
Person NameMontagu; Lord; John (1718-1792); 4th Earl of Sandwich; of Hinchingbrooke House
Title4th Earl of Sandwich
Epithetof Hinchingbrooke House
ActivityJohn Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich (1718-1792) was one of the leading statesmen of 18th century Britain as well as being one of the most notorious rakes and gamblers of his day. His political career spanned several decades and in this time he held a variety of offices, but the two most significant of these were Secretary of State for the Northern Department on two occasions and First Lord of the Admiralty on three. As First Lord of the Admiralty he oversaw the Royal Navy's war effort during the American Revolution, and though his competence in this role has often been questioned, his historical significance is thus vast. In this role he supported Captain James Cook, and the naming of several islands and groups of islands in the Pacific Ocean in his honour is one of his two most lasting legacies, the other being his invention of the sandwich. He was known to enjoy cricket with his patron the Duke of Bedford and his earliest known association with the sport was as Captain of Huntingdonshire in a 1741 game. He also patronised "ancient" music - by which he meant compositions over two decades old - and raised the profile of Handel among others.
RelationshipsFather: Edward Richard Montagu, Viscount Hinchingbrooke (1692-1722)
Mother: Elizabeth Popham (d.1761), daughter of Alexander Popham of Littlecote, Wiltshire
Spouse: Dorothy Fane (1717-1797), daughter of Charles Fane, 1st Viscount Fane (1676–1744)
Children: John Montagu, 5th Earl of Sandwich (1744-1814) m. 1st. Elizabeth Montague-Dunk, daughter of 2nd Earl of Halifax; m. 2nd. Mary Powlett, daughter and co-heir of the 6th Duke of Bolton
Edward Montagu (1744-1752)
Mary Montagu (1748-1761)
William Augustus Montagu (1752-1776)
Mistress: Martha Ray (1746-1779)
Children with Mistress: Robert Montagu (b.1763)
Augusta Montagu
Basil Montagu (b.1770)
William Montagu (b.1772)
John Montagu (b.1773)
Four other children died in infancy.
Linked entries in the catalogue
KHINCH/2/A/19Lease and Release, Attested copy of Hinch 2/18
KHINCH/8/A/D/113Letter; Jn Jackson, Hemingford, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/5/B/21Statement of the improved Rents of the Huntingdonshire estates from the year 1733 to the year 1766.
KHAC0/223/18Survey and plan of the estates belonging to the Right Honourable John, Earl of Sandwich, in Hartford. Surveyed by Messrs. Dumbleton & Hall
KHINCH/8/A/D/1162 letters; Lord Frederick Montagu to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/2/A/49Bond; 1. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich. 2. Culling Smith of Hadley, co. Middlesex, Esq., and William Smith of Clayhill in the p. of Bechenham, co. Kent.
KHINCH/2/D/C/150-151Lease; (together with another copy); 1. Rt. Hon. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich, Rt. Hon, John Montagu, Lord Viscount Hinchingbrooke and Hon. Jerome de Salis of Harley Street, co. Middlesex, Count of the Holy Roman Empire. 2. Timothy O'Donnell of Kilmallock, co. Limerick, farmer.
KHINCH/3/B/6Bond. 1. William Poyntz of the p. of St. James within the Liberty of Westminster, co, Middlesex, Esq. 2. Rt. Hon. John 4th Earl of Sandwich, Rt Hon. John Earl Spencer, Rt. Hon. George Bussy Villers, commonly called Lord Viscount Villiers, and Henry Seymour of Sherborne, co. Dorset, Esq.
KHINCH/8/D/242Letter; Duke of Portland to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/2/B/B/102Manor of Hartford. Copy Court Roll. Admission of George, 6th Earl of Sandwich
KAcc1832/A/2/26Lease and Release.
KHINCH/8/I/B/289Letter; Arthur Murphy, Lincoln's Inn, London, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHAC4/4495Copies of William Cole MS for Godmanchester
KHINCH/8/C/226Letter; B. Harwood to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/C/227Letter; J. Marriott, Doctors Commons, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/E/252Letter; Sir Capel Molyneux, Dublin, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHAC3/3612Earl of Orford
KHINCH/8/E/253Letter; Sir Archibald Acheson, Dublin, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/A/C/97Letter; E. Martin, Winwick, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/A/D/1142 letters; Edward Raitton, Somersham and London, to 4th Earl of Sandwich
KHINCH/8/I/B/287File of letters.
KHINCH/11/M/215Letter; Duke of Manchester, Kimbolton, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/11/B/48Copy of Minutes made at a meeting of the Corporation.
