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Collapse K107 - Francis & Co, solicitors of CambridgeK107 - Francis & Co, solicitors of Cambridge
Expand AU - Administration: UndertakingsAU - Administration: Undertakings
Expand B - Business RecordsB - Business Records
Expand E - Estate RecordsE - Estate Records
Collapse F - Family PapersF - Family Papers
Expand 1 - Records of Allix family of Swaffham Prior1 - Records of Allix family of Swaffham Prior
Expand a - Records of Jenyns family of Bottisham Halla - Records of Jenyns family of Bottisham Hall
Collapse b - Records of Finch Hatton family of Longstantonb - Records of Finch Hatton family of Longstanton
1 - Rents received of Longstanton tenants
2 - Transcript of a Latin epitaph to William Dinley of Lancashire with Mary his wife, with an English translation
3 - The Bishop of London's epitaph, in Greek with English translation
4 - Letter to Elizabeth Hatton, dealing with estate of her parents (land in Gruntifen and Somersham), from one Ryder of Lincolns Inn
5 - John Maris receipt for 9/6d from Christopher Pemberton
6 - Lettter from Edward Hatton to Christopher Pemberton, closure of a house
7 - Letter to Christopher Pemberton requesting a plan of Longstanton enclosure be sent by bearer
8 - Letter to Christopher Pemberton from [G?] Wade,his brother deceived by Mr Hatton
9 - Rough sheet of accounts
10 - Anne Hatton, lady of the manor of Longstanton, appoints William Phypers gamekeeper
11 - Copy of deed of appointment of Hale Wortham of Royston, and Mary his wife
12 - Pemberton and Fiske's account for recovery of entailed estates of Hale Wortham
13 - Letter about abatements of surveyors' salaries
14 - Accounts of auction at Longstanton of wood belonging to Miss Hatton
15 - Record (printed) of insurance for £3880 by Miss Elizabeth Ann Hatton with the Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire Fire Assurance Company
16 - 'Meat list', list of householder's names, with number of children and size of family for each
17 - Letter from Richard Coe, demanding payment
18 - Account of John Ingle, expenses in the case of Cockshut vs Thomas Dingley Hatton
19 - Letter to Miss E. Hatton, estimates for work to be done at Longstanton
20 - Bill of Simpson & Adams, clothiers, to Mr Ellum
21 - Letter to Miss E.A.Hatton in Cheshunt, balance of her account is £3284-7s-2d
22 - Conveyance of a fee farm rent from Sir Henry Watling Dashwood to Christopher Pemberton
23 - List of names of those who have executed Mr Hatton's deed of trust
24 - Receipt for Elizabeth Hatton's purchase of £75-4s worth of Reduced £3% annuities
25 - Letter from J. Whitby to Christopher Pemberton, re: disposal of money
26 - Abstract of title, land at Gamlingay, late sold for Mr Whittington
27 - Letter to Mr Hatton from C. Harrold of Cheshunt
28 - Sheet headed 'Swaffhan & District' noting receipts and payments
29 - Bill with receipt: Henry Marshall & sons of Pease Hill supply of £3-11s-6d cheese to Miss Hatton
30 - Copies of letter to 8 named tenants informing them of rent increases
31 - Bill of Bettison's bookseller of Cheltenham. supply of 5 volumes to Miss Hatton
32 - Letter from Cheshunt [Hatton?], correcting a mistake
33 - Property act: rents from he univesity and the rest of Cambridgeshire
34 - Sheet of rough accounts, headed Stapleford
35 - Account book, separate page for each tenant (indexed), listing rents due and payments
36 - Scrapbook: first and last pages have a few lines of accounts from 1821/27, rest is blank apart from names written on some pages
37 - Indenture of sale of the manor of Long Stanton from Thomas Dingley Hatton to Charles Pemberton
38 - Court Baron of Fenstanton and Hilton, admission of Mary Wortham wife of Hale Wortham to property in Conington, Cambridgeshire, on surrender jointly by Harriet, Frances, Elizabeth Ann, Sussanna and Anne Hatton
Expand 39 - Manor of Comberton Greens, late Andersons Part: admissions39 - Manor of Comberton Greens, late Andersons Part: admissions
40 - Abstract of title of Thomas Dingley Hatton to an estate in Longstaton
Expand 41 - Longstanton documents41 - Longstanton documents
Expand 42 - Estate of Thomas Dingley Hatton42 - Estate of Thomas Dingley Hatton
43 - Abstract of Title of Thomas Dingley Hatton to an estate in Longstanton, Cambridgeshire
44 - Deed of covenant for the production of title deeds by Miss Susanna Hatton to Rev. Philip Gardener and wife Harriet
Expand 45 - Bundle of 152 items45 - Bundle of 152 items
Expand 46 - Bundle  labelled 'As to an estate late Thomas Hewkins' [Stewkin]46 - Bundle labelled 'As to an estate late Thomas Hewkins' [Stewkin]
