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Collapse K305 - Eaden, Spearing and RaynesK305 - Eaden, Spearing and Raynes
Expand A - Administrative recordsA - Administrative records
Collapse E - Estate papersE - Estate papers
1 - Copies of the London Gazette and The Times with notices concerning claims on the estate of Harry Frost, deceased
2 - Draft oath relating to probate of Colonel Harry Frost, with draft will and two codicils and draft epitome of will and codicils, 1884-1898, and appointment of new trustees, 1899
3 - Series of accounts relating to the estate of H. Frost administered by trustees
4 - Inland Revenue forms connected with estate of H. Frost
5 - Valuation of estate of H. Frost, account of executors, distress notices relating to Oxcroft House
6 - Lists of stocks and shares and monetary value of real estate, dividends, investments, etc, of H. Frost with correspondence, etc
7 - Correspondence, instructions to counsel and deed of appropriation and indemnity concerning the farm at Glenrock, Kokstadt, Griqualand, Cape Colony, part of the estate of H. Frost to be included as part of H.E.F. Frost's share of the estate.
8 - Documents concerning the division of estate of late Harry Frost between his two sons, H.E.F. Frost and E.G.G. Frost
9 - Documents concerning mortgage made by H.E.F. Frost of his share of the real and personal estate of Harry Frost
10 - Documents concerning leave to E.P. Frost of the West Wratting farm estate of H. Frost which they farmed jointly prior to the latter's death
11 - Copies of London Gazette and Times with notices relating to claims on the estate of Edward Purkis Frost, deceased
12 - Bundle containing draft wills of E.P. Frost, 1899-1921, power of attorney to E.G.G. Frost to receive rents and manage estate, 1922, rent accounts for West Wratting estate, lists of debts owing at death, solicitor's accounts
13 - Inland Revenue forms concerning real and personal estate of E.P. Frost together with cash accounts, lists of shares, etc, in proof of value of estate
14 - Valuations and inventories of the estate of E.P. Frost, household and farming equipment, furniture, stock, etc, for probate, with Inland Revenue forms
15 - E.P. Frost: Lists of stocks and shares, letters to stock-holders, correspondence concerning disposal of stock, lists of dividends, shares unsold, etc, statutory declaration concerning receiving certificates
16 - Account book of E.P. Frost with Alice Frost, with notes of explanation
17 - E.P. Frost: Insurance policies
18 - Documents relating to Manor of Charles in West Wratting, sold to E.P. Frost by St Peter's College
19 - Schedule of deeds and writings relating to properties of E.G.G. Frost
Expand F - Family papersF - Family papers
Expand M - Manorial recordsM - Manorial records
Expand P - PlansP - Plans
Expand SP - Sale particularsSP - Sale particulars
Expand T - Title deeds T - Title deeds