
Person NameHuddleston; Richard (1768-1847); High Sheriff of Cambrideshire and Huntingdonshire (1834); of Sawston
TitleHigh Sheriff of Cambrideshire and Huntingdonshire (1834)
Epithetof Sawston
ActivityRichard Huddleston (1768-1847) evidently had an interesting and varied life. Much of his early adulthood was spent employed as an officer in the Cambridgeshire Militia, during which time he spent at least some time on campaign in Ireland, and further time stationed in Essex. His interests seem to have included hunting and reading, and judging from his correspondence he was passionate about both. The evidence of at least three pleasure trips to the continent also indicate that he enjoyed travel, however his ability to hold public office - which had been denied to several generations of his family - was not wasted as he held the offices of JP, Deputy Lieutenant and High Sheriff of Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire. He also spent some time pursuing a title which had been extinct for almost four centuries which suggests he was not without ambition, or short of energy. Throughout his life one of the biggest themes is his very strong Catholicism, which was in evidence by the age of 16 when he declared his intention to join the priesthood, seemingly with the support of his Dominican schoolmaster. Though he did not become a priest, he remained in contact with his tutor for the rest of the older man's life and his correspondence shows that Richard was always interested in the developments of the Catholic faith in Britain and on the continent. His Catholicism seems to have influenced his charitable streak as many of the causes he supported were related to his faith. He differed from other members of his family in the fact that he did not marry in spite of the significant encouragement of his relations. This was apparently not due to a lack of desire to wed, as he argued with his family about marrying a Protestant for some years, but his refusal to wed the candidates suggested by his family shows a certain stubbornness and determination.
RelationshipsFather: Ferdinand Huddleston (1737-1808)
Mother: Mary Lucas (m.1766, d.1823) daughter and sole heir of Timothy Lucas of Marlborough, Wiltshire
Spouse: None
Children: None
Linked entries in the catalogue
K488/C3/HD108Jane Canning, Foxcote, Warwickshire, re her husband's last illness.
K488/C3/L5Lady Londes, Cumberland Place, London, returning courtesies.
K488/C3/W48Thomas Wright, London, re sale of Exchequer Bills and East India Bond.
K488/C3/R5John Ridge, Colchester Barracks, with statement of account.
K488/C3/P30Lord and Lady Petre with dinner invitation to Richard Huddleston.
K488/C3/G6Sophie Girard, Bruges, begging charity.
K488/C3/B30L. Brittain, O.P., Bornhem College, Belgium, with a caution on reading Hume.
K488/C3/HD69Henry Huddleston, Ghent, re his poverty, expenses and manner of life.
K488/C3/HD77Jane Huddleston, re an heiress for Richard.
K488/C3/S18C.W. Sherard, Huntingdon, re family news, language lessons, letter writing.
K488/C3Letters to Richard Huddleston
K488/C3/K3Thomas King, London, re laying a pipe.
K488/C3/G8Sophie Girard, Bruges, begging for charity.
K488/C3/S1F. Francesco Scuito, Rome, in Italian.
K488/C3/H1Michael Hamilton, London, with thanks for charity.
K488/C3/I2Rev. Harding Ivers, Kentish Town, appealing for money for mission.
K488/C3/HD12Edward Huddleston, Paris, re administration of the Couche legacy, family news.
K488/C3/P26Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, re appointment.
K488/C3/J2George Keating, London, begging money for his son.
K488/C3/C26William Custance, Colchester, re road repairs.
K488/C3/W35Thomas Wright, London, re payments and deposits.
K488/C3/W34Thomas Wright, London, re payment to Denys Scully.
K488/C3/C18J. Cunningham, London, re an ill-fitting coat.
K488/C3/W32Thomas Wright, London, re a deposit.
K488/C3/HD70Henry Huddleston, London, re a mislaid will.
K488/C3/Y4Christopher Yorke, War Office, re regimental orders.
K488/C3/M14Robert Mann, accepting dinner invitation.
K488/C3/M8Joseph Make, London, with an appeal for a Welsh mission.
K488/C3/R22? Royston re his absence without leave.
K488/C3/C5Rev. Thomas Cautley, declining help from one Drew.
K488/C3/HD52Henry Huddleston, London, re the sale of Purse Caundle.
K488/C3/DG2Kenelm Digby, re loan of the Maistre's book.
K488/C3/HD72Isabella Huddleston, Paris, re her future home and husband.
K488/C3/W30Thomas Wright, London, re payment of promissory note.
K488/C3/G33Rev. William Greenwood, accepting a hunting invitation.
K488/C3/G14Sophie Girard, Bruges, begging for charity.
K488/C3/R3John Ridge, Colchester Barracks, with statement of account.
K488/C3/E18George Eyston, Gray's Inn, re impending visit.
K488/C3/H31E.M. Howard, re invitation to Sawston.
K488/C3/B9Henry Bostock, London, with thanks and an invitation.
K488/C3/B8Henry Bostock, London, with the gift of a horse.
K488/C3/P15Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, re advertisement for farm?
K488/C2/HD202Richard Huddleston, Bath, re his travels.
K488/C3/P20Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, re dinner engagement.
K488/C3/B11Henry Bostock, London, re family and London society news.
K488/C3/B25Mary Bostock, London, re Denys Scully, other family news.
K488/C3/C21Curries and Co., London, to Richard Huddleston, Sawston, re his accounts.
K488/C3/DG79Kenelm Digby, Bath, re Midnight Mass, the birth of a second son.
K488/C3/HD49Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re sale of stock.
K488/C3/S3Denys Scully, Dublin, re marriage settlement, the Moiras, famine, the effect of tension.
K488/C3/S16Sergeant Smith, Cambridge Light Company, re mistake over pantaloons expenditure.
K488/C3/DG31Kenelm Digby, Dover, re Richard Huddleston's duty as his trustee.
K488/C3/T7John Tilt, Paris, with thanks for charity, account of his sons.
K488/C3/S17C.W. Sherard, Huntingdon, re the danger of giving good advice to friends.
K488/C3/W13Henrietta Wale, Shelford, Cambridgeshire, re payment on a bond, church expenses,
K488/C3/B38L. Brittain, O.P., Brussels, with sound moral advice.
K488/C3/HD174Richard Huddleston, Ipswich, to Mary Huddleston, Sawston, re a proposed window-tax, request for his coat.
KAR53/12/57Richard Huddleston of Sawston to John Mean of same. Attested copy of Release and Enfranchisement of two messuages and lands in Sawston
K488/C3/S9Denys Scully, Dublin, inviting the Cannings and Huddlestons to Dublin.
K488/C3/P14Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, re his private members' bill.
K488/C3/B50Thomas Brogan, Northampton, with thanks for a donation for Aylesbury Chapel.
K488/C3/E28George Eyston, Gray's Inn, with thanks for sending title deed.
K488/C3/E19George Eyston, Gray's Inn, re money matters, family news.
K488/C3/C7Hannah Chapman, Willingham, Cambridgeshire, with thanks for charity.
K488/C3/M17Abbé Martinet, Sawston, to Richard Huddleston, Sudbury, Suffolk, re military duty and the fasting laws.
K488/C3/S20Catherine and A.J. Singleton, Landguard Fort, Suffolk, to Richard Huddleston, Norwich, re regimental news.
K488/C3/R8John Ridge, Charing Cross, re pay sergeant's claim for money for expenses.
K488/C3/E16George Eyston, London, re the estate of John Fleury, priest.
K488/C3/G2Elizabeth Game, asking longer leave for her relation.
K488/C3/P37George Prynne, London, re death of Dr Bayne.
K488/C3/DG93Kenelm Digby, Boulogne, re life in Boulogne.
K488/C1/MHb/75Mary Scully, Dublin, re a wife for Richard Huddleston, family news.
K488/C3/A1Anonymous soldier in camp demanding removal to a new camp and better rations.
K488/C3/E38George Eyston, Gray's Inn, enquiring after a mislaid paper.
K488/C3/P18Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, re leasing farm.
K488/C3/C12Rev. Townley Clarkson, Beyton, Suffolk, re his father's death.
K488/C3/DG91Kenelm Digby, Paris, re his wife's illness, charity for Mrs Tilt.
K488/C3/DG71Kenelm Digby, London, re an impending visit to Sawston.
K488/C3/C22Curries and Co., London, to Richard Huddleston, Sawston, re his accounts.
K488/C3/DG19Kenelm Digby, Geneva, re his Swiss travels, Chateaubriand.
K488/C3/A6G. Aust, Horse Guards, London, re Richard Huddleston's overdrawn bank account.
K488/C3/HR11Lord Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, postponing party.
K488/C3/E39George Eyston, Hendred, Berkshire, re his mother's death.
K488/C3/HD133Jane Canning, London, re Lady Acton's Protestant marriage.
K488/C3/W38Thomas Wright, London, re payment to Jane Huddleston.
K488/C3/DG84Kenelm Digby, Southampton, re Bishop Griffiths' confirmation, a Jesuit church for London.
K488/C3/DG81Kenelm Digby, Southampton, re responsibility for burning his house down.
K488/C3/P4James Parkinson, Hatton Garden, London, re bill for military costume, with bill.
K488/C3/DG47Kenelm Digby, Nottingham Place, London, re employment of boy-servant.
K488/C3/E29George Eyston, Gray's Inn, re sale of land to the Great Eastern Railway.
K488/C3/H26Rev. John Holcombe, Pwllcrochan, Pembrokeshire, re family deaths, hunting.
K488/C3/A3H.J. Adeane, Babraham, Cambridgeshire, re route of the Colchester and Cambridge railway.
K488/C1/MHb/21Mary Bostock, Berkeley Street, Piccadilly, re match-making for Richard Huddleston, Weblee's dirge at the Portuguese chapel.
K488/C1/MHb/73Mary Huddleston, London, re Lord Kenmare, Frances Huddleston, the Eystons, a match for brother Richard.
K488/C3/DG48Kenelm Digby, Nottingham Place, London, begging on behalf on Italian Franciscan.
K488/C3/DG43Kenelm Digby, Portman Square, London, re house-hunting, Worsley, Walsh and Whewell.
K488/C3/C9Henry Chappell, O.P., Leicester, re the collapse of his old chapel, appeal for a new one, with a note on a congregation of the Bona Mors.
K488/C3/HD126Jane Canning, Gloucester Place, London, re Mary Huddleston's death and funeral.
K488/C3/W26Thomas Wright, Fitzwalter's, Essex, to Richard Huddleston, Huntingdon, with exchange of pleasantries.
K488/C3/E43Jane Eyston, Birmingham, re an impending visit to Sawston, rumour of war with France, the health and fortune of various clerics, family news.
K488/C3/HD46Henry Huddleston, London, re a disgraced officer, a hung priest, a sermon and a bad book.
K488/C3/HD39Henry Huddleston, London, re the Prince Regent's marriage, the perils of wife-hunting, George Racket in Holland.
K488/C3/W2Sir Charles Wale, Guernsey, re the avenue to promotion, war scares, a grog-drinker deserter.
K488/C3/HR37Lord Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, to Richard Huddleston, Nottingham, re regimental promotions.
K488/C3/R12George Robertson, Lower Edmonton, thanking Richard Huddleston for his recommendation to Lord Hardwicke.
K488/C3/L10Lady Londes, Lees Court, Kent, re religious and parental barriers to Richard Huddleston's marriage to Margaret Rutton.
K488/C3/W45Thomas Wright, London, re payments and deposits, including a donation to the Leicester Chapel.
K488/C3/W18Bishop William Wareing, Ascott, Birmingham, thanking Richard Huddleston for past support.
K488/C3/W16Bishop Thomas Walsh, Grace Dieu, Loughborough, re foundation of a Jesuit mission at Cambridge.
K488/C3/D9J. Dugmore, Swaffham, re Sawston tenants' appeal for a reduction in rent.
K488/C3/HR12Lord Hardwicke, Norwich, ordering Richard Huddleston's presence at an Ipswich court-martial.
K488/C3/D5Richard Doning, Cambridge, enquiring after appointment as Sawston gardener.
K488/C3/R11George Robertson, Colchester, asking Richard Huddleston to recommend him to Lord Hardwicke for a commission.
K676/Q/54Drawing of Richard Huddleston, Esq., [1768-1847], of Sawston Hall, elected 1850.
K488/C3/W28Thomas Wright, London, re receipt of Purse Caundle rents.
K488/C1/MHb/23Mary Bostock, London, re match-making for Richard Huddleston, London party news.
K488/C1/JH/103James Smith to Jane Canning (nee Huddlestone), London, with receipt for two pounds paid to the Catholic Institute by Richard Huddleston.
K488/C3/B42L. Brittain, O.P., Brussels, with a ferocious ode on Modern philosophy unmasked.
K488/C3/H20Rev. George Hewitt, Queen's College, Cambridge with invitation to dinner.
K488/C3/E36George Eyston, Gray's Inn, re a Company appointment, Jane Huddleston's health.
K488/C3/H18Mrs F. Haywood, Cambridge, declining Richard Huddleston's invitation to Sawston.
K488/C3/B39L. Brittain, O.P., Bornhem College, Belgium, re the French occupation of Brussels.
K488/C3/E16aJohn Wright, Belsize, Hampstead, to George Eyston, re the estate of John Fleury.
K488/C3/DG4Kenelm Digby, Mills Coffee House, Lincoln's Inn, re preparation for trip to France.
K488/C2/L11Christopher Lowell, Sunbury, Middlesex, re his boredom, sympathy for Richard Huddleston in his illness.
K488/C3/B17Mary Bostock, Stratton Street, London, matchmaking, and sending thanks for money.
K488/C3/DG50Kenelm Digby, Paris, with appeal on behalf of the Tilt family, re the beautification of Paris.
K488/C3/E37George Eyston, Gray's Inn, re impending visit to Sawston, sale of land to the Railway Company.
K488/C3/F8Agnes Fotheringham, Kingsbridge House, Southampton, appealing for local Catholic mission.
K488/C3/G16John Good, Saffron Walden, re annual meeting of the Red Cross Turnpike Road trustees to discuss the projected railways.
K488/C3/G23Rev. William Greenwood, St John's College, Cambridge, re his hunting successes and Henry Huddleston.
