
Person NameMontagu; Sir; Alexander George Francis Drogo (1902-1977); 10th Duke of Manchester (1949-1977); of Kimbolton Castle
ForenamesAlexander George Francis Drogo
Title10th Duke of Manchester (1949-1977)
Epithetof Kimbolton Castle
RelationshipsFather: William Montagu 9th Duke of Manchester (1877-1949)
Mother: Helena Zimmerman (1878-1971)

Spouse: (1) Nell Vere Stead (1902-1966), daughter of Sydney Vere Stead of Melbourne, Australia
Children of this marriage:
- Sidney Arthur Robin George Drogo Montagu 11th Duke of Manchester (1929–1985)
- Angus Charles Drogo Montagu 12th Duke of Manchester (1938–2002)

Spouse: (2) Elizabeth (née Fullerton) Coleman Crocker (1913–2007), daughter of Samuel Clyde Fullerton of Miami, Oklahoma [USA]
Linked entries in the catalogue
KHAC6/6074/3Game account book
KHAC6/6074/41Photograph of several men and dogs on a shoot
KHAC6/6074/61The Tatler (Christmas No. 76)
KHAC6/6074/8Letter to Frank Cowlard from Viscount Mandeville, California [USA]
KHAC6/6074/62Typed notes on Mrs Cowlard's memories of working at the castle
KHAC6/6074/9Letter to Frank Cowlard from Nell, Lady Mandeville, Pennsylvania [USA]
KHAC6/6074/42Photograph of Lord Mandeville shooting and Frank Cowlard holding his gun
KHAC6/6074/39Photograph of Frank Cowlard retrieving rabbits from nets at Kimbolton
KHAC6/6074/33Scrap of estate office headed paper with the Viscount and Viscountess' addresses noted in pencil
KHAC6/6074/60The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News
KHAC6/6074/4Game account book
KHAC6/6074/35Illustrated catalogue of English Period Furniture at Kimbolton Castle to be sold at auction by Messrs. Knight, Frank & Rutley
KHAC6/6074/46Photogtaph of Lord Mandeville, Mr Lewis and Mr Lumbers on a shoot
KHAC6/6074/57Portrait photograph of a man and woman
KHAC6/6074/24Letter to Frank Cowlard from Viscount Mandeville, Kapsirowa [Kenya]
KHAC6/6074/2Gamekeeper's notebook containing rough notes on game killed each month with payments
KHAC6/6074/38Photograph of Major Farley, Lord Mandeville and Frank Cowlard laying rabbit nets at Kimbolton
KHAC6/6074/51Photograph of assembled gamekeepers at Kimbolton [copy of 6074/50]
KHAC6/6074/49Copy photograph of Major R. Farley, Frank Cowlard and another gentleman identified only as 'David' with Snug the dog on a shoot
KHAC6/6074/44Photograph of a man with a basket standing in the pheasant rearing field [at Kimbolton or Brampton]
KHAC6/6074/5Game account book
KHAC6/6074/20Letter to Frank Cowlard from Lieutenant Patrick Grant, B Company, 5th Battalion The Seaforth Highlanders
KHAC6/6074/52Photograph of men working on the chicken nesting boxes at Kimbolton
KHAC6/6074/10Letter to Frank Cowlard from Viscount Mandeville, H.M.S. Eagle
KHAC6/6074/47Photograph of Major Farley and gamekeeper Tom Saunders on a shoot
KHAC6/6074/26Letter to Frank Cowlard from Nell, Lady Mandeville
KHAC6/6074/28Letter to Frank Cowlard from the Duke of Manchester, aboard the S.S. African Lightening, Trinidad
KHAC6/6074/55Copy photograph of Frank Cowlard
KHAC6/6074/34Christmas card from Charles and Vivien Oppenheim
KHAC6/6074/25Letter to Frank Cowlard from Nell, Duchess of Manchester, Kapsirowa [Kenya]
KHAC6/6074/37Photograph of Lord and Lady Mandeville at Kimbolton Castle, possibly on their wedding day
KHAC6/6074/31Letter to Frank Cowlard from [?], Colombo [Ceylon]
KHAC6/6074/45Photograph of men at work in the pheasant rearing field [at Kimbolton or Brampton]