KHINCH/8/A/C/93Letter; Mr. Austin to 4th Earl of Sandwich
KHINCH/8/A/D/112Letter; Charles Pelham, Brocklesby nr Castor, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/A/D/107Letter; George Bromley, Stoke, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/10/1Copy of Petition; The Duke of Manchester, the 4th Earl of Sandwich and 14 others to the Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain and to the Chief Justices of the Court of Kings Bench and Common Please.
KHINCH/2/A/59Deed to lead the uses of a Fine; 1. Rt. Hon. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich. 2. Rt. Hon. John Montagu, commonly called Lord Viscount Hingchingbrook. 3. Owsley Rowley of the town of Huntingdon, co. Huntingdon, Esq.
KBR2/BOX1/6Indenture of covenants to shut down sluices and floodgates belonging to Brampton Mills to enable tenants of Huntingdon Mills to scour out Bromholme and Portholme Brooks. Henry Dobson of Godmanchester, miller, tenant and occupier of Brampton Water Corn Mills by direction of Earl of Sandwich, owner of the Mills, to mayor, etc.
KHINCH/8/C/224Letter; James Scott, York, to 4th Earl of Sandwich
KHINCH/8/E/250Letter; William Richardson, Rickhill near Armagh, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/I/B/2906 letters; Sir John B. Warren to 4th Earl of Sandwich
KHINCH/8/A/C/94Letter; J. Gaskell, Elton, to 4th Earl of Sandwich
KHAC0/223/14Plan of the mills and lands in the in the Manor of St Neots
KHINCH/8/A/D/1112 letters; Earl Fitzwilliam, Wentworth, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/A/C/78Memorandum of Agreement (copy); 1. Thomas Townsend; 2. Churchwardens of the p. of St. Ives
KHINCH/8/A/D/115Letter; Duke of Portland to 4th Earl of Sandwich
KHAC0/223/10Plan of a farm in Great Stukeley
KHINCH/11/M/216Letter; John Griffiths, Bridewell Hospital, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/I/B/2913 letters; Thomas Rawson, Nottingham, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/2/A/5Assignment of a Mortgage (by Lease and Release); 1) Francis Gosling, one of the Aldermen of the City of London. 2) Robert Cliff; 3) William Turner; 4) Samson Gideon; 5) 4th Earl of Sandwich; 6) John Gray and George Ross; 7) Samuel Meade Esq., one of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Customs. 8) Michael Crane of the p. of St. James within the Liberty of Westminster, co. Middx., Apothecary. 9) Joshua Peele of Symonds Inn, London, Gent. 10) William, Earl of Bath.
KHINCH/2/A/60-61Final Concord; 1. Owsley Rowley Esq., plt. 2. John, Earl of Sandwich, and John Montagu, defore £600.
KHINCH/2/F/171Mortgage (by Demise for 2 years) and Deed of Attorney. 1. Rt. Hon. John 4th Earl of Sandwich, and the Hon. John Montagu, commonly called Lord Viscount Hinchingbrook. 2. Robert Hardley of Huntingdon, gent.
KHINCH/2/D/C/155Deed of Surrender; 1. Thomas Lloyd of Kildrumin, co. Limerick, gent. 2. Rt. Hon. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich, Hon John Lord Viscount Hinchingbrooke, Hon. Jerome de Salis, Count of the Holy Roman Empire, and Hon. Mary de Salis, his wife.
KHINCH/2/D/C/159Lease; 1. Rt. Hon. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich, Rt. Hon. John, Lord Viscount Hinchingbrooke, Hon Jerome de Salis of Harley Street, co. Middlesex, Count of the Holy Roman Empire, and Hon. Mary de Salis, his wife. 2. William Grady the younger, of Raheen, co, Limerick, esq.
KHINCH/1/19Grant of Custody (by Letters Patent)
KHINCH/2/F/172Bond. 1. Rt. Hon. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich. 2. Stephen Arundell, one of the Aldermen of the town and borough of Huntingdon. in £1,00 as security for the repayment of £500
KHINCH/8/A/D/1082 Letters; 4th Duke of Manchester to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/I/A/284Letter; Benjamin Lester, Poole, co. Dorset, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/7/D/38Letter; Duke of Portland to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/2/A/51Declaration of Trust. Recites: John Stephenson of Scotts Yard in the City of London, Esq., has paid to Robert Palmer, Robert Mackreth and Robert Burton, £1,800, to be applied by them for the benefit of John, Earl of Sandwich, towards the making up of the sum of £25,000 mentioned in the annexed Release, and they have applied the same accordingly. Now Robert Palmer, Robert Mackreth and Robert Burton declare that they will hold part of the security in trust for John Stephenson.