K488/C3/DG85Kenelm Digby, Boulogne, re convert Catholic circle at Boulogne, requiem for the Duc d'Orleans.
K488/C3/E42Mary Jane Eyston, Overbury, Worcester, re her rheumatism, family news, his son at Cambridge.
K488/C3/E30George Eyston, Gray's Inn, re the investment of railway compensation money in consols.
K488/C3/E24George Eyston, Gray's Inn, re the sale of bonds, Richard Huddleston's disapproval of the Tablet.
K488/C3/DG52Kenelm Digby, Paris, re exhibition of Spanish pictures at Paris, persecution of the Archbishop of Cologne.
K488/C3/DG65Kenelm Digby, Southampton, begging on behalf on a Catholic coal-merchant and brewer with nine children.
K488/C3/HD35Henry Huddleston, London, to Richard Huddleston, Danbury Camp, Essex, re the glory of fighting in a just war.
K488/C3/HD30Francis Huddleston, Sawston, to Richard Huddleston, Loughborough, re the Racket legacy, his need for money.
K488/C3/H12John Hammond, St Ives, Huntingdonshire, congratulating him on Catholic emancipation.
K488/C3/E12Charles Eyston, Hendred, Berkshire, re a visit to Sawston, his son at Cambridge.
K488/C3/E32George Eyston, Gray's Inn, re negotiations with Peto over railway through Dernford.
K488/C3/H11John Hammond, St Ives, Huntingdonshire, re liberality in religion and Sophie le Duc.
K488/C3/H22Rev. George Hewitt, Queen's College, re his dinner invitation to the Huddlestons in Queen's.
K488/C3/H24N. Ward, Trunch, Norfolk, to Rev. George Hewitt, Queen's College, Cambridge, re lodgings for Richard Huddleston at Cromer.
K488/C3/F2Ambrose Ferand, O.S.B., Sawston, asking shelter for a convent of Benedictines and their chaplain.
K488/C3/G16aJohn Good, Saffron Walden, re annual meeting of the Red Cross Turnpike Road trustees to discuss the projected railways.
K488/C3/H23Rev. George Hewitt, Queen's College, inviting Richard to join his on a journey.
K488/C3/HD28Francis Huddleston, Colchester Barracks, thanking Richard for paying his debts.
K488/C3/HD2A. Huddleston, Woodbine Place, Coomb Down, Somerset, with enquiries after Richard Huddleston's health.
K488/C3/H8John Hammond, St Ives, Huntingdonshire, re French politics, and Sophie le Duc, with her parents in Nantes.
K488/C3/HD16Edward and Agnes Huddleston, Park Street, London, re their journey back to England from Paris.
K488/C3/HD1A. Huddleston, Woodbine Place, Coomb Down, Somerset, re the thieves and barkers in Somerset.
K488/C3/I7Captain Jullemiss, Coventry, re John Bagshaw, watchmaker, a deserter from the Cambridgeshire regiment.
K488/C3/HD169Jane Canning, London, re repairs to her London house and visit to Sawston, family news and movements.
K488/C3/W10Charles Brent Wale, Magdalene College, Cambridge, asking for continuation of bond on loan.
K488/C3/HR32Lord Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, to Richard Huddleston, Nottingham, re Wisbech detachment.
K488/C3/HD116Jane Canning, Hake's Hotel, Manchester, re Isabella Huddleston's broken engagement, other family news.
K488/C3/S13Denys Scully, Dublin, re Frank Huddleston's apostasy, English regiments in Dublin.
K488/C3/HD170Jane Canning, London, postponing her visit to Sawston because of the Sawston epidemic of scarlet fever.
K488/C3/HR2Lord Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, re the inapplicability of the Test Act to Catholics in the Army.
K488/C3/M25Abbé Martinet, Sawston, to Richard Huddleston, Norwich, telling Richard of his departure from Sawston.
K488/C3/P25Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, announcing his intention to call round for dinner.
K488/C3/G31Rev. William Greenwood, St John's College, Cambridge, with present of a pointer dog.
K488/C3/S8Denys Scully, Dublin, re his wife's legacy, Jane Huddleston's marriage to Francis Canning.
K488/C3/P24Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, re his resumption of the office of Under Sheriff.
K488/C3/M33Henry John Mudd, Lavenham, Suffolk, re his friendship with Richard Huddleston, a French émigre tutor.
K488/C3/M19Abbé Martinet to Richard Huddleston in camp, refusing the loan of his watch, exhorting him to keep good company.
K488/C3/G32Rev. William Greenwood, St John's College, Cambridge, postponing a hunting invitation.
K488/C3/P13Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, re the sale of Mrs Elizabeth Martindale's Sawston estates.
K488/C3/S33Edward Sulyard, Haughley Park, Suffolk, to Richard Huddleston, re gout, gift of a spaniel.
K488/C3/W21J. White, Cambridge, to Richard Huddleston, Nottingham, readdressed Loughborough, re despatch of baggage.
K488/C3/W4Sir Charles Wale, Shelford, Cambridgeshire, offering his services at Mary Huddleston's death-bed.
K488/C3/T9Abbé Tostivint, Dinan, Brittany, re his return to France, the social and religious condition of post-war Dinan.
K488/C3/C10Henry Chappell, O.P., Leicester, with assurance of his happy condition, an invitation to Ferdinand.
K488/C1/EH/83Thomas Suffield, Catton, Norwich, to Edward Huddleston, Norwich, Barracks, inviting Edward and Richard Huddleston to dinner.
K488/C1/MHb/45Henry, Richard and Edward Huddleston, Bornhem College, Belgium, with their dutiful regards.
K488/C2/HD205Ferdinand Huddleston, to Richard Huddleston, Clacton Camp, Essex, approving Richard's volunteering for Ireland, reporting the death of Bishop Berington.
K488/C2/BS25Henry Bostock, London, re his illness, news of Ferdinand's sons at Bornhem College, Belgium.
K488/C2/HD111Jane Huddleston, London, re Richard Huddleston's accident and loss of a leg, her own health.
K488/C3/G35Rev. William Greenwood, Amesbury, Wiltshire, re purchase of Hinxton farm and living.
K488/C2/M19Thomas Mitchell, Aberford, Yorkshire, re Rev. Thomas Coutley, Ferdinand's children, the old days in George Wilmot's chambers.
K488/C3/G26Rev. William Greenwood, Bath, re his mother's health, his hunting and an exchange of dogs.
K488/C3/R14George Robertson, Red Hill, Nottingham, to Richard Huddleston, Loughborough, re social life at Red Hill.
K488/C3/G30Rev. William Greenwood, St John's College, Cambridge, re a gift of a hunting dog.
K488/C3/B49L. Brittain, O.P., Hartpury Court, Gloucester, with condolences on the death of Mary Huddleston, re his own approaching death.
K488/C2/B17aHenry Bell, Gray's Inn, to Henry Bostock, Hatton Street, London, enclosing letter for forwarding to John Lucas, S.J.
K488/C2/BS39Henry Bostock, London, re continental travels of Huddleston children, costuming the girls, a projected Eyston marriage.
K488/C2/F6Mary Lelia Farrill, Bury, with news of the Gages, re Richard Huddleston's future, the dangers of a premature vocation to the priesthood.
K488/C3/H29John Horseman, Royston, re Father Mathew and temperance reform with a poem on the same.
K488/C3/H27Rev. John Holcombe, St John's College, Cambridge, re William Greenwood's health and price of mare.
K488/C3/HD75Isabella Lawlor, Castlelough, County Kerry, re her impending visit to Sawston, Henry Huddleston in India.
K488/C3/H10John Hammond, St Ives, Huntingdonshire, to Richard Huddleston, Sawston, with condolences on the death of Mary Huddleston.
K488/C3/HD50Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, begging money to pay his debts, re the aspersions on Sir John Moore's retreat from Corunna.
K488/C3/F3T. Ferrers, Guernsey, re a near shipwreck on the French coast, the delights of Guernsey wine and women, the regiment's future in foreign service.
K488/C3/R23Mary Rutton, Upper Gower Street, London, re Margaret Rutton's refusal to change her faith to marry Richard Huddleston.
K488/C3/H32E.M. Howard, Gloucester Place, London, begging on behalf of the mission of Wigton, Cumberland.
K488/C3/E40Mary Jane and Basil Eyston, Newbury Berkshire, to Richard Huddleston, Danbury Camp, Essex, with family news.
K488/C3/HD57Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re part income from Dorset estate, settlement of the inheritance.
K488/C3/N3Abbé Nerinckx, Somerstown, London, with appeal for Somerstown schools and orphanage, and with thanks for a donation.
K488/C3/HD162Jane Canning, London, re Edward Huddleston's loan to her of his London house.
K488/C3/HD9Edward Huddleston, Bruges, re the education of his children, the Bishop of Ghent's defiance of the Dutch.
K488/C3/HD24Edward Huddleston, Oscott, Birmingham, re his vocation to the priesthood, the miraculous cure of a blind man at Holywell.
K488/C3/H5John Hammond, St Ives, Huntingdonshire, to Richard Huddleston, recommending Sophie le Duc's return to France.
K488/C3/B36L. Brittain, O.P., Bornhem College, Belgium, re Edward Huddleston, the contagion of the irreligion of the French National Assembly.
K488/C3/R18Robert Robinson, Colchester Barracks, thanking Richard Huddleston for supporting his claim for promotion.
K488/C3/F7Agnes Fotheringham, Kingsbridge House, Southampton, re Richard Huddleston's health, the Mois de Marie, family news, the Southampton mission.
K488/C3/HD3Richard Huddleston, Harwich, Essex, to Edward Huddleston, Sawston, re Charles Wale's letter recalling officers of the Cambridge Militia to their regiment.
K488/C3/HD22Richard Huddleston, Sawston, to Edward Huddleston, Brighton re household matters.
K488/C3/R20George Roope, Rye, to Richard Huddleston, Cambridge Regimental Militia, farewelling the regiment.
K488/C3/DG96Kenelm Digby, Paris, re the Catholic revival in Paris: Benedictines, Brothers of St John of God, Lacordaire and Dominican tertiaries, the Society of St Vincent de Paul.
K488/C3/H13W. Parker Hammond, Pampisford Hall, Cambridgeshire, re transport to a meeting of the Cambridgeshire County Club, with enclosed rules and a list of members.
K488/C3/DG97Kenelm Digby, Paris, re a job for a protegé, the Society of St Vincent de Paul, the Archconfraternity of Our Lady and Père Ravegnan on the Jesuits.
K488/C3/H9John Hammond, St Ives, Huntingdonshire, with recollections of Sophie le Duc and a Miss Fisher, one of Sophie's pupils.
K488/C3/HD6Edward Huddleston, Pall Mall, London, re his daughter's illness, farm rents.
K488/C3/HD34Henry Huddleston, London, to Richard Huddleston, Danbury Camp, Essex, re family news and the unjust distribution of battle honours.
K488/C3/F1William Fawcet, Adjutant General's Office, London, to Richard Huddleston, Harwich, ordering a military escort for the Princess of Wales should she disembark at Harwich.
K488/C3/G18John Gray, Nottingham, to Richard Huddleston, Loughborough, asking for the conscription of James Wing of Bassingbourn in place of James Clark.
K488/C3/HD23Edward Huddleston, London, to Richard Huddleston, Sawston, with thanks for partridges, family news.
K488/C3/H30B. Howard, Fornham, Suffolk, to Richard Huddleston, Norwich, inviting Richard to a dance.
K488/C3/HD21Edward Huddleston, Lowndes Square, London, re poverty of Cambridge chapel, a visit to Sawston.
K488/C3/H35aPhilip Howard, New Bond Street, London, enclosing Lingard's pamphlet on the oath of Succession, alleging Queen Victoria's distaste for it.
K488/C3/HR33Lord Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, to Richard Huddleston, Nottingham, re regimental promotion, clothing and discipline.
K488/C3/HD66Henry Huddleston, London, re management of Mrs Eyston's account, division of the Dorset estate.
K488/C3/HD31Francis Huddleston, Dublin, re family estrangement, asking after the provisions of Mary Bostock's will.
K488/C3/T2John Talbot, Stanhope Street, London, re a dubious aristocratic conversion, defeat of Catholic emancipation, social unrest in London.
K488/C3/P21Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, re lease of Dernford Mill to a Mr Living.
K488/C3/HD36Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, to Richard Huddleston, Landguard Fort, Suffolk, re a comic letter from Richard, family and Catholic society news.
K488/C3/HD178Mary Huddleston, South End, to Richard Huddleston, Cambridge Militia Camp, Lymne, Kent, re the South End sea-cure.
K488/C3/HR38Lord Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, to Richard Huddleston, Nottingham, re regimental promotions, volunteering, clothing and discharges.
K488/C3/HR3Lord Hardwicke, New Cavendish Street, London, re Cambridgeshire Militia commissions for Richard and Edward Huddleston.
K488/C3/HD124Jane Canning, London, re payment of debts to Mr Eyre, restoration of Sawston paintings, Mary Huddleston's illness and presentation to the English ambassador in Paris.
K488/C3/HR43Lord Hardwicke, New Cavendish Street, London, to Richard Huddleston, Liverpool, re regimental movements and promotion.
K488/C3/K1Francis King, Lambeth, begging on Edward Huddleston's recommendation on behalf of the Brixton mission.
K488/C3/HR25aEnclosure by Lord Hardwicke, Chelmsford Barracks, of an extract from a letter by a Mr Dundee, re regimental volunteers for Ireland.
K488/C3/HR23Lord Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, re the difficulty of granting Frank Huddleston a commission, a reason for the Abbé Martinet's expulsion.
K488/C3/HD179Richard Huddleston, Lymne Camp, Kent, to Mary Huddleston, South End, Essex, re her health, a view across the Channel to the French camp at Boulogne.
K488/C3/HR29Lord Hardwicke, New Cavendish Street, London, enclosing a letter to Thomas Suffield, Norwich, re Richard Huddleston's promise to Suffield of Irish news.
K488/C3/R15George Robertson, Chelmsford, re loss of regimental tent poles, regimental news, some antique ladies.
K488/C3/R17Robert Robinson, Colchester Barracks, asking Richard Huddleston to recommend his promotion.
K488/C3/M24Abbé Martinet, Sawston, to Richard Huddleston, Norwich, with congratulations on Richard's recovery of stolen property.