Expand 47 - Sundry receipts47 - Sundry receipts
Expand 48 - Longstanton rents48 - Longstanton rents
Expand 49 - Hatton estates, mainly Longstanton49 - Hatton estates, mainly Longstanton
Expand 50 - Bundle of 23 pieces, many relating to Misses Hatton50 - Bundle of 23 pieces, many relating to Misses Hatton
Expand 51 - Documents relating to Longstanton51 - Documents relating to Longstanton
52 - Schedule of deeds relating to an estate purchased by the late Elizabeth Ann Hatton at Cheshunt, Herts,
53 - Petition to the lord Chancellor concerning a debts of £1400, and other sums, owed by Thomas Dingley Hatton, for which agreed repayments have not been made
54 - Accounts: receipts and payments by Lady Hatton in connection with her Longstanton estate
Expand 55 - Miscellaneous bundle55 - Miscellaneous bundle
56 - Draft: lease of a farm at Conington by Anne Hatton to Edward Tebbit of Wicken
Expand 57 - Voting list revision, 184757 - Voting list revision, 1847
58 - Receipt to William Mowbray p.p. Mr Underwood, for fire insurance
59 - Summary, payments to Thomas Spikes by Christopher Pemberton for work in 1829 for Miss Hatton
60 - Plan of an estate at Bassingbourn
61 - Bill for survey of Abraham Few's close
62 - Quitrents payable to the manors of Colvells, Cheneys, etc
63 - Executors' account: Miss Frances Hatton's estate
64 - Rough note: additional rents to be paid
65 - Tithe commission for Longstanton St Michael: returns for Wright Ellwood, Anthony Phypers, Frances Hatton, John Coventry, note about Frances Hatton
66 - Plan of Connington, showing houses and plots
67 - Rough notes detailing records to be kept in account book
68 - Assessment for liability to tax, by commissioners of sewers for Trumpington parish
69 - Receipts for payments to Thomas Spikes and William Worboys, made by Cristopher Pemberton for work done for the Misses Hatton; with some summaries of payments
70 - Receipt from Sun Fire Office for Elizabeth Ann Hatton's insurance
71 - Bill for greengrocery
Expand 72 - Schedule of deeds by which Burgioynes lands were conveyed to the Hatton family 72 - Schedule of deeds by which Burgioynes lands were conveyed to the Hatton family
73 - List of plate, picture and jewels
74 - Letter from Ellen Oshaldus[?] seeking work
75 - Receipts for monies in the Consolidated £3 percent annuities (1797- 1807), and the Reduced £3 percent annuities (1807 - 1811) owned by Elizabeth Ann Hatton
76 - Fortune telling from cards - sheet of predictions
77 - Rough note of money paid for furniture
78 - Picture of a coat of arms with heraldic description
79 - Receipt for poor rates
80 - Plan of Longstanton showing lands of Thomas Hatton, and other owners, with a separate note of lessees
81 - List of buildings at Longstanton that Frances Hatton proposed to insure for fire
82 - Plan of Longstanton showing ground plots with acreages, no names
83 - Samuel Traylen, salary receipt
84 - Bond of William May Underwood to Elizabeth Ann Hatton, for £300
85 - Copy of a letter form Pemberton & Thrower to Hale Wortham, concerning a sale from Hatton to Titchmarsh
86 - Sheet of notes - tenant and rental income 1833 -1840
87 - Thomas Spikes receipt from Miss Hatton
88 - Receipt for £500 from Frances Hatton
89 - Estimate for a new lodge at Longstanton, to replace that occupied by William Linton
90 - Letter to Miss Hatton valuing fixtures at Daltons
91 - Receipt Martha Hankin from Miss Hatton
92 - Terrier of Lady Ann Hatton's land at Longstanton
93 - Doctor's bill for Mrs Natton's servants, fully itemised
94 - Sheet with 4 items of account
95 - Rough notes headed Willingham enclosure Tithe commutation
96 - Bundle of receipts for fire insurance premiums
97 - Rough notes: list of the late Elizabeth Hatton's property sent to Mr Pemberton
98 - List of household items with price/valuation
99 - Extract from the PCC will of Charles Gillum,written 1 June 1765, proved 7 January 1766
100 - List of names and rents
101 - Thomas Spikes account with Miss Hatton
Collapse 102 - Expenses at Longstanton102 - Expenses at Longstanton
103 - Three receipts for rent for 1834, from Stephen Cowling, Thomas Burgess and James Worley
104 - Estimate for repairing Mr Sparrow's barn
105 - Mr Headly's account
106 - Rents of the St Ives etate belonging to the younger children of Sir Thomas and Lady Hatton
107 - Income and admistration costs of the St Ives etate belonging to the younger children of Sir Thomas and Lady Hatton
108 - Hatton estate - valuation for new letting
109 - Letter to Miss Hatton acknowledging two hampers
110 - Miss Hatton, receipt from Lister, Beck, Beck & co.