KHINCH/7/D/36Letter; Peter Layard, Lower Brook Street, London, to 4th Earl of Sandwich
KHINCH/8/A/C/99Letter; Reade Peacock, to 4th Earl of Sandwich
KHINCH/11/M/224Letter; Mr. Atkinson to Earl of Sandwich
KBR2/BOX1/5Mortgage (by demise for 1000 years) for £247 8s 6d. Mayor, etc to Hugh Ferrar of Huntingdon, gentleman, one of the alderman.
KHINCH/8/A/D/117Letter; R. Edwards to 4th Earl of Sandwich
KAH/26/236/64Mandate for induction: Richard Lyne M.A., Rector of Eynesbury: patron, John, Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/2/A/23Counterpart of Release Hinch 2/22
KHAC0/223/3Lord Sandwich Estate maps: Huntingdon and Hartford
KHAC0/223/25Plan of the Cross Keys Hotel land, St Neots.
KHINCH/2/A/11Bond. 1) 4th Earl of Sandwich; 2) Sir Lawrence Dundas
KHINCH/2/A/17Settlement by Lease and Released attested copy of Hinch 2/16
KHAC0/223/16Second plan of the lands in the common fields in the Manor of St Neots
KHINCH/9/A/1Letter; Frederick Montagu, Papplewick, co. Nottingham, to 4th Earl of Sandwich
KHAC0/223/13aPlan of Pope's Bridge Closes in the Manor of St Neots
KHINCH/8/I/B/292Letter; J. Rawlinson to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/11/M/217Letter; G.K. Elphinstone, St. James's to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/11/M/214Letter; Duke of Manchester, Kimbolton, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/D/237Letter; J. Turner, Louth, co. Lincoln, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/C/223Letter; J. Barker, Christ's College, Cambridge, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/A/D/104Letter; William Compton, Doctors Commons, to 4th Earl of Sandwich
KHINCH/8/I/A/282Letter; James Scott, Leeds, co. York, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/A/C/983 letters; Captain J. Barnes, Stilton, to 4th Earl of Sandwich and Mr. Henry Hampshire, Hinchingbrooke.
KHINCH/2/A/52Declaration of Trust. Recites: 1) Francis Cooke of the Pay Office, Broad Street, in the City of London, Esq., has paid to Robert Mackreth and Robert Burton, £500, to be applied by them, for the benefit of John, 4th Earl of Sandwich, towards the making up of the sum of £25,000 mentioned in the Lease, Release and Demise of 1st-2nd September, 1784 (see annexed deed on Hinch 2/51); 2) Robert Mackreth and Robert Burton are the surviving trustees named in those deeds and have applied the £500 as requested.
KHINCH/2/A/62Deed Poll to indemnify estates with £400 per year from the mortgages affecting them and other estates and to declare the uses of a Fine
KHAC0/223/26aSurvey of the buildings, yards, gardens and closes on the site of the old Priory of St Neots
KAcc148/2/E/424Release in Trust and Covenant to levy Fine
KHAC0/223/11Plan of two farms in Little Stukeley
KHAC0/223/13Plan of St Neots market place
KHAC0/223/12Plan of two farms in Little Stukeley
KHINCH/1/13Copy of Marriage Settlement of Hinch 1/12
KHAC0/223/22Little Stukeley estate plan
KHINCH/8/A/D/109Letter; Thomas Graves, Captain in the Navy, Exeter, to 4th Earl of Sandwich
KHINCH/8/A/B/68Account of John Davenport with the Lords Sandwich and Carysfort for canvassing the county.
KHINCH/5/B/593 Receipts for money paid to the 4th Earl of Sandwich on account of rents by Robert Godby.
KHINCH/8/I/B/288Letter; Samuel Strutt, Parliament Office, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/11/M/210Letter; John Jackson, Godmanchester, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/2/A/15Assignment of Bond and Deed of Attorney. 1) Sir Lawrence Dundas. 2) Sir John Dick
KHAC0/223/17Plan of the Bargroves, Little Wintringham Farm in the Manor of St Neots
KHAC1/1982/5/43Lease and release
KPGMD/2913/Z/8/G/11Various rough notes on scraps of paper
KHAC1/1982/5/20Lease and release
KHINCH/2/A/9Assignment of a Mortgage (by Bargain & Sale); 1) 4th Earl of Sandwich; 2) Earl of Bath; 3) Sir Lawrence Dundas of Ask Hall, co. York, Baronet.
KHCP/1/1/91Certificate of Sacrament for the Right Honourable John Earl of Sandwich, in the parish church of All Saints
KHINCH/2/E/166Abstract of Title; Earl of Sandwich to divers Manors and Hereditaments in the Counties of Huntingdon and Bedford.
KHINCH/5/B/70Valuation; Estate of the Earl of Sandwich in county of Huntingdonshire; Valuation made by Mr. Maxwell.
K588/O/24Letters and note of Lord Sandwich.