K488/C3/R21E.P. Rowe, Eastern Counties Railway Office, Shoreditch Station, re the appointment of a gatekeeper at the Dernford crossing.
K488/C3/M23Abbé Martinet, Sawston, to Richard Huddleston, Landguard Fort, Suffolk, family and district news, re the progress of the Breton army.
K488/C3/P3P. J. Parker, Christleton, Cheshire, with thanks for hospitality at Sawston, enquiries about Young Gentlemen's names, teaching post at Nottingham.
K488/C3/V3Tanfield Vachell, Barton Mills, Suffolk, re wine and women in port, Sir Edward Nightingale, fire in the West Ham dockyards and the French Concordat.
K488/C3/HD76Jane Huddleston, Sawston, to Richard Huddleston, Nottingham, re Edward Huddleston's sale of his commission.
K488/C3/HD13Edward Huddleston, Paris, re Irish proposals of marriage to Isabella and Jane Huddleston, Mary Huddleston's illness.
K488/C3/HD20Edward Huddleston, Lowndes Square, London, re payment of dividends, trusteeship of the Marnhull mission, family news.
K488/C3/HD181Mary Huddleston, Sawston, re her health, and wishing Richard, his brother and his nephew a safe continental holiday.
K488/C3/W1Sir Charles Wale, Norwich, to Richard Huddleston, Norwich, ordering Edward Huddleston to attend a court martial at Bexfield.
K488/C3/HD91Jane Huddleston, London, re an heiress-wife for Richard Huddleston, Protestant sympathy for Catholic emancipation, Lady Shaftesbury's fear of the Irish.
K488/C1/MHb/79Mary Scully, Dublin, promising to help in finding a wife for Richard Huddleston.
K488/C3/DG82Kenelm Digby, Bath, with Bath news.
K488/C3/DG26Kenelm Digby, London, with Christmas wishes.
K488/C3/HD67Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re his legal expenses.
K488/C3/S10Denys Scully, Dublin, re family business matters.
K488/C3/W31Thomas Wright and Co., London, re his account.
K488/C3/R1Richard Rawe, Bath, re legacies to the Huddlestons.
K488/C3/DG46Kenelm Digby, Nottingham Place, London, re employment of a servant.
K488/C3/G9Sophie Girard, Bruges, recalling old memories.
K488/C3/DG3Kenelm Digby, re Parisian news, a gift of champagne.
K488/C3/W44Thomas Wright, London, re a mistaken deposit.
K488/C3/B1William Joseph Bayne, Cambridge, re his marriage.
K488/C3/B52John Bullock, O.P., London, re invitation to Sawston.
K488/C3/E26George Eyston, Gray's Inn, re visit to Sawston.
K488/C3/P7Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, re lease of farm.
K488/C3/W46Thomas Wright, London, re sale of East India Bond.
K488/C3/W50Thomas Wright, London, re sale of bond.
K488/C3/G13Sophie Girard, Bruges, with thanks for charity.
K488/C3/W53T. Wright, London, with thanks on behalf of his brother.
K488/C3/H28M.B. Holkes, Shelford, re death of Sir Charles Wale.
K488/C3/HD48Henry Huddleston, London, re a strange London encounter.
K488/C3/DG1Kenelm Digby asking that Richard Huddleston destroy book.
K488/C3/H15John Haslop, Cambridge, re the sale of bridle.
K488/C3/T4John Taylor, London, with bill for stuffs.
K488/C3/HD106Jane Canning, Rome, re the death of Leo XII.
K488/C3/D8J. Dugmore, Swaffham, re Sawston tenants' rights and duties.
K488/C3/E25George Eyston, Gray's Inn, re visit to Sawston.
K488/C3/B29H. Bridges, Cambridge, with gift of an etching.
K488/C3/W49Thomas Wright, London, re sale of bond.
K488/C3/P16Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, re dinner engagement.
K488/C3/P9Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, re a call at Sawston.
K488/C3/C1William Casey, Marnhull, Dorset, re payment of dividends.
K488/C3/W37Thomas Wright, London, re receipt of Purse Caundle rents.
K488/C3/HD136Jane Canning, London, re the Wright Bank crash.
K488/C3/W36Thomas Wright, London, re payment from Mr Narry.
K488/C3/A5Giuseppie Ferdinando De Angelis and Pietro Bedoni, Rome, in Italian.
K488/C3/HR44Lord Hardwicke, London, refusing a regimental discharge.
K488/C3/C25Curries and Co., London, to Richard Huddleston, Sawston, re his accounts.
K488/C3/W43Thomas Wright, London, re payment of Purse Caundle rents.
K488/C3/W41Thomas Wright, London, re payment of Purse Caundle rents.
K488/C3/B6John Bendyshe, Kneesworth House, Cambridgeshire, re a canvassing appeal.
K488/C3/E4Ferdinand English, Kingston Square, Bath, with thanks for charity.
K488/C3/W47Thomas Wright, London, with statement of account.
K488/C3/DG64Kenelm Digby, Southampton, inviting Richard Huddleston to Southampton.
K488/C3/F6aLicence to Baptiste Fleury, Priest, to reside in England.
K488/C3/S11Denys Scully, Dublin, re family business matters.
K488/C3/C16Thomas Cotton, Ely, re rejection of his application for a commission.
K488/C3/E17George Eyston, re a petition to retain chambers in Gray's Inn.
K488/C3/B21Mary Bostock, London, with wartime gossip of French politics.
K488/C3/DG17Kenelm Digby, London, proposing to visit Sawston.
K488/C3/E9Thomas Henry Ewart, Tottenham, appealing for his mission.
K488/C3/B16Mary Bostock, Stratton Street, London, re family history, French wars.
K488/C3/P12Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, re rents and farm lease.
K488/C3/B35L. Brittain, O.P., Bornhem College, Belgium, re his immediate plans.
K488/C3/I5Rev. H.J. Jones, Manchester, re sale of book.
K488/C3/C19Curries and Co., London, re Dorset rents.
K488/C3/P1C.J. Paglians, London, acknowledging for the Aged Poor Society.
K488/C3/HD173Part of a letter from Richard Huddleston, Sawston, to Mary Huddleston.
K488/C3/DG36Kenelm Digby, Paris, re Richard Huddleston's godson and the Digbys' new Parisian house.
K488/C3/HD54Henry Huddleston, London, re the proposed sale of Ibberton to Richard Rowe.
K488/C3/DG86Kenelm Digby, Boulogne, with an invitation, re power of attorney.
K488/C3/H17George Hassell, War Office, re Mr Oke's resignation of his commission.
K488/C3/J1Keating and Co., London, re book enquiries, and with book bill.
K488/C3/F4John Fleury, Walton's Hall, re death of a Miss Ashmall
K488/C3/D11J. Dugmore, Swaffham, recommending rent relief to Sawston tenants.
K488/C3/M12Robert Mann, Chelmsford Barracks, re ownership of uniforms.
K488/C3/DG41Kenelm Digby, Portman Square, London, re a visit from Bishop Walsh.
K488/C3/DG59Kenelm Digby, Southampton, regretting his departure for Southampton.
K488/C3/HD64Henry Huddleston, London, re his income and indebtedness.
K488/C3/HR27Lord Hardwicke, London, re promotion of Robert Robertson.
K488/C3/W40Thomas Wright, London, re payments and deposits.
K488/C3/DG53Kenelm Digby, Paris, re his son's first communion, the death of Tallyrand.
K488/C3/W8Fragment of a note from Sir Charles Wale, Shelford, Cambridgeshire.
K488/C3/G10Sophie Girard, Bruges, recalling old memories, begging for charity.
K488/C3/V13Tanfield Vachell, York Chambers, London, re share dividends.
K488/C3/K2Fragment of a letter from Sarah King, Dernford Dale, Cambridgeshire.
K488/C3/HD60Henry Huddleston, London, re Jane Huddleston's marriage.
K488/C3/S19C.W. Sherard, Huntingdon, regretting Richard Huddleston's teaching.
K488/C3/F5John Fleury, Walton's Hall, re his inability to say Mass at Sawston through illness.
K488/C3/H36W.P. Hulse, Dublin, re Irish rebel atrocities and their suppression.
K488/C3/E23George Eyston, Gray's Inn, re Dr Baines's health, declining invitation.
K488/C3/DG62Kenelm Digby, Bath, re the death of John Dillon, his brother-in-law.
K488/C3/E3Ferdinand English, Kingston Square, Bath, begging on behalf of his sick brother.
K488/C3/H21Rev. George Hewitt, Queen's College, with invitation to a play.
K488/C3/E13Charles Eyston, Hendred, Berkshire, re an impending visit to Sawston.
K488/C3/N6Sir Edward Nightingale, refusing rent payment, re the high cost of living in London.
K488/C3/DG99Kenelm Digby, Boulogne, re journey to Boulogne, O'Connell and the Irish bishops.
K488/C3/W51Thomas Wright, London, re payment to Fisher and Co.
K488/C3/M34Henry John Mudd, Lavenham, Suffolk, with banter and an invitation.
K488/C3/W42Thomas Wright, London, re payment of Purse Caundle rents.
K488/C3/HD45Henry Huddleston, London, re his legal work and mutual friends.
K488/C3/G21Rev. William Greenwood, St John's College, Cambridge, re his hunting plans, his B.D. examination.
K488/C3/HD68Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re misunderstanding over bank deposit.
K488/C3/HD189Thomas Huddleston, Milton, re the payment of his son's debts.
K488/C3/W52Thomas Wright, London, re payment from Fisher and Co.
K488/C3/HD166Jane Canning, London, re the purchase of myrrh.
K488/C3/HD111Jane Canning, Albano, Italy, re English society in Rome and the Papal Court.
K488/C3/HR7Lord Hardwicke, New Cavendish Street, London, offering captaincy.
K488/C3/M2Archbishop John MacHale, Sligo, with thanks for poor relief.
K488/C3/HD188Thomas Huddleston, London, re a hunting incident.
K488/C3/N4Thomas Nice, Colchester, re payment of army expenses.
K488/C3/HD138Jane Canning, London, re Catholics ruined by the failure of Wright's Bank.
K488/C3/HD114Jane Canning, Geneva, re her journey from Milan, the Simplon Pass.
K488/C3/P11Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, re the renewal of farm leases.
K488/C3/HR35Lord Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, re a dispute over precedence.
K488/C3/HR22Lord Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, re clemency for the Abbé Martinet.
KAR50/24/2Licence for Richard Huddleston of Sawston to kill game
K488/C3/HD190William Archer Huddleston, Woolwich, with invitation, news of Frank Huddleston.
K488/C3/HR14Lord Hardwicke, New Cavendish Street, London, re appointment of an Enclosure Commissioner.
K488/C3/M35Henry John Mudd, Sudbury, Suffolk, craving forgiveness in Latin.
K488/C3/L8Lady Londes, Lees Court, Kent, re Richard Huddleston's disappointment in love.
K488/C3/HR13Verses on Lord Hardwicke's tears at a court-martial, from the Morning Herald.
K488/C3/W39Thomas Wright, London, re receipt of Purse Caundle rents.
K488/C3/W22Basil Woodd, London, with thanks for payment and custom.
K488/C3/G11Sophie Girard, Bruges, begging charity.
K488/C3/T11Mother Mary Tucker, Tuam, re a mistake over a charitable donation.
K488/C3/HR10Lord Hardwicke, New Cavendish Street, London, re leave of absence.
K488/C3/HD105Jane Canning, Foxcote, Warwickshire, re her mother's funeral.
K488/C3/I6William Jones, Knightsbridge, begging for Aberystwyth mission.
K488/C3/HD123Jane Canning, London, re the postponement of Isabella Huddleston's wedding, Captain Vachell.
K488/C3/M7Joseph Make, Aberystwyth, asking for annual subscription to mission to the Welsh.
K488/C3/B32L. Brittain, O.P., Bornhem College, Belgium, with a blessing.
K488/C3/M11Robert Mann, Chelmsford Barracks, re responsibility for military clothing.
K488/C3/M4Archbishop John MacHale, Tuam, thanking Richard Huddleston for poor relief.
K488/C3/L7Lady Londes, Lees Court, Kent, re Richard Huddleston's disappointment in love.
K488/C3/M6Father Magee, Chapel House, Westminster, with thanks for donation to the Westminster mission.
K488/C3/HR17Lord Hardwicke, Harwich Camp, Essex, re volunteer regiments for Ireland.
K488/C3/HD152Jane Canning, London, re cleaning and return from London of Sawston paintings.
K488/C3/H16George Hassell, War Office, re rumour of war.
K488/C3/W29Thomas Wright, London, re payment of Purse Caundle rents.
K488/C3/I3Rules of Catholic defence committee, with a printed letter from Edward Jerningham.
K488/C3/T5Robert Throckmorton, London, re delayed interest payment.
K488/C3/H4John Hammond, Liverpool, re Sophie le Duc.
K488/C3/P22Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, declaring his intention to call.
K488/C3/R4John Ridge, Colchester Barracks, with his personal expenses.
K488/C3/T6John Tilt, Paris, with thanks for bounty through Kenelm Digby, a family portrait.
K488/C3/P35Eliza Pitchford, Norwich, recalling Richard Huddleston's stay in Norwich.
K488/C3/P19Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, re declaring his intention of coming to dinner.
K488/C3/P33George Petre, Thorndon, Suffolk, with apologies for neglecting Suffolk engagement.
K488/C3/M10Robert Mann, Colchester, with regimental orders.
K488/C3/HD14Edward Huddleston, Paris, re death of Mary Huddleston.
K488/C3/G12Sophie Girard, Bruges, with thanks for charity.
K488/C3/HR6Lord Hardwicke, Richmond, Surrey, re leave for Edward.
K488/C3/HD165Jane Canning, London, re household matters.
K488/C3/B33L. Brittain, O.P., Bornhem College, Belgium, re a teachers quarrel.
K488/C3/DG21Kenelm Digby, London, re a convert lady, an impending visit to Sawston.
K488/C3/DG22Kenelm Digby, Charlotte Street, Portland Place, London, re de Lisle, the cholera in London, an article in the British Critic.
K488/C3/V1Tanfield Vachell, Littleport, Cambridgeshire, re a drunken host.
