
Person NameFellowes; Lord; Edward (1809-1887); 1st Baron de Ramsey; of Ramsey Abbey, MP
Title1st Baron de Ramsey
Epithetof Ramsey Abbey, MP
ActivityEdward Fellowes, 1st Baron de Ramsey (1809-1887) held substantial estates across three counties, and therefore part of his time was consumed with the management of his lands. When he was young he served in the 15th Hussars as a Lieutenant for some time. The majority of his adult life he was employed in politics and public service however. Due to his prominence and standing in the community he was Deputy Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for Huntingdonshire and Norfolk. For over four decades he represented Huntingdonshire in the House of Commons as a Conservative, a party with whom his sons would also be closely associated with. His creation as a Baron in 1887 was evidently not only a recognition of his family's power, but out of gratitude for his many years in office.
RelationshipsFather: William Henry Fellowes (1769-1837)
Mother: Emma Benyon (d.1858) daughter of Richard Benyon Esq. (1746-1796) of Englefield House, Berkshire and Gidea Hall, Essex
Spouse: Mary Julia Miles (m.1842), daughter of George Miles, 4th Baron Sondes (1794-1874)
Children: William Henry Fellowes, 2nd Baron de Ramsey (1848-1925)
Ailwyn Edward Fellowes, 1st Baron Ailwyn (1855-1924) m. Hon. Agatha Eleanor Augusta Jolliffe (m.1886), daughter of Hedworth Jolliffe, 2nd Baron Hylton
Inna Fellowes (d.1937) m. 1st Henry Enderby Baton (m.1872, d.1879), 2nd Henry Lawrence Whateley (m.1882) of Rutland Gate
Flora Fellowes (died in infancy)
Linked entries in the catalogue
KR/RB6/50Cash Book of Ramsey Infant Endowed School.
KR/R41/1/6Tenders for Charity Lands.
KR/RB6/25Accounts of The Poor Lands (1st. series.)
KR/R16/3/18Account of John Serjeant to Edward Fellowes, settled (9th June 1855.)
KR/RB6/15Accounts of The Free School (1st series.)
KR/R13/1/KR/116Manor of Upwood Copy of Court Roll.
KR/R15/56Schedule of deeds relating to the sale of the estate of Overall Ibberson to Edward Fellowes. The catalogue follows the order of this schedule.
KR/R15/48Bond of Indemnity
KR/R13/1/T/123Receipted Bill
KR/R33/8/13Copy of Schedule of writings relating to the above estate.
KR/R17/12/5Legal Opinion Of Mr Simpson as to the title of Isaac Newton and advice to the would-be purchaser, Edward Fellowes, Esq.
KR/R60/40Covenant to produce, G. Mead to EF.
KR/RB3/C/82Rent-Charge Book
KR/RB3/A/9Account Book (1st series)
KR/RB6/16Accounts of The Free School (1st series.)
KR/R13/1/KR/102Case and Opinion
KR/R15/44Sketch Plan
KHINCH/8/H/279Letter; Edward Maule, Huntingdon, to 7th Earl of Sandwich.
KR/R16/4/17Two Letters (Copies)
KR/RB6/34Accounts of Lands under Care (1st. series)
KR/R14/6/7Manor of Ramsey. Copy of Court Roll.
KR/R14/3/12Manor of Ramsey Copy of Court Roll
KR/R13/3/3Memorandum of Agreement as to the sale of the land in R13/3/1 by Clarke to Edward Fellowes of Ramsey Abbey Esq.
KR/R41/1/7Leases of Charity Lands.
KR/RB3/F/101Copy of the Apportionment of the Rent-Charge in lieu of Tithes. Haddenham
KR/R13/1/KR/113Opinion of Mr Walford re claims in respect of Pooley's properties to be made under the Inclosure Act.
KR/R15/54Purchase agreement
KR/R13/1/KR/108Additional Abstract of Title of the Trustees to estates in Upwood.
KR/R13/1/KR/105Case and the Opinion of Mr Walford as to securing a good title to the estates formerly Hange's.
KR/R15/46Instructions to Council.
KR/R14/3/17Memorandum of Settlement of Business
KR/R13/1/KR/109Copy of Further Replies made by the vendors' solicitor, with the comments thereon of Mr Walford.
KR/RB3/A/23Account Book (2nd. series, Agent's Accounts?)
KR/RB3/A/69Alphabetical Reference to the Map of Ramsey.