KHINCH/2/A/7Articles of Agreement. 1) 4th Earl of Sandwich. 2) Earl of Bath.
KHINCH/2/A/53Assignment of Declaration of Trust, and Deed of Attorney. 1. Francis Cooke of the Pay Office, Broad Street, in the City of London, Esq. 2. Rt. Hon. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich. 3. Robert Mackreth of Ewhurst, co. Southampton, Esq., and Robert Burton of Grosvenor Place, co. Middlesex, Esq. 4. Isaac Eaton Esq., Major in the Service of the Honourable the United Company of Merchants Trading to the East Indies.
KHINCH/2/A/6Bond. 1) 4th Earl of Sandwich; 2) William, Earl of Bath.
KHINCH/2/D/C/158Deed of Surrender; 1. William Grady the younger of Raheen, co. Limerick, Esq., 2. Rt. Hon. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich, Hon. John Lord Viscount Hinchingbrooke, Hon. Jerome de Salis, Count of the Holy Roman Empire, and Hon. Mary de Salis, his wife.
KHINCH/3/B/7Deed of Indemnity (by a Demise for 99 years); 1. William Poyntz of Midgham, co. Berkshire, Esq., and Thomas Parker of Puttenham, co, Surrey, Esq. 2. Hon. John Montagu Esq., commonly called Lord Viscount Hinchingbrooke. 3. Rt. Hon John Earl of Sandwich, Rt. Hon. John Earl Spencer, Rt. Hon. George Bussy Villers, Esq., commonly called Lord Viscount Villiers, and Henry Seymour of Sherbourn, co. Dorset, Esq.
KHINCH/2/D/A/142Act of Parliament; To enable the Rt. Hon. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich and Hon. John Mortagu, Lord Viscount Hinchingbrooke, and the survivor of them, to grant Leases of the Countess of Sandwich's moiety of estates in the counties of Ardmagh and Limerick, in the Kingdom of Ireland.
KHINCH/2/D/C/160Lease and Release. 1. Rt. Hon. Thomas Viscount Cremorne of the Kingdon of Ireland, formerly Thomas Dawson, and then created Baron Dartrey. 2. Rt. Hon. John 5th Earl of Sandwich, son and heir of Rt. Hon. Dorothy Countess Dowager of Sandwich, deceased, formerly Hon. Dorothy Fane, spinster. 3. John Thomlinson of Staple Inn, London, gent. 4) Marriage of Hon. Dorothy Fane, daughter of Charles Visc. Fane, snr., to Rt. Hon. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/7/D/35Letter; A. Forrester, London, to 4th Earl of Sandwich
KHINCH/7/C/28-32Drawings of, and copies of the inscriptions on, five family monuments in Barnwell church
KHINCH/8/G/257Letter; W. Hodson, Trinity College, Cambridge to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/A/C/91Letter; Henry Burrough, Wisbech, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/D/2402 letters; Admiral Man, Greenwich, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/A/D/1102 letters; Marquess of Exeter to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/I/B/294Letter; George Bromley, Scarborough, co. York, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/2/A/8Attestation by 4th Earl of Sandwich
KHINCH/8/G/256Letter; Dr. Richard Farmer, Vice-Chancellor, Emmanuel College, Cambridge, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/11/M/211Letter; Hugh Ferrar, Godmanchester, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/A/C/88Letter; R. Walter, Portsmouth, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/2/A/58Settlement (by Lease and Release); 1. Rt. Hon. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich. 2. Rt. Hon. John Montagu, commonly called Lord Viscount Hinchingbrooke, the only son and heir apparent of 1. by Rt. Hon. Dorothy Countess of Sandwich, his wife. 3. Owsley Rowley of the town of Huntingdon, co. Huntingdon, Esq.
KHINCH/7/E/67Scrap Book
KHINCH/8/G/259Declaration of the majority of the nobility, gentry, clergy and freeholders of the county of Huntingdon, assembled at a meeting held at Huntingdon.
KHINCH/8/I/B/293Letter; J. Henniker, nr. Ipswich, co. Suffolk, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/I/A/285Letter; John Durand, Carshalton, co. Surrey, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/2/A/57Bond. 1. Rt. Hon. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich. 2. James Eves of the Broad Sanctuary, Westminster in co. Middlesex, Esq.