K488/C3/R13George Robertson, Macclesfield, to Richard Huddleston, Nottingham, re regimental drunkenness and a riot in Macclesfield.
K488/C3/DG9Kenelm Digby, Dieppe, re his travels in France, a proposed meeting in Rome.
K488/C3/DG54Kenelm Digby, Boulogne, re the death and burial of his daughter.
K488/C3/E21George Eyston, Gray's Inn, re a legacy, family news.
K488/C3/P6Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, re reduction of rents.
K488/C3/HD63Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, asking for advance on his legacy.
K488/C3/W24Gilbert Woollard, Chelmsford Barracks, with draft.
K488/C3/H33Henry Howard, London, with thanks for hospitality.
K488/C3/C24Curries and Co., London, to Richard Huddleston, Sawston, re his accounts.
K488/C3/HD143Jane Canning, London, re the bankruptcies following the failure of Wright's Bank.
K488/C3/HD47Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re estate and will of Thomas Huddleston.
K488/C3/DG11Kenelm Digby, Broadstairs, Kent, re a planned visit to Italy.
K488/C3/W23Basil Woodd, London, acknowledging payment for wine.
K488/C3/B18Mary Bostock, London, with thanks for money, family gossip.
K488/C3/P5Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, enclosing cheque for £500.
K488/C3/HD168Jane Canning, London, re her house re-decoration, invitations.
K488/C3/C2Rev. Thomas Cautley, Sawston, re arrangements for a ride together.
K488/C3/H2John Hammond, St Ives, Huntingdonshire, re post for Sophie le Duc of Nantes.
K488/C3/R9John Ridge, Charing Cross, angling for a promotion.
K488/C3/B37L. Brittain, O.P., Brussels, with thanks and pious reflections.
K488/C3/C15Richard Huddleston, Sawston, to J.S. Cooper, with warning of trespass.
K488/C3/DG75Kenelm Digby, Southampton, re dismissal of drunken servant.
K488/C3/C6Hannah Chapman, Willingham, Cambridgeshire, begging charity.
K488/C3/HD62Henry Huddleston, London, re sale of Dorset estates.
K488/C3/DG74Kenelm Digby, Southampton, re charity for a starving family.
K488/C3/HD43Henry Huddleston, London, with family and Catholic London society news.
K488/C3/C23Curries and Co., London, to Richard Huddleston, Sawston, re his accounts.
K488/C3/B2William Joseph Bayne, Cambridge, asking Richard Huddleston to nominate him to membership of the County Club.
K488/C3/A2Charles Acton, Magdalene College, Cambridge, accepting invitation to Sawston.
K488/C3/M3Archbishop John MacHale, Tuam, thanking Richard Huddleston for poor relief.
K488/C3/HD131Jane Canning, London, re Richard Huddleston's claim to the Tiptoft barony
K488/C3/Y2Christopher Yorke, Chelmsford, re Richard Huddleston's promotion.
K488/C3/HD130Jane Canning, London, re the date of Isabella Huddleston's wedding.
K488/C2/HD95Jane Huddleston, London, re baby Richard Huddleston's convulsions.
K488/C3/B41L. Brittain, O.P., Brussels, re the French retreat from Flanders, the cause of the allies as the cause of God.
K488/C3/P8Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, re lease of a farm to a Catholic tenant at Whitechurch.
K488/C3/R10John Ridge, Chelmsford Barracks, asking him to sign a receipt.
K488/C3/HD107Jane Canning, Montagu Square, London, re the death of her brother Henry.
K488/C3/HR9Lord Hardwicke, Ely, re regimental conference at Wimpole.
K488/C3/E2bAnn Huddleston English, Kingston Square [Bath], to her cousin, lamenting the death of Aunt Mary.
K488/C3/B5Richard Bedingfield, Barton House, Suffolk, re plunder of his house, visit to Sawston.
K488/C3/DG7Kenelm Digby, Cambridge, re de Lisle's ill-repute in Trinity College.
K488/C3/DG68Kenelm Digby, Southampton, re the Tablet, the Univers, and the danger of war with France.
K488/C3/C20Curries and Co., London, to Richard Huddleston, Sawston, re his accounts.
K488/C3/DG8Kenelm Digby, Paris, re suppression of Jesuit colleges by French liberals.
K488/C3/D4Richard Huddleston's draft to Admiral Dickson, Yarmouth Roads, Norfolk, re regimental misbehaviour in port.
K488/C3/E6Frances English, Bath, with condolences for the death of Mary Huddleston, re family health and ill-health.
K488/C3/P17Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, re cost of repairs to mill, its falling income.
K488/C3/B24Mary Bostock, London, with thanks for presents, re Couche's illness, Napoleon's progress in Spain.
K488/C3/DG18Kenelm Digby, Paris, arranging to meet Richard Huddleston in Paris, re gloomy political future of France.
K488/C3/D3Lord Delawarr, Bourn Hall, Caxton, Cambridgeshire, re family history.
K488/C3/B19Mary Bostock, London, re disturbances in Ireland, French troop movements, Catholic emancipation.
K488/C3/HD150Jane Canning, London, Whitsun Eve, 1841, re a London public charity dinner.
K488/C3/HR5Lord Hardwicke, New Cavendish Street, London, granting leave of absence.
K488/C3/B63John Byrne, Dublin to Edward Byrne Junior, Liverpool, recommending Richard Huddleston to Edward Byrne's hospitality.
K488/C3/HD55Henry Huddleston, London, re rents from Dorset property following the death of Thomas Couche.
K488/C3/E20George Eyston, Gray's Inn, re payment of Henry Huddleston's debts.
K488/C3/DG39Kenelm Digby, Portland Terrace, Southampton, re the beauties of Hampshire, its Catholic society.
K488/C3/DG6Kenelm Digby, London, with thanks for Sawston hospitality, arrangement to meet at Ramsgate, proposed visit to France.
K488/C3/E8William Archer English, Barton Buildings, Queen Square, Bath, thanking Richard Huddleston for charity.
K488/C3/DG28Kenelm Digby, Foley Place, London, with an introduction to and character sketch of M. Rio, staying with Whewell.
K488/C3/E5Ferdinand English, Overbury, Worcester, re Bishop Ullathorne's consecration, begging annuity for his brother.
K488/C3/G7Sophie Girard, Bruges, with thanks for charity with the lure of St Gilles on the same theme.
K488/C3/DG57Kenelm Digby, Paris, re his departure from Southampton, with an invitation.
K488/C3/R6John Ridge, Colchester Barracks, asking Richard Huddleston to sign receipt.
K488/C3/DG76Kenelm Digby, Southampton, asking after Strype quotation, re Barnaby Rudge, servant dismissed for drunkenness.
K488/C3/DG63Kenelm Digby, Bath, on the melancholy of living in a heretical land, the blasphemy of the Mass and Benediction in English.
K488/C3/HD65Henry Huddleston, re his indebtedness, disposal of Dorset estate, payments to legatees.
K488/C3/HD10Edward Huddleston, Purse Caundle, Dorset, re death of Mrs Rowe.
K488/C3/DG60Kenelm Digby, Bath, with invitation, re de Lisle, Griffiths, a service at Downside.
K488/C3/DG69Kenelm Digby, Southampton, re the dullness of Southampton, the Univers and the danger of war with France.
K488/C3/DG70Kenelm Digby, Bath, re the Wright Bank crash, employment for a serving-boy.
K488/C3/HD58Henry Huddleston, London, re Edward Huddleston's purchase of the Dorset estate.
K488/C3/HD160Jane Canning, London, re her ill-health and the engagement of a Catholic serving girl.
K488/C3/HR25Lord Hardwicke, Chelmsford Barracks, re regimental volunteers for Ireland and promotion of officers.
K488/C3/HR51Lord Hardwicke, St James Square, London, canvassing his vote on the County election.
K488/C3/HD144Jane Canning, London, re failure of Wright's Bank, Episcopal quarrel over the Blundell legacy.
K488/C3/HD29Francis Huddleston, Colchester Barracks, re his deep contrition for past wickedness.
K488/C3/E15George Eyston, Gray's Inn, with condolences on the death of Mary Huddleston.
K488/C3/G22Rev. William Greenwood, St John's College, Cambridge, re his impending continental tour.
K488/C3/HD120Jane Canning, London, re Henry Huddleston's possible transfer to a new regiment, picture cleaning, family news.
K488/C3/E7Frances English, Bryanston Street, Portman Square, London, re her impending visit to Sawston.
K488/C3/E22George Eyston, London, with a printed begging letter on behalf of the mission of Overbury, Worcestershire.
K488/C3/G28Rev. William Greenwood, St John's College, Cambridge, with thanks for civilities.
K488/C3/HD157Jane Canning, London, re the Tablet's attack on Bishop Griffiths and the conversion of John Moore Capes.
K488/C3/G27Rev. William Greenwood, St John's College, Cambridge, re his hunting prospects and exploits.
K488/C3/F6bEdward Collingridge, London, to John Fleury, acknowledging the loan of two pounds; with an explanatory postscript by Fleury.
K488/C3/HD15Edward Huddleston, Lowndes Square, London, re failure of Wright's Bank.
K488/C3/P34George Petre, Lancashire, re his offer of a commission, the means to avoid the Oath of Supremacy.
K488/C3/HR4Lord Hardwicke, New Cavendish Street, London, granting leave of absence.
K488/C3/HD18Edward Huddleston, Grosvenor Square, re his visit to Sawston, journey back to London.
K488/C3/HD115Jane Canning, Canterbury, re her journey from Germany and the Channel crossing.
K488/C3/HD88Jane Huddleston, re danger of French coastal incursions, Mary Scully's illness, a note on Bishop Milner.
K488/C3/N2Thomas Nash, Whittlesford, Cambridge, re Sophie le Duc's board at Ramsgate.
K488/C3/V14Tanfield Vachell, York Chambers, London, re subscription for the aged widow of an army quartermaster.
K488/C3/HD101Jane Canning, Rome, re Rome, Leo XII, Italian banditti, political unrest in Cambridge and a King's insanity.
K488/C3/HD79Jane Huddleston, London, re Richard Huddleston's illness, Lady Jerningham's vulgarity.
K488/C3/HD175Mary Huddleston, Sawston, to Richard Huddleston, Chatham Barracks, re impediments to Richard''s proposed Protestant marriage.
K488/C3/HD32Henry Huddleston, London, re his condition as an apprentice legal clerk, family and London news, with Latin verses.
K488/C3/HD118Jane Canning, London, re Frances Jones's recovery from a premature confinement.
K488/C3/HD121Jane Canning, London, re varnishing and delivery of paintings, the clothing of nuns at Bermondsey convent.
K488/C3/S2W. Scott, Colchester Barracks, re regimental news, a hard-drinking general.
K488/C3/HR31Lord Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, re regimental movements and deployment.
K488/C3/HR53Lord Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, re visit to Sawston, the line of the Sawston canal.
K488/C3/HD153Jane Canning, London, re restoration of pictures, re-gilding of frames, impending birth of the Prince of Wales.
K488/C3/HD96Jane Canning, Middleton, re Richard Huddleston's visit to the Low Countries, her husband's new estates.
K488/C3/HD149Jane Canning, London, re conclusion of the London season, with a note on Lucas and the Tablet.
K488/C3/HD102Jane Canning, Vienna, urging Richard Huddleston to rid himself of this Low Frenchwoman Sophie le Duc.
K488/C3/HR47Lord Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, canvassing for Lord Francis Osborne, M.P. for Cambridgeshire.
K488/C3/HD139Jane Canning, London, re settlement of Richard Huddleston's account with Wright's Bank, the death of the Prince Borghese's child.
K488/C3/HR24Lord Hardwicke, New Cavendish Street, London, re Frank Huddleston's application for a commission.
K488/C3/HR36Lord Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, to Richard Huddleston, Nottingham, re volunteering.
K488/C3/L9Lady Londes, Lees Court, Kent, re Richard Huddleston's disappointment in love.
K488/C3/HD161Jane Canning, London, re the appointment of a housekeeper, a lonely widow's care for her niece Agnes.
K488/C3/M31Lady Moira, Moira House, Dublin, to Richard Huddleston, Dublin Barracks, Palatine Square, inviting Richard to dinner.
K488/C3/N5Sir Edward Nightingale, Chelmsford Barracks, re meeting of field officers and captains.
K488/C3/M15Elizabeth Martindale, Dernford, Cambridgeshire, declining to renew the lease of Dernford Mill, submitting the name of a possible tenant.
K488/C3/M16Abbé Martinet, Sawston, to Richard Huddleston, Sudbury, Suffolk, re the stagnation of Parisian politics, a visit to Cambridge.
K488/C3/M22Abbé Martinet, Sawston, to Richard Huddleston, Landguard Fort, re the melancholy persistence of French victories.
K488/C3/J3Catherine Keene, St John's Wood, London, with thanks for donation to the Catholic Lying-in Charity.
K488/C3/P2P. J. Parker, Christleton, Cheshire, thanking Richard Huddleston for charity.
K488/C3/V7Tanfield Vachell, Yarmouth, re promotion of an officer, Sir Charles Hotham's disgrace.
K488/C3/R19John Roe, Bugden, Huntingdonshire, re a wife with £10,000 a year for Richard Huddleston.
K488/C3/L4M. Lewis, War Office, to Richard Huddleston, Nottingham, with the Cambridge Militia's marching orders.
K488/C3/N1Thomas Nash, Whittlesford, Cambridge, re payment of Sophie le Duc's board in London.
K488/C3/Y3Christopher Yorke, Chelmsford, re postponement of meeting of field officers and captains.
K488/C3/M28Lenten Pastoral of John Milner, Bishop of Castabala, St Mary's Oscott, addressed to Richard Huddleston.
K488/C3/S21A. Singleton, re the case against Sergeant Parsons of the Cambridge Militia for stealing coals and candles.
K488/C3/P31George Petre, Belhouse, to Richard Huddleston, Warley Camp, Essex, inviting Richard to dinner.
K488/C3/W25J.S. Wright, Nottingham, to Richard Huddleston, Loughborough, with invitation to concert and dinner.
K488/C3/V10Tanfield Vachell, to Miss and Mrs Cotton, Sawston, craving pardon in rhyme.
