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Collapse K107 - Francis & Co, solicitors of CambridgeK107 - Francis & Co, solicitors of Cambridge
Expand AU - Administration: UndertakingsAU - Administration: Undertakings
Expand B - Business RecordsB - Business Records
Expand E - Estate RecordsE - Estate Records
Collapse F - Family PapersF - Family Papers
Expand 1 - Records of Allix family of Swaffham Prior1 - Records of Allix family of Swaffham Prior
Expand a - Records of Jenyns family of Bottisham Halla - Records of Jenyns family of Bottisham Hall
Expand b - Records of Finch Hatton family of Longstantonb - Records of Finch Hatton family of Longstanton
Expand c - Records of Thomas Musgrave, Archbishop of York, re: Cottenham, Girton &c.c - Records of Thomas Musgrave, Archbishop of York, re: Cottenham, Girton &c.
Expand d - Records of Francis family of Cottenham; also including supplementary papers of Musgrave and Finch families of Cottenham and Girtond - Records of Francis family of Cottenham; also including supplementary papers of Musgrave and Finch families of Cottenham and Girton
Expand e - Records of Thackeray and Perse families of Cambridgee - Records of Thackeray and Perse families of Cambridge
Expand f - Records of Thomas Hall Fisher of Chestertonf - Records of Thomas Hall Fisher of Chesterton
Expand g - Records formerly within 'Mr Bishop's Cupboard'g - Records formerly within 'Mr Bishop's Cupboard'
Collapse h - Records of Dr William Whewell, late master of Trinity Collegeh - Records of Dr William Whewell, late master of Trinity College
1 - Account book: Joseph Barton, postage account
2 - Account book: Joseph Barton
3 - Account book: W. Batterby
4 - Account book: Trinity Lodge with H. Carman, poulterer of Sydney Street
5 - Account book: R.P. Clayton, fishmonger
6 - Account book: J. Greek, greengrocer
7 - Account book: Freeman Porter, master's letter book
8 - Account book: grocery, with Lincoln House
9 - Account book: W.H. Palmer, butcher
10 - Account book: Edward Reed
11 - Account book: H. Thompson, laundress
12 - Account book: provisions from Henry and Philip Hudson
13 - Account book: Matthew and Gent, grocers of Trinity Street
14 - Account book: no supplier, grocery and antimacassars
15 - Cheque stubs
16 - Cheque stubs
17 - Index to the accounts of the trustees and executors of the Rev. William Whewell, master of Trinity College
Expand 18 - Correspondence Whewell/Marshall families18 - Correspondence Whewell/Marshall families
19 - Cheque stubs
20 - Receipt from St Johns College for rent due from Dr Whewell
21 - Account of the executors of Dr Whewell
22 - Letter accompanying remittance for damage to Mrs Impey's house
23 - Letter from Trinity College requesting adjudication on moneys from Dr Whewell's estate, with sheet of adjudicator's notes
24 - Letter about master's court cellarage
25 - Loose sheet of accounts, on outside: epitome of payments from rents of new hostel
26 - Two sheets of accounts, construction of new hostel for Trinity
27 - Sheet of rough accounts
28 - Francis Webster and Riche in account with Foote and Adams: sheet of account
29 - Note from Foote and Adams, share brokers, contract for sale of Manchester Sheffield and Lincolnshire debt
30 - Rough sheet of accounts, undated, no explanation
31 - Sheet of accounts, payments to contractors and college [Trinity?], money due to W. Francis
32 - Account book: account with Henry Marshall, cheesemonger
33 - Copy of letter from Clement Francis to J.L. Hammond: award from Dr Whewell's trust
Expand 34 - Bundles of bills: each envelope holds bills paid by Dr William Whewell, roughly grouped by financial year: some years missing34 - Bundles of bills: each envelope holds bills paid by Dr William Whewell, roughly grouped by financial year: some years missing
35 - Account book: Whewell's payments of wages
Expand 36 - William Whewell Slatter to Dr Whewell executors: release of legacy36 - William Whewell Slatter to Dr Whewell executors: release of legacy
Expand 37 - Title deeds relating to an allotment of land in Swavesey purchased from John Graham by William Whewell37 - Title deeds relating to an allotment of land in Swavesey purchased from John Graham by William Whewell
Expand 38 - Residuary account of William Whewell38 - Residuary account of William Whewell
Expand 39 - Sale of an estate in Swavesey39 - Sale of an estate in Swavesey
Expand 40 - Descent of property in Walls Lane40 - Descent of property in Walls Lane
Expand 41 - Correspondence held by Francis, Webster and Riches of Cambridge in communication with Frere, Cholmely & Co of Lincolns Inn, death of Dr W. Whewell41 - Correspondence held by Francis, Webster and Riches of Cambridge in communication with Frere, Cholmely & Co of Lincolns Inn, death of Dr W. Whewell
Expand 42 - Documents generated following the death of Dr Whewell42 - Documents generated following the death of Dr Whewell
Expand 43 - Bundle labelled - Dr Whewell, deceased; mainly accounts of disposal of assets43 - Bundle labelled - Dr Whewell, deceased; mainly accounts of disposal of assets
Expand 44 - Bundle of items, mainly letters, dealing with the administration of Whewell's estate and handling his legacies: many are routine administrative pieces of correspondence, acknowledgements, etc.44 - Bundle of items, mainly letters, dealing with the administration of Whewell's estate and handling his legacies: many are routine administrative pieces of correspondence, acknowledgements, etc.
Expand 45 - Documents linked to probate, etc., of Dr Whewell's estate45 - Documents linked to probate, etc., of Dr Whewell's estate
Expand 46 - Descent of the Sun Inn from Higgins family to William Whewell46 - Descent of the Sun Inn from Higgins family to William Whewell
Expand 47 - Descent of land in and near Over from the Matthews family to William Whewell47 - Descent of land in and near Over from the Matthews family to William Whewell
Expand 48 - Descent of property in Jesus Lane from John Scott to William Whewell: pieces 1 to 16 were filed as a group separate from 17 to 24, although all refer to the same plot of land48 - Descent of property in Jesus Lane from John Scott to William Whewell: pieces 1 to 16 were filed as a group separate from 17 to 24, although all refer to the same plot of land
Expand 49 - Deeds of Dolphin [Inn], Cambridge &c.49 - Deeds of Dolphin [Inn], Cambridge &c.
Expand j - Records of Frost family of West Wratting Parkj - Records of Frost family of West Wratting Park
Expand H - Papers relating to Fulbourn HospitalH - Papers relating to Fulbourn Hospital
Expand L - Litigation RecordsL - Litigation Records
Expand M - Manorial RecordsM - Manorial Records
Expand O - Official RecordsO - Official Records
Expand P - PlansP - Plans
Expand Q - Records of Cambridgeshire Charities and SocietiesQ - Records of Cambridgeshire Charities and Societies
Expand SP - Sale ParticularsSP - Sale Particulars
Expand T - Title DeedsT - Title Deeds
Expand Z - MiscellaneousZ - Miscellaneous