KHINCH/2/A/18Lease and Release (to make a Tenant to the Precipe)
KHINCH/8/G/260Letter; Robert Burton, Grosvenor Place, London, to 4th Earl of Sandwich
KHINCH/7/D/37Letter; G. Baker, Jermyn Street, London, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/I/A/286Letter: Sir Charles Middleton, no place to the 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/A/C/96Letter; Reade Peacock to 4th Earl of Sandwich
KHINCH/8/A/E/163[An election apologue]; In the form of a letter from the 'First Lieutenant of the Britannia' to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/A/C/92Letter; Adam Hamilton, Enfield, Co. Middlesex, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/A/D/102Letter; Geoffrey Nightingale, Kneesworth, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/D/243Letter; Robert Booth, Huntingdon, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/C/225Letter; John Beverley, Cambridge, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/D/2382 letters; George Stratton, London, to 4th Earl of Sandwich
KHINCH/8/A/D/100Letter; William Walcot, Oundle, co. Northampton, to 4th Earl of Sandwich
KHINCH/11/E/112Letter; T. James, St. Ives, to John, 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/E/251Letter; William Richardson, Dublin, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/11/B/62Letter; James Rust, Brampton, to 4th Earl of Sandwich
KHINCH/11/B/63Letter; William Margetts, Huntingdon, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/11/B/64Letter; John Perkins, Huntingdon, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/D/2362 Letters; Samuel Whitbread, Cardington, co Bedford, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/11/E/111Letter; T. James, St. Ives, to John, 4th Earl of Sandwich. Concerning the application to Parliament to make the road from Hartford to St. Ives a Turnpike road.
KHINCH/8/D/241Letter; Commissioner Proby, Chatham, co. Kent, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/2/A/3-4Mortgage (by Bargain and Sale), with counterpart. 1) 4th Earl of Sandwich. 2) William, Earl of Bath.
KHINCH/8/B/A/201Letter; 4th Earl of Sandwich, Hinchingbrooke to Captain John Montagu.
KHINCH/2/A/2Declaration of Trust.
KHINCH/2/A/63Assignment of £1,800, and Deed of Attorney. 1. John Blackburn of New Broad Street in the City of London, Esq. and Edward Biley of the Horseshoe Brewhouse in the p. of St. Giles in the Fields, co. Middlesex, Brewer1. Executors of the will of John Stephenson the younger, formerly of Queen Street, Bloomsbury, but late of Bedford Square in the p. of St. Giles in the Fields, Esq., deceased, who was the devisee, residuary legatee and executor of the will of John Stephenson the elder, late of Brentford Butts, co. Middlesex, Esq., also deceased. 2. Robert Tubbs of Bedford Square in the p. of St. Giles in the Fields, Esq.
KHINCH/8/D/239Letter; J. Gardner, Chatteris, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/A/C/95Letter; Daniel Yorke, Thrapston, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/B/A/202Letter; J. Clare, Hatton Garden, London, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/A/D/105Letter (draft copy); The 4th Earl of Sandwich, Admiralty, to My Lord [Lord North?]
KHINCH/2/A/50Deed of Appointment; 1. Rt. Hon John 4th Earl of Sandwich. 2. Culling Smith of Hadley, co. Middlesex, Esq., and William Smith of Clay Hill in the p. of Beckenham, co. Kent, Esq. 3. Hugh Boscawen of Hatton Hill, co. Surrey, Esq., John Wellford of Tower Dock, London, Esq., and Thomas Monro of Bedford Square in p. of St. George Bloomsbury, co. Middlesex, Esq. 4. John Forster of the Inner Temple, London, gent.
KHINCH/2/A/24-25Mortgage (by Lease and Release) (together with Counterpart of the Release. 1) Rt. Hon. John, 5th Earl of Sandwich, the only son and heir of Rt. Hon. Dorothy Countess Dowager of Sandwich, deceased, formerly the Hon. Dorothy Fane, by John 4th Earl of Sandwich, also deceased. 2) Rt. Hon. George Montagu, commonly called Lord Viscount Hinchingbrooke, son of 1.
KHINCH/8/A/D/106Bundle of 3 letters; John March, Waresley, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/2/A/12Lease & Release; 1) John Kinchant or Quinchant, of Park Hall co. Salop, Esq., and Emma his wife, sister and heir of Jacob Charlton of Park Hall, Esq., deceased, and daughter of heir of Sir Francis Charlton of Ludford, co. Hereford, Baronet, by Dame Mary his wife, both deceased. 2) 4th Earl of Sandwich
KHINCH/3/B/5Mortgage by demise for 1,000 years; 1. William Poyntz of the p. of St. James within the Liberty of Westminster, co. Middlesex, Esq., Isabella his wife, and Thomas Parker of Puttenham, co, Surrey, Esq. 2. Rt. Hon. John 4th Earl of Sandwich, Rt. Hon. John Earl Spencer, Rt. Hon. George Bussy Villiers Esq., commonly called Lord Viscount Villiers and Henry Seymour of Sherborne, co. Dorset, Esq.
