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Collapse K488 - Huddleston family of SawstonK488 - Huddleston family of Sawston
Collapse C1 - Various correspondenceC1 - Various correspondence
Expand BL - Correspondence of Thomas Belchier of MonmouthBL - Correspondence of Thomas Belchier of Monmouth
Expand EH - Correspondence of Edward Huddleston EH - Correspondence of Edward Huddleston
Expand FH - Correspondence of Ferdinand Huddleston, of SawstonFH - Correspondence of Ferdinand Huddleston, of Sawston
Expand FRa - Correspondence of Sir John Fortescue of Salden, BuckinghamshireFRa - Correspondence of Sir John Fortescue of Salden, Buckinghamshire
Expand FRb - Correspondence of Sir Frances Fortescue, of Salden, BuckinghamshireFRb - Correspondence of Sir Frances Fortescue, of Salden, Buckinghamshire
Collapse HD - Correspondence of Henry Huddleston 1624-1709, Richard Huddleston 1708-1715, Squires of Sawston; and correspondence of Richard Huddlestone (1716-1760), 1748-1759, and Agnes, Frances, Isabella, Jane and Sarah Huddlestone, 1818-1851.HD - Correspondence of Henry Huddleston 1624-1709, Richard Huddleston 1708-1715, Squires of Sawston; and correspondence of Richard Huddlestone (1716-1760), 1748-1759, and Agnes, Frances, Isabella, Jane and Sarah Huddlestone, 1818-1851.
1 - Bond re Sir Robert Rookwood's sale of a house to Henry Huddleston, Sawston.
2 - Sir Robert Rookwood, Coldham Hall, Suffolk, to Henry Huddleston, Sawston, asking payment of a debt of 1624.
3 - Henry Huddleston, Sawston, to Sir Robert Rookwood, Coldham, re payment of his debt.
4 - J. Bostock, to Mr Henry Huddleston, re a loan and excursion.
5 - Henry Huddleston? to Mr Huddleston, Sawston, arranging a meeting.
6 - John Stevenson, Newton Hall, Cambridgeshire, to Henry Huddleston?, Sawston, re the sale of Whittlesford estate.
7 - John Thorold, to Henry Huddleston, Sawston, demanding payment of a debt.
8 - James Bostock, to Richard Huddleston, Sawston, re debts of Henry Huddleston.
9 - James Bostock, London, to Richard Huddleston, Sawston, re payment of an aunt's annuity.
10 - Richard Huddleston, Sawston, to Mr Prince and James Bostock, ordering them to surrender to Francis Fortescue and Henry Harrison all estate documents and court rolls.
11 - Nathaniel Bostock, London, to Richard Huddleston, Sawston, re a financial matter.
12 - Richard Bostock, London, to Richard Huddleston, Sawston, with an offer of cockerels, news of Churchill's victory at Malplaquet.
13 - Richard Huddleston, Sawston, to Mr Harris at Lady Dover's, with his bond for twenty pounds to John Lomax.
14 - Margaret Harris, Midhurst, Sussex, to Richard Huddleston, Sawston, asking payment of interest on bond.
15 - Henry Huddleston, London, to Richard Huddleston, Sawston, re his unhappy circumstances and passion for a Mrs Daniel.
16 - Henry Huddleston, Bury St Edmunds, to Richard Huddleston, Sawston, with an urgent appeal for money.
17 - Note in Richard Huddleston's hand, re troop movements in Scotland.
18 - Tristam Huddleston to Richard Huddleston, Sawston, demanding payment of a debt.
19 - Charles Hyde, Basingstoke, Hampshire, to Richard Huddleston, Sawston, re his attempts to reclaim a bad debt.
20 - Charles Hyde, Basingstoke, Hampshire, to Richard Huddleston, Sawston, re arrangement of a meeting for witnesses to release from a debt.
21 - Charles Hyde, Basingstoke, Hampshire, to Richard Huddleston, Sawston, re a business matter to be settled in London.
22 - John Hyde to Richard Huddleston, Sawston, announcing the death of Hyde's father, asking for Masses.
23 - Elizabeth Martin to Richard Huddleston, Sawston, re a debt of Henry Huddleston.
24 - Edward Maskell, London, to Richard Huddleston, Sawston, re the making of a wig.
25 - John Mills, London, to Richard Huddleston, Sawston, asking for urgent payment of a loan.
26 - S. Newport, Streathall, to Richard Huddleston, Sawston, asking Richard to pay Christopher Sudbury for building materials.
27 - Thomas Nutting to Richard Huddleston, Sawston, re a debt of Henry Huddleston.
28 - David Richmond, Bury St Edmunds, to Richard Huddleston, Sawston, appealing for payment of legacy.
29 - Frances Rigmaiden to Richard Huddleston, Sawston, with clothing.
30 - A Monmouth lawyer, re a legacy from Thomas Belchier.
31 - Stephen Adams, tanner, Sawston, abusing Richard Huddleston for fining his servant for poaching hares.
32 - Draft of Richard Huddleston to Joseph Bambridge, re a cow claimed as a heriot.
33 - Richard Huddleston, Sawston, to Thomas Belchier, Monmouth, re his wife's impending confinement.
34 - Richard Huddleston, Sawston, to Thomas Belchier, Monmouth, acknowledging loan.
35 - Henry Bostock, London, re rents. proffering courtesies, re the plague at Lisbon.
36a - William Finch, Cambridge, to Richard Huddleston's steward(?), re an action for trespass against Finch's tenants.
