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Collapse K107 - Francis & Co, solicitors of CambridgeK107 - Francis & Co, solicitors of Cambridge
Collapse AU - Administration: UndertakingsAU - Administration: Undertakings
1 - Papers relating to St Giles and St Peters Cemetery
2 - Specifications for building of Chapel and other works
3 - Sale particulars of land purchased for Mill Road Cemetery
4 - Cambridge Parish Burial Ground Committee minutes
5 - Cambridge Parish Burial Ground Committee minutes
6 - Cambridge Parish Burial Ground Committee minutes
7 - Cambridge Parish Burial Ground Committee minutes
8 - Cambridge Parish Burial Ground Improvement Committee minutes
9 - Cambridge Parish Burial Ground Trustee deposit account books
10 - Cambridge Parish Burial Ground Trustee income and expenditure account books
11 - Cambridge Parish Burial Ground Special Committee minutes
12 - Cambridge Parish Burial Ground: financial statements
13 - Cambridge Parish Burial Ground: receipt books
14 - Cambridge Parish Burial Ground: cash account statements
15 - Letters to Rev. G Maddison concerning Mill Road Cemetery
16 - Letters to member of the Burial Board concerning Mill Road Cemetery
17 - Letters to J Hamblin Smith and E G Wood of the Burial Board concerning Mill Road Cemetery
18 - Letters to W M Fawcett, secretary of the Burial Board concerning Mill Road Cemetery
19 - General correspondence and other papers concerning Mill Road Cemetery
20 - Letters to Rev. J G Howes secretary of the Burial Board concerning Mill Road Cemetery
21 - Letters concerning applications for the post of custodian for Mill Road Cemetery
22 - Letters from, and about, Thomas Stanbridge, custodan for Mill Road Cemetery
23 - General correspondence concerning Mill Road Cemetery
24 - Papers concerning concerning the establishment of Mill Road Cemetery
25 - Mill Road Cemetery subscriptions
26 - Mill Road Cemetery subscription books
27 - Mill Road Cemetery: letters to and from George Gilbert Scott
28 - Mill Road Cemetery: notices, newsletters and circulars
29 - Mill Road Cemetery: statements and reports
30 - Mill Road Cemetery: regulations, and consecration of chapel
31 - Mill Road Cemetery: estimates tenders and contracts
32 - Mill Road Cemetery: certificates
33 - Mill Road Cemetery: petitions
34 - Mill Road Cemetery: paid bills and vouchers
35 - Mill Road Cemetery: trustee account receipts
36 - Mill Road Cemetery: trustee account receipts
37 - Mill Road Cemetery: trustee account receipts
38 - Mill Road Cemetery: trustee account receipts
39 - Mill Road Cemetery: trustee account receipts
40 - Mill Road Cemetery: trustee account receipts
41 - Mill Road Cemetery: plan of land at Fen Ditton
42 - Mill Road Cemetery: plan of Thorpe Church, Norwich
43 - Mill Road Cemetery: plan of cemetery
44 - Mill Road Cemetery: plan of land at East Road and Mill Road junction area
45 - Mill Road Cemetery; poster to consider new grounds to be consecrated
46 - Mill Road Cemetery: draft plan of parish areas
47 - Mill Road Cemetery: plan of parish areas
48 - Mill Road Cemetery: drawing of a temporary chapel
49 - Mill Road Cemetery: plan of cemetery planting
50 - Mill Road Cemetery: draft plan of cemetery planting
Expand B - Business RecordsB - Business Records
Expand E - Estate RecordsE - Estate Records
Expand F - Family PapersF - Family Papers
Expand H - Papers relating to Fulbourn HospitalH - Papers relating to Fulbourn Hospital
Expand L - Litigation RecordsL - Litigation Records
Expand M - Manorial RecordsM - Manorial Records
Expand O - Official RecordsO - Official Records
Expand P - PlansP - Plans
Expand Q - Records of Cambridgeshire Charities and SocietiesQ - Records of Cambridgeshire Charities and Societies
Expand SP - Sale ParticularsSP - Sale Particulars
Expand T - Title DeedsT - Title Deeds
Expand Z - MiscellaneousZ - Miscellaneous