
Person NameHuddleston; Edward (1774-1852); of Sawston and Purse Caundle
Epithetof Sawston and Purse Caundle
ActivityEdward Huddleston (1774-1852) spent the vast majority of his life not expecting to inherit the family's lands, and yet possibly because of the legacy given him by his godfather in 1779 and wisely invested in the 1780s, he lived the life of a wealthier man than his brother. He is known to have travelled abroad extensively, which likely indicates a love of adventure as well as feeling more at home in Catholic countries than in Britain. He was of course educated abroad, and in 1788 wrote to his family enthusing about his love of football which raises the prospect of him being a 19th century sportsman and adventurer - his son would go on to follow his footsteps in touring the continent, as well as being a first-class cricketer. He served in the army for almost a decade, but resigned his commission at the same time as his brother was preparing to campaign in Ireland which possibly suggests Edward was not enthused by the prospect of military engagements. His landed estates, at Purse Caundle and possibly elsewhere required a degree of management, however his long stays on the continent indicate this duty was unlikely to have been at the forefront of his mind.
RelationshipsFather: Ferdinand Huddleston (1737-1808)
Mother: Mary Lucas (m.1766, d.1823) daughter and sole heir of Timothy Lucas of Marlborough, Wiltshire
Spouse: Sarah Barton (m.1806)
Children: Ferdinand Huddleston (1814-1890) m. Marie (m.1854, d.1857), daughter and heir of Count Roger du Nord, of Chesney Cour la Reine, Paris
Anne Huddleston (d.1814)
Isabella Huddleston: (m.1840, d.1867) m. Denis Shine-Lawlor of Castlelough, Co. Kerry (d.1887)
Possibly Jane Huddleston (m. c.1840)
Linked entries in the catalogue
K488/C1/EH/3Jane Canning, Montagu Square, London to Edward, Avenue Neuilly, Paris, re family and Catholic society news, a no-Popery election campaign, Donnington Castle.
K488/C1/EH/20George Eyston, Overbury, Gloucester, re financial matters.
K488/C1/EH/61Rev. Thomas Quinlivan, Cambridge, re Sarah Huddleston's illness.
K488/C3/HD12Edward Huddleston, Paris, re administration of the Couche legacy, family news.
K488/C1/EH/15Mary Thais English, O.S.B., Benedictine Convent, Hammersmith, re bereavement.
K488/C1/EH/13Rev. Edwin Daniel, Sawston Vicarage, re meeting to discuss police.
K488/C1/EH/78John Scott, Dover, re his health and drinking habits.
K488/C1/EH/35Ferdinand Huddleston, Wiesbaden, re travelling and politics in Germany.
K488/C1/EH/87Thomas Wright, London, re his poverty, invitation to Sawston.
K488/C1/EH/8bJane Canning, concerning his loan of his house (cf C3/HD162), and a fire at a gin palace in Oxford Street.
K488/C1/EH/82William Suffield, London, re payment of Edward Huddleston's quitrents for his London bankers.
K488/C1/EH/38Henry Huddleston, London, re Edward Huddleston's dealings with a Mr. Wood.
K488/C1/EH/5Jane Canning, Gloucester Place, London, re untruth of rumour about Lady Mary Howard.
K488/C1/EHCorrespondence of Edward Huddleston
K488/C2/HD3Edward Huddleston, London, re preliminaries to sale of estate.
K488/C1/EH/8aJane Canning, with thanks for pheasants and partridges, re her return to London, Michael Blount's re-marriage.
K488/C1/EH/16Ferdinand Eyston, Overbury, Worcester, re Papal Aggression, declining invitation.
K488/C1/EH/1Henry Bostock, London, re rents, opening of Parliament, an invitation to Anglade, a reference to war scare.
K488/C2/BS38Henry Bostock, London, re a projected holiday excursion into Germany for Edward Huddleston.
K488/C1/EH/18George Eyston, Gray's Inn, re land compensation from railway company, rents, family news.
K488/C1/EH/17Ferdinand Eyston, George Street, London re his impending visit to Sawston.
