KAR60/4/1/91Sir St Vincent Cotton, baronet, of Madingley and others to Miss Anne Maria Cotton of Girton. Covenant for production of title deeds.
K588/C/12/24Letter from St Vincent Cotton with family matters, etc.
K588/C/21/20Copy of letter from William King to his uncle, [St] Vincent Cotton, concerning fighting at Balaclava, etc.
K588/O/14Sir St Vincent Cotton's appointment as deputy lieutenant of Cambridgeshire and captain of militia. (2 items).
K588/C/14Correspondence of Charles Cotton to his son
K757/T/d/163-164Lease and release of 2a22p arable and pasture close in Exning, with schedule of deeds. 1. Sir St. Vincent Cotton. 2. Sarah and Charlotte Bryant, of Exning. Consideration £150.
KAR60/4/1/90Sir St Vincent Cotton, baronet, of Madingley and others to Miss Anne Maria Cotton of Girton. Grant of farms and many rather small parcels of land in Girton and Histon.
K588/E/45Diagrams to show positions of pictures in different rooms in Madingley Hall
K588/C/12/9Letter from Earl St Vincent concerning his godson.
K107/F/a/16/1Lease for one year of a messuage in Oakington, with appurtenances, from Samuel Knight with George Leonard Jenyns to Sir St Vincent Cotton
KL92/D/13Abstract of title.
KAR60/4/2/18Manor of Girton Pigotts: Sir St Vincent Cotton, baronet, and others to Miss Anne Maria Cotton. Grant of 1a22p pasture, 2r1p pasture and 1r39p garden in Girton.
K588/A/106Receipt for rate for Girton.
K588/C/12/22Letter from her son St Vincent at Admiralty House concerning funeral of Sir Richard King, with draft.
K588/F/48Journal of Sir St Vincent Cotton's tour of Scotland in the form of letters to his mother.
K101/T/1346Cotton Family Estate. Supplemental abstract of title of Sir Vincent Cotton, Bart. to an estate at Landwade, Burwell and Exning.
K124/P/47Plan of an Estate in the Parishes of Girton and Histon belonging to the Cottons
KAR119/008Records of Cotton family of Madingley Hall
K588/C/17/8Letter from her brother St Vincent Cotton in Bath with details of the will of their aunt Sarah Cotton, deceased.
K588/C/17/10Letter from St Vincent Cotton with addition by Ann Antrobus on death of Sir Richard King, baronet.
K588/E/49BPrinted sale plan to accompany same (E/49A) for land in Madingley and Cambridge St Giles
K588/T/306Copy of partition of Madingley Estate with rectorial glebe and rent charge in lieu of tithes but excluding school-house and chancel of parish church, late property of co-parceners' brother Sir St Vincent Cotton, baronet.
K588/E/49ASale particulars of the Madingley Estate (2566 acres).
K101/T/1347Cotton Family Estate. Lease and release of 34a. 1r. 16p. in Exning with assignment of three leasehold terms.
K588/C/17/13Letters concerning Miss Cotton's purchase of Sir St Vincent Cotton's share of the reversion of the London estates. (13 items).
K588/E/49CPrinted sale plan to accompany same (E/49A) for land in Girton with similar annotations (almost wholly on west side of Huntingdon Road except for Girton College site and land to south of Girton Turn).
K588/W/31Epitome of will of Philadelphia Cotton, spinster.
K588/F/65Envelope of tickets from a weighing machine, newspaper cutting concerning an incident in a coffee room involving St Vincent Cotton.
K757/T/d/161-162Copy lease and reconveyance of farmhouse, orchard and 6 closes in Landwade; cottage, 3 closes and 14a, in Burwell called Ness Farm; 21a called Ash Tree Piece in Burwell; lands in Exning. 1. Christopher Pemberton Esq of Cambridge. 2. Sir St Vincent Cotton of Madingley, Bart. Recitals: 1824, 1825, 1829, 1830, 1831
K588/A/3Papers from 588/A2: bills, etc.
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