
Person NameMontagu; Lord; John (1744-1814); 5th Earl of Sandwich; of Hinchingbrooke House
Title5th Earl of Sandwich
Epithetof Hinchingbrooke House
ActivityJohn Montagu, 5th Earl of Sandwich (1744-1814) was not a leading statesman in the same way as his famous father, but he also devoted most of his adult life to politics. He first entered the House of Commons when he was only 21 years old and remained there until he ascended to the House of Lords. He appears to have been a natural follower in this time, adhering loyally to the agenda firstly of his father and latterly of Pitt the Younger, while not being a sufficiently impressive figure to be entrusted with high office in the same way his father was. Before entering politics he had spent a decade in the military and appears to have seen at least some active duty in this time. Sir Nathaniel William Wraxall, 1st Baronet (1751-1831) wrote of the 5th Earl that ‘If he fell far below his father in ability, application, and talents for public business, he possessed greater private virtues.’ What these 'private virtues' may have been is not known.
RelationshipsFather: John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich (1718-1792)
Mother: Dorothy Fane (1717-1797), daughter of Charles Fane, 1st Viscount Fane (1676–1744)
Spouse: Elizabeth Montague-Dunk (m.1766, d.1768), only daughter of George Montague-Dunk, 2nd Earl of Halifax (1716-1771)
Mary Powlett (1753-1779, m.1772), daughter and co-heir of Admiral Harry Powlett, 6th Duke of Bolton
Children of First Marriage: John George Montagu, Viscount Hinchingbrooke (1767-1790) m. Dorothy Charlotte Beckingham (d.1821), daughter of Stephen Beckingham, of Bourne Place, Kent
Caroline Montagu (d.1782)
Children of Second Marriage: George Montagu, 6th Earl of Sandwich (1773-1818) m. Louisa Mary Ann Julia Harriet Lowry-Corry, daughter of Armar Lowry-Corry, 1st Earl Belmore
Mary Montagu (1774-1824), m. John Henry Upton, 1st Viscount Templetown
Francis Charles Montagu
Henrietta Susannah Montagu
Illegitimate Children: Vice-Admiral William Augustus Montagu (1785-1852)
Linked entries in the catalogue
KHINCH/2/A/19Lease and Release, Attested copy of Hinch 2/18
KHINCH/8/A/A/28List of Freeholders to be added to Lord Sandwich's List.
KHINCH/8/B/A/181Poll Book
KHINCH/11/E/109Letter; Lord Carysfort to Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/11/B/65Letter; George Crawley, Huntingdon, to 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/5/H/183Sale Particulars of the estates in the counties of Northampton and Buckingham.
KHINCH/11/E/104Letter; John Wells, St. Neots, to John, 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/B/A/205Letter; George Woodward, Huntingdon, to 5th Earl of Sandwich
KHINCH/5/H/184Letter; Sir Robert Gunning, London, to Lord Hinchingbrook.
KHINCH/5/H/178Inventory of the stock of cattle belonging to Lord Viscount Hinchingbrook. Taken and valued by Thomas Roe and John Cave.
KHINCH/2/B/B/106Memorandum of a Tenancy Agreement. 1. Henry Sweeting the younger of the town of Huntingdon, gent, on behalf of Rt. Hon. John, 5th Earl of Sandwich. 2. Thomas Tomlinson of Huntingdon, yeoman.
KHINCH/2/D/C/161-162Lease and Release (to make a tentant to the precipe) (together with another copy of the Lease and Release); 1. Rt. Hon. John, 5th Earl of Sandwich, son and heir of Rt. Hon. Dorothy Countess Dowager of Sandwich, deceased, formerly the Hon. Dorothy Fane, spinster. 2. Walter Sweetman of the City of Dublin, Esq. 3. John Thomlinson of Staple Inn, London, gent., 1's trustee.
KHINCH/2/D/C/150-151Lease; (together with another copy); 1. Rt. Hon. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich, Rt. Hon, John Montagu, Lord Viscount Hinchingbrooke and Hon. Jerome de Salis of Harley Street, co. Middlesex, Count of the Holy Roman Empire. 2. Timothy O'Donnell of Kilmallock, co. Limerick, farmer.
KHINCH/8/C/231Letter; From Sir V. Gibbs.
KHAC4/4495Copies of William Cole MS for Godmanchester
KHINCH/5/H/172-174Accounts between Thomas Smith and Lord Viscount Hinchingbrook as to rents received and expenditure made
KHINCH/8/A/D/121Letter; Lord Hinchingbrooke to the 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/6/A/35Accounts of rents due and received of copies and drafts
KHINCH/7/B/12Particular of the Lord Viscount Hinchingbrook's Bond Debts with an account of the payments to be made thereon in the years 1790 and 1791.
KHINCH/8/A/A/55Canvass; For Lord Viscount Hinchingbrooke.
