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Collapse K488 - Huddleston family of SawstonK488 - Huddleston family of Sawston
Expand C1 - Various correspondenceC1 - Various correspondence
Collapse C2 - Letters to Ferdinand HuddlestonC2 - Letters to Ferdinand Huddleston
A1 - Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, to his agent, London, ordering payment to Mary Bostock, re delay in harvest.
A2 - George Alexander, Sturtloe, congratulating Ferdinand Huddleston on his marriage.
A3 - Thomas Angier, S.J., St Swithin's, Norwich, re Edward Huddleston's inheritance for Edward Galloway, S.J.
A4 - Thomas Angier, S.J., Norwich, demanding the rest of Edward Galloway's chapel furniture.
A5 - Abbé Anglade, Hammersmith, with thanks for the offer of the Sawston chaplaincy.
B1 - Edward Beaumont, Duke's Place, Norwich, with regulations for Lenten observance.
B2 - Edward Beaumont, Duke's Place, Norwich, re consecration of Charles Berington as coadjutor to Bishop Thomas Talbot, impending confirmation tour.
B3 - Edward Beaumont, Norwich, re the election of the new Bishop of the Midlands District.
B4 - Henry Bell, Gray's Inn, re purchase of John Lucas's annuity.
B5 - Draft of Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, to Henry Bell, Gray's Inn, re purchase of John Lucas's annuity.
B6 - Henry Bell, Margate, re purchase of John Lucas's annuity.
B7 - Henry Bell, Gray's Inn, re execution of mortgage deeds.
B8 - Henry Bell, Gray's Inn, re execution of the mortgage deeds of the Stuart mortgage.
B9 - Henry Bell, Gray's Inn, re Dorset inheritance.
B10 - Henry Bell, Gray's Inn, re settlement of Dorset inheritance.
B11 - Henry Bell, Gray's Inn, re the execution of Dorset deeds by John Lucas, S.J., the return of Ferdinand Huddleston's daughters from their Bruges convent.
B12 - Henry Bell, Margate, re John Lucas's claims to his father's estate, news of the Huddleston children in Bruges.
B13 - Henry Bell, Gray's Inn, re John Lucas's claims to his father's estate.
B14 - Henry Bell, London, with receipt for fee for Henry Huddleston's articles.
B15 - Henry Bell, Gray's Inn, re Stuart mortgage, a clerkship for Henry Huddleston.
B15a - Henry Bell, Gray's Inn, to Henry Bostock, Stratton Street, Piccadilly, re delay in sending deeds, conditions of mortgage.
B16 - Henry Bell, Gray's Inn, re Ferdinand Huddleston's payment of the Rev. Charles Stuart's mortgage.
B17 - Henry Bell, Gray's Inn, re payment of the Rev. Charles Stuart's mortgage.
B17a - Henry Bell, Gray's Inn, to Henry Bostock, Hatton Street, London, enclosing letter for forwarding to John Lucas, S.J.
B18 - Draft of Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, to Henry Bell, London, thanking Bell for his care of Henry Huddleston during his clerkship in Bell's office, asking Bell's assistance to set up Henry as a London attorney.
B19 - Henry Bell, Gray's Inn, promising his support to Henry Huddleston in his future career as an attorney.
B20 - John Berkeley, Hereford, asking him to sign the legal forms to set up trustees for his wife's estate.
B21 - John Berkeley, Hereford, re death of Catherine Bodenham.
B22 - John Berkeley, Spetchley, Worcester, re Ferdinand's duties as trustee.
B23 - John Berkeley, Spetchley, Worcester, asking Ferdinand Huddleston to release money from his wife's marriage settlement for legal costs.
B24 - Robert Berkeley, Spetchley, Worcester, re a financial duty considering Ferdinand as a trustee.
B25 - Robert Berkeley, Spetchley, Worcester, asking that Ferdinand Huddleston execute a deed.
B26 - Robert Berkeley, Spetchley, Worcester, re Ferdinand Huddleston's duty as Berkeley's trustee.
B27 - Robert Berkeley, Spetchley, Worcester, asking Ferdinand Huddleston to execute a deed in his capacity as trustee.
B28 - Catherine Bodenham, Rotherwas, Hereford, with condolences re the death of Richard Huddleston, re Mr Bodenham's ill-health.
B29 - L. Brittain, O.P., Bornhem College, Belgium, with thanks for the presents.
B30 - L. Brittain, O.P., Bornhem College, Belgium, re health and welfare of Edward and Henry Huddleston.
B31 - L. Brittain, O.P., Bornhem College, Belgium, re the groundlessness of the rumour of war in Belgium.