K488/C1/EH/2William Burnet, Braceby (?) Collier, re his painting, Captain Henry Huddleston, the unusual mildness of the winter.
K488/C1/EH/10John Christopher, London, with condolences on the death of Sarah Huddleston.
K488/C1/EH/66Rev. Thomas Quinlivan, Cambridge, re arrangements for Palm Sunday Mass.
K488/C1/EH/69Rev. Thomas Quinlivan, Cambridge, re payment for saying Mass at Sawston.
K488/C1/EH/70Rev. Thomas Quinlivan, Cambridge, on behalf on a parishioner left destitute by her husband.
K488/C1/EH/26Philip Howard, House of Commons, re Jane Canning's illness, debate over Ecclesiastical Titles Bill.
K488/C1/EH/43Frances Jones, London, re a melancholy anniversary, her impending visit to Sawston, her brother Henry's Indian fever.
K488/C1/EH/47M. Lardle, Brighton, re removal and sale of Edward Huddleston's Brighton furniture.
K488/C1/MHb/31Mary Bostock, London, re medical prescriptions, Edward Huddleston's expenses, the Prince Regent's extravagance.
K488/C1/EH/12Edward Conway to Edward, Bishop's Waltham, Hampshire, re Edward Huddleston's presentation at court.
K488/C1/EH/71Rev. Thomas Quinlivan, Cambridge, asking Edward Huddleston's support for a Cambridge Catholic tailor.
K488/C1/EH/81Charles Stapleton, Ford's Hotel, Manchester Street, London, thanking Edward Huddleston for his hospitality.
K488/C1/EH/57Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, re negotiations over sale of house, death of Colonel Pemberton.
K488/C1/EH/34Ferdinand Huddleston, London, asking for a dogcart to meet his train at Bournbridge station.
K488/C1/EH/36Ferdinand Huddleston, Coblenz, re his itinerary, the harvest.
K488/C1/EH/39Edward Huddleston, Donnington, Leicester, to Mary Huddleston, Sawston, with thanks for present, family gossip.
K488/C1/EH/32Ferdinand Huddleston, re the condition of France, his journey home.
K488/C1/EH/85Richard Greaves Townley, Cambridge, recommending a farmer for a Sawston tenancy, re assistance for a blind girl at Fulbourn.
K488/C1/EH/50Sir William Coles Medlycott, Brighton, with exchange of courtesies, re life in Brighton.
K488/C1/EH/45William Jones, Clytha, Monmouth, asking Edward Huddleston's support for the London Oratory.
K488/C1/EH/46M. Lardle, Brighton, re removal of Edward Huddleston's furniture from his Brighton house.
K488/C1/EH/4Jane Canning, Gloucester Place, London, re cheque for the poor starving people of Ireland, improper rumour about Lady Mary Howard.
K488/C1/EH/80Charles Stapleton, Ford's Hotel, Manchester Street, London, with condolences on the death of Sarah Huddleston.
K488/C1/MHb/48Henry Huddleston, Bornhem College, Belgium, re disturbances in Belgium, his love of football and dislike of poetry.
K488/C1/EH/58Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, re arrangements for Edward's absence.
K488/C3/HD16Edward and Agnes Huddleston, Park Street, London, re their journey back to England from Paris.
K488/C1/EH/27Agnes Huddleston, Gloucester Place, London, re her brother Henry's Indian fever.
K488/C1/EH/29Edward Huddleston, S.J., St. Austin's, Stafford, re his brother Harry at Simla, the Abbé Donét.
K488/C1/EH/28Edward Huddleston, S.J., St. Austin's, Stafford, re estate sale, family new, with an attack on Macaulay.
K488/C1/EH/41Frances Jones, Clytha, Monmouth, re a sensational sermon by Father Petcherine in the French Embassy Chapel.
K488/C1/EH/24Julia Fleming, Dorset Square, London, with thanks for Sawston hospitality, re the Gandolfi's visit, the badness of the London air.
K488/C1/EH/42Frances Jones, Rutland Gate, London re Edward Huddleston's failure to accept an invitation, her husband's absence at church dedications in Wales.