KHINCH/8/A/D/126Letter; Duke of Portland, Bulstrode, co. Buckingham to 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/A/D/125Letter; Willian Winchester jnr to 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/B/A/180Poll Book
KHINCH/11/E/114Letter; William Margetts, Huntingdon, to John, 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/5/H/181Letter; Thomas Smith, Preston Priory near Northampton, to Lord Hinchingbrooke.
KHINCH/8/A/D/1142 letters; Edward Raitton, Somersham and London, to 4th Earl of Sandwich
KHINCH/2/A/77Copy of 1812 Extract from the Eynesbury Inclosure Award of 1800.
KHINCH/8/A/D/107Letter; George Bromley, Stoke, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/7/D/40Letter; John Beverley, Christs College, Cambridge, to [5th Earl of Sandwich].
KHINCH/11/M/218Letter; Lord Carysfort, Cumberland Place, London, to 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/2/A/59Deed to lead the uses of a Fine; 1. Rt. Hon. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich. 2. Rt. Hon. John Montagu, commonly called Lord Viscount Hingchingbrook. 3. Owsley Rowley of the town of Huntingdon, co. Huntingdon, Esq.
KHINCH/11/M/219Letter; Mr. Cockerell, Westbourne, to 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/11/A/7Letter; Francis Needham, Newry, to 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/A/A/52List of the noblemen, clergy and gentlemen who answered the letters written to them by Lord Sandwich and Lord Hinchingbrooke.
KHINCH/5/H/180Depositions of Witnesses referred to by the Case.
KHAC0/784/1Montagu Family: Grant of an annuity
KHINCH/2/A/41-42Rental (2 copies; one marked "Copy for Mr. Dunn") of the Earl of Sandwich's Estate at Eynesbury
KHINCH/8/A/D/118Letter; Lord Carysfort, Elton, to 5th Earl of Sandwich
KHINCH/2/A/20Exemplification of Common Recovery. Michaelmas Term 38 George III; 1) Owsley Rowley Esq., querens. 2) John Thomlinson, gent, tenant. 3) John, 5th Earl of Sandwich, 1st vouchee. 4) Thomas Francis Martin, common vouchee.
KHINCH/5/H/175Account of Thomas Smith of expenditures attending the New Inclosure at Hachleton and exonerating the Tithes of the Old Inclosure in Piddington Parish.
KHINCH/7/D/39Letter; Lt. W.A. Montagu, His Majesty's Sloop Dasher, to 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/C/230Bundle of 13 letters; Letters written to 5th Earl of Sandwich in reply to his requests for votes for Lord Althorp.
KHINCH/5/H/176Account; Mainly of cash receipts and payments.
KHINCH/2/A/60-61Final Concord; 1. Owsley Rowley Esq., plt. 2. John, Earl of Sandwich, and John Montagu, defore £600.
KHINCH/2/F/171Mortgage (by Demise for 2 years) and Deed of Attorney. 1. Rt. Hon. John 4th Earl of Sandwich, and the Hon. John Montagu, commonly called Lord Viscount Hinchingbrook. 2. Robert Hardley of Huntingdon, gent.
KHINCH/2/A/38Mortgage (by Lease and Release); 1) Rt. Hon. John, 5th Earl of Sandwich. 2) Rt. Hon. George, Lord Viscount, Hinchingbrook, only son of 1. 3) Robert Williams the elder, Robert Williams the younger, John Drury, William Moffatt and William Hugh Burgess, all of Birchin Lane in the City of London, Bankers and Copartners. 4) William Williams of Lincolns Inn Fields, co. Middlesex, Esq. and Richard Kentish of Birchin Lane, gent, trustees of 3
KHINCH/2/D/C/155Deed of Surrender; 1. Thomas Lloyd of Kildrumin, co. Limerick, gent. 2. Rt. Hon. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich, Hon John Lord Viscount Hinchingbrooke, Hon. Jerome de Salis, Count of the Holy Roman Empire, and Hon. Mary de Salis, his wife.
KHINCH/2/D/C/159Lease; 1. Rt. Hon. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich, Rt. Hon. John, Lord Viscount Hinchingbrooke, Hon Jerome de Salis of Harley Street, co. Middlesex, Count of the Holy Roman Empire, and Hon. Mary de Salis, his wife. 2. William Grady the younger, of Raheen, co, Limerick, esq.
KHINCH/2/D/D/164Lease and Release (to make a tenant to the precipe); 1. Rt. Hon. John 5th Earl of Sandwich, son and heir of the Rt. Hon. Dorothy Countess Dowager of Sandwich deceased, formerly the Hon. Dorothy Fane, spinster. 2. Walter Sweetman of the City of Dublin, Esq. 3. John Thomlinson of Staple Inn, London, gent., 1's trustee.
KHINCH/1/19Grant of Custody (by Letters Patent)
KHINCH/2/A/21Attested copy of Hinch 2/20
KHINCH/5/H/179Copy of the Case relative to the behaviour of the Keepers of Saleey Forest, together with the Opinion of Mr. John Madocks of Lincolns Inn on the same.
