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Collapse K107 - Francis & Co, solicitors of CambridgeK107 - Francis & Co, solicitors of Cambridge
Expand AU - Administration: UndertakingsAU - Administration: Undertakings
Expand B - Business RecordsB - Business Records
Expand E - Estate RecordsE - Estate Records
Collapse F - Family PapersF - Family Papers
Expand 1 - Records of Allix family of Swaffham Prior1 - Records of Allix family of Swaffham Prior
Collapse a - Records of Jenyns family of Bottisham Halla - Records of Jenyns family of Bottisham Hall
1 - William Smith of Waterbeach, written 9 Feb 1718/19, probate 17 Mar 1719/20
2 - Auction sale particulars: Crimplesham, Norfolk: total of some 150 acres, house and 2 cottages, sold in 7 lots
3 - Sale agreement of estate in Crimplesham, from George Leonard Jenys to Zachariah Clark for £7000
4 - Assignment of an assignment: Thomas Everard and Cornelius Benstead with wife Susannah, heiress of Cornelius Pamplin (deceased), to Henry Everard, of an assignment dated 10 April 1711 between Thomas Everard and Thomas Jenyns
5 - Sale for £196 of 50 acres of pasture in Upwell from James Chapman Fuller of Battersea and Roger Jenyns of Hayes, Middx with his son Roger of Inner Temple
6 - Final concord, both copies, for sale of messuage and land in Bottisham, from Roger Smith and wife Anne to Thomas Brooks. Consideration: £60
7 - Sale of 22 acres in the Lotts in Upwell from Guy Chapman Fuller to William Wilkes
8 - Assignment of a mortgage on property in Bottisham from Roger Jenyns of Ely and Cornelius Pamplin of Bottisham to Thomas Everard of Newmarket for £80
Expand 9 - Map and contract for sale of land in Bottisham 9 - Map and contract for sale of land in Bottisham
10 - Copy of court roll, admission of Henry Hollywell on surrender of a tenement in Cottenham by William Ingle and William Dare
11 - Articles for securing a stipend in West Derham [Dereham] from Queen Annes Bounty
Expand 12 - Bundle of 9 items, Anglesey Abbey Farm12 - Bundle of 9 items, Anglesey Abbey Farm
Expand 13 - Records of inclosure of Crimplesham, Norfolk13 - Records of inclosure of Crimplesham, Norfolk
Expand 14 - Shelford documents14 - Shelford documents
Expand 15 - Documents relating to George Leonard Jenyns15 - Documents relating to George Leonard Jenyns
Expand 16 - Bundle of early 19th century papers16 - Bundle of early 19th century papers
Expand 17 - Documents relating to the Downing family17 - Documents relating to the Downing family
Expand 18 - Property of Emmauel College18 - Property of Emmauel College
Expand 19 - Abstracts of title of George Jenyns19 - Abstracts of title of George Jenyns
20 - Copy of the last will and testamnet of John Austen of Cambridge written 19 August 1645, proved September 1645
Expand 21 - Documents linked to William Tiffen of Raydon21 - Documents linked to William Tiffen of Raydon
22 - Abstract of title of Rev. George Leonard Jenyns to a freehold estate in Bottisham, purchased from John Peter Allix
23 - Abstract of title to the Anglesey Abbey Estate
24 - Transfer of manors of Anglesey and Stow-cum-Quy with their rents from Alexander Parker to John Raby and Thomas Luck
25 - Release of a tenement in Bottisham from Mary Peachey, widow and heir of William Deaves, and William Andrews to James Turner
26 - Settlement of the marriage of John Cranwell to Mary Baron, daughter of Charles Baron of Little Eversden, granting land and property in Bottisham
27 - Mortgage for 1000 years of tenement and land in Bottisham for £350 from Edward Hassell of Bottisham and wife Katherine to James Wortham of Royston
28 - Abstract of title of Rev. George Leonard Jenyns to a freehold estate in Bottisham, purchased from Mary Moore
29 - Release: sale by Alexander Parker to William Smith of a property called the Coalehouse in Bottisham, now in the tenure of Thomas Reeve
30 - Marriage settlement of £1000 on intended marriage of John Cranwell to Mary Baron, daughter of Charles Baron of Little Eversden, with other provisions for Mary's property
31 - Indenture of sale of tenement and land in Bottisham for £400 from Edward Hassell of Bottisham and wife Katherine to Thomas Gearing of Kings College Cambridge
32 - Receipt for £400 of Edward Hassell of Bottisham
33 - Instructions for the drawing of the bill of sale