K488/C3/S24Thomas Suffield, Norwich, inviting Richard and Edward Huddleston and Captain Vachell to dinner.
K488/C3/HD17Edward Huddleston, London, re the Couche legacies, the Wright Bank crash.
K488/C3/V11Tanfield Vachell, London, re an unexpected legacy and Papal prohibition of the Roman Carnival.
K488/C3/V12Tanfield Vachell, Denton Lodge, Harlestone, Norfolk, re securities for a loan, failure of Wright's Bank.
K488/C3/W7Sir Charles Wale, Shelford, Cambridgeshire, re a farmer and the Vicar of Sawston, charged with bagging all Wale's partridges.
K488/C3/HD7Edward Huddleston, London, announcing the death of his daughter Anne.
K488/C3/B12Henry Bostock, London, re Richard Huddleston 's bank account.
K488/C3/B4Richard Bedingfield, Oxburgh, Norfolk, re death of William Jerningham.
K488/C3/G17Grant for Basil Woodhouse, New Bond Street, London, re wine bill.
K488/C3/HD119Jane Canning, London, re her impending visit to Sawston.
K488/C3/DG23Kenelm Digby, Milan, re his Italian journey, with special reference to Pavia.
K488/C3/W27Thomas Wright, London, re payment of Purse Caundle rents.
K488/C3/HD59Henry Huddleston, London, re Richard Huddleston's accounts.
K488/C3/C4Rev. Thomas Cautley, Jesus College, Cambridge, with condolences for the death of Ferdinand Huddleston.
K488/C3/HD61Henry Huddleston, London, re money owed Denys Scully, as his wife's heir.
K488/C3/C13Printed letter from Henry Clifford, Lincoln's Inn, re Richard Huddleston's dues to the Cisalpine Club.
K488/C3/D7Monsieur le Duc, Nantes, thanking Richard Huddleston for his kindness to Sophie le Duc.
K488/C3/D6Monsieur le Duc, Nantes, re a French Jesuit confessor for Sophie le Duc.
K488/C3/DG24Kenelm Digby, Paris, re his Italian tour, with special reference to Loretto, popular atheism in France.
K488/C3/DG29aRichard Huddleston's copy of a letter of Kenelm Digby to John Scott with good-natured banter.
K488/C3/HD104Jane Canning, Foxcote, Warwickshire, re their mother's death.
K488/C3/E14Charles Eyston, Bull Inn, Cambridge, re a visit to Sawston, a Conservative Cambridge electoral meeting.
K488/C3/E34Copy of George Eyston, Gray's Inn, to Mr King, Sawston, refusing cost of drawing water from the Livings estate.
K488/C3/E33George Eyston, Gray's Inn, re payment for a pipe to draw water for Richard Huddleston's estate.
K488/C3/DG61Kenelm Digby, Bath, re the odiousness of heretical Bath, a new French Life of Luther.
K488/C3/F6John Fleury, Walton's Hall, re his inability to say Mass at Sawston through illness.
K488/C3/HD109Jane Canning, London, re family dates, cleaning of pictures.
K488/C3/DG66Kenelm Digby, Southampton, with thanks for Richard Huddleston's charity.
K488/C3/DG105Kenelm Digby, Boulogne, re family illness, ecclesiastical news.
K488/C3/G15Sophie Girard, Bruges, with thanks for charity sent through William Acton.
K488/C3/DG80Kenelm Digby, Southampton, re the burning of his house, and concerning Mr Sibthorp.
K488/C3/E27George Eyston, Gray's Inn, re sale of railway land at Dernford.
K488/C3/DG90Kenelm Digby, Paris, re the lonely death of John Tilt, the Jesuits' attack on the French University.
K488/C3/DG89Kenelm Digby, Paris, re family mishaps, Puseyites, Sir John Groham's education bill, Parisian piety.
K488/C3/E10Eyston, Hendred, Berkshire, with good wishes and family news, with a postscript on the same themes by his wife.
K488/C3/G25Rev. William Greenwood, St John's College, Cambridge, re a Cambridge play-going invitation.
K488/C3/G34Rev. William Greenwood, Penzance, re his wedding and Cornish honeymoon.
K488/C3/G20Rev. William Greenwood, St John's College, Cambridge, re his impending B.D. examination.
K488/C3/G24Rev. William Greenwood, St John's College, Cambridge, re a gift of silk, massacre of the Swiss Guard in Paris.
K488/C3/G19Rev. William Greenwood, St John's College, Cambridge, with thanks for invitation, gift of books.
K488/C3/HD155Jane Canning, London, re her journey from Ramsgate, a note on Wellington.
K488/C3/HD156Jane Canning, Hendred, Berkshire, re railway journey, Mrs Eyston's health.
K488/C3/HD37Henry Huddleston, London, to Richard Huddleston, Warley Camp, Essex, re Bartholomew Fair.
K488/C3/HD26Edward Huddleston, S.J., St Austin's, Stafford, attacking the Vicar of Sawston.
K488/C3/HD73Isabella Huddleston, Park Street, London, re her forthcoming marriage.
K488/C3/HD129Jane Canning, London, with thanks for loan, re Bishop Baines' disgrace, the bitterness of anti-Catholic feeling.
K488/C3/M37Archbishop Daniel Murray, Dublin, with thanks for money for the poor.
K488/C3/W33Thomas Wright, London, re receipt of money from Edward Huddleston.
K488/C3/M36Henry John Mudd, Raydon Parsonage, Hadleigh, Suffolk, re a dishonest servant.
K488/C3/HR16Lord Hardwicke, Harwich Camp, Essex, re regimental food and clothing allowances.
K488/C3/M13Robert Mann, Chelmsford Barracks, re meeting of field officers and captains.
K488/C3/HR34Lord Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, re regimental promotion, regulations for deserters.
K488/C3/HD177Richard Huddleston, Lymne, Kent, to Mary Huddleston, South End, Essex re life in camp, the sea-cure.
K488/C3/M30W.G. Missen, Colchester, with instructions about a court-martial.
K488/C3/R7John Ridge, Charing Cross, re Richard Huddleston's bank account.
K488/C3/M1Archbishop John MacHale, Tuam, thanking Richard Huddleston for poor relief.
K488/C3/M27H. Meekins, Lincoln's Inn, re Richard Huddleston's right to a peerage.
K488/C3/R16Robert Robinson, Colchester Barracks, re regimental news and promotions.
K488/C3/HD42Henry Huddleston, London, to Richard Huddleston, Norwich, re an unguarded correspondence.
K488/C3/HD33Henry Huddleston, Bornhem College, Belgium, re Belgian flooding.
K488/C3/S14Denys Scully, Dublin, acknowledging receipt of five hundred pounds.
K488/C3/HD172Jane Canning, London, re family news, an incident at a ball.
K488/C3/HD183Mary Huddleston, London, re her cousin Frank, family news and death.
K488/C3/HD135Jane Canning, Acton Burnell, Shropshire, re her journey from London to Wales and back,
K488/C3/HD182Mary Huddleston, London, re an heiress for Richard Huddleston, Lady Bedingfield and the Jerninghams.
K488/C3/HD187Thomas Huddleston, London, re his visit to Sawston, and contempt for the Catholic Committee.
K488/C3/HD100Jane Canning, Maryport, Cumberland, re a depressing Cumberland inn, her affection for Richard, Millum Castle.
K488/C3/L2Denis Lawlor, Castlelough, Kilkenny, with thanks for donation for Famine victims.
K488/C3/V8Tanfield Vachell, Chelmsford, with condolences on the death of Mary Huddleston.
K488/C3/P10Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, asking for a list of Sawston tenants' rents.
K488/C3/P27F. Pemberton, Cambridge, asking for a letter of introduction to Lady Bedingfield.
K488/C3/P23Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, re broken dinner engagement, writ to be served on a farmer.
K488/C3/S15Denys Scully, Dublin, re his anxiety to sell his estate of Ballyneale.
K488/C3/O1Thomas O'Connor, Frenchpark, Roscommon, with thanks for ten pounds for the starving poor.
K488/C3/T10Mother Mary Tucker, Tuam, begging Richard Huddleston for relief for starving children.
K488/C3/V6Tanfield Vachell, Norman Cross Barracks, Huntingdonshire, re court martial of a dishonest officer.
K488/C3/S29Miss di Sulyard, Haughley Park, Suffolk, re East Anglican society news, the despatch of a terrier.
K488/C3/W11Charles Brent Wale, Langham Lodge, Lynn, Norfolk, re bond inherited from his father.
K488/C3/DG16Kenelm Digby, Paris, proposing to see the Low Countries together.
K488/C3/C3Rev. Thomas Cautley, Sawston, re his disappointment in love; with passages transcribed by Richard Huddleston from Henry IV Parts I and II.
K488/C3/E1Lieutenant Elwin, Chelmsford, asking Richard Huddleston to influence Lord Hardwicke to promote him.
K488/C3/HR1Lady Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, re a blister of frankincense as a cure for dropsy.
K488/C3/H3John Hammond, St Ives, Huntingdonshire, thanking Richard Huddleston for receiving Sophie le Duc during her vacation.
K488/C2/HD208Richard Huddleston, Colchester Barracks, declining his father's marriage plans for him.
K488/C3/D2William Darley, Chelmsford, regretting Richard Huddleston's resignation from the Cambridge Regiment, re Bonaparte and continental wars.
K488/C3/DG3aEnclosure, from the Abbé Martinet, Paris, with thanks and best wishes to all his Cambridge friends.
K488/C3/C14E. Cobbold, Ipswich, thanking Richard Huddleston, for the loan of the Abbé Guene's Letters, refuting Voltaire.
K488/C3/B31L. Brittain, O.P., Bornhem College, Belgium, re Richard Huddleston's hunting and his religious vocation.
K488/C3/DG44Kenelm Digby, Portman Square, London re a (Cambridge?) parochial matter concerning Bishops Walsh and Griffiths.
K488/C3/DG38Kenelm Digby, Paris, re Louis Philippe's fireworks, the Catholic revival in Paris.
K488/C3/B55John Bullock, O.P., Cale Hill, Kent, to Richard Huddleston, London, re man's need for rational conversation, asking for news of Catholic affairs.
K488/C3/DG12Kenelm Digby, Paris, re censure of Lammenais's latest work, Lenten observance in Paris, a philosopher's death-bed, a Polish Easter breakfast, a completed book.
K488/C3/DG98Kenelm Digby, Boulogne, re Peel, O'Connell and the danger of war with France, the Abbé Gerbet's Esquisse de Rome Chrétienne.
K488/C3/DG92Kenelm Digby, Boulogne, re Hunter's Life of Innocent III, a sermon by the Bishop of Cincinatti.
K488/C3/DG103Kenelm Digby, Paris, re his children's first communion and confirmation, a conversion, Newman's Idea of Development, sale of paintings.
K488/C3/E35George Eyston, Gray's Inn, re Richard Huddleston's recommendation for an appointment, Jane Canning's illness at Brighton.
K488/C3/G29Rev. William Greenwood, St John's College, Cambridge, inviting Richard Huddleston and his sister to dinner.
K488/C3/HD19Edward Huddleston, Lowndes Square, London, re the fate of the Fleury legacy in the Wright Bank crash.
K488/C3/HD71Isabella Huddleston, Paris, re her journey to Paris, with a postscript on the same by Edward Huddleston.
K488/C3/HD92Jane Huddleston, London, re the purchase of chair-covers for Sawston, eligible heiresses for Richard Huddleston.
K488/C3/HD103Jane Canning, Foxcote, Warwickshire, re Lord Surrey and his chaplain, Mr Butler and Dr Milner.
K488/C3/HD167Jane Canning, London, re the Queen's speech, a Chartist alarm, the ruses of lawyers and the Jones's of Clytha.
K488/C3/HR8Lord Hardwicke, New Cavendish Street, London, to Richard Huddleston, Harwich Camp, Essex, re leave of absence.
K488/C3/M38Archbishop Daniel Murray, Dublin, thanking him for a £30 gift for the relief of our suffering poor.
K488/C3/S30Edward Sulyard dated from Bradfield Lodge, but written from the Assembly House, Bury, with invitation.
K488/C3/S35J.L. Sudbury, Sidney Street, Cambridge, asking Richard Huddleston's support for his application for the post of surgeon at Addenbrooke's Hospital.
K488/C2/BS34Henry Bostock, London, re payment of the Huddleston children's continental school bills, the destruction of the home of in-laws by fire.
K488/C2/HD133Mary Huddleston, London, re Richard Huddleston's illness, Sir Edward Throckmorton's third marriage, Lord Hardwicke's impending tour of Ireland.
K488/C2/HD145Richard Huddleston, London, enclosing letter from Henry Bostock re Huddleston children on the continent.
K488/C3/D10J. Dugmore, Swaffham, recommending to Richard Huddleston that his tenants pay the full rent.
K488/C3/B51Richard Huddleston's order to Curries and Co. to pay Thomas Brogan five pounds.
K488/C2/HD199Ferdinand Huddleston to Richard Huddleston, Haughley Park, Bury, Suffolk, with local and family news.
K488/C2/HD204Richard Huddleston, Little Holland Camp, Essex, re his Company's volunteering to go to Ireland.
K488/C3/B23Mary Bostock, London, to Mary Huddleston and Richard Huddleston, Sawston, re a Bishop D(?), Cobbett and the danger of French invasion.
K488/C3/B22Mary Bostock, London, to Richard Huddleston, Chatham Barracks, Kent, re Eystons, other family news.
K488/C3/B27Père le Breton, Valmont, France, claiming payment for saying Mass at Sawston twelve years before.
K488/C3/B53John Bullock, O.P., Cale Hill, Kent, with thanks for hospitality, re his unhappy history of exile, continental news.
K488/C3/C17Fanny Couche, Paris, asking for donation to Parisian orphanage of the parish of St Roch.
K488/C3/B56John Bullock, O.P., Cale Hill, Kent, to Richard Huddleston, Sawston, readdressed Brentwood, Essex, re soldiering, life at Cale Hill.
K488/C3/B60John Bullock, O.P., Cale Hill, Kent, to Richard Huddleston, Sawston, readdressed Norwich, re re-opening of Bornhem College, the Carlshalton school, the French occupation of Rome, the Kentish Jacobins.