KHINCH/2/D/B/146-147Lease and Release (to make a tenant to the precipe) (together with a copy of the Lease); 1. Rt. Hon. John 5th Earl of Sandwich, son and heir of the Rt. Hon. Dorothy Countess Dowager of Sandwich deceased, formerly the Hon. Dorothy Fane, spinster. 2. Walter Sweetman of the City of Dublin, Esq. 3. John Thomlinson of Staple Inn, London, gent., 1's trustee.
KHINCH/2/A/36Assignment of Terms of Years in trust. 1) John Forster of Guildford Street in the p. of St. Pancras co. Middlesex, gent. 2) John Gilman of Staple Inn, London, gent. 3) Rt. Hon. John, 5th Earl of Sandwich. 4) Rt. Hon. George, Lord Viscount Hinchingbrook. 5) Robert Cooch of the town of Huntingdon, co. Huntingdon, gent. 6) George Maule of the town of Huntingdon, gent. 7) Henry Sweeting of the town of Huntingdon, gent.
KHINCH/8/B/A/182Poll Book
KHINCH/8/A/D/117Letter; R. Edwards to 4th Earl of Sandwich
KHINCH/6/A/36Accounts of rents due and received of copies and drafts
KHINCH/5/B/72Valuation; Estate of the Earl of Sandwich in the parish of St. Neots.
KHCP/1/4/73Certificates of Sacrament - G.H. Leeds, E.P. Tomlin, the Earl of Sandwich [3 items]
KHINCH/2/A/23Counterpart of Release Hinch 2/22
KHINCH/2/A/17Settlement by Lease and Released attested copy of Hinch 2/16
KHINCH/5/H/177Statement of the Annual Charges upon the Horton Estate.
KHINCH/2/A/43Extract from the Eynesbury Inclosure Award of 15th February, 1800.
KHINCH/2/D/C/163Exemplification of a Common Recovery. 1. John Thomlinson, gent. Querens; 2. Walter Sweetman, Esq. Tenant. 3. John, 5th Earl of Sandwich (through Hector Graham. his attorney); 4. James Johnston Common Vouchee.
KHINCH/11/A/9-20Grand Juries; Rough copies of the charges to the grand juries made by the Chairman of the Sessions [5th Earl of Sandwich]
KHINCH/8/A/D/127Bundle of 103 letters
KHINCH/5/B/45-47Accounts between Henry Sweeting jnr. and the Earl of Sandwich as to rents received and expenditure made.
KHINCH/2/A/39Assignment of several Terms and of a Debt, and Release of the hereditaments charged therewith. 1. John Forster, now of Brompton, co. Middx., gent. 2. John Gilman of Staple Inn, London, gent. 3. John Thomlinson of Staple Inn, gent. 4. Rt. Hon. John, 5th Earl of Sandwich. 5. Robert Williams the elder, Robert Williams the younger, John Drury, William Moffatt and William Hugh Burgess, all of Birchin Lane in the City of London, Bankers and Copartners. 6. Richard Shawe of Dulwich Hill, co. Surrey, Esq. 7. Robert Shawe of New Bridge Street, London, Esq. 8. William Le Blanc of New Bridge Street, gent.
KHINCH/2/A/62Deed Poll to indemnify estates with £400 per year from the mortgages affecting them and other estates and to declare the uses of a Fine
KHINCH/2/A/31-32Assignment of Terms of Years in trust. (together with Counterpart). 1. John Forster of Guildford Street in the p. of St. Pancras co. Middlesex, gent. 2. John Gilman of Staple Inn, London, gent. 3. Rt. Hon. John, 5th Earl of Sandwich. 4. Owsley Rowley of the town of Huntingdon, co. Huntingdon, Esq. 5. Rt. Hon. George Montagu, Lord Viscount Hinchingbrook. 6. Richard Watt of Bishop Burton, co. York, Esq., and Thomas Watt and Thomas Leyland, both of Liverpool in the County Palatine of Lancaster, Merchants. 7. John Leigh of Liverpool, Esq. 8. Richard Shawe of New Bridge Street, London, Esq.
KHINCH/2/A/33Lease and Release. 1. Thomas Watt and Thomas Leyland, both of Liverpool in the County Palatine of Lancaster, Merchants. 2. Rt. Hon. John, 5th Earl of Sandwich. 3. Rt. Hon. George, Viscount Hinchingbrook, eldest son and heir apparent of 2; 4. Sir Robert Preston of Woodford, co. Essex, Baronet, and Sir Alured Clarke of Mansfield Street, in p. of St. Marylebone, co. Middlx, Knight of the Bath and General in His Majesty's Army.