KHAC6/6074/48Copy photograph of Frank Cowlard, Lord Mandeville and another gentleman on a shoot
KHAC6/6074/56Photograph of the entrance to Kapsirowa, the Duke and Duchess's residence in Kenya
KHAC6/6074/54Photograph of men working on the chicken nesting boxes at Kimbolton
KHAC6/6074/53Photograph of men working on the chicken nesting boxes at Kimbolton
KHAC6/6074/16Letter to Frank Cowlard from Viscount Mandeville, Colombo [Ceylon]
KHAC6/6074/22Letter to Frank Cowlard from Viscount Mandeville, Kapsirowa [Kenya]
KHAC6/6074/11Letter to Frank Cowlard from Viscount Mandeville, H.M.S. Eagle
KHAC6/6074/21Letter to Frank Cowlard from Viscount Mandeville, aboard the S.S. African Star
KHAC6/6074/59The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News
KHAC6/6074/15Letter to Frank Cowlard from Viscount Mandeville, Colombo [Ceylon]
KHAC6/6074/30Letter to Frank Cowlard from the Duke of Manchester, Kapsirowa [Kenya]
KHAC6/6074/7Letter to Frank Cowlard from Viscount Mandeville, San Francisco [USA]
KHAC6/6074/32Letter to Frank Cowlard from the Duke of Manchester, Kapsirowa [Kenya]
KHAC6/6074/50Photograph of assembled gamekeepers at Kimbolton
KMAN1/A/18/41Viscount and Lady Mandeville's private financial papers
KHAC6/6074/43Photograph of a shooting party with Lord and Lady Mandeville seated and Major Farley and another gentleman beside them
KHAC6/6074/6Proposals for the Kimbolton Syndicate Shoot
KHAC6/6074/1Gamekeeper's notebook containing lists of the number of rabbits sold and to whom and lists of game killed on the estate and where
KHAC6/6074/40Photograph of men and dogs gathered in a field near Kimbolton
KHAC6/6074Correspondence and papers of Frank Cowlard (1891-1951), Head Gamekeeper on the Duke of Manchester's estate at Kimbolton
KHAC6/6074/18Letter to Frank Cowlard from Nell, Lady Mandeville, Colombo [Ceylon]
KHAC6/6074/27Letter to Frank Cowlard from Nell, Lady Mandeville, Kapsirowa [Kenya]
KHAC6/6074/17Letter to Frank Cowlard from Viscount Mandeville, Colombo [Ceylon]
KHAC6/6074/19Letter to Frank Cowlard from Viscount Mandeville, Colombo [Ceylon]
KHAC6/6074/23Letter to Frank Cowlard from Viscount Mandeville, Kapsirowa [Kenya]
KHAC6/6074/29Letter to Frank Cowlard from the Duke of Manchester, aboard the S.S. Robin Gray
KHAC6/6074/58Cowlard family photograph album
KMAN1/A/8/4Naval training log kept by Lord Mandeville at R.N. College Keyham and on board the H.M.S. Temeraire
KHAC6/6074/36Signed photograph of Lord and Lady Mandeville at Kimbolton Castle, possibly on their wedding day
KMAN1/A/18/40Christmas cards sent to Viscount and Viscountess Mandeville
KMAN1/A/18/42Viscount and Lady Mandeville's private financial papers
KMAN1/A/18/43Viscount and Lady Mandeville's private financial papers
KHAC6/6074/12Letter to Frank Cowlard from Viscount Mandeville, H.M.S. Eagle
KHAC6/6074/13Letter to Frank Cowlard from Viscount Mandeville
KHAC6/6074/14Letter to Frank Cowlard from Viscount Mandeville, H.M.S. Eagle
KMAN1/A/18/39Telegrams and letters of congratulations sent to Viscount and Viscountess Mandeville on the birth of their son
KMAN1Records of the Montagu family of Kimbolton Castle
KMAN1/A/12/7/206Letter to Viscount Mandeville, from his mother, Helena, Dowager Duchess, Grand Hotel Panhans, Semmering [Austria]
KMAN1/A/17/4/9/9Bundle of letters concerning the advowsons at Bury, Swineshead and Pertenhall [Beds]
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