KR/R17/13Scheduled of Deeds relating to estates at Asbeach, the Hern and Middlemoor, at Ramsey, bought by Edward Fellowes from Isaac Newton
KR/RB3/A/25Account Book (2nd. series, Agent's Accounts?)
KR/R14/1/6Receipted Bill
KR/RB3/A/8Account Book (1st series)
KR/R35/6/6Rough sheets of accounts marked 'Executor's Account, Cheques drawn'.
KR/RB3/A/28Account Book (2nd. series, Agent's Accounts?)
KR/RB3/A/26Account Book (2nd. series, Agent's Accounts?)
KR/RB3/A/71Collected Reference to the Parish of Ramsey Huntingdon
KR/R18/14/7Manor of Ramsey Copy of Court Roll
KR/R40/7/2Bundle of accounts, bills, & receipts.
KR/RB3/A/43Rent Audit Book
KR/R40/10/8Account & Receipt of John Serjeant, relative to the above purchase by Edward Fellowes in R40/10/6
KR/R41/1/9Agreement between James Day, Ramsey, farmer, & Alfred Fuller, Ramsey, merchant, as to the transfer of the tenancy of the School Farm.
KR/RB3/C/81Rent-Charge Book
KR/RB3/A/27Account Book (2nd. series, Agent's Accounts?)
KR/R62/8Probate of will (made 25 June 1883) of Edward Fellowes
KR/R18/2/19Account Of John Serjeant, solicitor to Edward Fellowes. Settled 1st December 1857.
KR/R33/5/38Receipted Account. Serjeant & Son to Fellowes as to their charges relating to R33/5/36.
KR/R32/5/4Schedule of the Deeds relating to the settlements made on the Marriage.
KR/RB3/F/105Rectorial Rent-Charge Book (Littleport)
KR/R35/6Bundle of Papers - mainly financial, relating to the will and codicils of the late Edward, 1st Lord De Ramsey.
KR/RB6/45Accounts of the Spinning School (1st. series)
KR/RB3/F/103Rectorial Rent-Charge Book (Littleport)
KR/R13/1/KR/110Replies of vendors' solicitor to Mr Walford's comments.
KR/R51/1/4Description of a stained glass window put up in the Chancel by Edward Fellowes.
KR/RB6/48Accounts of the Spinning School (2nd. series)
KR/R33/7/18Receipted Account. Serjeant & Son to Fellowes as to their charges to R33/7/16.
KR/RB3/C/84Rent-charge book
KR/R40/9/30Account & Receipt of Karslake & Crealock, relative to the purchase by Edward Fellowes in R40/9/28-29
KR/R35/6/5Receipts from H.C. Bonson Esq., surviving trustee of the will, for two sums of £5,000 paid to him for investment for the benefit of Hon. Mrs. Whateley.
KR/R34/6/1Copy of Court Roll
KR/R13/1/KR/111Opinion of Mr Walford re the Turf Lots and the rights of Common Turbary.
KR/R17/12/10Bond of Indemnity Isaac Newton to Edward Fellowes.
KR/RB6/26Accounts of The Poor Lands (1st. series.)
KR/RB3/A/13Account Book (1st series)
KR/RB3/A/51Rent Rolls
KR/R39/10/15Deed of Covenant to produce Title Deeds
KR/RB3/F/107Rectorial Rent-Charge Book (Littleport)
KR/R40/6/1Account Book of money spent on improvements to Ramsey Abbey.
KR/RB3/C/79Rent-Charge Book
KR/R40/9/29Deed of Covenant to produce Title Deeds.
KR/R60/39Conveyance Ponds Bridge, Chlders to E.F. Wittlesey
KR/Acc2768/1/19Copy and quit rent ledger
KR/R10/3/Q/41Receipted Bill. Bill of John Serjeant, to Fellowes re R10/3/40
KR/R47/27Bundle of copies of rentals of estates at Ramsey, Abbots Ripton, Wistow, Warboys, Upwood, and Gt. Stukeley.
KR/R41/1/10Agreement by A.J. Saunders, to pay the rent due from Charles Newton to the Trustees.
KR/R33/5/37Schedule Of the writings relating to the above estate.
KR/RB3/F/106Rectorial Rent-Charge Book (Littleport)
KR/R41/1Ramsey Charity Papers
KR/RB3/A/12Account Book (1st series)
KR/RB6/54Copies of letters from the Clerk to the Trustees.