KHINCH/2/A/64-65Assignment of a Mortgage (by Lease and Release) and assignments and confirmation of several terms of years and a sum of money in trust (with Counterpart of Release).1. Hon. and Rev. Gerald Varlerian Wellesley M.A., one of His Majesty's Chaplains and Vicar of Hampton and Staines, co. Middlesex, Culling Smith the younger, late of Harley Street, Esq., and Francis Law, now of Great Eastcheap in the City of London, Merchant. 2. Francis Luard, now of Red Lion Square, co. Middlesex, gent. 3. John Thomlinson, gent, administrator in the Province of Canterbury with the will annexed of George Hartley, late of Richmond, co. York deceased and John Truman Villebois of Preston Candover, co. Southampton, Esq. 4. Culling Charles Smith, now of Hampton Court Palace, co. Middlesex, Esq., and Rt. Hon. Lady Anne Smith, his wife. 5. Rt. Hon. John, 5th Earl of Sandwich. 6. Charles Boone of Berkley Square, co. Middlesex, Esq. 7. Abraham Winterbottom of Threadneedle Street in the City of London, gent. 8. Ralph Dunn of the same place, gent.
KHINCH/8/B/A/204Letter; W.H. Fellowes, Haverland Hall near Norwich, to 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/1/4Instructions for Probate; The Account of the monies, securities and effects of the 5th Earl of Sandwich, deceased, as instructions for obtaining Probate of the will.
KHINCH/8/B/A/177Poll Book
KHINCH/2/A/68Deed of Appointment. 1. Rt. Hon. John, 5th Earl of Sandwich. 2. Charles Boone of Berkley Square, Co. Middlesex, Esq. 3. Abraham Winterbottom of Threadneedle Street, in the City of London, Esq., and Ralph Dunn of the same place, gent.
KHINCH/1/9Lease and Release; 1. Sir Edward Stracey of Rackheath Hall, co. Norfolk. Baronet; 2. Rt. Hon. John William, 7th Earl of Sandwich
KHINCH/8/B/A/178Poll Book
KHINCH/8/C/229Bundle of 13 letters; Letters written to 5th Earl of Sandwich in reply to his requests for support for Lord Althorp.
KHINCH/7/B/14Monthly Account between John Seaton and the 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/1/3Statement of the financial affairs of the 5th Earl of Sandwich, deceased
KHINCH/7/B/13Receipts for the payment of interest by the 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/A/D/147Letter; George Maule, Huntingdon, to 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/2/A/46Bond; 1. Rt. Hon. John, 5th Earl of Sandwich. 2. Charles Boone of Berkeley Square, co. Middlesex, Esq.
KHINCH/8/B/A/179Poll Book
KHINCH/5/G/152Letter; G. Maule, New Burlington Street, London, to 5th Earl of Sandwich. Financial matters.
KHINCH/1/6Rough notes showing the amounts given as legacies under the will and codicils of John, 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/2/F/174Bond. 1. Rt. Hon. John, 5th Earl of Sandwich. 2. Sir John Arundel of the town of Huntingdon, knight. in £1,400 as security for the repayment of £700
KHINCH/1/5Receipts for the several legacies under the will of John, 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/2/A/67Bond. 1. Rt. Hon. John, 5th Earl of Sandwich. 2. Charles Boone of Berkley Square, Co. Middlesex, Esq.
KHINCH/8/B/A/2092 letters; Sir George Duckett, Upper Grosvenor Street, and George Rose, London, to 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/2/A/40Bond. 1. Rt. Hon. John, 5th Earl of Sandwich. 2. Robert Williams the elder, Robert Williams the younger, John Drury, William Moffatt and William Hugh Burgess, all of Birchin Lane in the City of London, Bankers and Copartners.
KHINCH/5/H/168Rental of Lord Hinchingbrooke's estates in the p. of Quinton, Piddington, Addersley, Ickly, Great Houghton, Little Houghton, Brafield, Denton and Hartwell
KHINCH/5/H/182Letter; Owsley Rowley, Huntingdon, to Lord Viscount Hinchinbrook.
KHINCH/2/B/B/104Tenancy Agreement; 1. Rt. Hon. John, 5th Earl of Sandwich. 2. Thomas Mast of Wisbech St. Peters in the Isle of Ely and county of Cambridge, Miller.
KHINCH/2/D/B/148Exemplification of a Common Recovery. 1. John Thomlinson, gent, Querens. 2. Walter Sweetman, esq., Tenant. 3. John, 5th Earl of Sandwich (through Hector Graham his Attorney); 4. James Johnston. Common Vouchee.
KHINCH/2/C/125Lease and Release; 1. Henry Gale late of Scruton but now of Hawkeswell in the North Riding of co. York, Esq., and Mary his wife, late Mary Dalton spinster, the niece and heir at law of John Tasker late of Franks, co. Kent, esq., who survived John Tasker, his father, deceased. 2. Rt. Hon. George Montagu, Lord Viscount Hinchingbrook, eldest son of the 5th Earl of Sandwich by his wife Lady Mary Henrietta, formerly Lady Mary Henrietta Powlett, who was the cestui que vie named in the will of James Pettit junior, late of Eltham, co. Kent, esq.