B32 - L. Brittain, O.P., Bornhem College, Belgium, re Richard Huddleston's vocation to the priesthood, a chaplain for Sawston.
B33 - L. Brittain, O.P., Bornhem College, Belgium, re Richard Huddleston's good health, his freedom to decide his priestly vocation, the difficulty of providing a Dominican chaplain to Sawston.
B34 - L. Brittain, O.P., Bornhem College, Belgium, re Edward Huddleston's vacation with the Countess of Bornhem.
B35 - L. Brittain, O.P., Bornhem College, Belgium, re Edward Huddleston's journey back to Britain.
B36 - Ian Brooke, Fordington, Dorset, re condition of Mrs Oliver's estate.
B37 - Charles Broms, Blackheath, re enquiries about loan.
B38 - Thomas Bullen, Cambridge, as a priest applying for the Sawston chaplaincy.
B39 - John Bullock, O.P., London, declining an invitation.
B40 - William Burleigh, Baythorp Hall, Essex, for payment of loan from the estate of George Matthews.
B41 - Charles Butler, Lincoln's Inn, re a legal dispute with a Mrs Rackett.
BS1 - Henry Bostock, London, inviting Ferdinand to Thomas Huddleston's wedding.
BS2 - Henry Bostock, London, with condolences on his father's death.
BS3 - Henry Bostock, London, offering help to his niece Harding, with a tart aside on Harding's second wife.
BS4 - Henry Bostock, London, re family business.
BS5 - Henry Bostock, London, re family business, dinner with the Rev. Elias Thackeray.
BS6 - Henry Bostock, Brighthelmstone (Brighton), re interest for Miss Symms, other family matters.
BS7 - Henry Bostock, London, re his impending visit to Sawston.
BS8 - Henry Bostock, London, re his impending visit to Sawston.
BS9 - Henry Bostock, London, re dinner with the Vicar of Sawston in London, gifts of wine, money from the Lucas estate.
BS10 - Henry Bostock, London, re Ferdinand's accounts, morning walks to Islington Spa.
BS11 - Henry Bostock, London, re the death of Timothy Lucas
BS12 - Henry Bostock, Hatton Garden, London, re Jane Huddleston's last illness.
BS13 - Henry Bostock, London, re Ferdinand's accounts, an exchange of visits.
BS14 - Henry Bostock, London, re loan of servants, impending visit to Sawston.
BS15 - Henry Bostock, London, re Ferdinand's accounts.
BS16 - Henry Bostock, London, re deaths of Mrs Charles Stuart and John Champion, S.J., rendez-vous at St Albans.
BS17 - Henry Bostock, London, re family health, a business venture.
BS18 - Henry Bostock, London, with a copy of W. Myddleton to Henry, re Richard Huddleston's marriage settlement.
BS19 - Henry Bostock, London, re purchase of annuity, family news.
BS20 - Henry Bostock, London, re repairs and lease of Winckle Court.
BS21 - Henry Bostock, London, re repair and lease of London houses.
BS21a - A note by Henry Bostock, London, re the cost of repairs in Winckle Court.
BS22 - Henry Bostock, London, re destruction wrought by the Gordon riots.
BS23 - Henry Bostock, London, desiring Ferdinand to ask Sir Sampson Gideon to further their request for a ministerial loan.
BS24 - Henry Bostock, London, re Ferdinand's accounts, health and hospitality, a providential escape.
BS25 - Henry Bostock, London, re his illness, news of Ferdinand's sons at Bornhem College, Belgium.
BS26 - Henry Bostock, London, re Dorset rents.
BS27 - Henry Bostock, Brussels, re Huddleston children at Bornhem and Bruges.
BS28 - Henry Bostock, Lille, re defects of Bruges conventual education.
BS29 - Henry Bostock, Lille, re a proposed holiday for (Polly) Huddleston.
BS30 - Henry Bostock, Tours, re the Bostock family's sojourn in Tours, the Englishness of the English abroad.
BS31 - Henry Bostock, Mayfair, re marriage proposals to a niece.
BS32 - Henry Bostock, Mayfair, re his wife's attack of St Anthony's fire, a husband for his niece, the plaguing delays of the law, servant problems, news from the Huddleston children on the continent, fireworks for the birth of the Duke of Normandy.
BS33 - Henry Bostock, London, re the cancellation of his niece's marriage.
BS34 - Henry Bostock, London, re payment of the Huddleston children's continental school bills, the destruction of the home of in-laws by fire.