KR/RB3/F/100Copy of the Apportionment of the Rent-Charge in lieu of Tithes. Littleport
KR/RB3/H/116Account Book
KR/RB3/C/78Rent-Charge Book
KR/R31/1/A/49Copy of Absolute Surrender
KAR79/104/2/1/8Statement of service to the Board of Mr E. Fellowes.
KR/R51/1/5Letters and licence allowing the future use of the Fellowes' vault in the church.
KR/Acc2768/1/8Court book
KR/R10/3/Q/40Deed of Covenant for the production of Title Deeds. Flowers to Fellowes.
KR/R35/6/4Succession Accounts of the 2nd Lord De Ramsey on the death of his father, and a few re his mother's death.
KR/RB3/F/102Rectorial Rent-Charge Book (Littleport)
KHAC0/26/7Land at Ramsey (5 items)
KR/Acc2768/1/9Court book
KR/RB3/A/54Collecting Rentals
KR/RB6/44Accounts of the Spinning School (1st. series)
KR/R13/1/S/118Instructions for Conveyance of Lockspits and the Opinion of W.S.Waford, Plowden Buildings, temple, on the same.
KR/RB3/A/22Account Book (2nd. series, Agent's Accounts?)
KR/R17/12/9Covenant to Produce title deeds. Isaac Newton to Edward Fellowes.
KR/R15/45Observations and replies on the tithe.
KR/R13/1/KR/101Copy of the Opinion of William Hayes, Cloisters temple, as to the estate purchased of Hanger.
KR/R62/13Dissentailing assurance by Edward Fellowes and W.H. Fellowes on freehold portion of family estates
KR/R10/6/14Covenant for the Production of Title Deeds.
KR/R35/6/2List of Charitable Legacies bequeathed by the will, together with letters of thanks and receipts for the same.
KR/R18/10/21Purchase Agreement
KR/R41/1/11Note about the sale of crops for ready money.
KR/R6/7/7Deed of Covenants
KR/R10/2/14Receipted Bill
KR/RB3/A/67Field Book (with coloured plans)
KR/R10/2/12Lease and Release
KR/Acc2768/1/12Court book
KR/R16/2/24Schedule of Deeds.
KR/R31/1Bundle of Deeds relating to a copyhold estate at Upwood purchased by Edward Fellowes of Mr John Bird and his wife in 1848.
KR/R13/1/KR/112Instructions for Mr Walford to advise and Mr Walford's Opinion re wording of the conveyance.
KR/R13/1/KR/106Declaration by Edward Lant of Upwood, labourer, as to the lands owned by Pooley.
KR/RB3/A/7Account Book (1st series)
KR/R33/1/5Receipted Account. Serjeant & Son to Fellowes, as to their costs re his purchase of Lots 3 and 4.
KR/RB4/4Acts relating to the Middle Level Drainage and Navigation (London.)
KR/R31/4/8Receipted Account
KR/R10/4/5Receipted Bill.
KR/R13/1/S/117Copies of Documents relating to that part of Upwood Common lying in the parish of Ramsey and commonly called Lockspits. 1844 - 1847.
KR/RB6/40Accounts of Lands under Care (2nd. series)
KR/R31/1/A/52Receipted Account
KR/R13/1/KR/104Copy of Observations on the title by the purchaser's solicitor and the replies of the vendor's solicitor, with Mr Walford's remarks on the same and his Opinion.
KR/R18/12/14Account of John Serjeant, solicitor to Edward Fellowes. Settled 1st December 1857
KR/R14/6/8Receipted Bill.
KR/RB3/A/24Account Book (2nd. series, Agent's Accounts?)
KR/RB3/E/99Farm Croppings Book (Park, Lady Seat, Denton Lodge, Half Way farms.)
KR/R18/2/17Bargain and Sale
KR/R33/4/2Deed of Covenant for production of Title Deeds.
KR/R34/5/1Manor of Farcet Copy of Court Roll.
KR/R34/1/2Copy of Court Roll.
KR/RB3/A/49Rent Rolls
KR/R10/6/15Receipted Bill.
KR/R47/38Bundle of rough accounts, valuations etc.
KR/R51/1/2Case and Opinion
KR/R13/1/KR/103Observations on the Title by the purchaser's solicitor, the replies of the vendors solicitor and copy of Mr Walford's Opinion.
KR/R31/6/4Receipted Account
KR/RB3/A/50Rent Rolls
KR/R35/5/2Probate copy of the will in R35/5/1
KHINCH/8/A/D/157Letter; D. Veasey, Huntingdon, to the Countess of Sandwich.