36b - Letter concerning prosecution by an Association of three offenders; the prosecution may be stopped by the complainant upon payment of a penalty.
37 - William Finch, Cambridge, re fine on trespassing tenant.
38 - William Greaves, London, re proceedings in action for trespass.
39 - William Greaves, Fulbourn, Cambridgeshire, re fines and rents due to Richard Huddleston.
40 - Copy By William Greaves, Fulbourn, of a letter from Richard Huddleston, re Richard's right to a heriot.
41 - William Greaves, Bury Street, St James, London, urging reconciliation in a case of trespass.
42 - Charles Halfpenny, London, re business matters.
43 - Charles Halfpenny, Monmouth, to Richard Huddleston, Bath, re purchase of goods.
44 - Richard Huddleston, Sawston, in Jane Huddleston's hand, to Charles Halfpenny, Monmouth, ordering payment to Mary Morgan.
45 - Charles Halfpenny, Monmouth, re payment to Morgan, rent collection.
46 - Frances Huddleston, Lisbon, re her poor health and spirits, asking for the tea and sympathy.
47 - Frances Huddleston, Lisbon, reproaching Richard for his neglect of her.
48 - Frances Huddleston, Lisbon, re the destruction of her convent by earthquake and fire; with a printed appeal for funds to re-build.
49 - Jane Huddleston, Monmouth, deploring the threat of John Champion's removal from Sawston, re her journey home.
50 - John Huddleston, O.S.B., re payment of his annuity.
51 - Richard Huddleston, Bornhem College, re his school-life.
52 - D. Poole's legal opinion re a heriot claimed from Isaac Lofts.
53 - Richard Huddleston, Sawston, to John Meire, Gray's Inn, re the Dernford rentals.
54 - Lord Montagu, St James's Square, London, re arrears in Montagu's quit-rents.
55 - William Mott, Cambridge, re a surrender.
56 - Chester Pern, Abington, Cambridgeshire, offering a convict's release.
57 - Charles Pryor, Chesterton, Oxfordshire, re employment of clerks.
58 - Timothy Ravenhill, London, re Richard Huddleston's proposal to increase the rents of Brook Farm property and sell its woods.
59 - Edward Webbe, London, re payment of Fortescue legacy.
60 - Henry Wyburne, Southampton Row, London, with a printed copy of the Brigittine petition.
61 - Frances English, Bath, to Miss (?) Huddleston, Montagu Square, London, re the Woolich Huddleston's infatuation with a swindler.
62 - Thomas Couch, Champs Elysées, Paris to Agnes Huddleston, Sawston, returning power of attorney with best wishes for her forthcoming marriage.
63 - Edward Huddleston, St Austin's, Stafford, to Agnes Huddleston, re the consecration of Eridington Church, and proposed monument for Richard Huddleston.
64 - Jemina Bartley, Sheffield to Frances Huddleston, Purse Caundle, Dorset, readdressed Tepcote House, Shepton on Stour, re her life in Sheffield, James Montgomery.
65 - Sidome de Beaulauncourt, Arras, to Isabella Huddleston, Sawston, redirected to North Parade, Bath, with assurances of everlasting friendship.
66 - Edward Huddleston, S.J., to Isabella Huddleston, Paris, with wedding congratulations, re Mary Huddleston's health, Denis Lawlor's schooldays.
67 - Frances Couche, Cheltenham, to Jane Huddleston, Paris, re Jane's forthcoming marriage, employment of a maid, permit for the export of plate.
68 - Edward Huddleston, S.J., St Austin's, Stafford, to Jane Huddleston, Hotel Chatham, Paris, re news of their siblings; Mary's death, Isabella's marriage, Henry in India, the undesirability of the Couches.
69 - Elizabeth Couche, Chateau de la Valleé, Amiens, to Sarah Huddleston, Purse Caundle, Dorset, re the discomforts of a French winter.
70 - Elizabeth Medlycott, Bath, to Sarah Huddleston, re a bereavement.
71 - Frances English, Bath, to Frances Jones, née Huddleston, Clytha, Monmouthshire, re the Daltons, Tickells, family news.
Expand JH - Correspondence of Jane Huddleston, SawstonJH - Correspondence of Jane Huddleston, Sawston
Expand MF - Correspondence of Lady Mary Fortescue, née HuddlestonMF - Correspondence of Lady Mary Fortescue, née Huddleston
Expand MHa - Correspondence of Mary HuddlestonMHa - Correspondence of Mary Huddleston
Expand MHb - Correspondence of Mary Huddleston, of SawstonMHb - Correspondence of Mary Huddleston, of Sawston
Expand MHc - Correspondence of Mary HuddlestonMHc - Correspondence of Mary Huddleston
Expand SJ - Photocopied letters from the Society of Jesus, Farm Street, MayfairSJ - Photocopied letters from the Society of Jesus, Farm Street, Mayfair
Expand TH - Correspondence of Thomas HuddlestonTH - Correspondence of Thomas Huddleston
Expand TL - Correspondence of Timothy Lucas, of Marlborough, WiltshireTL - Correspondence of Timothy Lucas, of Marlborough, Wiltshire
Expand X - Miscellaneous lettersX - Miscellaneous letters
Expand C2 - Letters to Ferdinand HuddlestonC2 - Letters to Ferdinand Huddleston
Expand C3 - Letters to Richard Huddleston C3 - Letters to Richard Huddleston