111 - Susanna Hatton's list of books
112 - William Laider's bill to Mr Legg
113 - Receipt for Rev P. Giffin's quitrent
114 - Receipt for Samuel Knight's quitrent due to the overseers of Impington
115 - Receiopt for rent paid by John Rignell
116 - Receipt for Miss E.A. Hatton's land tax
117 - Gonville & Caius college, tranactions on exchequer bills
118 - Letter to Mr Lonsdale, concerrning statutes relating to game
119 - Sheet of accounts
120 - Letter Thomas Ryder to Christopher Pemberton
121 - Letter Susanna Hatton to her sister
122 - Thomas Chuck's bill to Mrs Hatton
123 - Manor of Bassingbourn, surrender by Daniel Warner
124 - Note about the descent of lands in Cunnington to Sir Robert Cotton
125 - Account book, 'Account with Goslings' on cover, 23 January 1824 to 1840
126 - Draft memorandum of rental Miss E Hatton to Mrs Plowden, property in Church Lane
127 - Receipt for Miss Hatton's purchas of a Pembroke table
128 - Draft notice to quit to Miss Hatton's tenants, with list of names
129 - Agreement between the legattees of Sir Thomas Hatton concerning the allocation of his estate
130 - Account of Dame Harriet Hatton, as executrix of Sir Thomas, for the period January 1788 to May 1789, approved and signed by his legatees
131 - Thomas Lisle in account with C. Pemberton
132 - Copies of 5 letters, concerning family affairs on the death of her father, from Susanna Hatton to her solicitor Mr Long, together with copies of replies and other letters
133 - Letter from Susanna Hatton of Portman Square to her sister [Elizabeth Ann Hatton] in Cheshunt
134 - Note of payment, Francis Burton to Mr Pemberton
135 - Receipts for money paid to support Addenbrooke's hospital, by Rev. Norris, Chris. Pemberton, two Misses Hatton
136 - Receipt for making a court book for the manor of Knights
137 - Letter Cotton to J Dallinger
138 - Receipt for payments by Christopher Pemberton to the Fen Commissioners
139 - Sheet of accounts, work done for Miss Hatton
140 - Letter to Miss E.A. Hatton, notes on Hatton family history
141 - Quarterly report of the prison justices of the state of Cambridge county gaol
142 - Beaumonts Totals: sheet with 2 amounts with the names of Misses Hatton, no explanation
143 - Copy treasurer's account for the Kidwelly Harbour and Canal Company
144 - An account of Mr Delone Radcliffe's quitrents
145 - Letter concerning mortgage from Thomas Hatton to Christopher Pemberton
146 - Recipe for beef ben[?]