34 - Final concord. In Latin, dated morrow of Holy Trinity, 35 Chas. II. Thomas Gearing (querent), Edward Hassell and Katherine his wife (deforciants). Messuage, garden, wood, 30 acres land, 10 acres meadow and 40 acres pasture in Bottisham
Expand 35 - Documents mainly related to the estate of George Jenyns35 - Documents mainly related to the estate of George Jenyns
Expand 36 - Documents relating to Cherry Hinton36 - Documents relating to Cherry Hinton
Collapse 37 - Envelope of 5 grants, with final concord evidently misplaced37 - Envelope of 5 grants, with final concord evidently misplaced
1 - Grant by John Sorell, son of John, to Thomas son of Robert of Bodekesham [Bottisham] of acre and half in 'Mittelhoufeld' [Middle Field] in Swaffham Bulbeck abutting land of Hugh Brown. Witnesses include: Richard Robecoc', William Fitz Hugh, William of Honeden [Hundon], John of Schymplyngg' [Shimpling], John Davy
2 - Grant by John Greyne to his son John of two acres in fields of Bonewell [Barnwell]. Witnesses include: Nicholas Blome, Robert Baldewyn, Robert Engliuse, Richard Perle, William Randolf'
3 - Grant by Alan Marchal of Queye [Quy] to William 'de Arderun' of five acres and a rod of arable in fields of Quy and Stow, with abuttals including to Wilbragham [Wilbraham] fen. Witnesses include: Hugh Cressy, John of Hoton', Henry Skileman, Richard Skileman
4 - Grant of four acres in fields of Tadelow [Tadlow] and Clopton by William Sibbe of Tadlow to John Redeman senior, with abuttals including to Pyncote brook, Northmerssh [north marsh], and lands of priory of Chikesonde [Chicksands] and Shrewsbury abbey. Witnesses include: John Hobildod', John Colwyll, William Bakere, Walter Clopton, John Derby of Clopton
5 - Grant by Radulfus son of Albric (Albrici) of three acres 'in town... of Huntingdon' held of Richard son of Eustace (Eustacu), with warranty to nuns of Huntingdon St James. Witnesses include: Richard of Bodekesham [Bottisham], Hugh son of Augustus, Martin of Swafham [Swaffham], Richard of Ramtun' [Rampton]
6 - Final concord, dated morrow of Ascension, 4 Anne. William Strand, John Hancock and Elizabeth Knight (querents), William Wrench senior and Anna his wife, William Wrench junior and Lucy his wife, William Wybrew and Mary his wife, Thomas Defew and Mary his wife (deforciants). 24 acres land and 2 acres pasture in Bottisham, Fulborne [Fulbourn] and Swaffham Prior
38 - Sale (lease and release) of an estate in Bottisham from John Ashman Moore of Horningsea to Rev George Leonard Jenyns: property includes the public house The Bell in Bottisham, and pieces of land in the same parish
39 - Lease for a year, property as in item 38
40 - Indenture of sale for £100 from Austin Morgan and William Stevenson of a messuage with appurtenances in Bottisham, occupied by Richard Burton
41 - Indenture of lease for 1500 years between Austin Morgan and William Stevenson of property in Bottisham occupied by Richard Burton
42 - Indenture of sale between Austin Morgan and William Stevenson for £150 of property in Bottisham occupied by William Strand
43 - Indenture of sale (lease and release) from John Kettle of Bottisham to John Moore of Horningsea, of a messuage with appurtenances in Town Street, Bottisham, occupied by Thomas Hills and Samuel Thurgood
44 - Lease for a year, property as in item 43
45 - Indenture of sale (lease and release) from John Moore of Horningsea to Richard Robinson of Horningsea, of a total of 12 acres in three parcels of land in the fields of Bottisham
46 - Lease for a year, property as in item 45
47 - Obligation of John Moore to pay Richard Robinson £200
48 - Indenture of sale (lease and release) from John Moore of Horningsea to Richard Robinson of Horningsea, of a total of 12 acres in three parcels of land in the fields of Bottisham
49 - Lease for a year, property as in item 48
50 - Agreement for the purchase of an estate by William Newman with David Hunter both of Bottisham from John Moore of Horningsea
51 - Indenture of sale (lease and release) from Matthew Feeks of Swaffham Bulbeck , with Martha his wife, to Mrs Philipa Strand Robinson of Bottisham, of two acres of arable in the fields of Bottisham
52 - Lease for a year, property as in item 51
