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Collapse K1383 - Varrier-Jones collection: records of Peter Fraser (1913-1961), incorporating the extensive personal and professional papers of Sir Pendrill Varrier-Jones (1883-1941), Medical Director of the Cambridgeshire Tuberculosis Colony (from 1927 called Papworth Village Settlement), at Bourn and Papworth Hall, and other records relating to this and kindred establishmentsK1383 - Varrier-Jones collection: records of Peter Fraser (1913-1961), incorporating the extensive personal and professional papers of Sir Pendrill Varrier-Jones (1883-1941), Medical Director of the Cambridgeshire Tuberculosis Colony (from 1927 called Papworth Village Settlement), at Bourn and Papworth Hall, and other records relating to this and kindred establishments
Collapse A - Records of Peter Fraser &c. relating to Papworth HospitalA - Records of Peter Fraser &c. relating to Papworth Hospital
Expand 1 - Records of Peter Fraser: personal records1 - Records of Peter Fraser: personal records
Expand 2 - Records of Peter Fraser: Papers of a Pioneer by Peter Fraser2 - Records of Peter Fraser: Papers of a Pioneer by Peter Fraser
Expand 3 - Records of Peter Fraser as Member of Executive Board of Papworth Village Settlement3 - Records of Peter Fraser as Member of Executive Board of Papworth Village Settlement
Expand 4 - Records of Peter Fraser as Managing Director of Papworth and Enham Industries4 - Records of Peter Fraser as Managing Director of Papworth and Enham Industries
Expand 5 - Records of Peter Fraser as Private Secretary to Pendrill Varrier-Jones5 - Records of Peter Fraser as Private Secretary to Pendrill Varrier-Jones
Expand 6 - Papers of the Founder and Director, Pendrill Varrier-Jones6 - Papers of the Founder and Director, Pendrill Varrier-Jones
Expand 7 - Correspondence and papers addressed to Pendrill Varrier-Jones in files arranged by Peter Fraser7 - Correspondence and papers addressed to Pendrill Varrier-Jones in files arranged by Peter Fraser
Expand 8 - Correspondence and papers of Pendrill-Varrier Jones from which papers in series above appear to have been selected8 - Correspondence and papers of Pendrill-Varrier Jones from which papers in series above appear to have been selected
Expand 9 - Papers and Correspondence about Motor Vehicles9 - Papers and Correspondence about Motor Vehicles
Expand 10 - Pendrill Varrier-Jones' (and in some cases, Peter Fraser's) correspondence with Individuals 10 - Pendrill Varrier-Jones' (and in some cases, Peter Fraser's) correspondence with Individuals
Expand 11 - Varrier-Jones Correspondence and Papers about Personal Matters11 - Varrier-Jones Correspondence and Papers about Personal Matters
Expand 12 - Varrier-Jones records about Patients12 - Varrier-Jones records about Patients
Expand 13 - Publicity and Appeals: General Correspondence Files13 - Publicity and Appeals: General Correspondence Files
Expand 14 - Correspondence with Wreford about particular subjects14 - Correspondence with Wreford about particular subjects
Collapse 15 - Correspondence from Reynell Wreford selected by Peter Fraser15 - Correspondence from Reynell Wreford selected by Peter Fraser
1 - Pendrill Varrier-Jones' correspondence with Reynell Wreford in file labelled 1937 by Peter Fraser
2 - Pendrill Varrier-Jones' correspondence with Reynell Wreford mainly about Enham
3 - Pendrill Varrier-Jones' correspondence with Reynell Wreford, LD Booker and Major RW Lloyd of the London Office [found loose] appears to relate to Enham, but includes weekly report on donations for Papworth and Enham, bequest of £500 from Alice Anderson, copy letters to Sir Reginald Wingate about difficulties at industries Enham and Mr Green, the manager 'broken down with neurasthenia'
4 - File labelled 'Wreford - Cottages' [? In hand of Thomas Johnson, Secretary of Papworth Village Settlement] containing correspondence from Wreford to him about donations for new cottages from various individuals, grant from Red Cross and films for shows in Village Hall, also intermixed with correspondence between Varrier-Jones and Wreford about general publicity and appeal matters, including report new projects requiring funding: new wing for the Bernhard Baron Hospital, new travelling Goods factory, Preventorium for women and children, new hostel for men, new school and extension to village hall
5 - File containing correspondence form Wreford to Varrier-Jones and Thomas Johnson, Secretary of Papworth Village Settlement about donations from individuals, proposed decline in the number of functions for fundraising and letting Major Lloyd 'go' from his job at the London Office and other staff matters
6 - Papers found loose: private correspondence from Wreford to Peter Fraser, Private Secretary to Varrier-Jones, [addresses Wreford as Dear 'George'] and Varrier-Jones about publicity and appeal matters, also proposed [?Empire] Conference to be arranged by Papworth
7 - File labelled 'Wreford-Premiere' containing correspondence and papers from Reynell Wreford about premiere of film A Yank at Oxford, with proceeds donated to work of Papworth Village Settlement, also includes matters unrelated to the premiere such as asking Barclays bank for an extension of credit facilities, and matters relating to bequests to Enham
Expand 16 - Papers about donations from the London Office16 - Papers about donations from the London Office
Expand 17 - Copies of memos to Reynell Wreford from Papworth Industries sent to Varrier-Jones17 - Copies of memos to Reynell Wreford from Papworth Industries sent to Varrier-Jones
Expand 18 - Papworth Industries and Institution18 - Papworth Industries and Institution
Expand 19 - Papers retained for reference by Varrier-Jones19 - Papers retained for reference by Varrier-Jones
Expand 20 - Puplished Medical Papers and Reports20 - Puplished Medical Papers and Reports
Expand 21 - Records of other Officers of Papworth Village Settlement21 - Records of other Officers of Papworth Village Settlement
Expand 22 - Reynell Wreford: Press cuttings books22 - Reynell Wreford: Press cuttings books
Expand 23 - Papers found loose in press cuttings books23 - Papers found loose in press cuttings books
Expand 24 - Records of Thomas Johnson, Secretary, Papworth Village Settlement24 - Records of Thomas Johnson, Secretary, Papworth Village Settlement
Expand 25 - Press cuttings books acquired by Papworth Village Settlement25 - Press cuttings books acquired by Papworth Village Settlement
Expand 27 - Records of Bertram Tallyn, General Manager Papworth Industries  27 - Records of Bertram Tallyn, General Manager Papworth Industries
Expand 28 - Records of Mr Papé, Financial Director, Papworth Village Settlement and of Enham Village Centre28 - Records of Mr Papé, Financial Director, Papworth Village Settlement and of Enham Village Centre
Expand B - Papworth Village Settlement papers about Enham Village Centre, Andover, HampshireB - Papworth Village Settlement papers about Enham Village Centre, Andover, Hampshire
Expand C - Papers relating to Preston Hall, Aylesford, Kent.C - Papers relating to Preston Hall, Aylesford, Kent.
Expand D - Papers relating to Peamount Sanatorium, Newcastle, Co. Dublin.D - Papers relating to Peamount Sanatorium, Newcastle, Co. Dublin.