147 - Letter Edward Cooch of Baldock to Mr Wade of Dunmow: re. will of Richard Wilson
148 - Sheet of expenses for repairs (nails, paint, etc)
149 - Indenture signed by Thonas Dingley Hatton for the payment of £1400 to Francis Gosling and William Gosling
150 - Draft agreement that Frances Hatton lets land to William Linton of Longstanton, with £265 rent payable quarterly
151 - Bundle of receipts: fire insurance, land tax, poor rate
152 - Notice of appointment of William Papworth of Longstanton as gamekeeper to the manor of Longstanton Coviles
153 - Statement of the accounts of the Misses Hatton
154 - List of names of persons with and without a claim, but matter unspecified
Expand 155 - Paper regarding land improvement at Longstanton155 - Paper regarding land improvement at Longstanton
Expand 156 - Correspondence to Christopher Pemberton156 - Correspondence to Christopher Pemberton
157 - Letter J. Dallinger to Elizabeth Ann Hatton, on matters financial
158 - Thomas Spikes bill to Miss Hatton, clay and brushwood
159 - Receipt for Barnwell poor rate
160 - Summary of Longstanton estate income
161 - Thomas Spikes receipt for £20 from Misses Hatton
162 - Miss E.A. Hatton in account with Mr Pemberton: detailed statement for 1841
163 - Miss E.A. Hatton in account with Mr Pemberton: detailed statement for 1830
164 - Statement of account of Elizabeth Ann Hatton with Gosling and Sharpe: separate sheet for each year 1823 to 1836, and 1840
165 - Sun fire office insurance certificate, paid by Elizabeth Ann Hatton
166 - Instruction of Samuel Knight to pay William Wilson £50
167 - Bundle of receipts for sundry payments
168 - Account of Benjamin Prior, thatcher, paid by Christopher Pemberton
169 - Account of money paid by S. Traylen for Mr Pemberton, rent and travel
170 - Accounts of Francis Burton, work done for Christopher Pemberton
171 - Appointment by Kings College of Charles Wilson of Trumpington as gamekeeper
172 - Notice by Frances Hatton to surrender property in Longstanton: addressed to William Linton, Anthony Phypers, Edward Allum, John Newman, William Collett, John Phillips
173 - Account of meat, 1841
174 - Agreement for maintenance of the drainage cuts, signed Henry Marshall and William Brownell
175 - Elizabeth Ann Hatton's sale of exchequer bills and purchase of £3% consols
176 - See of Ely's demand of Christopher Pemberton for rent for Longstanton
177 - Sketch plan of the ground floor of William Collett's house, with estimaye for repait
178 - Summary of rates for Longstanton St Michael for years 1829 to 1835
179 - Receipt for compostion in St Andrews the Less: H. Pepper to Christopher Pemberton
180 - Miss E.A. Hatton in account with Mr Pemberton: detailed statement for 1842
Expand 181 - Correspondence, mainly to Christopher Pemberton; bundle of 142 items181 - Correspondence, mainly to Christopher Pemberton; bundle of 142 items
Expand 182 - Correspondence, mainly to Christopher Pemberton182 - Correspondence, mainly to Christopher Pemberton
183 - Abstract of title of the Hatton family to the manor of Conington, and other land in Cambridgeshire
184 - Manor of Over, admission of Elizabeth Ann Hatton on the death of Mary Wortham, and others
185 - Copy of the release of the rectory at Longstanton; Rev. Frances Joseph Faithfull to D.H.F. Hatton and others
186 - Bundle of 9 agreements by the Hatton sisters, all of same date, and for occupation of a farm in Longstanton
187 - Agreements by Frances Hatton for occupation of a farm in Longstanton by Francis Coates
188 - Working copy of an order from the King's Remembrancer Office: Parties James Atkins, Harriot Hatton, Thomas Dingley Hatton, Susanna Pryor and Thomas Ryder
189 - Rough sheet of notes of rent, headed Gregory Rogers, late widow Smith
190 - Rough sheet of accounts
191 - Letter recording that Mr Hatton is unable to discahrge his debts
192 - Receipt for poor rate
193 - Longstanton All Saints enclosure: note of estates of John and Thomas Stewkins now property of Hatton
194 - Alterations in rents of the properties in Longstanton of the Misses Hatton
195 - Letter from John Donner acknowledging £91
196 - Empty envelope addressed to Miss E.A. Hatton
197 - Prospectuses for the loan to the Kingdom of Poland of 150million Polish florins, and for the sale of the estate of Treffen in Illyria, addressed to Miss E. Hatton
198 - Document headed 'The younger children of Sir Thomas and Harriott Hatton, as to the sale of the St Ives and other estates'; list of administrator's expenses
199 - Hatton's acknowledgement of payment by his daughter Elizabeth Hatton
200 - Statement of account as to the sales of Sir Thomas and Harriott Hatton: includes expenses and lots sold, buyers and amounts paid
201 - Account of J.J. Whittington with C. Pemberton
202 - Letter to Christopher Pemberton [from D.H. Finch Hatton?]