53 - Indenture in seven parts between William Wybrow of Stow cum Quy and Mary his wife with others declaring the uses of a fine on a messuage and land in Fulbourn
54 - Indenture of sale for £200 from John Austen to Henry Culpie of Little Wilbraham of 30 acres dispersed in the fields of Bottisham
55 - Sale (lease and release) of 6 acres of arable in Bottisham from William Wrench of Swaffham Bulbeck and Luce his wife to William Strand of Bottisham
56 - Lease for a year, as item 55
57 - Indenture of sale of further lands in Bottisham from Austin Morgan of Trumpington to William Stevenson of Hauxton
58 - Indenture of sale, for £450 by William Stevenson to Robert Izard of Royston at the request of Austin Morgan, of land and tenements in Bottisham in the occupation of Joseph Hurry and William Strand
59 - Indenture of sale for £450, by John Izard of Baldock, executor of Robert Izard draper of Royston to John Paine of Tadlow, of land and tenements on Bottisham formerly the property of Robert Izard
60 - Lease for £45 p.a. of land and tenements in Bottisham by John Kettle of Kimbolton to William Shand of Bottisham
61 - Sale for £309-13s of property in occupation of William Strand by John Kettle, apothecary of Cambridge, and his wife Margaret heiress of Austin Morgan, to Thomas Terrey of Great Gransden, also mentions Robert Holben of Croyden legatee of John Payne [elsewhere spelt John Paine] late of Tadlow
62 - Sale of two messuages and land in Bottisham from John Kettle, apothecary of Cambridge, and his wife Margaret heiress of Austin Morgan, to John Payne and Edward Payne, both under 21, sons of John Payne of Tadlow, deceased
63 - Sale (lease and release) of 4 acres in Bottisham by John Green from John Bales
64 - Lease of 4 acres in Bottisham by John Green from John Bales
65 - Bond for performance of sale of 4 acres sold to John Green by John Bales
66 - Bond of William Shand in respect of his brother John Shand; both of Bottisham
67 - Extract from will of William Shand of Bottisham, grant to his son John Shand of land in Bottisham purchased from one Wrench
68 - Extract of will of John Green of Little Wilbram, dated 8 June 1738, proved 27 September 1740
69 - Release and settlement: sale for 5s by Mrs Mary Andrews, widow of Nathan Andrews, to her sons William Andrews and Stephen Andrews of her houses and lands in Bottisham: trustee Thomas Wolfe
70 - Lease, for 60 years at a rent of £20, of a watermill in Bottisham from Soame Jenyns to Benjamin Barker
71 - Indenture: lease of the watermill of Rev George Leonard Jenyns by Henry and Charles Giblin for 14 years at a rent of £80 p.a.
72 - Agreement that Giblen & Co will lease the watermill of Rev George Leonard Jenyns for 14 years at a rent of £80 p.a.
73 - Sale, for an undisclosed sum, of some 30 acres in the fields of Bottisham, by Elizabeth Barron, and Mauris Barron both of Westhorpe, Suffolk, to Henry Culpie. Attached a terrier of the lands
74 - Indenture between Lawrence Brown, George Brown (sons of William Brown, deceased) and John Hasell, all of Bottisham, for the land of William Brown to be sold and proceeds divided amongst his heirs
75 - Copy of will of Edward Chapman, written 22 May 1668 probate 7 May 1669. Copy of probate and inventory of household goods affixed to foot
76 - Indenture of sale for £50 of a messuage and lands in Bottisham by Austin Morgan to William Stevenson
77 - Indenture of sale for £50 of a messuage and land in Bottisham from William Mayer of Soham to Esther Baron of Little Eversden
78 - Indenture; Cecelia Morgan [on dorse, Cicily Morgan inside] of Trumpington, widow of Austin Morgan, died intestate, releases property in Bottisham to John Kettle of Kimbolton and his wife Margarett daughter of Austin Morgan
79 - Certificate that Henry Montague has delivered the deeds, listed, to George Downing
80 - Abstract of title of Mary and William Andrews to an estate at Long Meadow in Bottisham, with an opinion that she is entitled to the title
81 - Indenture in 6 parts: mortgage by demise for securing £7000; parties include Thomas Day and Elizabeth his wife of Kings Lynn, John Wilson Allen and Mary his wife of Bury St Edmunds, Henry Partridge of Bath, Esther Dunch of St Neots, George Jenyns and Christopher Pemberton
82 - Indenture following the enclosure of the fields of Bottisham: George Leonard Jenyns purchased property to the value of £1500, money used to defray the costs of the impropriators
