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Collapse K488 - Huddleston family of SawstonK488 - Huddleston family of Sawston
Collapse C1 - Various correspondenceC1 - Various correspondence
Expand BL - Correspondence of Thomas Belchier of MonmouthBL - Correspondence of Thomas Belchier of Monmouth
Expand EH - Correspondence of Edward Huddleston EH - Correspondence of Edward Huddleston
Expand FH - Correspondence of Ferdinand Huddleston, of SawstonFH - Correspondence of Ferdinand Huddleston, of Sawston
Expand FRa - Correspondence of Sir John Fortescue of Salden, BuckinghamshireFRa - Correspondence of Sir John Fortescue of Salden, Buckinghamshire
Expand FRb - Correspondence of Sir Frances Fortescue, of Salden, BuckinghamshireFRb - Correspondence of Sir Frances Fortescue, of Salden, Buckinghamshire
Expand HD - Correspondence of Henry Huddleston 1624-1709, Richard Huddleston 1708-1715, Squires of Sawston; and correspondence of Richard Huddlestone (1716-1760), 1748-1759, and Agnes, Frances, Isabella, Jane and Sarah Huddlestone, 1818-1851.HD - Correspondence of Henry Huddleston 1624-1709, Richard Huddleston 1708-1715, Squires of Sawston; and correspondence of Richard Huddlestone (1716-1760), 1748-1759, and Agnes, Frances, Isabella, Jane and Sarah Huddlestone, 1818-1851.
Expand JH - Correspondence of Jane Huddleston, SawstonJH - Correspondence of Jane Huddleston, Sawston
Expand MF - Correspondence of Lady Mary Fortescue, née HuddlestonMF - Correspondence of Lady Mary Fortescue, née Huddleston
Expand MHa - Correspondence of Mary HuddlestonMHa - Correspondence of Mary Huddleston
Collapse MHb - Correspondence of Mary Huddleston, of SawstonMHb - Correspondence of Mary Huddleston, of Sawston
10 - Henry Bostock, Brussels, re the intercession of Benedict Labre, Richard Huddleston's unhappiness at Antwerp, the younger Huddleston children, a chaplain for Sawston.
11 - Mary Bostock, Hatton Garden, London, re the birth of a daughter to Thomas Huddleston.
12 - Mary Bostock, Hatton Street, London, re health and family, mourning dress, the merits of inoculation.
13 - Mary Bostock, Hatton Street, London, re a child's inoculation.
14 - Mary Bostock, Hatton Street, London, re the Huddleston children.
15 - Mary Bostock, Hatton Street, London, re Lenten regulations, day of fasting and prayer for peace.
16 - Mary Bostock, London, re disorder after the Gordon riots, difficult tenants and increasing dishonesty.
17 - Mary Bostock, Hatton Street, London, re travelling, a defaulting tenant.
18 - Mary and Henry Bostock, re health and education of Jane Huddleston, rumour of dissolution of the Imperial monasteries.
19 - Mary Bostock, Passey, Paris, re French and Flemish conventual education, Richard Huddleston's vocation to the priesthood.
20 - Mary Bostock, Brussels, re eye-cures, recurrence of civil war in Belgium.
21 - Mary Bostock, Berkeley Street, Piccadilly, re match-making for Richard Huddleston, Weblee's dirge at the Portuguese chapel.
22 - Mary Bostock, Stratton Street, London, re salve for a bad leg, a visit from Henry Huddleston.
23 - Mary Bostock, London, re match-making for Richard Huddleston, London party news.
24 - Mary Bostock, London, re Edward Jerningham's intentions towards Jane Huddleston.
25 - Mary Bostock, London, re Jane Huddleston, the Ladies Newburgh and Shrewsbury, family news, her expenses.
26 - Mary Bostock, London, re her own ill-health and the ill-health of others.
27 - Mary Bostock, London, re the insulting behaviour of her niece.
28 - Mary Bostock, London, denying that she had adopted a child to bring up as a Catholic, sending family news of illness and accidents.
29 - Mary Bostock, London, re Jane Huddleston's forthcoming marriage, family news, match-making.
30 - Mary Bostock, London, re Jane Canning's marriage.
31 - Mary Bostock, London, re medical prescriptions, Edward Huddleston's expenses, the Prince Regent's extravagance.