KHINCH/2/D/C/158Deed of Surrender; 1. William Grady the younger of Raheen, co. Limerick, Esq., 2. Rt. Hon. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich, Hon. John Lord Viscount Hinchingbrooke, Hon. Jerome de Salis, Count of the Holy Roman Empire, and Hon. Mary de Salis, his wife.
KHINCH/3/B/7Deed of Indemnity (by a Demise for 99 years); 1. William Poyntz of Midgham, co. Berkshire, Esq., and Thomas Parker of Puttenham, co, Surrey, Esq. 2. Hon. John Montagu Esq., commonly called Lord Viscount Hinchingbrooke. 3. Rt. Hon John Earl of Sandwich, Rt. Hon. John Earl Spencer, Rt. Hon. George Bussy Villers, Esq., commonly called Lord Viscount Villiers, and Henry Seymour of Sherbourn, co. Dorset, Esq.
KHINCH/7/D/41Letter; Admiral Robert Montagu, Lower Tooting, co. Surrey, to [5th Earl of Sandwich]
KHINCH/2/D/A/142Act of Parliament; To enable the Rt. Hon. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich and Hon. John Mortagu, Lord Viscount Hinchingbrooke, and the survivor of them, to grant Leases of the Countess of Sandwich's moiety of estates in the counties of Ardmagh and Limerick, in the Kingdom of Ireland.
KHINCH/2/D/C/160Lease and Release. 1. Rt. Hon. Thomas Viscount Cremorne of the Kingdon of Ireland, formerly Thomas Dawson, and then created Baron Dartrey. 2. Rt. Hon. John 5th Earl of Sandwich, son and heir of Rt. Hon. Dorothy Countess Dowager of Sandwich, deceased, formerly Hon. Dorothy Fane, spinster. 3. John Thomlinson of Staple Inn, London, gent. 4) Marriage of Hon. Dorothy Fane, daughter of Charles Visc. Fane, snr., to Rt. Hon. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/7/C/28-32Drawings of, and copies of the inscriptions on, five family monuments in Barnwell church
KHINCH/8/A/D/1243 Letters: Earl of Westmorland, General Grenville, Butleigh, co. Somerset, and Robert Sparrow, Worlingham, co. Suffolk, to 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/A/D/1302 letters; Dr. A. Burnaby, Greenwich, and Rev. Mr. James Chartres, Atherstone, to the 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/A/D/137Bundle of 4 letters and copies; Lord Carysfort to 5th Earl of Sandwich, and Lord Hinchingbrooke to Lord Carysfort.
KHINCH/8/A/D/1102 letters; Marquess of Exeter to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/B/A/2117 letters; Letters written to John Calvert and William Meeke Farmer in reply to their requests for votes and support at the election.
KHINCH11/M/226Receipt for the Earl of Sandwich's first subscription to "The Natural History and Antiquities of Huntingdonshire with an Extract and Translation of Domesday Book" by B Hutchinson A.M., F.R.S.
KHINCH/8/D/2462 letters; Francis Needham, Newry, co. Down, and Dublin, to 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/7/D/42-44Letter; Messrs. Maule and Sweeting, Huntingdon, to 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KR/R40/2/4Assignment of the family estates of William Fellowes, Esq., decd. for the residue of 2 terms of 500 years created for raising portions for his younger children.
KHAC5/5332Huntingdon Theatre Playbills
KHINCH/2/C/118Bargain and Sale; 1. Robert Dyneley of Bloomsbury Square, co, Middlesex, Esq., who with Emerson Mussared, deceased, was devisee in fee in Trust named in the last will of James Pettit jnr. 2. Hon. George Montagu, Lord Viscount Hinchingbrooke, eldest son of the 5th Earl of Sandwich by his late wife, Lady Mary Henrietta, formerly Lady Mary Henrietta Powlett, who was the cestui que vie named in the will of James Pettit jnr. 3. John Thomlinson of Staple Inn, London, gent. 4. Owsley Rowley of the town of Huntingdon, co. Huntingdon, esq.
KHINCH/1/15Abstract of Marriage Settlement
KHINCH/2/A/58Settlement (by Lease and Release); 1. Rt. Hon. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich. 2. Rt. Hon. John Montagu, commonly called Lord Viscount Hinchingbrooke, the only son and heir apparent of 1. by Rt. Hon. Dorothy Countess of Sandwich, his wife. 3. Owsley Rowley of the town of Huntingdon, co. Huntingdon, Esq.
KHINCH/7/E/67Scrap Book
KHINCH/8/G/259Declaration of the majority of the nobility, gentry, clergy and freeholders of the county of Huntingdon, assembled at a meeting held at Huntingdon.
KHINCH/2/A/37Bond; 1) Rt. Hon. John, 5th Earl of Sandwich. 2) Robert Cooch of the town of Huntingdon, co. Huntingdon, gent.