KR/RB3/C/80Rent-Charge Book
KR/RB3/A/53Collecting Rentals
KR/R60/4Schedule of Writings, Lavender to Fellowes
KR/RB6/3Order Book
KAcc148/5/C/171Letter - draft
KR/R47/25Bundle of misc. deeds
KR/RB3/F/110Rectorial Rent-Charge Book (Littleport)
KR/RB3/F/108Rectorial Rent-Charge Book (Littleport)
KR/RB3/F/104Rectorial Rent-Charge Book (Littleport)
KR/RB3/F/109Rectorial Rent-Charge Book (Littleport)
KR/Acc2768/1/10Court book
KHINCH/10/18-19Statement of the Case of the Drainage Authorities have jurisdiction over the lower parts of the rivers Nene & Ouse, or cover the banks thereof, and of the owners of the lands charged with the cost of the maintenance of the works of the said Authorities, with reference to the Rivers Conservancy Bill of 1879.
KFIELDEN/F3/2/18Conveyance. William Wells and others to Edward Fellowes of Ramsey Abbey, 15ac 2r 18p of land at Holme.
KR/RB3/J/117Account Book
KR/RB6/35Accounts of Lands under Care (1st. series)
KR/RB6/30Accounts of The Poor Lands (2nd. series)
KR/RB3/A/52Collecting Rentals
KR/RB3/C/83Rent-charge book
KR/RB6/10Accounts - Cash Book
KR/RB3/A/68Field Book (with plans)
KR/R33/8/14Receipted Account. Serjeant & Son to to their charges relating to R33/8/12.
KR/RB6/24Accounts of The Poor Lands (1st. series.)
KR/R13/1/S/119Case and Opinion of Mr Waford thereon.
KR/RB6/20Accounts of The Free School (2nd. series)
KR/R14/7/2Receipted Bill.
KR/R34/4/41aReceipted Account
KR/R16/2/22Bargain & Sale.
KR/R31/4/4Receipted Account
KR/R37/1/14Mortgage 16th November 1864
KR/R51/2Declaration of Edward Fellowes, Ramsey Abbey, Esq. for merging and extinguishing the tithes issuing from his estates in Ramsey according to the relevant provisions in the Tithe Act, 1836
KHQ/Z/17Notebook containing list of names and votes recorded for Mandeville and Fitzwilliam and for Mandeville, Fellowes and Gordon (the second list does not record the votes cast)
KR/R47/24Extracts from the Minutes of Ramsey Vestry meetings 1838; 1841; 1849; & 1851-1853
KR/RB6/47Accounts of the Spinning School (2nd. series)
KR/Acc2768/1/17Copy and quit rent ledger
KR/R40/2/5Disentailing Deed
KR/R49/7Large bundle
KR/R37/1/13Mortgage 20th April 1860
KR/R31/4/52 Letters
KR/R18/13/1Conditions of Sale
KR/R13/1/KR/98Memorandum of Agreement
KR/R35/19/1Probate copy of the Will of Urania Margaretta Fellowes
KBLC/5/2/48Papers concerning the 1862 Middle [and South] Level Drainage and Navigation Dissolution Bill and the Middle Level [Separation] Act 1862
KR/Acc3674/2Bundle of deeds to properties in Ramsey Mereside and various lots in Broadalls
KR/R14/4/10Manor of Ramsey Copy of Court Roll
KR/R32/2Marriage Settlement of Edward Fellowes
KR/R40/8/13Letters Sep-Oct1869
KR/R41/1/4Notices of Charity Lands to Let
KR/R33/7/17Schedule of Title deeds and writings relating to the above estate.
KHINCH/8/H/277Newspaper cuttings
KR/RB3/A/70Numerical Reference to the Parish of Ramsey.
KR/R41/1/5Notice of Free School & Poor's Lands Farms to Let.
KR/R41/1/3Conditions for Letting Free School and Poors Lands Farms.
KR/R15/47Case with councils opinion.
KR/RB6/31Accounts of The Poor Lands (2nd. series)
KR/Acc2768/1/18Copy and quit rent ledger
KR/Acc2680/5/3Middle Level Acts volume
KR/R41/1/8Agreements to hire houses & land from the Ramsey Trustees.
KR/R18/10/23Account of John Serjeant, solicitor to Edward Fellowes. Settled 4th June 1859.
KR/R34/5/2Copy of Court Roll
KR/R33/4/3Annexation Deed.