K488/C3/DG29Kenelm Digby, Dover, re his and de Lisle's marriages, the Rev. Mr Scott, and asking that Richard Huddleston become his trustee.
K488/C3/DG102Kenelm Digby, Paris, re Sir Edward Vavascour and the Christian Brothers, Parisian religious practice, the marriage of a Sawston lady.
K488/C3/DG87Kenelm Digby, Paris, re Parisian street accident, deaths, restoration of St Germain-de-l'Auxerrois, Russian persecution of the Poles.
K488/C3/DG49Kenelm Digby, Boulogne, re the attractions of Boulogne, a translation of a work on the Propagation of the Faith, an English poet and a French conjurer.
K488/C3/DG72Kenelm Digby, Bath, re the odiousness of Bath, an Episcopal dispute, a visit from the de Lisles, the ecstatic of Calderon, a new curé at Cambridge.
K488/C3/DG77Kenelm Digby, Southampton, re Richard Huddleston's signature as trustee for Digby's marriage settlement, servant dismissed for drunkenness, of cakes and ale.
K488/C3/DG94Kenelm Digby, Boulogne, to Richard Huddleston, Margate, re Anglo-French relations, Canterbury sermons, completion of church at Boulogne.
K488/C3/E31George Eyston, Gray's Inn, urging Richard Huddleston to press the Railway Company to provide bridges, crossings, a station and compensation to tenant farmers.
K488/C3/DG106Kenelm Digby, Paris, re dispersion of Jesuits, the Parisian Carmel, Newman's conversion, Father Dominic Barberi, Bishop Wareing's share in ecclesiastical spoils, French prayers for the conversion of England.
K488/C3/G5Sophie le Duc (later Girard), Nantes, re her failure in her vocation to the religious life, a commercial career for a friend in London.
K488/C3/G4Patt Gibbons, Dublin, to Richard Huddleston, Sawston, redirected to Macclesfield and Nottingham, regretting Richard's departure from Ireland.
K488/C3/H7John Hammond, St Ives, Huntingdonshire, enquiring after Sophie le Duc, on behalf of Mdlle de la Porte of Nantes.
K488/C3/H25N. Ward, Trunch, Norfolk, to Rev. George Hewitt, Queen's College, Cambridge, re accommodation for the Huddlestons at Cromer.
K488/C3/H34Henry Howard, Lord Fitzalan, Trinity College, Cambridge, accepting Richard Huddleston's invitation to Sunday lunch.
K488/C3/HD8aEdward Huddleston, Pall Mall, London, re death of Edward Huddleston's daughter, assistant to Henry Huddleston.
K488/C3/HD11Edward Huddleston, Bishop's Waltham, Hampshire, re his income and rentals, a financial commission from Richard Huddleston, Henry Huddleston's army career.
K488/C3/HD27Edward Huddleston, S.J., St Austin's, Stafford, appealing for starving Irish children in Tuam.
K488/C3/HD40Henry Huddleston, London, to Richard Huddleston, Landguard Camp, Suffolk, re Richard's infatuation with Fanny Sulyard.
K488/C3/HD82Jane Huddleston, Heythrop, Oxfordshire, to Richard Huddleston, Landguard Camp, Essex, re Irish news, an infamous Whig speech.
K488/C3/HD83Jane Huddleston, Thayer Street, London, to Richard Huddleston, Landguard Camp, Essex, re Mary Scully's ill-health, Mrs Fitzgerald's chaplain.
K488/C3/HD110Jane Canning, Spa, Germany, re Richard Huddleston's journey into Germany, continental roads, weather, and the degradation of Liège.
K488/C3/HD95Jane Canning, Foxcote, Warwickshire, with thanks for hospitality, invitation to Foxcote, recommendation for a houseboy.
K488/C3/HD89Jane Huddleston, London, to Richard Huddleston, Ospringe, Kent, re Whittlesford dispute, Colonel Wale, Frank Huddleston's insolvency, the Petre peerage.
K488/C3/HD93Jane Huddleston, London, re dispute with Hollick, Lord of the Manor of Whittlesford, Lyson's Cambridgeshire, the hollowness of friendship, the Earl of Shrewsbury.
K488/C3/HD141Jane Canning, London, re failure of Wright's Bank, the burglary of Foxcote chapel, with tart asides on the London clergy and their most disreputable letter to the Pope.
K488/C3/HD127Jane Canning, London, re Frances Jones's still-born child, cold and influenza in London, the ill-reception of Bishop Baines.
K488/C3/HD132Jane Huddleston, London, re the possibility of a Regency, a Bedingfield marriage, the administration of the sacrament to a murderer.
K488/C3/HD140Jane Canning, London, re birth of a son to Frances and William Jones, the Wright's Bank crash, the difficulties of Frederick Lucas and the Tablet.
K488/C3/HD147Jane Canning, Gloucester Place, London, excusing Jerningham's part share in the Wright's Bank's crash, condemning Wright and the new Commercial Bank.
K488/C3/HD151Jane Canning, London, re religious controversy among Catholics and between Catholics and Anglicans, Newman's Tract 90, tracts by Wiseman and Phillipps de Lisle.
K488/C3/HD159Jane Canning, Gloucester Place, London, re the Irish in Newport, subscriptions to London Catholic poor schools, the Irish fever, death of Lady Godalming.
K488/C3/HD180Mary Huddleston, South End, Essex, to Richard Huddleston, Cambridge Militia Camp, Lymne, Kent, re life at South End.
K488/C3/HD184Mary Huddleston, London, re an heiress for Richard Huddleston, family and London Catholic society news.
K488/C3/HR21Lord Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, re his intervention with the Duke of Portland on behalf of the Abbé Martinet.
K488/C3/HR40Lord Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, to Richard Huddleston, re regimental promotion, a theft in camp.
K488/C3/HR41Lord Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, to Richard Huddleston, re regimental promotion, a theft in camp.
K488/C3/L3Hannah Layton, Cambridge, asking Richard Huddleston, to force a soldier in the Cambridge Light Company to return her money.
K488/C3/HR52Lord Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, canvassing Richard Huddleston's electoral support for Lord Francis Ashborne.
K488/C3/I1Thomas Ingle, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, asking Richard Huddleston's intercession with Lord Hardwicke on behalf of the Abbé Martinet.
K488/C3/I4Printed circular letter, signed Edward Jerningham, Lincoln's Inn, re resolutions of the same month of the British Catholic Board.
K488/C3/M32Lady Moira, Moira House, Dublin, to Mary Scully, with apologies for cancelling dinner invitation to the Scullys and Richard Huddleston.
K488/C3/N8Sir Edward Nightingale, Ipswich, re a Leek publican's claim to the Secretary of War for the supply of liquor to the Cambridge Regiment.
K488/C3/P29Lady Petre, Buckenham House, Norfolk, to Richard Huddleston, Warley Camp, Essex, inviting Richard to dinner.
K488/C3/R2Rev. Mr Reardon, Spanish Place, London, asking Richard Huddleston to subscribe to the enlargement of the Spanish Place Chapel for the accommodation of the poor.
K488/C3/S7Denys Scully, Dublin, re his wife's will, his need for money, the mutual dislike of the Irish and the English, petitions for Catholic emancipation.
K488/C3/S22Rev. Joseph Singleton, Babraham, Cambridgeshire, with thanks for payment for the use of church registers.
K488/C3/S26Thomas Suffield, Catton, Norfolk, to Richard Huddleston, Norman Cross Barracks, Huntingdonshire, with thanks for cheese, answer to query about sea-shells.
K488/C3/S31Edward Sulyard, Haughley Park, Suffolk, to Richard Huddleston, Danbury Camp, Essex, re hunting, shooting, revolution in France.
K488/C3/W3Sir Charles Wale, Colchester, asking to draw on the Cambridgeshire Militia to make up the number of his regular soldiers.
K488/C3/W5Sir Charles Wale, Shelford, Cambridgeshire, offering to attend Mary Huddleston's funeral, inviting Richard Huddleston to Shelford.
K488/C1/MHb/55Jane Huddleston, London, re the Eystons' financial troubles, Andrew Huddleston's illness, Rev. William Greenwood, Richard Huddleston at Chatham.
K488/C3/B48L. Brittain, O.P., Hartpury Court, Gloucester, re Mary Bostock's death, his own old age, the King of Belgium.
K488/C2/B32L. Brittain, O.P., Bornhem College, Belgium, re Richard Huddleston's vocation to the priesthood, a chaplain for Sawston.
K488/C2/BS42Henry Bostock, London, re Dorset rents, asking that Richard Huddleston's visit be postponed.
K488/C2/HD212Richard Huddleston, Landguard Fort, Suffolk, re a money transfer.
K488/C2/BS27Henry Bostock, Brussels, re Huddleston children at Bornhem and Bruges.
K488/C2/BS35Henry Bostock, Brussels, re a homicide, news of the Huddleston children in continental schools, a list of Richard Huddleston's continental expenses.
K488/C2/H4Lord Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, offering commissions in the Cambridge militia to Richard and Edward Huddleston.
K488/C2/HD112Jane Huddleston, London, re Richard Huddleston's recovery from accident requiring the amputation of his leg.
K488/C3/DG10Kenelm Digby, Paris, re a visit to the Abbé Lammenais, the defeat of the Portuguese liberals.
K488/C2/HD146Richard Huddleston, London, re the sale of John Cluer's effects, the continental expenses of the Huddleston children.
K488/C2/HD230Thomas Huddleston, London, re news of family of Bornhem, money matters.
K488/C3/C11Rev. Townley Clarkson, Leamington, Warwickshire, with condolences on the death of Mary Huddleston.
K488/C3/B7Edward Blount, Lincoln's Inn, re appeal for the debts of Edward Jerningham, in account with Wright's Bank.
K488/C2/HD193Richard Huddleston, Bornhem College, Belgium, to Ferdinand and Mary Huddleston, with thanks for money and cakes.
K488/C2/HD200Ferdinand Huddleston to Richard Huddleston, Stratton Street, London, re a malicious fire.
K488/C2/HD188Richard Huddleston, London, re payment of rents, buttons for Richard Huddleston.
K488/C3/B3Richard Bedingfield, Oxburgh, Norfolk, regretting Richard Huddleston's illness, inviting him to Oxburgh.
K488/C3/B47L. Brittain, O.P., Hartpury Court, Gloucester, re the destruction of Bornhem College by the French, the poverty of the nuns in his care.
K488/C2/HD194Richard Huddleston, Bornhem College, Belgium, to Ferdinand and Mary Huddleston, Sawston, re his vocation to the priesthood.
K488/C2/HD198Ferdinand Huddleston to Richard Huddleston, Coldham, Suffolk, re his return from Coldham to Cambridge.
K488/C3/B59John Bullock, O.P., Cale Hill, Kent, re rumour of Richard's marriage, the Dominicans in the Low Countries.
K488/C2/HD206Richard Huddleston, Colchester Barracks, to Ferdinand Huddleston, re regiments sent to Ireland.
K488/C2/HD211Richard Huddleston, Ipswich, re piping wine, the Jerninghams and Creswell, troop movements in Ipswich.
K488/C3/DG20Kenelm Digby, Paris, with Roman news, re his journey to Paris, an uprising in Lyons, Louis Philippe and atheism on the throne of St Louis.
K488/C3/C8Henry Chappell, O.P., Leicester, re public execution of a Catholic, disturbances in Flanders.
K488/C2/M21Thomas Mitchell, York, enquiring after Ferdinand's family.
K488/C3/HD5Edward Huddleston, London, re property claim, Foxcote and the Cannings.
K488/C3/B13Mary Bostock, London, to Richard Huddleston, Warley Common, Essex, re a naval truce.
K488/C3/B15Mary Bostock, London, re activities of French and Irish priests and bishops, the state of religion in Ireland, the arrest of three clerks for forgery.
K488/C3/DG5Kenelm Digby, Calais, re a Parisian giraffe, the vulgar English in Paris, Sir Walter Scott's Life of Napoleon, an obelisk for a fifteenth-century battle.
K488/C3/D1James Dafforne, Blackheath, re his engravings of Sawston for Baronial Halls, apology for the picturesque distortion of the surrounding woodland.
K488/C3/B28John Brewer, O.S.B., Ampleforth College, Yorkshire, asking his relationship to Richard Huddleston, O.S.B., re reclamation of John Huddleston's foundation at Lambspringe Abbey.
K488/C3/B43L. Brittain, O.P., Upper Seymour Street, London to Richard Huddleston, Danbury Camp, Essex, with thanks for Richard's gift to a distressed religious community.
K488/C3/B45L. Brittain, O.P., Hartpury Court, Gloucester, to Richard Huddleston, Landguard Camp, Suffolk, re the European war, the Dominican community's patroness.
K488/C3/DG13Kenelm Digby, Paris, re de Lisle's sister, Easter ceremonies in Paris, the Parisian clergy, French liberals, a Polish breakfast, an impending publication.
K488/C3/DG30Kenelm Digby, London, re his affection and gratitude to Richard Huddleston and the Rev. M. Scott, his move to Paris, de Lisle's marriage.
K488/C3/DG25Kenelm Digby, Charlotte Street, Portland Place, London, postponing a visit to Sawston, re the French revolution of 1830, the Bourbons at Holyrood.
K488/C3/B61John Bullock, O.P., Cale Hill, Kent, re the impracticability of re-establishing Bornhem, and the detestable change wrought by the French government among the Belgians.
K488/C3/DG15Kenelm Digby, Calais, re the first Oxford-Cambridge boat race, O'Connell blackballed at the Cisalpine Club, Tory opposition to Catholic Emancipation, the de Lisles.
K488/C3/DG33Kenelm Digby, Paris, re Lacordaire's Lenten conferences at St Stanislaus, the Count de Robiano, French artists and the suppression of Parisian tumults by Louis Philippe.
K488/C3/DG37Kenelm Digby, Paris, re Richard Huddleston as godfather to Digby fils, the Rios, Cambridge and other friends in Paris, Lacordaire in Notre Dame and Michelet on Luther.
K488/C3/DG14Kenelm Digby, Paris, re French weather, politics, literature and philosophy; a visit to James the Second's oratory at St Germains, the de Lisles.
K488/C3/DG44aEnclosure, from Philip Howard, Little Brook Street, London, with thanks for Richard Huddleston's contribution to the Dublin Review.