KHINCH/11/E/105Letter; John Wells, St Neots, clerk to the Trustees of the Turnpike Road, to John 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/11/E/107Letter; Owsley Rowley, St. Neots, to John, 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/5/B/28-44Accounts between George Maule and the Earl of Sandwich
KHINCH/2/B/B/105Memorandum of a Tenancy Agreement. 1. George Maule on behalf of Rt. Hon. John, 5th Earl of Sandwich. 2. Rev. Edward Edwards, Rector of the United Parishes of All Saints and St. John in the town of Huntingdon.
KHINCH/2/A/18Lease and Release (to make a Tenant to the Precipe)
KHINCH/2/D/D/165Exemplification of a Common Recovery; 1. John Thomlinson, gent. Querens. 2. Walter Sweetman, esq. Tenant; 3. John 5th Earl of Sandwich (through Hector Graham, gent, his attorney); 4. James Johnston Common Vouchee.
KHINCH/8/G/260Letter; Robert Burton, Grosvenor Place, London, to 4th Earl of Sandwich
KHINCH/8/A/D/102Letter; Geoffrey Nightingale, Kneesworth, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/D/243Letter; Robert Booth, Huntingdon, to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/A/D/148Letter from Lord Hinchingbrooke, Hinchingbrooke House, to 5th Earl of Sandwich
KHINCH/8/C/232Letter; Rev. Dr. James Scott to 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/11/K/186Statement as to the value of the livings in the town of Huntingdon and of Mr. Sayer's Donation to the Vicar of St. Mary's.
KHINCH/11/E/108Letter; Owsley Rowley, Stilton, to John, 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/A/D/100Letter; William Walcot, Oundle, co. Northampton, to 4th Earl of Sandwich
KHINCH/8/D/244Letter; William Sheldon, Brailes, co. Warwick, to 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/11/E/106Letter; Rev. William Panchen, Huntingdon, to 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/5/H/169-171Rentals of Lord Hinchingbrooke's tenants' Half Year's Rents.
KHINCH/8/D/245Letter; John Osborn, Chicksands, co Bedford; to 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/A/D/103Copies of 2 letters; Robert Mitchel, Sawtry, to Lord Ludlow
KHINCH/8/C/2284 letters; Earl Spencer, St. James's Palace, London, to 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/8/A/D/131Bundle of 112 letters; Letters written to Lords Sandwich and Hinchingbrooke (and one to Lady Hinchingbrooke) in reply to their requests for votes and support for the election of Lord Hinchingbrooke and W.H. Fellowes.
KDMC/160Map of Ballinlough, Limerick, Ireland
KHP46/3/2/2Copy of a letter from Mr. Oddie, Lord Sandwich's solicitor, to Mr. Maule, agent of the Bishop of Ely, concerning Rev. Edwards' claim for tithes to be paid by certain tenants of Lord Sandwich in St. John's parish. The exchange of lands HP46/3/4 is mentioned
KHINCH/2/A/24-25Mortgage (by Lease and Release) (together with Counterpart of the Release. 1) Rt. Hon. John, 5th Earl of Sandwich, the only son and heir of Rt. Hon. Dorothy Countess Dowager of Sandwich, deceased, formerly the Hon. Dorothy Fane, by John 4th Earl of Sandwich, also deceased. 2) Rt. Hon. George Montagu, commonly called Lord Viscount Hinchingbrooke, son of 1.
KHINCH/2/C/121Release; 1. Hon. George Montagu, Lord Viscount Hinchingbrook; 2. Robert Dyneley of Grays Inn, co. Middlesex, gent.
KHINCH/2/A/34-35Mortgage (by a Demise for 2,000 years) (together with draft copy). 1. Rt. Hon George Montagu, Lord Viscount Hinchingbrook. 2. Rt, Hon. John, 5th Earl of Sandwich. 3. Robert Cooch of the town of Huntingdon, co. Huntingdon, gent.
KHINCH/2/A/44Assignment of two Mortgages (by Lease and Release) 27th-28th November, 1812; 1. Rt. Hon. John, 5th Earl of Sandwich. 2. Robert Williams the elder, Robert Williams the younger, William Moffatt and William Hugh Burgess, all of Birchin Lane in the City of London, Bankers and Copartners. 3. William Williams of Lincoln Inn Fields, co Middlesex, Esq., and Richard Kentish of Birchin Lane, gent. 4. William Le Blanc of New Bridge Street in the City of London, Esq. 5. Robert Gooch of the town of Huntingdon, co. Huntingdon, gent. 6. Charles Boone of Berkeley Square, co. Middlesex, Esq.
KHINCH/1/7Assignment of two Legacies
KHINCH/8/A/D/101Bundle of 14 letters
KHINCH/8/A/D/122-1233 Letters; Lord Carysfort, Elton Hall, to the 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/5/B/71Valuation of an estate at St. Neots, the property of Charles Anderson Pelham Esq.