203 - Bill of L. Chaffins to Miss Hatton
204 - Receipt of L. Chaffins payment by Miss Hatton
205 - Elizabeth Hatton: receipt for income from reduced 3% annuities
206 - Letter Goslings & Sharpe to Miss Hatton, Hertford: sale of consols
207 - Letter to Thomas Dingley Hatton, action against him by Benjamin Carter in the Kings Bench
Expand 208 - Documents from Pemberton208 - Documents from Pemberton
209 - Three sheets, clearly part of an abstract of title, bearing page numbers 17 to 19, altered to 38 to 40, but detached from the rest of the document
Expand 210 - Estimates for repairs210 - Estimates for repairs
Expand 211 - Documents mainly relating to an estate at Ashwell211 - Documents mainly relating to an estate at Ashwell
212 - Thomas Spikes receipts for rent due to Miss Hatton
213 - Rough sheet of accounts, headed Ledwell Meadow
214 - Letter to Pemberton, report on a search manor of Comberton Greens
215 - demand for rent of Longstanton Rectory
216 - Insurance certificate issued to William May Underwood of Meldreth, for a water corn mill and buildings
217 - Letter Longman and Sworder to Pemberton, estate of Frances Hatton
218 - Record of Court Leet of Histon St Andrew, admission of Martha Richard
Expand 219 - Correspondence Hatton family to Christopher Pemberton219 - Correspondence Hatton family to Christopher Pemberton
220 - Draft abstract of title of Edward Hatton Finch Hatton to an estate at Longstanton
221 - Lease by Lord Willoughby of Broke, of Berkeley Square to Henry Headly of Stapleford of property in Longstanton
222 - Bargain of sale of rights in the manor of Collington from Hale Wortham and wife Mary nee Hatton, Frances Hatton, Elizabeth Ann Hatton, Susanna Hatton, Thomas Hatton to Benjamin Austen
223 - Schedule of deeds relating to estates of the late Mrs Anne Hatton
224 - Letters of administration granted to Thomas Fiske to administer the estate of John Perkins
225 - Conveyance of the manor of Willingham from Thomas Dingley Hatton and Thomas Ryder to John Mortlock
226 - Assignment of mortgaged properties in Bassingbourn, value £6000, from Philip Gardner to Thomas Dunsdale, with several other parties, and occupiers, named. Sheets 2 and 3 have on reverse a further indenture dated 19 May 1807
227 - Lease for a year of several pieces of land in Longstanton (described in detail) from John Lawrence, Martha Newton and Thomas Dingley Hatton to Christopher Pemberton
228 - Surrender of the manor of Bassingbourn by Thomas Fiske to Sir John Hatton and Christopher Pemberton
229 - Sale, with extinction of the five sixth parts of Mary, Frances, Elizabath Ann, Anne and Susanna Hatton in the manor of Conington, from Hale Wortham, Frances Hatton and Thomas Fiske to Benjamin Austen
230 - Lease for a year from John Lawrence, Martha Newton, Christopher Pemberton and Henry Fisher to Hale Wortham and the Hatton sisters of the manor of Longstanton
231 - Reconveyance from John Lawrence, Martha Newton, Christopher Pemberton and Henry Fisher to Hale Wortham and the Hatton sisters of the manor of Longstanton
232 - Deed of covenant by Hale Wortham to Elizabeth Ann Hatton, for the production of a title deed to the Longstanton estate
233 - Deed of covenant by Joseph Kent to Farnces Hatton, for the production of a title deed to the Longstanton estate
Expand 234 - Bundle labelled: As to an estate late John Hewkins234 - Bundle labelled: As to an estate late John Hewkins
Expand 235 - Bundle labelled: Hatton - As to the family estate235 - Bundle labelled: Hatton - As to the family estate
236 - Indenture of 8 parts for the performance of an agreement concerning the sum of £252-3s-9d. Parties Hale Wortham and wife Mary, Philip Gardner, Frances Hatton, Elizabeth Ann Hatton, Susanaa Hatton, Anne Hatton, Christopher Pemberton, and Rev. Alexander Cotton
237 - Correspondence to, and notes of, Christopher Pemberton, covering claims of the estate of Thomas Dingley Hatton, who died in September 1812
238 - Statement of the estates of Thomas Dingley Hatton, showing the acreages and values of the allocation to his legatees. Land in Longstanton, Bassingbourne, Connington, Fenstanton, Swavesey
239 - Indenture of sale for £900 of property in Stow cum Quy from William Cole Ambrose to Elizabeth Ann Hatton
240 - Epitome of title to the manors of Willingham and Bassingbourn, reciting history form 2 November 1751 to 14 Aug 1849
241 - Supplemental abstract of the title of Rev. Daniel Heneage Finch Hatton to the manor of Bassingbourn, reciting history from 11 January 1817 to 11 January 1843
242 - Supplemental abstract of the title of Rev. Daniel Heneage Finch Hatton to the manor of Willingham, reciting history from 6 July 1916 to 12 July 1838
243 - Rough notes about Daniel Heneage Finch property
244 - Draft disentailing deed of the manor of Bassingbourn, between Edward Hatton Finch Hatton and Charles Rose Lucas
245 - Covering letter to accompany the disentailing deed, item 244
246 - Letter signed Thomas D Hatton about encroachments by Lord Willoughby's keeper
247 - Documents on the apprenticeship of Edward Phillips of Longstanton to John Sutton, tailor of Cambridge