K488/C3/DG32Kenelm Digby, Paris, re the fall of the pagan statues of the Pantheon, the neglect of his English friends, the rebellious atheism of Paris.
K488/C3/DG27Kenelm Digby, London, re his illness, Midnight Mass at Downside Abbey, Spencer, de Lisle, and Henry Bagshawe's conversion.
K488/C3/DG42Kenelm Digby, Portman Square, London, re Bishop Walsh's departure, Bishop Philpots (sic) damned by the Duke of Wellington.
K488/C3/DG34Kenelm Digby, Paris, re his wife's illness, the disgrace of Lammenais, street fighting in Paris and ecclesiastical jealousies.
K488/C3/DG35Kenelm Digby, St Germain-en-Laye, asking Richard Huddleston to be godfather to his child, re the disgrace of Lammenais, dinner with Dr Cullen.
K488/C3/DG73Kenelm Digby, Southampton, re dismissal of a servant, charity for a starving family, de Lisle's offence over Puseyites, a place for John Tilt.
K488/C3/DG51Kenelm Digby, Paris, with thanks for Richard Huddleston's charity to the Tilts, request for Richard's portrait, Miss Cookson's conversion, Heller, Lacordaire and de Lisle.
K488/C3/DG78Kenelm Digby, Southampton, re painting, Trappists, proof-correcting, a visit from Sibthorp, a new parish priest and a new and popular Master of Trinity.
K488/C3/DG58Kenelm Digby, Nottingham Place, London, re bets on the King's survival, high society and Catholic society in London, a begging Italian Franciscan and an invitation.
K488/C3/DG88Kenelm Digby, Paris, re painting in the Louvre, the Ratisbonne brothers and Dom Gueranger, English society and the Catholic revival in Paris.
K488/C3/DG95Kenelm Digby, Boulogne, re the Archbishop of Paris's controversy with the Benedictines, a convert received by the Bishop of Cincinatti.
K488/C3/E11Basil Eyston, Hendred, Berkshire, to Richard Huddleston, Manchester Square, London, re account with Wright's Bank, condolences for the death of Henry Bostock.
K488/C3/DG104Kenelm Digby, Boulogne, re a fortuitous visiting day in London, the expulsion of the Jesuits from France, a Cambridge undergraduate discussion of chasubles.
K488/C3/E2aCaptain Elwin, Bingham, Nottinghamshire, to Richard Huddleston, Cambridge Regiment, re County payment to the men of Richard and Frank Huddleston's company, the march into Nottingham.
K488/C3/G3Patt Gibbons, Loughrea, to Richard Huddleston, Royal Barracks, Dublin, re the crushing of the French democratic hydra, the machinations of the Orangemen.
K488/C3/HD41Henry Huddleston, London, re a matrimonial engagement, the purchase of a wig, the embarrassments of high society, bad coins.
K488/C3/HD44Henry Huddleston, London, re the expulsion of Dominicans from Bornhem, Richard Huddleston's disappointment in love.
K488/C3/HD56Henry Huddleston, London, re Richard Rowe's failure to purchase Ibberton, income from timber sales.
K488/C3/HD53Henry Huddleston, London, re Mary Huddleston's health, Richard Rowe's proposed purchase of Ibberton.
K488/C3/HD51Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re Thomas Couche's will, mourning rings, with a tart nationalist aside.
K488/C3/HD74Isabella Lawlor, Castlelough, County Kerry, re her town-house in London, family news.
K488/C3/HD90Jane Huddleston, London, re Mary Scully's death-bed, Mary Bostock's request for money.
K488/C3/HD122Jane Canning, Gloucester Place, London, re Mrs Henry Huddleston's debts to Mr Eyre.
K488/C3/HD81Jane Huddleston, Thayer Street, London, to Richard Huddleston, Landguard Camp, Essex, re her doings in London, a print of Pius VII, a ministerial pamphlet.
K488/C3/HD84Jane Huddleston, Thayer Street, London, to Richard Huddleston, Danbury Camp, Essex, re a forgiven unintended slight to friends, the moral delinquencies of Henry Huddleston
K488/C3/HD112Jane Canning, Rome, re the progress of the cholera, Wiseman's preaching, Napoleon Bonaparte's imprisonment and the health of Cardinal Weld.
K488/C3/HD94Jane Huddleston, Cossey, Norfolk, re Sir William and Lady Jerningham, Edward Jerningham's vulgarity and his unhappy presentation to the Queen, Lady Bedingfield.
K488/C3/HD97Jane Canning, Lyons, re political tumult in Paris, Ultras and Liberals, the execution of Lorwel, the delights of Fontainebleau, the splendour of High Mass in Lyons.
K488/C3/HD98Jane Canning, Geneva, her travels in France and Switzerland, continental vulgarity and morality, the trial of Queen Caroline.
K488/C3/HD99Jane Canning, Alronby, Cumberland, with a request for forgotten account books, on the dangers of unchaperoned travelling by little girls.
K488/C3/HD117Jane Canning, London, re purchase of vestments, Bishop Baines, sermons in Lincoln's Inn Fields chapel, Rome's concern with the Vicars Apostolic, Roman society news.
K488/C3/HD128Jane Canning, London, re the danger of sending money by post, the cost of restoring Sawston paintings, the heat in the London chapels and new of the Wrights.
K488/C3/HD158Jane Canning, London, asking Richard Huddleston to aid the Jones's of Cytha for their charity to Irish immigrants in Newport.
K488/C3/HD142Jane Canning, London, re consequences of the failure of Wright's Bank, the Vicars Apostolic in their quarrel over a legacy.
K488/C3/HD164Jane Canning, London, re her journey from Sawston, news of the Edward and Frances Huddlestons and of the Monmouth Jones's.
K488/C3/HD163Jane Canning, London, re family news and movements, the Papal refusal to increase the number of Vicars Apostolic.
K488/C3/HD154Jane Canning, Gloucester Place, London re London Catholic poor schools.
K488/C3/HD171Jane Canning, London, Bedingfield, the collapse of Wright's Bank and a public letter with reference to the clergy.
K488/C3/HD176Mary Huddleston, South End, Essex, to Richard Huddleston, Cambridge Militia Camp, Lymne, Kent, re the South End sea-cure.
K488/C3/HD185Richard Huddleston, Sawston, to Thomas Huddleston or Henry Bostock, London re rook-shooting, a letter from the Catholic Committee.
K488/C3/HD186Richard Huddleston, London, to Richard Huddleston, Danbury Camp, Essex, re his forthcoming tour of Essex.
K488/C3/HR18Lord Hardwicke, Harwich Camp, Essex, deploring Edward Huddleston's resignation of his commission.
K488/C3/HR20Lord Hardwicke, Harwich Camp, Essex, regimental orders, a problem with garters and the distribution of half-crowns.
K488/C3/HR19Lord Hardwicke, Harwich, Essex, re despatch of Cambridgeshire Militia to Ireland, promotion of an officer, an engagement at Castlebar.
K488/C3/HR28Lord Hardwicke, New Cavendish Street, London, re the promotion of Frank and Richard Huddleston, and of their fellow officers.
K488/C3/HR26Lord Hardwicke, New Cavendish Street, London, re the promotion of officers, regimental movement to Ireland.
K488/C3/HR30Lord Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, re the promotion of an officer recommended by Lord Fingall, the failure of the Dutch expedition.
K488/C3/HR39Lord Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, to Richard Huddleston, re volunteering, discharges and promotion.
K488/C3/HR42Lord Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, to Richard Huddleston, re-addressed Loughborough, re a regimental disagreement.
K488/C3/HR46Lord Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, enclosing letter from Denys Scully re Catholic petitioners in Ireland, and re Lord William Petre, up at Cambridge.
K488/C3/M5Thomas McLenon, Liverpool, to Richard Huddleston, Leek, Staffordshire, re-directed to Nottingham, with a bill for malt liquor for the regiment.
K488/C3/L1Denis Shine Lawlor, Castlelough, Killarney, acknowledging Richard Huddleston's contribution to Famine relief with an account of the worsening economic condition of Ireland.
K488/C3/P32George Petre, Bath, re his health, hope for commission from Lord Hardwicke, invitation to Richard and Edward Huddleston.
K488/C3/L6Lady Londes, Buckingham Castle, regretting that Richard Huddleston's honour should be an insuperable barrier to his marriage to Margaret Rutton.
K488/C3/M9G. W. Manley, Woodhall, near Downham Market, Norfolk, to Richard Huddleston, Warley Camp, Essex, re his pain in walking, and impending marriage.
K488/C3/M20Abbé Martinet, Sawston, to Richard Huddleston, Danbury Camp, Essex, re the evil progress of the French Revolution.
K488/C3/M29Bishop John Milner and Edward Huddleston, Oscott, with thanks for money for Masses, re family news and gossip.
K488/C3/N9Copy of Sir Edward Nightingale, Norwich Barracks, to Sir Edmund Lacon, Yarmouth, thanking Sir Edmund for his hospitality to the Cambridge Militia.
K488/C3/P28Lord Petre, Thorndon, to Richard Huddleston, Warley Camp, Essex, re postponement of invitation to officer's mess.
K488/C3/Q1Fr Thomas Quinlivan, Cambridge, thanking Richard Huddleston for £5 for the organ and £5 for Christ's poor.
K488/C3/S6Denys Scully, Dublin, re business matter, the Earl of Shrewsbury's rudeness to his Irish hosts.
K488/C3/S5Denys Scully, Dublin, re Jane Huddleston's marriage, the British veto on Irish Episcopal appointments, his impending engagement to Miss Catherine Eyre.
K488/C3/V9Tanfield Vachell, Pampisford Hall, Cambridgeshire, re the revision of his verses of apology, an accident and his hunting successes.
K488/C3/S23James Smith, Soho Square, London, asking Richard Huddleston to contribute to deficiency in the subscriptions to pay for a dinner given to Charles Langdale.
K488/C3/S27Thomas Suffield, Catton, Norfolk, re his ill-health, the continental wars, East Anglian Catholic news, with a postscript by Richard Suffield.
K488/C3/S32Edward Sulyard, Haughley Park, Suffolk, to Richard Huddleston, Landguard Fort, re his gout and its cure, denunciation of the Gallo-Dutch alliance.
K488/C3/S34Peter Smyth, York Terrace, Regent's Park, London, inviting Richard Huddleston to act as a steward at a Freemason's Tavern dinner to raise funds for an agricultural college in Ireland.
K488/C3/T1John Talbot, Wicliff, re his Scottish tour with the Dormers and notes on Gretna Green, an oatcake breakfast with a Popish bishop, Iona.
K488/C3/T3M.J. Talbot, Witham, Essex, to Richard Huddleston, Landguard Fort, Essex, with thanks for music, invitation.
K488/C3/W19Bishop William Wareing, Northampton, thanking Richard Huddleston for donation, with ecclesiastical news.
K488/C3/W6Sir Charles Wale, Shelford, Cambridgeshire, re George Spencer's conversion, with letters from Henry and Isabella Wale, asking for Roman cameos, re English and family news.
K488/C3/W9Charles Brent Wale, Magdalene College, Cambridge, thanking Richard Huddleston for reducing the interest on Richard Huddleston's loan to Charles Wales.
K488/C3/W12Henrietta Wale, Italy, re Cardinal Acton and the Pope's intention to conferring on Richard Huddleston the Order of Christ.
K488/C3/W17Bishop Thomas Walsh, Wolverhampton, re the transfer of Richard Huddleston's gift of £500 for the Cambridge mission to Bishop Wareing.
K488/C3/Y5Christopher Yorke, Charles Street, London, to Richard Huddleston, Danbury Camp, Essex, making appointment to meet the Camp militia under Richard at Danbury.
K488/C3/Y1Christopher Yorke, Thorpe, to Richard Huddleston, Harwich Camp, Essex, deploring the sudden resignation of a Lieutenant Colonel from the Cambridgeshire Militia.
K488/C3/HD4Edward Huddleston, re Richard Huddleston's disappointment in love, regimental and family news.
KP136/25/61Ward's Charity (Church Lands). Copy of conveyance to additional trustees, with declaration of trusts dated 4 August 1847, of Ward's messuage and 17a. 2r. 35p. in Sawston, 2a. in Pampisford and 11a. 2.5r. in two pieces in Babraham
K488/C1/EH/30Edward Huddleston, S.J., St. Austin's, Stafford, re monument in Sawston Church for Richard Huddleston, tea party in Stafford Castle.
K488/C1/EH/54Copy by Richard Huddleston of Sir Edward Nightingale to Edward Huddleston, Sawston, asking repayment of twenty pound loan to Francis Huddleston.
K488/C1/HD/63Edward Huddleston, St Austin's, Stafford, to Agnes Huddleston, re the consecration of Eridington Church, and proposed monument for Richard Huddleston.
K488/C1/MHb/76Mary Scully, Rilteache, Ireland, re sea-bathing, her new home, reception by her in-laws and invitation to a ball in Dublin Castle to celebrate the Peace of Amiens, match-making for Richard Huddleston.
K488/C3/A4William Amherst, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, with thanks for donation for relief of the Irish poor in London.
K488/C2/HD155Richard Huddleston, London, re the education appropriate to Ferdinand Huddleston's son Richard, attack on Pitt, increased taxes on beer, tea, windows.
K488/C2/HD173Richard Huddleston, London, re repayment of loan, Richard Huddleston's return from Bornhem, sale of estate timber.
K488/C3/B62John Bullock, O.P., Cale Hill, Kent, re his hope to see Rome, farming at Cale Hill, the bequest of a large library.
K488/C2/HD197Richard Huddleston, Bornhem College, Belgium, to Ferdinand and Mary Huddleston, re misunderstanding about his route home.
K488/C3/DG55Kenelm Digby, Paris, re tour of Belgium and France, fete of the Assumption at Malines, birth of a daughter with a postscript on de Lisle.
K488/C2/HD210Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, to Richard Huddleston, re purchase of Rectory estate, the Huddlestons' need of an heiress.
K488/C2/HD209Richard Huddleston, Dublin, re sale at Milton of the effects of Thomas Huddleston, his cousins' poverty, suppression of the '78 rebellion.