KHINCH/8/A/D/128Letter; Charles Welstead, Kimbolton, to 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/11/M/198-199Letter; William Margetts, Huntingdon, to John William, 7th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/2/A/45Assignment of Terms of Years in trust. 1. John Forster of Carey Street in the p. of St. Clements Danes, Westminster, co, Middx, gent. 2. John Gilman of Staple Inn, London, gent. 3. Richard Shawe of Dulwich Hill, co. Surrey, Esq. 4. Robert Shawe of New Bridge Street, London, Esq. 5. Rt. Hon. John, 5th Earl of Sandwich. 6. Robert Williams the elder, Robert Williams the younger, William Moffatt and William Hugh Burgess. 7. Charles Boone. 8. John Thomson of Waverly Abbey, co. Surrey, Esq. 9 Ralph Dunn of Threadneedle Street, in the City of London, gent.
KHINCH/2/F/176Assignment. 1. Emma Crewe of Park Lane, co. Middlesex, spinster. 2. Rt Hon. John Montagu Esq., commonly called Lord Viscount Hinchingbrook.
KHINCH/2/A/69Deed of Indemnity. 1. Rt. Hon. John, 5th Earl of Sandwich. 2. William Palmer of Brampton, co. Huntingdon, Esq.
KHINCH/2/A/30Assignment of a Mortgage and a Mortgage (by 2 Leases and a Release); 1) Owsley Rowley of the town of Huntingdon, co. Huntingdon, Esq. 2) Rt. Hon. John, 5th Earl of Sandwich. 3) Richard Watt of Bishop Burton, co York, Esq. and Thomas Watt and Thomas Leyland, both of Liverpool, County Palatine of Lancaster, Merchants.
KHINCH/2/A/26-27Lease and Release for transposing mortgages. (together with counterparts); 1) Rt. Hon. George Montagu, Lord Viscount Hinchingbrook; 2) Owsley Rowley of the town of Huntingdon, co. Huntingdon, Esq. 3) Rt. Hon John 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/2/A/71Lease and Release (to make a tenant to the Precipe). 1. Rt. Hon. John William, 7th Earl of Sandwich. 2. George William Rowley of Saville Place, New Burlington Street, co. Middlesex, gent. 3. Samuel Weld of Saville Place, gent. 4. Sir William Augustus Montagu of Upper Brook Street, co. Middlesex, a Captain in the Royal Navy and a Companion of the Order of the Bath.
KHINCH/2/A/55Settlement (by Lease and Release); 1. Rt. Hon. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich. 2. Rt. Hon. John Montagu, Lord Viscount Hinchingbrook. 3. William Fellowes of Ramsey, co. Huntingdon, Esq.
KHINCH/2/A/28Release and Assignments of terms of years in trust; 1) Rt. Hon. George Earl of Morton, grandson and heir at law of Rt. Hon. James Earl of Morton, deceased. 2) William Smith of Bryanstone Street, Portman Square, co. Middlesex, Esq., and George Daniell of Essex Street, co. Middlesex, Esq., acting executors of the will of Anna Crawford late of Saint Hill, co. Sussex, widow and sole executrix of the will of Gibbs Crawford, late of Saint Hill, Esq., deceased. 3) John Thomlinson of Staple Inn, London, gent, administrator with the will annexed of George Hartley, late of Middleton Tyas, co York, Esq., deceased, constituted by the Archbishop of Canterbury. 4) Rt. Hon. Thomas Lord Dundas, only son, heir at law, devisee and sole executor of the will of Sir Lawrence Dundas, late of Aske Hall, co. York, Baronet, deceased. 5) Rt. Hon. John 5th Earl of Sandwich, the only son and heir of Rt. Hon. Dorothy Countess Dowager of Sandwich, deceased, formerly the Hon. Dorothy Fane, by John 4th Earl of Sandwich, also deceased. 6) Owsley Rowley of the town of Huntingdon, co. Huntingdon, esq. 7) Rt. Hon. George Montagu, Lord Viscount Hinchingbrook. 8) John Perkins of the town of Huntingdon, Esq. 9) John Forster of Guildford Street, in the p. of St. Pancras, co. Middlesex, Gent. 10) John Gilman of Staple Inn, gent.
KHINCH/5/A/6-72 Letters; John Thomlinson, Staple Inn, to 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/2/F/173Bond; 1. Rt. Hon. John Montagu, Lord Viscount Hinchingbrook and Hon. John George Montagu. 2. Stephen Arundel of the town of Huntingdon, Esq. in £1,000 as security for the repayment of £500
KHINCH/1/1Probate copy of will (5th December, 1809) and codicils Rt. Hon. John 5th Earl of Sandwich, Upper Wimpole Street, p. of St. Mary le bone, co. Middlesex.
KHINCH/1/20Grant of Custody (by Letters Patent)
KHAC4/4098/1Hinchingbrooke estate records
KHINCH/1/2Copy of will, codicils and note of probate Rt. Hon. John, 5th Earl of Sandwich
KHINCH/2/D/A/144Deed of Covenants; 1. Walter Sweetman of the City of Dublin, Esq. 2. Rt. Hon. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich. 3. Thomas Johnson of St. Neots co. Huntingdon, Esq., Robert Burton of Lincolns Inn, co. Middlesex, Esq., and Owsley Rowley of Staples Inn in the City of London, Esq.