KHINCH/2/A/10Assignment of Mortgage (by lease and Release); 1) 4th Earl of Sandwich; 2) Samuel Mead; 3) Michael Crane; 4) Joshua Peele; 5) Earl of Bath; 6) Gibbs Crawford of Essex Street, within the Liberty of Westminster, gent. 7) George Hartley of Richmond, co. York, Esq. 8) John Drummond of Charing Cross, in the Liberty of Westminster, Banker. 9) Sir Lawrence Dundas.
KHINCH/3/D/30Settlement; 1. John Baily of Rambridge, co. Southampton, Esq., and Mary his wife. 2. Rt. Hon John 4th Earl of Sandwich of Hinchinbrooke, co. Huntingdon, and John Gawler of the Inner Temple, London, Esq.
KHINCH/3/B/4Settlement by Lease and Release; 1. William Poyntz of p. of St. James within the Liberty of Westminster, co. Middlesex, Esq., and Isabella his wife. 2. Thomas Parker of Puttenham, co. Surrey Esq. 3. George Mason of the Inner Temple, London, Esq. and Noble Wallwyn Pytts of the Middle Temple, London, Esq. 4. Rt. Hon. John 4th Earl of Sandwich, Rt. Hon. John Earl Spencer, Rt. Hon. George Bussy Villiers Esq., commonly called Lord Viscount Villiers, and Henry Seymour of Sherbourn, co. Dorset, Esq.
KHINCH/10/3Draft Indenture of Covenants; 1. Henry Dobson of Godmanchester, co. Huntingdon Miller, and now the tenant and occupier of Brampton Water Corn Mills. 2. John 4th Earl of Sandwich, the owner of the above Mills. 3. The Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough of Huntingdon, the owners of Huntingdon Water Corn Mills.
KHINCH/8/A/D/101Bundle of 14 letters
KHAC0/223/9Plan of lands in the Manors of Little Raveley, Warboys, Godmanchester and Houghton Field in the Manor of Brampton
KHAC0/223/15First plan of the lands in the common fields in the Manor of St Neots
KHINCH/11/M/212Letter; Lord Ludlow, Staughton, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/3/B/2Assignment in trust. 1. Hon. Anna Maria Poyntz, widow, and William Poyntz, Esq., her son, both of the p. of St. James, Westminster, co. Middlesex. 2. Rt. Hon. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich, Rt. Hon. John Lord Viscount Spencer, Rt. Hon George Bussy Villiers Esq., commonly called Lord Viscount Villiers esq., and Henry Seymour of Sherborn, co, Dorset, Esq., trustees for William Poyntz.
KHINCH/10/7Letter; W. Pyewell to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/10/5-62 Letter; John Perkins to 4th Earl of Sandwich
KHINCH/2/A/56Assignment of £500, and Deed of Attorney. 1. Percival Bentley of Bedford Street, Covent Garden, co. Middlesex, Lace Merchant, and Charles Bentley of Charlotte Street, Rathbone Place in the p. of St. Pancras, co. Middlesex, Esq., executors of the will of Isaac Eaton, deceased. 2. Robert Mackreth of Ewhurst, co. Southampton, Esq., and Robert Burton of Grosvenor Place, co. Middlesex, Esq. 3. Rt. Hon. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich. 4. James Eves of the Broad Sanctuary, Westminster, co. Middlesex, Esq.
KHINCH/2/D/A/143Deed of Appointment; 1. Hon. Jerome de Salis, Count of the Holy Roman Empire, and Hon. Mary de Salis, his wife. 2. Rt. Hon. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich, Committee of the Estate of the Rt. Hon. Dorothy, Countess of Sandwich, his wife, a lunatic. 3. William Blair Esq., Clerk of His Majesty's Privy Council, and Daniel Race, late of the Bank of England, and now of Clapton, co. Middlesex, gent. 4. Walter Sweetmen of the City of Dublin, gent.
KHINCH/2/A/55Settlement (by Lease and Release); 1. Rt. Hon. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich. 2. Rt. Hon. John Montagu, Lord Viscount Hinchingbrook. 3. William Fellowes of Ramsey, co. Huntingdon, Esq.
KHINCH/2/A/1Mortgage (by Lease and Release) and assignments of terms of years and a sum of money in trust. 1) Rt. Hon. John 4th Earl of Sandwich. 2) Charles Montagu of p. of St. James within the Liberty of Westminster, Esq. 3) Edward Montagu of p. of St. James within the Liberty of Westminster, Esq. 4) John Staples of the Inner Temple, London, Gent. 5) Francis Gosling of Fleet Street, London, Banker. 6) Robert Cliff of Lombard Street, London, Banker. 7) William Turner of Exchange Alley, London, Broker. 8) John Gray of Southampton Street, co. Middx. Esq., and George Ross of Conduit Street, co. Middx., Esq. 9) Samson Gideon of Lincolns Inn Fields, co. Middx., Esq.