BS35 - Henry Bostock, Brussels, re a homicide, news of the Huddleston children in continental schools, a list of Richard Huddleston's continental expenses.
BS36 - Henry Bostock, Berkeley Street, London, re sale of short annuities in anticipation of a long war.
BS37 - Henry Bostock, London, re a visit to Sawston.
BS38 - Henry Bostock, London, re a projected holiday excursion into Germany for Edward Huddleston.
BS39 - Henry Bostock, London, re continental travels of Huddleston children, costuming the girls, a projected Eyston marriage.
BS40 - Henry Bostock, London, re Bishop Berington and a projected Sawston dinner, wine for Mr Sitwell.
BS41 - Henry Bostock, London, re the education and improvement of Edward Huddleston.
BS42 - Henry Bostock, London, re Dorset rents, asking that Richard Huddleston's visit be postponed.
BS43 - Henry Bostock, London, re appointment of a chaplain to Sawston.
BS44 - Henry Bostock, Gray's Inn, re purchase of annuities and family and other financial matters.
BS45 - Henry Bostock, Stratton Street, London, re moral danger to Henry Huddleston from low company.
BS46 - Henry Bostock, London, re exchange of presents.
BS47 - Henry Bostock, London, re interest on mortgages, loans.
BS48 - Henry Bostock, Stratton Street, London, urging Ferdinand to accept the emancipation oath.
BS49 - Henry Bostock, London, re pamphlets on the election of bishops, the Catholic Committee, parliamentary sympathy for Catholic Emancipation.
BS50 - Henry Bostock, London, re mortgage, loans, request for horse-radish.
BS51 - Henry Bostock, London, enclosing Henry Bell's letter re conditions of mortgage, with Ferdinand Huddleston's accounts.
BS52 - Henry Bostock, London, re London Catholic politics.
BS53 - Henry Bostock, London, re income from Edward Huddleston's estate, family news and a death, an impending excursion.
BS54 - Henry Bostock, London, re Huddleston accounts, family news.
BS55 - Henry Bostock, London, re Mary Huddleston's sea-cure, his impending visit to Sawston.
BS56 - Henry Bostock, London, re mode of escape of French refugees.
BS57 - Henry Bostock, London, re the merits of Anglade and Ahearn as chaplains for Sawston.
BS58 - Henry Bostock, London, re Henry Huddleston, other family news.
BS59 - Henry Bostock, London, re the execution of Louis XVI, a French émigré chaplain for Sawston, the boarding at Sawston of émigré children.
BS60 - Henry Bostock, London, re a business matter, with Ferdinand Huddleston's accounts.
BS61 - Henry Bostock, London, re asylum for émigrés Martinet and Anglade, loan of anti-revolutionary tracts.
BS62 - Henry Bostock, London, re Sawston asylum for Martinet and Anglade, loan of anti-revolutionary tracts, subscribers to French émigré fund, Bishop Pol de Léon.
BS63 - Henry Bostock, London, re Anglade's desire to remain at Hammersmith until needed as Sawston chaplain, subscriptions for émigrés.
BS64 - Henry Bostock, London, enclosing a wine bill, a poem, re a letter from the Abbé Martinet, the disruption of travelling in France.
BS65 - Henry Bostock, London, re payment of Richard Rawe's Dorset rents, the loan of anti-revolutionary pamphlets.
BS66 - Henry Bostock, London, re tenant for Dernford Mill, war propaganda for the lower orders, an offensive speech by Fox and the loan of anti-revolutionary pamphlets, income from Dorset estate.
BS67 - Henry Bostock, London, re purchase of shares on a sudden rumour of peace, more Senators, another émigré clergyman.
BS68 - Henry Bostock, London, re Ferdinand's accounts, purchase of wine, lease of Edward Huddleston's property.
BS69 - Henry Bostock, London, with Ferdinand's accounts.
BS70 - Henry Bostock, London, with Ferdinand's accounts, re family health.
BS71 - Henry Bostock, London, re a pipe of wine, and Ferdinand's accounts.
BS72 - Henry Bostock, London, re Thomas Huddleston's ill-health, other family news.
BS73 - Henry Bostock, London, with Ferdinand's accounts.
BS74 - Henry Bostock, London, re Ferdinand's accounts, re the recovery of land tax, shooting at Sawston.
BS75 - Henry Bostock, London, re Ferdinand's accounts and family expenses, Edward Huddleston's cornetcy, Thomas Huddleston's will.
BS76 - Henry Bostock, London, re Edward and Ferdinand Huddleston's accounts, Thomas Huddleston's health.
BS77 - Henry Bostock, London, with Ferdinand's accounts.