KHINCH/2/A/29Release and Assignments of terms of years in trust; 1) Rt. Hon. George Earl of Morton, grandson and heir at law of Rt. Hon. James Earl of Morton, deceased. 2) William Smith of Bryanstone Street, Portman Square, co. Middlesex, Esq., and George Daniell of Essex Street, co. Middlesex, Esq., acting executors of the will of Anna Crawford late of Saint Hill, co. Sussex, widow and sole executrix of the will of Gibbs Crawford, late of Saint Hill, Esq., deceased. 3) John Thomlinson of Staple Inn, London, gent, administrator with the will annexed of George Hartley, late of Middleton Tyas, co York, Esq., deceased, constituted by the Archbishop of Canterbury. 4) Rt. Hon. Thomas Lord Dundas, only son, heir at law, devisee and sole executor of the will of Sir Lawrence Dundas, late of Aske Hall, co. York, Baronet, deceased. 5) Rt. Hon. John 5th Earl of Sandwich, the only son and heir of Rt. Hon. Dorothy Countess Dowager of Sandwich, deceased, formerly the Hon. Dorothy Fane, by John 4th Earl of Sandwich, also deceased. 6) Owsley Rowley of the town of Huntingdon, co. Huntingdon, esq. 7) Rt. Hon. George Montagu, Lord Viscount Hinchingbrook. 8) John Perkins of the town of Huntingdon, Esq. 9) John Forster of Guildford Street, in the p. of St. Pancras, co. Middlesex, Gent. 10) John Gilman of Staple Inn, gent.
KHINCH/2/A/70Lease and Release and Assignment of several terms of years in trust. 1. Hon and Rev. Gerald Valerian Wellesley, M.A., one of His Majesty's Chaplains and Vicar of Hampton and Staines, co. Middlesex, Culling Smith the younger of Bedwell Park Farm, co. Hertford, Esq., and Francis Law of Great East Cheap in the City of London, Merchant. 2. Charles Monro of Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, Esq. 3. John Thomlinson of Staple Inn, London, gent, Adminstrator in the Province of Canterbury with the will of George Hartley annexed. 4. John Forster of Lincolns Inn, co, Middlesex, Esq. 5. Culling Charles Smith now of Hampton Court Palace, co. Middlesex, Esq., and Rt. Hon. Lady Ann Smith, his wife. 6. Sir Alured Clarke of Mansfield Street, in the parish of St. Marylebone, co. Middlesex, Knight of the Bath and General in His Majesty's Army, and John Clavert of Stable Yard, St. James's, co. Middlesex, Esq. 7. Rt. Hon. John, 5th Earl of Sandwich. 8. Rt. Hon. George, Viscount Hinchingbrook, only son of 7. 9. Sir Robert Preston of Woodford, co. Essex, Baronet, and Sir Alured Clarke. 10. Owsley Rowley of St. Neots, co. Huntingdon, Esq. 11. John Thomlinson of Staple Inn, London, gent. 12. Rt. Hon. John Henry, Viscount Templeton in Ireland.
KHINCH/8/B/A/203Letter; W.H. Fellowes, Somerset Street, London, to 5th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/2/A/22-23Mortgage (by Lease and Release) (together with 13th-14th March, 1798 Counterpart of the Release); 1) Rt. Hon. John, 5th Earl of Sandwich, the only son and heir of Rt. Hon. Dorothy Countess Dowager of Sandwich, deceased, formerly the Hon. Dorothy Fane, by John 4th Earl of Sandwich, also deceased. 2) Owsley Rowley of the town of Huntingdon, co. Huntingdon, Esq.
KHINCH/1/10Copy of will (13th July, 1814) and codicils Rt. Hon. George, 6th Earl of Sandwich.
KHINCH/2/A/16Settlement (by Lease and Release) and one other copy of the Release); 1) Rt. Hon. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich. 2) Sir Lawrence Dundas of Ask Hall, co York, Baronet. 3) Hon John Montagu, commonly called Lord Viscount Hinchingbrook,. eldest son and heir apparent of Rt. Hon. Dorothy Countess of Sandwich, formerly Dorothy Fane, spinster, and 1; 4) Hon. Mary de Salis, formerly Mary Fane, spinster, wife of Jerome de Salis, Count of the Holy Roman Empire. 5) Hon. Augustus John Hervey of Chesterfield Street, co. Middlesex. 6) Robert Jones of Clements Lane, London, Esq.
KHINCH/2/D/C/156Lease; 1. Rt. Hon. John, 4th Earl of Sandwich, Rt. Hon. John Lord Viscount Hinchingbrooke, Hon. Jerome de Salis of Harley Street, co. Middlesex, Count of the Holy Roman Empire, and Hon Mary de Salis, his wife. 2. Thomas Lloyd of Kildrumin, co. Limerick, Esq.
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