83 - Agreement of sale for £1350 from John Moore to George Leonard Jenyns of a messuage, outbuildings and land in Bottisham
84 - Receipt for £100 paid by George Leonard Jenyns to John Moore
85 - Receipt for £400 paid by George Leonard Jenyns to John Moore
86 - Receipt for £250 paid by George Leonard Jenyns to John Moore
87 - Accountant's receipt for £250 paid by George Leonard Jenyns to John Moore
88 - Receipt for £200 paid by George Leonard Jenyns to John Moore
89 - Accountant's receipt for £200 paid by George Leonard Jenyns to John Moore
90 - Receipt for £200 paid by George Leonard Jenyns to John Moore
91 - Receipt for £200 paid by George Leonard Jenyns to John Moore
92 - Memorandum of things to be done in Mr Jenyns' affairs
93 - Draft (undated) conveyance of leasehold of land called Court Yard, formerly the estate of John Moore, in Bottisham from George Jenyns to St John's College Cambridge
94 - Draft (undated) conveyance of leasehold of land called Court Yard, formerly the estate of John Moore, in Bottisham from George Jenyns to St John's College Cambridge
95 - Memo from George Jenyns, querying land called 15-acre close
96 - Letter from George Jenyns concerning land in Swaffham
97 - Annual values of estates of Rev George Leonard Jenyns, undated list naming holders, and value of each holding
98 - Rental value of Bottisham estate: list of names and values
99 - Letter from George Jenyns, reply to a query about the parish award
100 - Note, unsigned [George Jenyns?] of value of his property when he came into possession in 1796
101 - Property late Downing College exchanged with Mr Jenyns under the enclosure act
102 - Note about items 103 to 106: estate of Jacob Downing to Rev George Jenyns
103 - Copy extract from will of William Austin of Trumpington, written 5 April 1679, proved 16 December 1680
104 - Release of writ of error by Austin Morgan of Trumpington to Robert Izard of Royston
105 - Abstract of the wills of James Turner (probate Nov. 1781), Francis Rowling (May 1784), and Jane Crosley (June 1788)
106 - Indenture of release of £1350: John Moore of Horningsea and wife Mary to Rev. George Jenyns
Expand 107 - Bundle of 13 documents107 - Bundle of 13 documents
Expand 108 - Records of Great Shelford108 - Records of Great Shelford
Expand 109 - Bundle of 9 items109 - Bundle of 9 items
110 - Covenant concerning land in Bottisham between Elizabeth Parker, widow of Anglesey in Bottisham, and Thomas Parker of London
111 - Bond of indemnity: George Jenyns of Bottisham Hall is bound to Christopher Pemberton for £1600; he undertakes to pay Catherine Freeman
112 - Letter from Miss Pemberton Thrower
113 - Letter from Miss C Freeman to Mr Thrower
Expand 114 - Documents relating to property in Anglesea114 - Documents relating to property in Anglesea
Expand 115 - Kettering Papers of George Jenyns115 - Kettering Papers of George Jenyns
Expand 116 - Correspondence, mainly to/from George Jenyns116 - Correspondence, mainly to/from George Jenyns
Expand 117 - Bundle of 17 documents mainly about Norfolk estates117 - Bundle of 17 documents mainly about Norfolk estates
118 - Manor of Allington and Vauxes in Bottisham: enfranchisement schedule
119 - Indenture: sale of 50 acres of pasture in Upwell from James Chapman Fuller of Battersea and Roger Jenyns of Hayes, Middx with his son Roger of Inner Temple
120 - Indenture of sale, of 11 parcels of fenland, between Roger Jenyns of Hayes, Middx, with son John and John Robinson of St Martin in the Fields
Expand 121 - Bundle of correspondence filed by C.Pemberton121 - Bundle of correspondence filed by C.Pemberton
Expand 122 - Documents relating to Anglesey122 - Documents relating to Anglesey
Expand 123 - Deeds of property in Bottisham and in Norfolk123 - Deeds of property in Bottisham and in Norfolk
124 - Lease for 21 years of land in Waterbeach from Soame Jenyns to William Wiles of Chesterton
125 - Draft of an agreement between Jonathan Moore and George Leonard Jenyns concerning land and property in Bottisham and elsewhere
126 - Draft of an agreement between George Leonard Jenyns and William Cole of Stow-cum-Quy concerning land called the Homes in Bottisham