KR/R18/10/22Copy of Court Roll
KR/R35/19/6Counterpart of Assignment of Lease
KR/R37/1/16Mortgage and Assignment of Personalty; 22nd April 1868
KR/R47/25/1Conveyance (1st part) of freehold lands in Ramsey & covenant to surrender copyhold lands in Bury.
KR/R35/11/7Release and Covenant of Indemnity.
KR/R51/1/3Proposals made concerning alterations and the signed approval of the proposals by the occupiers of pews.
KR/R10/6/10Particulars, Conditions of Sale.
KR/R13/1/KR/100Observations on the Title of the purchaser's solicitor
KR/R18/10/18Copy of Court Roll
KR/R32/5/3Marriage Settlement.
KR/R35/11/3Declaration of Trust
KR/R35/11/6Release and Covenant of Indemnity
KR/RB3/A/73Numerical Reference to estates at Abbots Ripton, Wennington, Broughton, Lt. Reveley, Kings Ripton, Gt. Stukeley, Lt. Stukeley & Woodwalton.)
KR/R35/3/1Probate of the Will and Codicil of Mrs Fellowes.
KR/R62/32Promissory notes of Edward Fellowes for loans from Emma Baroness Bayning endorsed with acknowledgements of satisfaction by A.E. Fellowes as executor of latter
KHCP/1/33/2Statements dated 1840, 1845, 1846, signed by various Q.S. Justices concerning the proposed redistribution of parishes within the Hundreds - sent to C.P. with a letter from E. Fellowes Esc., Ramsey Abbey, Sept. 29th, on the contemplated division of the Hurstingstone Hundred. A letter (Alconbury, Sept. 29, 1851) from James Rust Esq., to the C.P. on the proposed making of a new division with Ramsey as chief town. Reference to Ramsey as that very criminal quarter.
KR/RB3/A/37Cash Book
KR/Acc2768/1/11Duplicate Court book
KR/Acc2768/1/20Copy and quit rent ledger
KAH/26/239/49Mandate for induction: John Wise, Vicar of Ramsey: patron, Edward Fellowes of Ramsey Abbey Co Hunt Esq.
KR/Acc3640/2Great Northern Railway, plan of lands required, belonging to Edward Fellowes in Abbots Ripton and Woodwalton. This is the Plan referred to in the annexed notice (not present).
KR/RB3/A/11Account Book (1st series)
KR/R51/1/6Plan of alterations proposed.
KR/R34/2/1Manor of Wistow. Copy of Court Roll.
KR/R34/1/1Copy of Court Roll.
KR/R47/26Bundle of Agreements to hire cottages and gardens in Abbots Ripton & Wennington from Edward Fellowes of Ramsey Abbey, Esq.
KR/RB3/A/10Account Book (1st series)
KDMC/234Upwood Lockspits plan
KBLC/2/16/344General Business Papers, 1860 - 1867
KR/R6/7/6Manor of Ramsey
KR/R13/2/11Purchase Contract
KR/R13/1/T/122Schedule of Title Deeds and Writings to Estates in Upwood etc.
KR/R15/41Bargain and Sale.
KR/R16/3/14Bargain and Sale
KR/R13/1/S/121Conveyance in Trust
KR/R34/4/41bBundle of Papers relating to the Benwick Estate.
KR/R40/9/24Articles of Agreement
KR/R34/2/2Copy of Court Roll.
KR/R62/12/1Dissentailing assurances by Edward Fellowes and W.H. Fellowes on copyhold properties of Manors of Farcet, Wistow, Upwood, Bury with Hepmangrove, Drayton with Taverham, Costessay, Swanington and Cawston
KR/R62/14Surrender of term for raising portions for younger children, out of settled family estates of late Lord De Ramsey: executors of Earl Sondes to W.H. Fellowes, Baron De Ramsey
KR/R31/1/A/48Deed of Covenant
KR/R31/4/13 Letters
KR/R14/3/3Manor of Ramsey Copy of Court Roll.
KR/R14/6/6Appointment and Covenant for Surrender
KR/R34/6/2Copy of Court Roll
KR/R47/36Bundle of letters, copies & other papers sent by Messrs. Lake, Beaumont & Lake, solicitors, London, to Edward Fellowes, Ramsey Abbey, one of the trustees of the Benyon Trust.
KR/R46/3/6Lease & Release
KR/R48/9Large Bundle of letters, accounts, receipts copies of admissions etc.