K488/C1/EH/44Frances Jones, Paris, re French politics, extremism, Lagrange and Lamartine, the popularity of Louis Napoleon, the Great Exhibition.
K488/C1/EH/83Thomas Suffield, Catton, Norwich, to Edward Huddleston, Norwich, Barracks, inviting Edward and Richard Huddleston to dinner.
K488/C1/EH/49Henry Mavor, re Edward Huddleston's relationship to Timothy Lucas, his rights to a legacy from a Mrs Harvesson.
K488/C1/MHb/45Henry, Richard and Edward Huddleston, Bornhem College, Belgium, with their dutiful regards.
K488/C2/B34L. Brittain, O.P., Bornhem College, Belgium, re Edward Huddleston's vacation with the Countess of Bornhem.
K488/C2/BS25Henry Bostock, London, re his illness, news of Ferdinand's sons at Bornhem College, Belgium.
K488/C2/B35L. Brittain, O.P., Bornhem College, Belgium, re Edward Huddleston's journey back to Britain.
K488/C2/HD189Richard Huddleston, London, re negotiations for the purchase of Mackenzie estate, investment of Edward Huddleston's money.
K488/C2/M19Thomas Mitchell, Aberford, Yorkshire, re Rev. Thomas Coutley, Ferdinand's children, the old days in George Wilmot's chambers.
K488/C2/B17aHenry Bell, Gray's Inn, to Henry Bostock, Hatton Street, London, enclosing letter for forwarding to John Lucas, S.J.
K488/C2/BS39Henry Bostock, London, re continental travels of Huddleston children, costuming the girls, a projected Eyston marriage.
K488/C3/HD162Jane Canning, London, re Edward Huddleston's loan to her of his London house.
K488/C3/HD9Edward Huddleston, Bruges, re the education of his children, the Bishop of Ghent's defiance of the Dutch.
K488/C3/B36L. Brittain, O.P., Bornhem College, Belgium, re Edward Huddleston, the contagion of the irreligion of the French National Assembly.
K488/C3/HD3Richard Huddleston, Harwich, Essex, to Edward Huddleston, Sawston, re Charles Wale's letter recalling officers of the Cambridge Militia to their regiment.
K488/C3/HD22Richard Huddleston, Sawston, to Edward Huddleston, Brighton re household matters.
K488/C3/HD6Edward Huddleston, Pall Mall, London, re his daughter's illness, farm rents.
K488/C3/HD21Edward Huddleston, Lowndes Square, London, re poverty of Cambridge chapel, a visit to Sawston.
K488/C3/HR3Lord Hardwicke, New Cavendish Street, London, re Cambridgeshire Militia commissions for Richard and Edward Huddleston.
K488/C3/K1Francis King, Lambeth, begging on Edward Huddleston's recommendation on behalf of the Brixton mission.
K488/C3/HD76Jane Huddleston, Sawston, to Richard Huddleston, Nottingham, re Edward Huddleston's sale of his commission.
K488/C3/HD13Edward Huddleston, Paris, re Irish proposals of marriage to Isabella and Jane Huddleston, Mary Huddleston's illness.
K488/C3/HD20Edward Huddleston, Lowndes Square, London, re payment of dividends, trusteeship of the Marnhull mission, family news.
K488/C3/HD181Mary Huddleston, Sawston, re her health, and wishing Richard, his brother and his nephew a safe continental holiday.
K488/C3/W1Sir Charles Wale, Norwich, to Richard Huddleston, Norwich, ordering Edward Huddleston to attend a court martial at Bexfield.
K488/C1/EH/19George Eyston, Gray's Inn, re visit to Sawston.
K488/C1/EH/51Madame de Moligny, Versailles, with family news.
K488/C1/EH/21George Eyston, Gray's Inn, re financial matter.
K488/C1/EH/23Julia Fleming, London, re her impending to Sawston.
K488/C1/EH/22George Eyston, Gray's Inn, re legal matter.
K488/C1/EH/75Henry Riddell, London, declining purchase of estate in Kerry.