127 - Draft indenture of sale for £4100 of the manor of Anglesea with Bottisham and Stoke-cum-Quy from John Whittington of Kilverstone Lodge, Norfolk, to George Leonard Jenyns
128 - Draft of release of an estate at Bottisham from John Ashman Moore to Rev. George Leonard Jenyns; refers to the enclosure act of 1800 for Bottisham
129 - Agreement for the hire by William Randell of 56 acres in Bottisham Lode, property of Thomas John Ficklin
130 - Assessment of the condition of the farm of T.J. Fickin, now in occupation of William Covell
131 - Terrier of the Home Farm in Bottisham and Swaffham Bulbeck, listing acreages and occupiers: undated
132 - Sheet entitled 'Money expended at Bottisham in building and puchasing of land from 1797 to 1818': in chronological order, showing a total of £33,348
133 - Plan, map of the home farm of 496 acres in Bottisham and Swaffham Bulbeck, with parish boundary marked
Expand 134 - Sale by George Jenyns to John King134 - Sale by George Jenyns to John King
135 - Letter from James Golborne to Rev Jenyns concerning rebuilding of a mill, burnt down
136 - Letter from George Jenys to Christopher Pemberton concerning an exchange of land with Edward King and wife Sophia nee Hobbs
137 - Document entitled 'Schedule of deeds relating to an estate at Bottisham, property of Rev. George Leonard Jenyns': lists documents from 1613 to 1814
138 - George Leonard Jenyns appoints Robert Ford gamekeeper
139 - Exemplification of common recovery dated 1754. Charles Malson Cole demandant, William Mason, tenant, Soame Jenyns vouchee; Manor of Anglesey with Bottisham in Bottisham and Swaffham Bulbeck
Expand 140 - Documents, mainly referring to Isaac Strutt140 - Documents, mainly referring to Isaac Strutt
141 - Catalogue from the auction of the stock of Bottisham Farm, property of George Jenyns, annotated with purchasers and price paid, showing total of £2008
142 - Indenture of sale for £72 of pieces fenland, described in the document, bought by Roger Jenyns from John Paulett of Watlington
143 - Indenture of sale of fenland near Upwell from William Wilkes of Upwell to Guy Chapman
144 - Indenture of sale of 50 acres formerly belonging to Peter Dymond of Upwell from James Chapman of Battersea to Roger Jenyns of Hayes with his son Roger of Middle Temple
145 - Indenture of sale of fenland near Upwell from James Chapman of Battersea and his son Guy Chapman of Cliffords Inn to Roger Jenyns of Hayes with his son Roger of Middle Temple
146 - Conveyance of 22 acres near Upwell from James Fuller to Roger Jenyns
147 - Letter to Roger Jenyns in Bloomsbury Square, with particulars of land rented from him and Elizabeth his wife
Expand 148 - Bundle of deeds148 - Bundle of deeds
149 - Papers of C.F.G. Jenyns
Expand b - Records of Finch Hatton family of Longstantonb - Records of Finch Hatton family of Longstanton
Expand c - Records of Thomas Musgrave, Archbishop of York, re: Cottenham, Girton &c.c - Records of Thomas Musgrave, Archbishop of York, re: Cottenham, Girton &c.
Expand d - Records of Francis family of Cottenham; also including supplementary papers of Musgrave and Finch families of Cottenham and Girtond - Records of Francis family of Cottenham; also including supplementary papers of Musgrave and Finch families of Cottenham and Girton
Expand e - Records of Thackeray and Perse families of Cambridgee - Records of Thackeray and Perse families of Cambridge
Expand f - Records of Thomas Hall Fisher of Chestertonf - Records of Thomas Hall Fisher of Chesterton
Expand g - Records formerly within 'Mr Bishop's Cupboard'g - Records formerly within 'Mr Bishop's Cupboard'
Expand h - Records of Dr William Whewell, late master of Trinity Collegeh - Records of Dr William Whewell, late master of Trinity College
Expand j - Records of Frost family of West Wratting Parkj - Records of Frost family of West Wratting Park
Expand H - Papers relating to Fulbourn HospitalH - Papers relating to Fulbourn Hospital
Expand L - Litigation RecordsL - Litigation Records
Expand M - Manorial RecordsM - Manorial Records
Expand O - Official RecordsO - Official Records
Expand P - PlansP - Plans
Expand Q - Records of Cambridgeshire Charities and SocietiesQ - Records of Cambridgeshire Charities and Societies
Expand SP - Sale ParticularsSP - Sale Particulars
Expand T - Title DeedsT - Title Deeds
Expand Z - MiscellaneousZ - Miscellaneous