KHINCH/2/A/28Release and Assignments of terms of years in trust; 1) Rt. Hon. George Earl of Morton, grandson and heir at law of Rt. Hon. James Earl of Morton, deceased. 2) William Smith of Bryanstone Street, Portman Square, co. Middlesex, Esq., and George Daniell of Essex Street, co. Middlesex, Esq., acting executors of the will of Anna Crawford late of Saint Hill, co. Sussex, widow and sole executrix of the will of Gibbs Crawford, late of Saint Hill, Esq., deceased. 3) John Thomlinson of Staple Inn, London, gent, administrator with the will annexed of George Hartley, late of Middleton Tyas, co York, Esq., deceased, constituted by the Archbishop of Canterbury. 4) Rt. Hon. Thomas Lord Dundas, only son, heir at law, devisee and sole executor of the will of Sir Lawrence Dundas, late of Aske Hall, co. York, Baronet, deceased. 5) Rt. Hon. John 5th Earl of Sandwich, the only son and heir of Rt. Hon. Dorothy Countess Dowager of Sandwich, deceased, formerly the Hon. Dorothy Fane, by John 4th Earl of Sandwich, also deceased. 6) Owsley Rowley of the town of Huntingdon, co. Huntingdon, esq. 7) Rt. Hon. George Montagu, Lord Viscount Hinchingbrook. 8) John Perkins of the town of Huntingdon, Esq. 9) John Forster of Guildford Street, in the p. of St. Pancras, co. Middlesex, Gent. 10) John Gilman of Staple Inn, gent.
KHINCH/2/A/48Assignment of a Mortgage (by Lease and Release); 1. Andrew Berkeley Drummond of Spring Gardens in the Liberty of Westminster, co, Middlx., Esq. 2. Mary Hartley of Richmond, co, York, spinster, sole executrix of the will of George Hartley, Esq., deceased. 3. Rt. Hon. George, Earl of Morton, grandson and heir at law of Rt. Hon. James, Earl of Morton, deceased. 4. Sir John Dick, now of Harley Street in p. of St. Mary le Bone, co. Middlesex, Baronet. 5. Sir Thomas Dundas of Aske Hall, co. York, Baronet, only son heir at law, devisee and sole executor of the will of Sir Lawrence Dundas, Baronet, deceased. 6. Rt. Hon. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich. 7. Culling Smith of Hadley, co, Middlesex, Esq., and William Smith of Clayhill in the p. of Bickenham, co, Kent, Esq. 8. Hugh Boscawen of Hatton Hill, co. Surrey, Esq., John Wellford of Tower Dock, London, Esq., and Thomas Monro of Bedford Square in the p. of St. George, Bloomsbury, co. Middlesex, Esq. 9. Charles Monro of Gower Street in the p. of St. George Bloomsbury, co, Middlesex, Esq. 10. John Forster of the Inner Temple, London, gent.
KHINCH/7/A/3Letter of Appointment
KHAC0/223/26bSurvey of several parcels of land on the site of the old Priory of St Neots
KHAC0/223/1Survey of estates of John, Earl of Sandwich, lying in his several Manors of Brampton, St Neots, Eynesbury, and Little Ravely, and in the towns of Huntingdon, Stukeley, Warboys, Hartford and Godmanchester in the County of Huntingdonshire. Includes small line drawings of the exterior of Hinchingbrooke House. Taken by Thomas Warburton and delineated by John Cadman in the year 1757
KBLC/2/9/8/44Petition of George [Montagu], Duke of Manchester, and John [Motagu], Earl of Sandwich
KAcc1832/A/2/25Deed of Exchange. 30 Jun.1741
KHAC4/4098/1Hinchingbrooke estate records
KHINCH/2/A/13Mortgage (by Lease and Release)
KHINCH/2/D/A/144Deed of Covenants; 1. Walter Sweetman of the City of Dublin, Esq. 2. Rt. Hon. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich. 3. Thomas Johnson of St. Neots co. Huntingdon, Esq., Robert Burton of Lincolns Inn, co. Middlesex, Esq., and Owsley Rowley of Staples Inn in the City of London, Esq.
KHINCH/2/A/14Assignment of Security (by Lease and Release); 1) Sir Lawrence Dundas. 2) Gibbs Crawford; 3) George Hartley; 4) John Drummond; 5) James, Earl of Morton; 6) Sir Gilbert Heathcote of Normanton, co. Rutland, Bart. 7) John Heathcote of Great [Stukeley], co. Huntingdon, Esq., brother of 6; 8) Henry Drummond of [Charing Cross in the Liberty of Westminster], co. Middx. Esq.