32 - Elizabeth Brown, Stonesfield, Oxfordshire, re Mary Huddleston's claim on the estate of a Mrs Haverson.
33 - Elizabeth Brown, Stonesfield, Oxfordshire, re Mary Huddleston's claim on the estate of Mrs Haverson.
34 - Henry Chappell, O.P., Leicester, to Mary Huddleston, South End, re sea bathing as a cure for her bad legs.
35 - L. Fergus, Graffham, Sussex, re the Bostocks and Barneswells, rumour of Joseph II's plan for dissolution of the continental convents.
36 - L. Fergus, Bury, with East Anglian society news.
37 - L. Fergus, Peterborough, returning civilities.
38 - Lady Gideon, Abington, Cambridgeshire, with thanks and a pineapple.
39 - Martha Honnor, South End(?), apologising for delay in the despatch of sea-water.
40 - Martha Honnor, South End, re Mary Huddleston's return home, the despatch of stockings.
41 - Frances Huddleston, Bruges, asking for family news.
42 - Frances Huddleston, Thayer Street, London, with family and Catholic society news.
43 - Frances Huddleston, Bath, announcing her forthcoming marriage.
44 - Frances Huddleston, Hanover Square, re family news, her impending marriage.
45 - Henry, Richard and Edward Huddleston, Bornhem College, Belgium, with their dutiful regards.
46 - Henry Huddleston, Bornhem College, Belgium, with their dutiful regards.
47 - Henry Huddleston, Bornhem College, Belgium, re school news, his hatred of dancing and love of drawing.
48 - Henry Huddleston, Bornhem College, Belgium, re disturbances in Belgium, his love of football and dislike of poetry.
49 - Henry Huddleston, Gray's' Inn, re his use of rhubarb and bark to cure spots, headaches and stomach trouble, the loan of £2,000 to Ferdinand Huddleston for enclosure.
50 - Mary Huddleston, Sawston, to Henry Huddleston, London with a loan of £255..
51 - Jane Huddleston, Bruges, with New Year greetings.
52 - Jane Huddleston, Paris, with dutiful regards.
53 - Jane Huddleston, London, re her uncle Richard's health, Lord Hardwicke's recommendation of Henry Huddleston as a Commissioner of Bankruptcy.
54 - Jane Huddleston, London, re Pitt's approval of replies to attack on Denys Scully, visits from Lord Hardwicke, the Jerninghams and the Countess of Shrewsbury.
55 - Jane Huddleston, London, re the Eystons' financial troubles, Andrew Huddleston's illness, Rev. William Greenwood, Richard Huddleston at Chatham.
56 - Jane Huddleston, Sawston, to Mary Huddleston, South End, re Mary's sea-bath cure, the medicinal properties of wine, family news.
57 - Mary Huddleston, South End, to Jane Huddleston, Sawston, re the sea-water cure, jam and wine making.
58 - Jane Huddleston, Sawston, to Mary Huddleston, South End, re the sea-cure, tea with the Adeanes, elderberry wine making, Mr Marshall's coming to Cambridge.
59 - Mary Huddleston, South End, to Jane Huddleston, Sawston, re her health and plans to return to Sawston.
60 - Jane Huddleston, Hendon, Berkshire, re the Newburghs and society in Bognor.
61 - Jane Huddleston, London, re sister Mary's death and burial in St Pancras churchyard, order for funeral costume, a refusal of an invitation to Sawston, Mary Bostock's shortage of money.
62 - Jane Huddleston, London, re a tour through Oxfordshire and Staffordshire with Lady Shrewsbury, visits to the Dormers, the Countess of Newburgh and the Eystons; General Huddleston's ill-behaviour at Sawston.
63 - Jane Huddleston, Stanhope Street, London, re her doing in London, family news.
64 - Jane Canning, Doncaster, re her wedded bliss.
65 - Jane Canning, Stanhope Street, London, re the harm of fasting, recent rioting.
66 - Jane Canning, re dressmaking and other household matters.
67 - Mary Huddleston, Paris, re a procession of redeemed captives, the health of her aunt in Bruges.
68 - Mary Huddleston, Paris, re her health and the weather.
69 - Mary Huddleston, Bruges, re the death of a nun.