248 - Letter Margetts to Pemberton, re Hatton proxy
249 - Letter H.R. Evans to Pemberton
250 - Form for residure of personal estate: completed in respect of Rev. Philip Gardener of Gimmingham, Norfolk
251 - Sun Fire Office, policy of Elizabeth Ann Hatton on property in Longstanton, for one year to 25 December 1832
252 - Copt indenture of sale by Edward Harrison to Philip Thomas Gardner of the lands of William Killingbeck
253 - Sun Fire Office, policy of Elizabeth Ann Hatton on property in Longstanton, for one year to 25 December 1832
254 - Notes, copies from document, dated 17 Feb 1789 to 4 Feb 1809, on the descent of an estate in Longstanton
255 - Accounts of cottage rents due to Miss E.A Hatton, dated Michaelmas 1832 to 1839 (1835, 1838 missing)
256 - Map of Longstanton showing Mr Hatton's houses and two churches
257 - Receipt for quite rent from Miss hatton
258 - Rental of Anne Hatton's estates, listing lessess and rents due
259 - Rough notes of rents due to Miss Hatton
260 - Accounts of work done for Miss E Hatton
261 - Receipts of Thomas Spikes for work done
262 - List of tenants of Misses Hatton with rents due and arrears
263 - List of tenants [no location or date, but compare item 263]
264 - Rough jottings, account notes
265 - Map of the Old West River from the Hermitage to Horseshow Mill, surveyed by Thomas Spikes
266 - Lease of land in Longstanton from Frances Hatton to Rev. A. Peyton
267 - Sale to Felix Calvert, by William Young and others, of property in Church Lane, Cheshunt
268 - Sale (lease and release) to Felix Calvert, by William Young and others, of property in Church Lane, Cheshunt
269 - Indenture of sale by Thomas Ryder to Henry Fisher and Christopher Pemberton of the land [in Longstanton] mentioned in the sale dated 1 June 1742
270 - Sale (lease and release) of land in Longstanton from Mary Wortham (widow of Hale, of Royston) to John Hawkins and Christopher Pemberton; with details of land on the Conington estate
271 - Deed of covenant for the production of title deeds relating to Longstanton, by Hale Wortham and wife Mary to Anne Hatton
272 - Lease for a year of the manor of Longstanton: Thomas Dingley Hatton to Henry Fisher and Christopher Pemberton jun.
273 - Deed of trust by Thomas Dingley Hatton to Christopher Pemberton jun. and Henry Fisher. Sheet 5 has a list of Hatton's 46 creditors with signatures sums owed, total approaching £3700
274 - Lease for a year of the manor of Longstanton: Thomas Dingley Hatton, Hale Wortham and Christopher Pemberton to John Lawrence, Edward Martin, Martha Newton and Neville Tomlinson
275 - Mortgage for £10000 in the manor of Longstanton: parties Thomas Dingley Hatton, Hale Wortham, Christopher Pemberton, John Lawrence, Edward Martin, Martha Newton and Neville Tomlinson
276 - Grant of £200 by Henry Jones to Thomas Dingley Hatton
277 - Grant of an annuity of £200 p.a. by Thomas Dingley Hatton to Henry Jones of St Clement Danes
278 - Judgement for debt owed to Henry Jones by Thomas Dingley Hatton, in the Marshalsea
279 - Bond of Thomas Dingley Hatton for debt of £200 owed to Henry Jones
280 - Deed of Covenant on the death of Thomas Dingley Hatton for a partition his estate amonst his sisters Mary Wortham, Harriet Gardner, Frances Hatton, Elizabeth Ann Hatton, Susanna Hatton and Anne Hatton
281 - Reconveyance of part of Thomas Dingley Hatton's estate at Longstanton from John Lawrence and Martha Newton to Christopher Pemberton: parts reconveyed listed on sheets 9 to14 of document
282 - Deed of covent of Hale Wortham and wife Mary to Frances Hatton for the rpduction of a title deed for the Longstanton estate
283 - Lease of land and buildings at Longstanton from Frances Hatton to Rev Algernon Peyton of Doddington
Expand 284 - Documents of title relating to the manors of Willingham and Bassingbourn284 - Documents of title relating to the manors of Willingham and Bassingbourn
285 - Book of Richard Wallis of Longstanton, containing his notes of the accounts and officers of Longstanton for the years 1760 to 1765. Also a copy, undated, of 23 customs of the manor
286 - Timber account of Longstanton, listing elm, ash and oak spires with sizes and values, by property: separate sheet for the estate of the late Thomas Dingley Hatton
287 - Conveyance of the rent of a farm in Bassingbourne from George earl of Dartmouth with others to Christopher Pemberton
288 - Sale (lease and release) of land in Kirton, Lincolnshire, from Thomas Dingley Hatton to William Rodgerson of Boston
289 - Lease (lease and release) from Thomas Dingley Hatton to William Rodgerson of land in Kirton, Lincolnshire
290 - Deed of covenant for the production of deeds relating to an estate in Longstanton from Frances Hatton to Elizabeth Ann Hatton
291 - Deed of covenant from Frances Hatton to Elizabeth Ann Hatton, for the production of title deeds relating to the manor of Willingham
292 - Deed of indemnity from Hale Wortham and others to Elizabeth Ann Hatton in respect of debt arising from the estate of John Hatton, bart.