K488/C2/HD213Richard Huddleston, Camp Lymne, Kent, re his marriage plans, his mother's sea-cure, Dublin after the Union, the Jerninghams.
K488/C2/P17George Penham, H.M.S. Royal William, Spithead, to Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, re disembarkation of the Cambridgeshire Militia at Portsmouth for Ireland.
K488/C2/B29L. Brittain, O.P., Bornhem College, Belgium, with thanks for the presents.
K488/C2/B33L. Brittain, O.P., Bornhem College, Belgium, re Richard Huddleston's good health, his freedom to decide his priestly vocation, the difficulty of providing a Dominican chaplain to Sawston.
K488/C2/H5Draft of Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, to Lord Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, accepting commission offered by Hardwicke to Richard and Edward Huddleston.
K488/C2/HD166Richard Huddleston, London, re news of the Huddleston children on the continent, the knifing of the Rackett heir at Bornhem College, Belgium.
K488/C2/HD191Richard Huddleston, Bornhem College, Belgium, to Ferdinand and Mary Huddleston, Sawston, re his brother's coming to Bornhem.
K488/C2/HD192Richard Huddleston, Bornhem College, Belgium, to Ferdinand and Mary Huddleston, Sawston, with request for classical poets, progress of his brothers.
K488/C2/HD195Richard Huddleston, Antwerp, to Ferdinand and Mary Huddleston, Bornhem College news, promise of amendment of life, rumour of the war with Holland.
K488/C2/HD196Richard Huddleston, Bornhem College, Belgium, to Ferdinand and Mary Huddleston, re his unhappiness at Antwerp and recovery at Bornhem.
K488/C2/HD201Richard Huddleston, London, re his plans and family and London news.
K488/C2/HD203Richard Huddleston, Sudbury, with assurances of Edward Huddleston's moral well-being, and of his own; with a complimentary postscript on the Abbé Martinet.
K488/C2/HD207Richard Huddleston, Colchester, to Ferdinand Huddleston, re the Duke of Portland's rejection of Lord Hardwick's appeal to permit the Abbé Martinet to remain in England.
K488/C2/L12Christopher Lowell, Sunbury, Middlesex, with reminiscence of Sawston, re Richard Huddleston's illness, best wishes for the success of Ferdinand Huddleston's enclosures.
K488/C3/B10Henry Bostock, London, re Richard Huddleston joining the militia, hopes for the liberation of the Low Countries, greetings to the Abbé Martinet in mock-heroic French.
K488/C3/B14Mary Bostock, London, re Anglade's appointment as chaplain to the Eyston's, recovery of St Omer, massacre of a convent of French nuns, charity for a destitute émigre.
K488/C3/B20Mary Bostock, London, to Richard Huddleston, Danbury Camp, Essex, acknowledging money, sending family news with transcribed speeches from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.
K488/C3/B26Mary Bostock, Hammersmith, re Cossacks in Dusseldorf, character of the King of Prussia and the two Emperors, Huddleston family history.
K488/C3/B40John Bullock, O.P., Cale Hill, Kent, re Dumourier's retreat from Belgium, émigre priests from St Suplice, change in attitudes to Catholic priests, character of Louis XVI .
K488/C3/B44L. Brittain, O.P., Hartpury Court, Gloucester, re the Bishop of Gloucester's charity to Dominican nuns, Dr Priestley, ecclesiastical tradition and hopes for reunion.
K488/C3/B46L. Brittain, O.P., Hartpury Court, Gloucester, to Richard Huddleston, Norman Cross Prison, Huntingdonshire, re the religious duties of a Catholic, Richard's work for the prisoners of war.
K488/C3/B54John Bullock, O.P., Cale Hill, Kent, re end of the crisis in Flanders, visit from the Gages, invitation to Sawston, note on Charles James Fox and proposals for Catholic emancipation.
K488/C3/B57John Bullock, O.P., Cale Hill, Kent, to Richard Huddleston, Huntingdon, re his love of military pomp, a Catholic squire refused a commission by Lord Amherst, a Provincial Chapter of the English Dominicans, a possible French invasion of England.
K488/C3/DG40Kenelm Digby, Portman Square, London, re Prince Polignac at Mass, dinner with Whewell, a Bishop and a Jesuit, Wiseman's lectures on science and religion.
K488/C3/DG45Kenelm Digby, Nottingham Place, London, with thanks for gift to Franciscan, re move to Boulogne, Bishop Walsh in Rome, the proclamation of the young Queen and public discussion of her, Whewell and his weariness of the Middle Ages.
K488/C3/DG56Kenelm Digby, re de Lisle and Spencer in Paris, converts and Masses for England's conversion, Parisian street disturbances, the government's persecution of the Bishop of Clermont.
K488/C3/DG67Kenelm Digby, Southampton, re completion of his book on monasteries, visitors from France, estate development round Netley Abbey, Father Lythgoe and a new Jesuit chapel in London. Date franked on document.
K488/C3/HD8bEdward Huddleston, 12 Cour de Prince, Bruges, to his brother, concerning the Belgian cost of living, high price of corn and Sawston rents, Sir Richard and Lady Bedingfield, schools for his children, and distraint on the Caundle tenant.
K488/C3/DG100Kenelm Digby, Boulogne, re visits from the de Lisles, Fr Spencer, Dominic Barberi and the Bodenhams, dedication of a monastery, the passage of Louis Philippe, death of the Jones baby.
K488/C3/DG101Kenelm Digby, Paris, re a petition to the Nuncio and Cardinal Acton, death of the Bishop of Nancy, conversions, threat of liberal attack on religious orders, de Lisle's anger with the Montalembert over his letter to the Cambridge Camden Society.
K488/C3/E41Mary Jane Eyston, Hendred, Berkshire, to Richard Huddleston, Ospringe, Kent, re payment of debt, Mary Scully's impending visit to England, hopes for the success of the Catholic petition for emancipation.
K488/C3/F9Mary Vi de Front, Montague Square, London, with condolences on the death of Mary Huddleston, urging Richard Huddleston to have Masses said for Mary, and to find himself a wife.
K488/C3/G1Printed letter from John Gage, Lincoln's Inn, to Edward Blount, Worksop Manor, Nottinghamshire.
K488/C3/H6John Hammond, St Ives, Huntingdonshire, re a forthcoming visit to Sawston.
K488/C3/H14Mother Juliana Hardman, St Marie's Convent, Birmingham, appealing for donations for a church for the House of Mary, and for poor people overflowing the convent chapel.
K488/C3/H19H. Headly, Cambridge, asking Richard Huddleston, for his support for J.L. Sudbury's appointment as surgeon to Addenbrooke's Hospital.
K488/C3/H35bPhilip H. Howard, 15 Gloucester Place, London, to Major Huddleston concerning the early election of a successor to Pope Gregory XVI.
K488/C3/HD25Edward Huddleston, S.J., to Richard Huddleston, Rome re conversion of the Hon. and Rev. George Spencer, a possible tide of upper class Protestant conversions, news of Kenelm Digby, Phillipps de Lisle.
K488/C3/HD38Henry Huddleston, London, to Richard Huddleston, Landguard Fort, Suffolk, re the pangs of unrequited love, family and army news, an escape from the French.
K488/C3/HD78Jane Huddleston, Sawston, to Richard Huddleston, Macclesfield, re-addressed to Nottingham, re a narrow escape on the road from Dublin, Sally Ashmall's marriage settlement.
K488/C3/HD80Richard Huddleston, Yarmouth, to Jane Huddleston, Sawston, with a copy of his letter to Denys Scully, Dublin, attacking as dishonourable the legal guaranties which Scully required for his wife's marriage settlement.
K488/C3/HD85Jane Huddleston, Tunbridge Wells, to Richard Huddleston, Cambridgeshire Militia Camp, Chatham, Kent, re Edward Jerningham's jilting her, the taunts of Lady Jerningham.
K488/C3/HD86Jane Canning, Sawston, to Richard Huddleston, Chatham Barracks, Kent, re house party and hunt at Sawston, Rev. William Greenwood's desire to become non-resident, a poltergeist in the tanner's house.
K488/C3/HD87Jane Huddleston, Sawston, to Richard Huddleston, Ospringe, Kent, re sale of the Finch estate at Shelford, Nightingale family income and family quarrel, Denys Scully's defence of Frank Huddleston for debt before the Dublin Recorder.
K488/C3/HD113Jane Canning, Florence, re her journey north from Rome, the death of Cardinal Weld, the delinquencies of the English minister at Florence, the baptism of the daughter of the Princesse d'Arcole.
K488/C3/HD125Jane Canning, Gloucester Place, London, re breaking off of Jane Huddleston's engagement, Mary Huddleston's illness, Isabella Huddleston's marriage, the future of Prior Park.
K488/C3/HD134Jane Canning, Ramsgate, re conversion of a Protestant curate of the town, Pugin's plans to build a chapel.
K488/C3/HD137Jane Canning, London, re her claim to a property left intestate, Richard Huddleston's claim to the Tiptoft barony, a prince and a royal audience, the unlikelihood of war with France.
K488/C3/HD145Jane Canning, London, re the living of an Irish schoolmistress for Sawston, the continuing religious tract controversies, the collapse of Wright's Bank and the Tablet newspaper's need for a subsidy.
K488/C3/HD146Jane Canning, London, re Lord Petre's proposed Commercial Bank, a meeting with Bishop Walsh and his quarrel with Bishop Griffiths, decision on the Blundell legacy, discontinuation of the Tracts for the Times.
K488/C3/HD148Jane Canning, London, re the projected Burke's Peerage, the successful opening of the Catholic chapel in Cambridge, fear of riot at forthcoming church opening in Birmingham, the entanglement of religion and politics.
K488/C3/HR45Lord Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, re election to a Gray's Inn chaplaincy, Irish politics, Catholic emancipation and opposition to it, a proposed canal through Sawston.
K488/C3/HR48Lord Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, re his nomination of Richard Huddleston as a Commissioner of the Peace, the chances of Catholic Emancipation, Cambridgeshire bigotry.
K488/C3/HR49Lord Hardwicke, Paris, re economic distress, French chaplains for French prisoners of war, the Papal concession of British governmental participation in the appointment of Irish bishops.
K488/C3/HR50Lord Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, with query about savings bank interest, tax relief for farmers, congratulations on Catholic emancipation, good wishes for Commissionership of the Peace.
K488/C3/M21Abbé Martinet, Sawston, to Richard Huddleston, Danbury Camp, Essex, re French military unity and military success, the disunion of the allies.
K488/C3/M26Abbé Martinet, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, appealing to Richard Huddleston to intercede on his behalf with Lord Hardwicke.
K488/C3/N7Sir Edward Nightingale, Portman Square, London, to Richard Huddleston, Nottingham, re two military Toad-Eaters in trouble with the regiment, and Sir Charles Wale's defence of them.
K488/C3/N10Circular letter from the Duke of Norfolk, Lords Stourton and Petre, to raise Edward Jerningham's expenses as Secretary to the Board of British Catholics.
K488/C3/P36Eliza Pitchford, Norwich, to Richard Huddleston, Norman Cross Barracks, Huntingdon, regretting Richard's departure, re Norwich news, poor-school teaching, a moral reflection on dissipated young men.
K488/C3/S4Denys Scully, Dublin, to Richard Huddleston, Yarmouth, re his insistence upon legal guarantees for his wife's marriage settlement.
K488/C3/S12Denys Scully, Merrion Square, Dublin, re relinquishment of a legal claim, approval for Hardwicke's Irish administration, Frank Huddleston's marriage and an invitation to Dublin.
K488/C3/S25Thomas Suffield, Catton, Norfolk, to Richard Huddleston, Norman Cross Barracks, Huntingdonshire, re Norwich, Catholic society and continental news, the geological causes of sea-shell deposits.
K488/C3/S28Thomas Suffield, Catton, Norfolk, re his rheumatism, Norfolk celebrations of Nelson's victory, an exchange of game, Sir Thomas Gage's death, literary notes on Virgil, Homer, the Marquis de Pompignan.
K488/C3/V2Tanfield Vachell, Danbury Barracks, Essex, re Frank Huddleston's extravagance, the threat of a French landing, the poor quality of the regimental officers.
K488/C3/V4Tanfield Vachell, Lymne Camp, Kent, regimental changes, probable embarkation for Germany, a court martial, garrison life and hunting on a newly acquired mare.
K488/C3/V5Tanfield Vachell, Littleport, Cambridgeshire, with thanks for gifts, expressions of friendship and esteem, meeting with Lord Hardwicke and Lord Charles Manners at the Bishop's Palace, Ely.
K488/C3/W14Bishop Thomas Walsh, Portman Square, London, re Kenelm Digby, Richard Huddleston's gift of £70 to Walsh and Bishop Griffiths for travelling expenses.
K488/C3/W15Bishop Thomas Walsh, London, with thanks for donation, re the Roman Churches, the value of the Jesuits, the death of the Jones baby and of Cardinal Weld, news of the Digbys.
K488/C3/W20George White, Cambridge, to Richard Huddleston, Nottingham, readdressed Loughborough, re despatch of baggage belonging to Richard, Lord Hardwicke and Hardwicke's brother Yorke, with an aside on volunteers.
K488/C3/B34L. Brittain, O.P., Bornhem College, Belgium, re Edward and Henry Huddleston, Protestant trustees for his nephews, the publication of an English grammar and catechism.
K488/C3/B58John Bullock, O.P., Cale Hill, Kent, to Richard Huddleston, Danbury Camp, Essex, re destruction of Bornhem College and death of his brother, Edward Huddleston's generosity to his old masters, a home for a convent in Worcestershire, the Dominican order's need for a school.
K488/C3/DG83Kenelm Digby, Bath, re visit to the Edward Huddlestons, marriage of the Master of Downing, de Lisle, Clifford and prospective converts, Jesuit opinion of Lucas and the Tablet, Corpus Christi at Prior Park, Mrs Schimmelpenninck and Joseph Berington, a covert nephew of the Bishop of Oxford.
K488/C3/HR15Lord Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, re reception of recruits at Ely, information from Ferdinand Huddleston about site for a Cambridgeshire cattle depot.
K488/C3/M18Abbé Martinet, Sawston, to Richard and Edward Huddleston, announcing his departure from Sawston, asking Richard to intervene on his behalf with two Gallophobe young ladies.
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