BS78 - Henry Bostock, London, with Ferdinand's accounts.
BS79 - Henry Bostock, London, with Ferdinand's accounts.
BS80 - Henry Bostock, London, with Ferdinand's accounts.
BS81 - Henry Bostock, London, with Ferdinand's accounts.
BS82 - Henry Bostock, London, re Ferdinand's accounts.
BS83 - Mary Bostock, Hatton Garden, London, with thanks for presents.
BS84 - Mary Bostock, Hatton Garden, asking after family health.
BS85 - Mary Bostock, Hatton Garden, re exchange of presents.
BS86 - Mary Bostock, Hatton Garden, with family news.
BS87 - Mary Bostock, Hatton Garden, re colour of carpet in Lincoln's Inn Chapel, church-furnishings for Sawston Chapel.
BS88 - Mary Bostock, London, re discouraging a suitor to Mary Huddleston.
BS89 - Mary Bostock, London, re Mary Scully's marriage settlement.
BS90 - Draft by Ferdinand Huddleston to Mary Bostock, London, with condolences on the death of her husband Henry.
BS91 - Mary Bostock, Thayer Street, London, re her income tax.
BS92 - Mary Bostock, London, re the King's madness, Catholic emancipation, Court gossip, the new Emperor.
BS93 - Mary Bostock, Thayer Street, London, apologising for not coming to Sawston, assuring Ferdinand of her good health and spirits.
C1 - George Chamberlyne, Cossey, Norfolk, with civilities.
C2 - John Champion, S.J., Sawston, to Ferdinand Huddleston, London, re business, Mr Pyke's illness, Mrs Bostock's recovery from smallpox, Fr Edward Galloway, S.J.
C3 - John Champion, S.J., Sawston, to Ferdinand Huddleston, Marlborough, Wiltshire, with Sawston news.
C4 - Henry Chappell, O.P., Cawsey Lane, Leicester, re Catholicism in Leicester.
C5 - John Cluer, Marlborough, Wiltshire, re Timothy Lucas's illness.
C6 - John Cluer, Marlborough, Wiltshire, re the sale of Timothy Lucas's effects.
C7 - John Cluer, Marlborough, Wiltshire, re the sale of Timothy Lucas's effects, residue remaining after payment of his debts.
C8 - John Cluer, Marlborough, Wiltshire, re Timothy Lucas's assets and liabilities.
C9 - C. N. Cole, Inner Temple, re reduction of interest of Bedford Level Corporation Bond.
C10 - William Cole, Bletchley, Buckinghamshire, re the purchase of a small house in a neighbouring village.
C11 - William Cole, Bletchley, Buckinghamshire, re a visit postponed, a servant's call, the Duke of Grafton's gift of a Northamptonshire living to a clergyman who killed a highwayman.
C12 - William Cole, Bletchley, Buckinghamshire, re mutual friends and visiting.
C13 - William Cole, Waterbeach, Cambridgeshire, re loan of pamphlets and pedigree, illness of Mr Bedingfield.
C14 - William Cole, Milton, Cambridgeshire, exchange of civilities, news of Mr Bedingfield.
C15 - William Cole, Milton, Cambridgeshire, re note on Huddlestons in County history, the new altar piece in Trinity Chapel.
C16 - William Cole, Cambridgeshire, re his health, the Gordon riots and Protestantism.
C17 - Henry Cooper, Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, re Pembroke rents.
C18 - John Couche, Exeter, re deaths of Mr and Mrs Angiers, Exeter, and their bequests: the letter misaddressed to Richard Huddleston.
C19 - Thomas Couche, Beaufort Buildings, Bath, re disposition of the Lucas estate.
C20 - Thomas Couche, Beaufort Buildings, Bath, re collection of Dorset rents.
C21 - Thomas Couche, Beaufort Buildings, Bath, re difference over the settlement of the Dorset estate.
C22 - Thomas Couche, Mash, Dorset, re Mrs Oliver's death-bed.
C23 - Thomas Couche, Marnhull, Dorset, re his unhappy treatment at Mrs Oliver's death-bed, and his determination to dispute her will.
C24 - Thomas Couche, John Street, Tottenham Court Road, London, re his claims on Mrs Oliver's estates.
C25 - Draft of Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, to Thomas Couche, re threat of Chancery suit over Lucas legacy.
C26 - Thomas Couche, Axminster, Devon, re the settlement of his claims on the Ibberton estate.
C27 - Thomas Couche, London, re settlement of dispute with Rawe over Lucas legacy.
C28 - Thomas Couche, John Street, Tottenham Court Road, London, re the sale of the Purse Caundle timber.