293 - Deed of covenant from Hale Wortham to Elizabeth Ann Hatton, for the production of title deeds relating to the manor of Willingham
294 - Settlement of the estate of Mary Wortham, widow of Hale Wortham
295 - Account of auction of timber of Elizabeth Ann Hatton
296 - 41 articles of agreement for the depasturing of the commonable ground of Winclingham [Willingham]: signed by Thomas Buck, Dudley Pope, John Robson, Robert Newman
297 - Copy of the disentailing deed of estates in Bassingborne: Rev Daniel Heneage Finch Hatton and Edward Hatton Finch Hatton to Rev Alfred Charnley Lawrence and George Howard
298 - Copy of indenture of sale from John Walford and Theophilus Walford to Jane Taylor and Ann Taylor of buildings at Fulwoods Rents in St Andrew Holborn
299 - Sale (lease and release) for £1000 by John Walford with wife Elizabeth and Theophilus Walford to Jane Taylor and Ann Taylor of buildings at Fulwoods Rents in St Andrew Holborn
300 - Sale by John Hatton to George Villiers and Christopher Pemberton of the manor of Bassingbourn together with Lordship Farm there
301 - List of attested copies of documents relating the Hatton family, listing parties and subject, but no dates
302 - Sale of the manor of Bassingbourn by Sir Thomas Hatton of Longstanton to Sir John Hinde Cotton of Madingley and son Charles Cotton
303 - Sale of the manor of Longstanton by Thomas Dingley Hatton to John Lawrence
304 - Headed 'As to an estate late John Stewkins': transcripts of documents related to the descemnt of his holdings in Longstanton
Expand 305 - Documents relating to the sale of an estate at Landbeach from Henry Fordham to Joseph Goodin305 - Documents relating to the sale of an estate at Landbeach from Henry Fordham to Joseph Goodin
306 - Attested copy of a recovery of the manor of Longstanton: Carew Elers demandant, Thomas Ryder tenant, Thomas Dingley Hatton vouchee
307 - Schedule of documents relating to the estates of the late Frances Hatton: lists documents from August 1699 to 28 October 1817
308 - Attested copy of sale by Rev Philip Gardner and wife Harriet, nee Hatton, to Benjamin Austen, of their parts of the manor of Corrington
309 - Attested copy of a recovery of the manor of Fenstanton: Thomas Fiske demandant, Benjamin Austen tenant, Hale Wortham and others vouchees
310 - Attested copy of a recovery of the manor of Fenstanton: Thomas Fiske demandant, Benjamin Austen tenant, Hale Wortham and others vouchees
311 - Attested copy of a recovery of the manor of Longstanton: Thomas Lewinton demandant, George Johnson tenant, John Hatton vouchee
312 - Attested copy of a recovery of the manor of Longstanton: William Atkinson demandant, John Wilson tenant, John Hatton vouchee
313 - Attested copy of release and settlement of Mrs Martha Strand's estate previous to her marriiage to Thomas Rickard
314 - Attested copy of a recovery of the manor of Longstanton: Henry Sweeting demandant, William Atkinson tenant, Thomas Dingley Hatton vouchee
315 - Attested copy, dated 9 Sept 1817, of a final agreement between James Wortham plaintiff, and Hale Wortham with wife Mary deforceants, of part of the manor of Longstanton
316 - Thomas Spikes receipt from Miss Hatton
317 - Indenture of Susannah Hatton to produce deeds for Hale and Mary Wortham
318 - Sale (lease and release) of the rectory of Longstanton from Harriot Hatton to Thomas Dingley Hatton
319 - Copy lease for a year of the rectory of Longstanton from Harriot Hatton to Thomas Dingley Hatton
320 - Copy lease for a year of the of the manor of Bassingbourn from Rev. Alexander Cotton to Christopher Hatton
321 - Lease for a year of the of the manor of Bassingbourn from Rev. Alexander Cotton to Christopher Hatton
322 - Indenture of Susannah Hatton to produce deeds for Hale and Mary Wortham
323 - Schedule of title deeds relating to the Longstanton estate of Edward Hatton Finch Hatton
