
Person NameGordon; Lord; Charles (1847-1937); 11th Marquess of Huntly; of Aboyne Castle and Orton Hall
Title11th Marquess of Huntly
Epithetof Aboyne Castle and Orton Hall
ActivityCharles Gordon, 11th Marquess of Huntly (1847-1937) was the owner of vast estates across Aberdeenshire and Huntingdonshire, however the extent to which these lands were alienated during his lifetime suggests that land management was never his foremost interest. He was an active politician, holding office in Gladstone's first two ministries and serving in local positions in both Aberdeenshire and Huntingdonshire. His political interests are demonstrated by his 1931 publication entitled "The national government yesterday and to-morrow". This was far from the only book which he published, with his six others taking in other subjcts of interest to him including local history, agriculture and a travelogue covering sport and politics in Eastern Europe. He also had an avid interest in hunting, following the Fitzwilliam Hunt for most of his life and frequently using his lands in Aberdeenshire for shooting. Unfortunately, his interest in gambling had the most dramatic impact on his life as his later years were spent in litigation and the selling of his property.
RelationshipsFather: Lord Charles Gordon, 10th Marquess of Huntly (1792-1863)
Mother: Maria Antoinetta Pegus (c.1821-1893) daughter of Rev William Peter Pegus
Spouse: Amy Brooks (d.1920), daughter of Sir William Cunliffe Brooks, 1st Baronet, of Barlow Hall, Lancashire
Charlotte Isabella Fallon (d.1939) daughter of John H. Fallon
Children: None
Linked entries in the catalogue
KHP56/25/4Correspondence between the Vicar, Lord Huntly and solicitors about changes to the trust deed and lease for school, includes sketch plan of 'no. 3 in row of 8 cottages used as school
KHUNTLY/1818/90Letter from A.P. Bartley, Oxford Street to Lord Huntly
KHUNTLY/1818/77Board of Agriculture and Fisheries
KHAC5/5989/4/4Black and white photograph of the Marquis and Marchioness of Huntly with two young girls (possibly Isabelle and Marjorie Meuser Wagner) and a pack of hunting dogs
KHUNTLY/1818/50Release and Covenant
KHAC5/5989/4/5Black and white photograph of the Marquis and Marchioness of Huntly and others with a hunting pack and Orton Hall visible in the distance
KPC21/3898/12/1Plan and elevation of cottage for Marquis of Huntly at Orton Waterville
KHUNTLY/1818/95Receipt by Taylor, Kirkman, Manchester, Solicitors to Lord Huntly
KHUNTLY/1818/102Income Tax Returns
KHUNTLY/1818/82Counsel's Opinion
KHUNTLY/1818/81Statutory Declaration of rev. John Mills, Orton Waterville
KHUNTLY/1818/92Marriage Settlement Instruction to Trustees
KHUNTLY/80Huntly family legal correspondence
KHUNTLY/1818Papers of the Huntly Family mainly deeds to properties in Orton Longueville and Orton Waterville
KHUNTLY/1818/93Marriage Settlement Acknowledgement of Receipt
KHAC5/5826Huntly family scrap books and Orton Estate Sale Particulars
KAH/26/241/44Mandate for induction: Alan Chaplin M.A., Rector of Chesterton with Haddon: patrons, Amy Marchioness of Huntly wife of Charles Gordon Marquis of Huntly in whom is vested the advowson. Mary Earp widow, John Lycett M.D, Charles Henry Bramley Esq & Hugh Louis Heber Percy Esq, Mortgagees of the Advowson.
KHUNTLY/1818/47Marriage Articles
KHUNTLY/1818/40Assignment of Mortgage
KHUNTLY/1818/94Charge on Marriage Settlement
KHUNTLY/1818/48Marriage Settlement (Supplemental)
KHAC5/5826/2Quarto format scrapbook compiled in relation to 11th Marquess of Huntly during the year 1926. Largely comprises newspaper cuttings, including: visit of Marquess and Marchioness to U.S.A.; floods in Peterborough; reviews &c. of the Marquess's publication Milestones; dispute over Barony of Gordon, etc.
KHAC4/4434/7Conveyance of property in Orton Longueville.
KHUNTLY/1818/98Promissory Note from Lord Huntly to L. Schaverien, Old Bond Street
KHUNTLY/1818/31Declaration of continued trust to 2. By 1. And covenant to indemnify.
KHP61/30/22Letter from the Marquis of Huntly to the electors of Orton Longueville, Orton Waterville, Fletton and Woodston, offering himself as a candidate for election to the new Huntingdonshire County Council
KHUNTLY/1818/91Marriage Settlement Instruction to Trustees
KHUNTLY/1818/79Copy Memo of Tenancy Agreement from Lord Huntly to Amy Huntly
KHUNTLY/1818/89Marriage Settlement Instruction to Trustees
KHUNTLY/80/2Letters and papers
KHUNTLY/1343/2Packet of twenty photographs of Huntly family
KWH/1G/393The Reverend Rigg with Orton Park Cricket Team
KAH/26/239/34Mandate for induction: William Watson M.A., Rector of Water Newton: patron, Most Hon Charles Marquis of Huntly.
KHINCH/10/38Letter; Thomas Coote, Lisle House, Bournemouth, to 7th Earl of Sandwich.
KHAC5/5989/4/3Black and white portrait photograph of the Marquis of Huntly
KAH/26/239/86Mandate for induction: Peter Royston M.A., Rector of Orton Longueville with Bottlebridge: patron, Charles Marquis of Huntly
KAH/26/241/2Mandate for induction: Montague Frederick Alderson M.A., Rector of Chesterton with Haddon: patron, Charles Gordon Marquis of Huntly.