K488/C1/EH/67Rev. Thomas Quinlivan, Cambridge, re Catholic burial rights.
K488/C1/EH/6Jane Canning, London, re Sarah Huddleston's death-bed.
K488/C1/EH/7Jane Canning, Gloucester Place, London, re the Eystons.
K488/C3/HD14Edward Huddleston, Paris, re death of Mary Huddleston.
K488/C1/EH/40William Hunt, Golden Square, London acknowledging cheque.
K488/C3/HR6Lord Hardwicke, Richmond, Surrey, re leave for Edward.
K488/C1/EH/60Margaret Philipson, Felton, Hereford, her safe arrival home from Sawston.
K488/C1/EH/56Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, re negotiations over sale of house.
K488/C1/EH/37Ferdinand Huddleston, Aston, re Papal Aggression agitation, Sawston drainage.
K488/C1/EH/62Rev. Thomas Quinlivan, Cambridge, re Sarah Huddleston's death.
K488/C1/EH/25Sophie Girard, Bruges, with condolences on the death of Richard Huddleston.
K488/C1/EH/11John Christopher, Gloucester House, Southampton, re his father's death.
K488/C1/EH/59Christopher Pemberton, Newton, declining shooting invitation to Sawston.
K488/C1/EH/14Rev. Edwin Daniel, Sawston Parsonage, re increase in widow's allowance.
K488/C1/EH/33Ferdinand Huddleston, London, re weather, London news, Père Ravignan's preaching.
K488/C1/EH/9Francis Canning, Foxcote, Warwickshire, re departure of Edward Huddleston's daughters.
K488/C1/EH/79Postscript of a letter by John Scott with his address while on sick-leave at Dover.
K488/C1/EH/52John Moore, Commercial Road, London, asking Edward Huddleston's services as a steward at charity dinner.
K488/C1/EH/31Ferdinand Huddleston, Bordeaux, re his travels in Spain and France.
K488/C1/EH/53Caroline Newsam, Soham, Cambridgeshire, begging money for her ill-health.
K488/C1/EH/86Tanfield Vachell, Beyton, Suffolk, re accommodation at Sawston.
K488/C1/EH/55Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, re Edward Huddleston's non-appearance on the Cambridge Grand Jury.
K488/C1/EH/48Isabella Lawlor, Castleborough, Ireland, re family news, invitation to Killarney.
K488/C1/EH/73Rev. Thomas Quinlivan, Cambridge, to Rev John Scott, Sawston, re repairs to the Hall Chapel.
K488/C2/M20Thomas Mitchell, Aberford, Yorkshire, with an invitation, re Edward Huddleston.
K488/C3/HD10Edward Huddleston, Purse Caundle, Dorset, re death of Mrs Rowe.
K488/C3/HD15Edward Huddleston, Lowndes Square, London, re failure of Wright's Bank.
K488/C3/HD18Edward Huddleston, Grosvenor Square, re his visit to Sawston, journey back to London.
K488/C3/S24Thomas Suffield, Norwich, inviting Richard and Edward Huddleston and Captain Vachell to dinner.
K488/C3/HD17Edward Huddleston, London, re the Couche legacies, the Wright Bank crash.
K488/C3/HD7Edward Huddleston, London, announcing the death of his daughter Anne.
K488/C3/W33Thomas Wright, London, re receipt of money from Edward Huddleston.
K488/C2/HD122Ferdinand Huddleston, London, to his wife Mary, Sawston, re Edward Galloway's legacy to their son Edward.
K488/C3/HD19Edward Huddleston, Lowndes Square, London, re the fate of the Fleury legacy in the Wright Bank crash.
K488/C3/HD71Isabella Huddleston, Paris, re her journey to Paris, with a postscript on the same by Edward Huddleston.
K488/C2/BS34Henry Bostock, London, re payment of the Huddleston children's continental school bills, the destruction of the home of in-laws by fire.
K488/C2/HD145Richard Huddleston, London, enclosing letter from Henry Bostock re Huddleston children on the continent.