KHINCH/2/A/29Release and Assignments of terms of years in trust; 1) Rt. Hon. George Earl of Morton, grandson and heir at law of Rt. Hon. James Earl of Morton, deceased. 2) William Smith of Bryanstone Street, Portman Square, co. Middlesex, Esq., and George Daniell of Essex Street, co. Middlesex, Esq., acting executors of the will of Anna Crawford late of Saint Hill, co. Sussex, widow and sole executrix of the will of Gibbs Crawford, late of Saint Hill, Esq., deceased. 3) John Thomlinson of Staple Inn, London, gent, administrator with the will annexed of George Hartley, late of Middleton Tyas, co York, Esq., deceased, constituted by the Archbishop of Canterbury. 4) Rt. Hon. Thomas Lord Dundas, only son, heir at law, devisee and sole executor of the will of Sir Lawrence Dundas, late of Aske Hall, co. York, Baronet, deceased. 5) Rt. Hon. John 5th Earl of Sandwich, the only son and heir of Rt. Hon. Dorothy Countess Dowager of Sandwich, deceased, formerly the Hon. Dorothy Fane, by John 4th Earl of Sandwich, also deceased. 6) Owsley Rowley of the town of Huntingdon, co. Huntingdon, esq. 7) Rt. Hon. George Montagu, Lord Viscount Hinchingbrook. 8) John Perkins of the town of Huntingdon, Esq. 9) John Forster of Guildford Street, in the p. of St. Pancras, co. Middlesex, Gent. 10) John Gilman of Staple Inn, gent.
KHINCH/8/A/C/89Letter; William Bamford, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church, St. Ives, to 4th Earl of Sandwich
KHINCH/8/A/C/90Letter; Edward Astley, Walbrooke, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/I/A/2835 letters; Thomas Binstead, Portsmouth, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/2/A/22-23Mortgage (by Lease and Release) (together with 13th-14th March, 1798 Counterpart of the Release); 1) Rt. Hon. John, 5th Earl of Sandwich, the only son and heir of Rt. Hon. Dorothy Countess Dowager of Sandwich, deceased, formerly the Hon. Dorothy Fane, by John 4th Earl of Sandwich, also deceased. 2) Owsley Rowley of the town of Huntingdon, co. Huntingdon, Esq.
KHINCH/1/12Marriage Settlement
KHINCH/2/A/16Settlement (by Lease and Release) and one other copy of the Release); 1) Rt. Hon. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich. 2) Sir Lawrence Dundas of Ask Hall, co York, Baronet. 3) Hon John Montagu, commonly called Lord Viscount Hinchingbrook,. eldest son and heir apparent of Rt. Hon. Dorothy Countess of Sandwich, formerly Dorothy Fane, spinster, and 1; 4) Hon. Mary de Salis, formerly Mary Fane, spinster, wife of Jerome de Salis, Count of the Holy Roman Empire. 5) Hon. Augustus John Hervey of Chesterfield Street, co. Middlesex. 6) Robert Jones of Clements Lane, London, Esq.
KHINCH/2/A/47Assignment of a Mortgage (by Lease and Release); 1. Andrew Berkeley Drummond of Spring Gardens in the Liberty of Westminster, co. Middx, Esq. 2. Mary Hartley of Richmond, co York, spinster, sole executrix of the will of George Hartley Esq., deceased. 3. Robert Drummond and Henry Drummond of the p. of St. James within the Liberty of Westminster co. Middlesex, Esqs., and the Rev, Henry Beauclerk of Greens Norton, co. Northampton, clerk, executor of the will of John Drummond late of Stanmore, co. Middlesex, Esq., deceased. 4. Rt. Hon. George Earl of Morton, grandson and heir at law of Rt. Hon. James Earl of Morton, deceased. 5. Sir John Dick, now of Harley Street, in the p. of St. Mary le Bone, co. Middlesex, Baronet. 6. Sir Thomas Dundas of Aske Hall, co. York, Baronet, only son, heir at law, devisee and sole executor of the will of Sir Lawrence Dundas, Baronet, deceased. 7. Rt. Hon. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich. 8. Culling Smith of Hadley, co. Middlesex, Esq., and William Smith of Clayhill in the p. of Beckenham, co. Kent, Esq. 9. Charles Monro of Gower Street, in the p. of St. George Bloomsbury, co. Middlesex, Esq. 10. John Forster of the Inner Temple, London, gent. 11. John Franklin the younger of Bedford Square in the p. of St. George Bloomsbury Co. Middlesex, gent.
KHINCH/2/D/C/156Lease; 1. Rt. Hon. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich, Rt. Hon. John Lord Viscount Hinchingbrooke, Hon. Jerome de Salis of Harley Street, co. Middlesex, Count of the Holy Roman Empire, and Hon Mary de Salis, his wife. 2. Thomas Lloyd of Kildrumin, co. Limerick, Esq.
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