KAH/26/239/44Mandate for induction: William Harpur, Vicar of Ramsey St. Mary: patron, Edward Fellowes of Ramsey Abbey, Ramsey Co. Hunt Esq M.P.
KHINCH/11/A/40Letter; Edward Fellowes, Haverland Hall, Norwich, to 7th Earl of Sandwich.
KR/R31/1/A/50Admission of Fellowes to the lands
KR/R13/1/KR/99Abstract of Title of the Trustees to the above estates.
KR/R18/14/8Accounts (2)
KR/R10/3/Q/39Lease & Release.
KR/R41/1/2Mode of Management of Charity Lands
KR/R40/11/11Account & Receipt of Thomas James, solicitor, relative to the purchase by Edward Fellowes in R40/11/10
KR/R41/1/1letters (1 a rough draft)
KR/R43/10Bundle of letters
KR/R16/1/5Abstract of Title
KR/R40/6/2Accounts, bills and receipts.
KR/R48/10Bundle of agreements and letters etc. to the agents re the hiring of the lands of the Townley family at Upwell and Nordelph, Norfolk.
KR/R35/6/3Accounts and a letter of Mr G.A.W. Thorold and Messers Serjeant and Son. for the executors
KR/R10/3/Q/38Manor of Ramsey. Copy of Court Roll.
KR/R14/5/7Manor of Ramsey Copy of Court Roll
KR/R34/1/3Draft of a Document
KR/R37/1/15Mortgage 27th February 1867
KR/R40/9/28Release to Uses in bar of Dower
KAcc148/5/C/168Letter - draft
KHAC3/3667/2Heathcote sketchbook
KBLC/5/2/38/5Sub-bundles of Papers concerning the Nene Valley Drainage and Navigation Bills
KR/R17/12/1Purchase Contract
KR/R32/9/24Manor of Kings Ripton. Copy of Court Roll
KR/R35/11/4Probate Copy of the Will of Hannah Elizabeth Fellowes of 29, Gloucester Place and Mortimer Lodge, Berks, widow of Admiral Fellowes.
KR/R33/4/5Abstract of Deed of Grant
KR/R9/3/4Lease and Release
KR/R32/9/21Transfer of Mortgage
KR/R9/1/2Lease and Release
K757/T/j/425Lease and release of property as in T414. 1. Edward Fellowes, heir of William H Fellowes. 2. William Jecks of Wisbech, merchant. Consideration £460. Includes admission of 2. and surrender by 1. of copyhold part, 27 May 1839
KR/RB3/A/72Numerical Reference to estates at Upwood, Warboys, Wistow, Farcet, Holme, Bury, Benwick & Whittlesea.)
KR/RB6/55Lists of those applying for and to be apprentices; of those applying to join the Spinning School; of those applying for Trustee Houses.
KR/RB4/3An Act to raise and apply Funds for the future Maintenance and Repair of the Banks of the River Ouze between Denver Sluice and the Eau Brink Cut in the County of Norfolk.
KR/R35/6/1Rough notes as to the effect of the will and codicils of Lord De Ramsey.
KR/R35/11/5Settlement and Counterpart, 29th March 1813, on the marriage of Edward Fellowes Esq., Capt. in R.N., and Hannah Elizabeth Benyon of Grosvenor Square, Middlesex, spinster.
KR/R35/11/1Will of Edward Fellowes of 29, Gloucester Place, Portman Square, Middlesex, Esq., and Admiral in the Royal Navy.
KHAC0/563/56Huntingdonshire Election
KBLC/5/2/51/4Papers concerning the 1862 Middle [and South] Level Drainage and Navigation Dissolution Bill and the Middle Level [Separation] Act 1862
KBLC/5/2/8Papers concerning the Nene Valley Drainage and Navigation Bills
KBLC/5/2/51/1Papers concerning the 1862 Middle [and South] Level Drainage and Navigation Dissolution Bill and the Middle Level [Separation] Act 1862
KR/R40/2/6Settlement by Lease & Release (orig. Lease & copy Release)
KR/R9/1/1Lease and Release
KR/R35/5/1The Will of W.H. Fellowes, Esq.,
KFIELDEN/F3/3/5Conveyance. John Joseph Wells and Henry Hughes (1), Right Honourable Lady Elizabeth Wells, widow of William Wells (2), William Wells of Holme (3) and Edward Fellowes, M.P. of Ramsey Abbey (4) of 5 pieces of land in parish of Holme.
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