K488/C2/HD144Richard Huddleston, Hatton Street, London, re purchase of a long annuity for Edward Huddleston.
K488/C3/HD8aEdward Huddleston, Pall Mall, London, re death of Edward Huddleston's daughter, assistant to Henry Huddleston.
K488/C3/HD11Edward Huddleston, Bishop's Waltham, Hampshire, re his income and rentals, a financial commission from Richard Huddleston, Henry Huddleston's army career.
K488/C1/MHb/72Mary Huddleston, London, re her brother Edward in London, the royal procession, calls from the Yorkes, Mrs Jones's cancer.
K488/C2/BS41Henry Bostock, London, re the education and improvement of Edward Huddleston.
K488/C2/BS27Henry Bostock, Brussels, re Huddleston children at Bornhem and Bruges.
K488/C2/BS35Henry Bostock, Brussels, re a homicide, news of the Huddleston children in continental schools, a list of Richard Huddleston's continental expenses.
K488/C2/BS53Henry Bostock, London, re income from Edward Huddleston's estate, family news and a death, an impending excursion.
K488/C2/BS68Henry Bostock, London, re Ferdinand's accounts, purchase of wine, lease of Edward Huddleston's property.
K488/C2/BS75Henry Bostock, London, re Ferdinand's accounts and family expenses, Edward Huddleston's cornetcy, Thomas Huddleston's will.
K488/C2/HD36Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re the conditions for a loan to Ferdinand Huddleston, securities for a loan by Edward Huddleston.
K488/C2/H4Lord Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, offering commissions in the Cambridge militia to Richard and Edward Huddleston.
K488/C2/HD146Richard Huddleston, London, re the sale of John Cluer's effects, the continental expenses of the Huddleston children.
K488/C2/HD230Thomas Huddleston, London, re news of family of Bornhem, money matters.
K488/C2/HD236Thomas Huddleston, London, re purchase of an annuity, news of Huddleston children on the continent.
K488/C2/M21Thomas Mitchell, York, enquiring after Ferdinand's family.
K488/C2/B30L. Brittain, O.P., Bornhem College, Belgium, re health and welfare of Edward and Henry Huddleston.
K488/C3/HD5Edward Huddleston, London, re property claim, Foxcote and the Cannings.
K488/C3/HD164Jane Canning, London, re her journey from Sawston, news of the Edward and Frances Huddlestons and of the Monmouth Jones's.
K488/C3/HR18Lord Hardwicke, Harwich Camp, Essex, deploring Edward Huddleston's resignation of his commission.
K488/C3/P32George Petre, Bath, re his health, hope for commission from Lord Hardwicke, invitation to Richard and Edward Huddleston.
K488/C3/HD4Edward Huddleston, re Richard Huddleston's disappointment in love, regimental and family news.
K488/C1/EH/63Rev. Thomas Quinlivan, Cambridge, re arrangements for Mass at Sawston during Chaplain's illness.
K488/C1/EH/64Rev. Thomas Quinlivan, Cambridge, re arrangements for Mass at Sawston during Chaplain's illness.
K488/C1/EH/65Rev. Thomas Quinlivan, Cambridge, re arrangements for Mass at Sawston during Chaplain's illness.
K488/C1/EH/68Rev. Thomas Quinlivan, Cambridge, to Edward Huddleston, Sawston, re his indebtedness and the importance of the nuns' school.
K488/C1/EH/72Rev. Thomas Quinlivan, Cambridge, asking Edward Huddleston to show the librarian of his Mechanic's Institute round Sawston Hall.
K488/C1/EH/74Richard Rowe to Edward Huddleston, Purse Caundle, Dorset, re administration of family estates, the health of Edward's daughter.
K488/C1/EH/76Mère de Sainte Coutance, Aire, France, with school fees, enclosing letters from Frances, Mary and Isabella Huddleston to their parents.
K488/C1/EH/77Richard Scheil, Milborne Port, Somerset, to Edward Huddleston, Purse Caundle, Dorset, with an invitation to an election dinner.