70 - Mary Huddleston, London, re an unsuitable suitor.
71 - Mary Huddleston, London, re an unsuitable suitor.
72 - Mary Huddleston, London, re her brother Edward in London, the royal procession, calls from the Yorkes, Mrs Jones's cancer.
73 - Mary Huddleston, London, re Lord Kenmare, Frances Huddleston, the Eystons, a match for brother Richard.
74 - Mary Huddleston, London, re offer of church furniture, fasting observance.
75 - Mary Scully, Dublin, re a wife for Richard Huddleston, family news.
76 - Mary Scully, Rilteache, Ireland, re sea-bathing, her new home, reception by her in-laws and invitation to a ball in Dublin Castle to celebrate the Peace of Amiens, match-making for Richard Huddleston.
77 - Mary Scully, Dublin, re Mrs Siddons' performance, her anxiety to secure her father's formal agreement to her marriage jointure, smoke from land burning.
78 - Mary Scully, Dublin, with Irish news.
79 - Mary Scully, Dublin, promising to help in finding a wife for Richard Huddleston.
80 - Mary Scully, London, re her health, her mother's health, a gift of fish.
81 - Mary Scully, Bagot Street, Dublin, re her mother's and her own ill-health, her impending visit to England.
82 - Mary Scully, London, re her illness.
83 - Mary Scully, Stone, Staffordshire, re her illness, journey through Leicester from London to Dublin, Catholic society at Loughborough and Derby, a kind of High Mass at Leicester.
84 - Sarah Huddleston, Kingstanley, Gloucester, with thanks and compliments.
85 - Louisa Lancaster, Paris, re Jane Huddleston's health.
86 - Timothy Lucas, Marlborough, Wiltshire, re his Jesuit son and Mary Lucas's marriage settlement.
87 - Timothy Lucas, Marlborough, Wiltshire, to Mary Lucas, Ibberton, Dorset, re family news.
88 - Timothy Lucas, Marlborough, Wiltshire, re family news.
89 - Timothy Lucas, Marlborough, addressed to Ferdinand Huddleston, re a theft, family news.
90 - Mary Huddleston, Sawston, to Timothy Lucas, Marlborough, Wiltshire, re family quarrels and the making of wills.
91 - E. Merriman, Marlborough, Wiltshire, re mutual friends in Wiltshire.
92 - E. Merriman, Marlborough, Wiltshire, with congratulations on Edward Huddleston's inheritance, re family news, a Dissenting marriage.
93 - E. Merriman, Marlborough, Wiltshire, with Marlborough news.
94 - E. Merriman, Marlborough, Wiltshire, with local news.
95 - Mary Oliver, Mash, Dorset, re her illness, bad tenants, a tithe-hungry parson.
96 - Mary Oliver, Mash, Dorset, re her difficulties with her estate and a tithing parson.
97 - Hellena Petre, Gravelines, France, re Sister Piggot's death.
98 - M.B. Pigott, Gravelines, to Mary Huddleston, Drury Lane, with congratulations to Mary on her forthcoming marriage.
99 - Frances Rawe, Mash, Dorset, re Mrs Oliver's death.
100 - Frances Rawe, Bath, re family news, threat of law-suit.
101 - Mary Rawe, Trevithick, Monmouth, re Mary Huddleston's confinement.
102 - Mary Rawe, Ibberton, Dorset, re family news.
103 - Mary Sperling and Sarah Richards, Colchester, with civilities.
Expand MHc - Correspondence of Mary HuddlestonMHc - Correspondence of Mary Huddleston
Expand SJ - Photocopied letters from the Society of Jesus, Farm Street, MayfairSJ - Photocopied letters from the Society of Jesus, Farm Street, Mayfair
Expand TH - Correspondence of Thomas HuddlestonTH - Correspondence of Thomas Huddleston
Expand TL - Correspondence of Timothy Lucas, of Marlborough, WiltshireTL - Correspondence of Timothy Lucas, of Marlborough, Wiltshire
Expand X - Miscellaneous lettersX - Miscellaneous letters
Expand C2 - Letters to Ferdinand HuddlestonC2 - Letters to Ferdinand Huddleston
Expand C3 - Letters to Richard Huddleston C3 - Letters to Richard Huddleston