324 - Abstract of title of Frances Hatton to manor and property in Longstanton
325 - Account of the co-heirs of Sir Thomas Hatton with Mr Pemberton: covering December 1814 to July 1816
326 - Abstract of the title of Rev. Daniel Heneage Finch Hatton to the manor of Willingham, reciting history from 2 November 1751 to 5 July 1816
327 - Supplemental abstract of the title of Rev. Daniel Heneage Finch Hatton to the manor of Willingham; with history from 6 July 1916 to 12 July 1838
328 - Indenture of lease of the manor of Longstanton, with all perquisites, from Thomas Dingley Hatton to John Lawrence and others
329 - Account of the town money "from Sir Thomas Hatton's taking of it", with entries from 20 Feb 1749 to 5 Feb 1811
330 - Attested copy of deed of trust of the manor of Bassingbourn: Sir John Hatton to George Villiers and Christopher Pemberton
331 - Deed of partition of the Hatton family estates amongst the heirs of Thomas Hatton: working copy, extensively annotated
332 - Abstract of title of Elizabeth Ann Hatton to the manor of Willingham, annotated to record the title of Daniel Heneage Finch Hatton; gives history from 27 Sept 1732 to 6 July 1816
333 - Supplemental abstract of title of Daniel Heneage Finch Hatton to the manor of Bassingboure; gives history from 11 Jan 1817 to 11 Jan 1843
334 - Copy lease for a year of the manor of Longstanton from from Thomas Dingley Hatton to Henry Fisher and Christopher Pemberton
335 - Attested copy deed of trust manor of Longstanton to Henry Fisher and Christopher Pemberton, for relief of debt of Thomas Dingley Hatton
336 - Transcript of a final agreement between Philip Gardner and wife, deforciants to Thomas Fiske, of the manor of Longstanton and Bassingbourn
337 - Mortgage for £10000 to settle debts of Thomas Dingley Hatton
338 - Attested copy of a recovery of land in Elsworth and Swavesey: Thomas Fiske demandant, Benjamin Austen tenant, Hale Wortham and wife vouchees
339 - Abstract of title to a messuage with water mill in Basingbourn; originally property of Sir Thomas Hatton, has a family tree of his immediate family and transcribes documents from 10 July 1654 to 10 December 1805
Expand 340 - Attested copies from 1817 of documents relating to Longstanton, except first 2 pieces340 - Attested copies from 1817 of documents relating to Longstanton, except first 2 pieces
Expand c - Records of Thomas Musgrave, Archbishop of York, re: Cottenham, Girton &c.c - Records of Thomas Musgrave, Archbishop of York, re: Cottenham, Girton &c.
Expand d - Records of Francis family of Cottenham; also including supplementary papers of Musgrave and Finch families of Cottenham and Girtond - Records of Francis family of Cottenham; also including supplementary papers of Musgrave and Finch families of Cottenham and Girton
Expand e - Records of Thackeray and Perse families of Cambridgee - Records of Thackeray and Perse families of Cambridge
Expand f - Records of Thomas Hall Fisher of Chestertonf - Records of Thomas Hall Fisher of Chesterton
Expand g - Records formerly within 'Mr Bishop's Cupboard'g - Records formerly within 'Mr Bishop's Cupboard'
Expand h - Records of Dr William Whewell, late master of Trinity Collegeh - Records of Dr William Whewell, late master of Trinity College
Expand j - Records of Frost family of West Wratting Parkj - Records of Frost family of West Wratting Park
Expand H - Papers relating to Fulbourn HospitalH - Papers relating to Fulbourn Hospital
Expand L - Litigation RecordsL - Litigation Records
Expand M - Manorial RecordsM - Manorial Records
Expand O - Official RecordsO - Official Records
Expand P - PlansP - Plans
Expand Q - Records of Cambridgeshire Charities and SocietiesQ - Records of Cambridgeshire Charities and Societies
Expand SP - Sale ParticularsSP - Sale Particulars
Expand T - Title DeedsT - Title Deeds
Expand Z - MiscellaneousZ - Miscellaneous