KHUNTLY/1818/21Assignment of mortgage
KHP61/6/4/6Correspondence and other papers concerning the restoration of the church
KHAC5/5826/1Folio format scrapbook apparently compiled in relation to 82nd birthday of 11th Marquess of Huntly (1847-1937).
Largely comprises newspaper cuttings from May 1929, with earlier news cuttings from 1868, 1899 &c. pasted towards rear
KHAC5/5989/3/2Cutting from the Aberdeen Journal with the headline 'Gordon Chieftain's Home Coming: Peer and Ploughmen in Sad Procession to Aboyne Church. Marquis of Huntly Buried in Family Vault'
KHAC5/5989/1Sale particulars
KHAC5/5989/4/7Black and white photograph of the Marquis of Huntly, five men in kilts and three women outside a marquee
KHAC5/5989/3Newspaper cuttings
KHP61/28/2Letter from the Marquis of Huntly, stating that he had found the book HP61/28/1 amongst some old books and thought it should be kept in the parish chest.
KHAC5/5989/2/1'By Courage, Not By Craft: The National Government Yesterday and Tomorrow' by the Marquis of Huntly P.C., LL.D
KHP61/30/1Bound table showing the descent of The Manor of Orton Longueville, 1548 - 1948. There is also loose at the front of the book a family tree of the connections of the families of Waldegrave, Hertford, Howard, Cope, Huntly and Galloway. (1714 - 1961).
KHAC5/5989/2Items published by the Marquis of Huntly
KHUNTLY/515Mortgage Papers
KHUNTLY/80/1Letters and papers
KHAC5/5989/1/2Sale particulars: The Orton Estate, Orton Longueville (comprising nearly 97 acres) to be offered for auction by Messrs. Knight, Frank & Rutley at 20 Hanover Square, London by order of the mortgagees
KHAC3/3517Huntly and Dale family photos
KHAC3/3854OS plans showing Huntly estates in north Hunts
KHAC2/2575/T/15Schedule of title deeds and documents
KHAC5/5826/3Quarto format scrapbook compiled in relation to 11th Marquess of Huntly. Largely comprises newspaper cuttings, including: 'the American debt'; reviews &c. of Milestones and of Dr J.D. Bullock's 'appreciation' volume The Cock o' the North; adoption of Marjorie and Isabel Mosher by family, etc.
KHAC5/5989Huntly family scrapbooks, photographs and sale particulars
KHUNTLY/1818/16Trust Disposition
KHUNTLY/1818/39Re-assignment of Mortgage
KHUNTLY/1818/100Letter from Williamson, Red Lion Square, Solicitor to Lady Huntly, to Fowler, Legg and Young for Lord Huntly
KHUNTLY/1818/99Statutory Declaration Of Marquis Charles
KHUNTLY/1818/101Letters from Fowler to Williamson
KHUNTLYHuntly Collection
KHAC5/5155/6Records of Buckles solicitors Peterborough
KHAC5/5989/1/1Sale particulars: The Orton Estate near Peterborough with Orton Hall and Park (comprising 3,313 acres in total) to be offered by auction by Humbert & Flint at the Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London by order of the mortgagees
KHP61/30/25Sale particulars: The Orton Estate near Peterborough with Orton Hall and Park (comprising 3,313 acres in total) to be offered by auction by Humbert & Flint at the Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London by order of the mortgagees
KHUNTLY/1818/88Marriage Settlement Instruction to Trustees
KHUNTLY/1818/57Epitome of Title of Lord Huntly to Orton Estate by Fowler Legg and Young, Bedford Row
KAH/26/239/78Mandate for induction: Henry George Woodhouse M.A., Rector of Water Newton: patron, Charles Marquis of Huntly.
KHAC5/5989/4/8Black and white photograph of the Marquis of Huntly standing on the driveway leading to Aboyne Castle
KHP56/25/2School trust deed (plan attached) between Charles, Marquis of Huntly (with others) and The Revd Henry George Woodhouse (with others) and draft deed
KHP61/3/16Plan showing an additional piece of land added to the churchyard by the Marquis of Huntly with a note signed by the Marquis
KHUNTLY/1818/96Statement of Account
KHUNTLY/1818/33Re-assignment of Mortgage
KHUNTLY/1818/15Bargain and Sale
KHAC0/515Marquis and Marchioness of Huntly
KHAC5/5989/3/1'Chieftan of the Gordons'
KAH/26/241/35Mandate for induction: Warren Hastings M.A., Rector of Orton Longueville with Bottlebridge: patron, Charles Gordon Marquis of Huntly & Aboyne Co. Aberdeen & Orton Longueville.
K515/B/64Valuation book, no.37
K515/B/65Valuation book, no.38
KHUNTLY/80/3Letters and papers
KHP61/6/4/13Correspondence and other papers concerning the restoration works to the chancel
K515/B/69Valuation book, no.44
K515/B/67Valuation book, no.42
KHUNTLY/1818/83Notice and Charge (and covering letter)
KHUNTLY/1343/1Family Album of photographs
KHUNTLY/1818/29Appointment of Trustees
KHUNTLY/1818/36Assignment of Mortgage
KHUNTLY/1818/30Assignment of Mortgage
K515/B/63Valuation book, no.33
KHP61/30/29Bundle of loose notes and correspondence found inside HP61/30/28
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