K488/C1/EH/88A male correspondent, Bath, re journey into Norfolk, hoping to call in at Sawston on the way. Catholic news, reference to efforts for Catholic Emancipation Bill.
K488/C1/EH/30Edward Huddleston, S.J., St. Austin's, Stafford, re monument in Sawston Church for Richard Huddleston, tea party in Stafford Castle.
K488/C1/EH/54Copy by Richard Huddleston of Sir Edward Nightingale to Edward Huddleston, Sawston, asking repayment of twenty pound loan to Francis Huddleston.
K488/C1/EH/84Mr and Mrs Charles Townley, Abington, Cambridgeshire, to Edward Huddleston, Agnes and Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, inviting them to dinner.
K488/C1/HD/63Edward Huddleston, St Austin's, Stafford, to Agnes Huddleston, re the consecration of Eridington Church, and proposed monument for Richard Huddleston.
K488/C2/BS76Henry Bostock, London, re Edward and Ferdinand Huddleston's accounts, Thomas Huddleston's health.
K488/C2/HD59Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re his indebtedness to Ferdinand Huddleston, Christmas invitation to Edward Huddleston at Isley Walton.
K488/C2/HD168Richard Huddleston, London, re purchase of shares for Ferdinand and Edward Huddleston, a Cheshire cheese from Brussels.
K488/C2/G16Edward Galloway, S.J., London, agreeing to stand as godfather to Edward Huddleston, re Hampstead retirement for John Champion, S.J.
K488/C2/G22Rev. William Greenwood, Bath, re purchase of Hinxton Hall, French invasion and English annexations, Bath county news and Bath debut of Edward Huddleston.
K488/C2/H5Draft of Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, to Lord Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, accepting commission offered by Hardwicke to Richard and Edward Huddleston.
K488/C2/HD27Henry Huddleston, London, re acquisition of title deeds to the Sawston Rectory estate, payment of the Bostock debts, Edward Huddleston's resignation from the militia.
K488/C2/HD184Richard Huddleston, London, re safety of children in Belgium during political disturbances, the fortune of an heiress and her marriage plans.
K488/C2/HD166Richard Huddleston, London, re news of the Huddleston children on the continent, the knifing of the Rackett heir at Bornhem College, Belgium.
K488/C2/HD191Richard Huddleston, Bornhem College, Belgium, to Ferdinand and Mary Huddleston, Sawston, re his brother's coming to Bornhem.
K488/C2/HD192Richard Huddleston, Bornhem College, Belgium, to Ferdinand and Mary Huddleston, Sawston, with request for classical poets, progress of his brothers.
K488/C2/HD201Richard Huddleston, London, re his plans and family and London news.
K488/C2/HD203Richard Huddleston, Sudbury, with assurances of Edward Huddleston's moral well-being, and of his own; with a complimentary postscript on the Abbé Martinet.
K488/C3/HD8bEdward Huddleston, 12 Cour de Prince, Bruges, to his brother, concerning the Belgian cost of living, high price of corn and Sawston rents, Sir Richard and Lady Bedingfield, schools for his children, and distraint on the Caundle tenant.
K488/C3/B34L. Brittain, O.P., Bornhem College, Belgium, re Edward and Henry Huddleston, Protestant trustees for his nephews, the publication of an English grammar and catechism.
K488/C3/B58John Bullock, O.P., Cale Hill, Kent, to Richard Huddleston, Danbury Camp, Essex, re destruction of Bornhem College and death of his brother, Edward Huddleston's generosity to his old masters, a home for a convent in Worcestershire, the Dominican order's need for a school.
K488/C3/DG83Kenelm Digby, Bath, re visit to the Edward Huddlestons, marriage of the Master of Downing, de Lisle, Clifford and prospective converts, Jesuit opinion of Lucas and the Tablet, Corpus Christi at Prior Park, Mrs Schimmelpenninck and Joseph Berington, a covert nephew of the Bishop of Oxford.
K488/C3/M18Abbé Martinet, Sawston, to Richard and Edward Huddleston, announcing his departure from Sawston, asking Richard to intervene on his behalf with two Gallophobe young ladies.
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