C29 - Thomas Couche, re the lease of Applin estate, the sale of Purse Caundle timber.
C30 - Thomas Couche, John Street, Tottenham Court Road, London, re the sale of Fifehead estate, of Ibberton and of the Purse Caundle timber.
C31 - Thomas Couche, Charlotte Street, London, re payments for Dorset estate timber sales.
C32 - Thomas Couche, Chapel Street, London, re the lease of Fifehead Mills.
C33 - Thomas Couche, Chapel Street, London, re family news, the lease of Fifehead Mills.
C34 - Thomas Couche, London, re Dorset rents paid into Ferdinand's account.
C35 - Thomas Couche, Rathbone Place, London, re Dorset timber, the repair of a house at Purse Caundle.
C36 - Thomas Couche, re rent arrears from estate in Dorset.
C37 - Thomas Couche, Rathbone Place, London, re the death of his brother, the collapse of a Dorset brewhouse.
C38 - Thomas Couche, London, re the value of Purse Caundle estate.
C39 - Thomas Couche, London, re Dorset rents.
C40 - Thomas Couche, London, re Dorset rents.
C41 - Thomas Couche, London, re the value of Dorset estate and Dorset rents.
C42 - Thomas Couche, London, re a farmer's theft of Caundle estate timber.
C43 - Frances Couche, Westminster, Wiltshire, re her recent marriage, the Couche affair.
C44 - Charles Cruse, Greenhill, Wiltshire, re obstacle to the execution of the deed, John Lucas's claim on his father's estate.
C45 - Charles Cruse, Greenhill, Wiltshire, agreeing to sign deed.
C46 - S. Curtis, Linton, Cambridgeshire, re the Lowell's transfer to Sawston as the Huddleston's chaplain, a recommendation for a directorship, a gift of three dozen bottles of wine.
D1 - Des François de Panchalon, Linton, Cambridgeshire, re the insulting behaviour of Abbé Totevint, his pains to find Sawston a chaplain.
D2 - John Dennett, S.J., re John Lucas, S.J.
D3 - George Downing, Ovington, Essex, re sale of horse to Ferdinand through the Rev. Charles Stuart.
D4 - Dyneley and Sons, Gray's Inn, re legal expenses and interest on mortgage.
E1 - Draft of Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, to the Enclosure Commissioners, with a list of petitions.
E2 - Edward Eyre, London, re the illness of Thomas Huddleston.
E3 - Edward Eyre, London, re Ferdinand Huddleston's brother's ill-health.
F1 - Mary Lelia Farrill, Bury, with consolation for his father's death.
F2 - Mary Lelia Farrill, Bury, re Mary Huddleston's labour.
F3 - Mary Lelia Farrill, Bury, with Bury Catholic news, welcoming peace.
F4 - Mary Lelia Farrill, Coldham, Suffolk, with condolences for the death of Ann Huddleston.
F5 - Mary Lelia Farrill, Bury, re the education of her children, excuses and apologies.
F6 - Mary Lelia Farrill, Bury, with news of the Gages, re Richard Huddleston's future, the dangers of a premature vocation to the priesthood.
F7 - L. Fergus, Brampton, re impending visit to Sawston.
F8 - L. Fergus, Peterborough, re the death of one missioner, the appointment of another.
F9 - L. Fergus, Bury, with Catholic society news.
F10 - Mary ffairchild, Cambridge, misaddressed to Ri(char)d Huddleston, May 1785, claiming a part of the Sawston treasure trove.
F11 - Mr and Mrs Finch, Shelford, Cambridgeshire, re dinner engagement; with lists by Ferdinand of activities, groceries and medicines.
F12 - Thomas Fisher, Cambridge, re money payment.
F13 - Thomas Fisher, Cambridge, re payments to Christopher Pemberton for enclosure.
F14 - Ferdinand and Richard Huddleston, Sawston, to Thomas Fisher, ordering a payment and a deposit.
F15 - Robert Fiske, London, re an unsatisfactory maid servant.
F16 - Joseph Freeman, Cambridge, re the Huddleston arms.
G1 - John Gage, Coldham, Suffolk, postponing his visit to Sawston.
G2 - John Gage, Bury, re securing his signature as a trustee.
G3 - John Gage, Coldham, Suffolk, re birth of a child, visit to Sawston.
G4 - Sir Thomas Gage, Coldham, Suffolk, re gift of a ferret, a loan
G5 - Sir Thomas Gage, Coldham, Suffolk, re conveyance of an estate.
G6 - Sir Thomas Gage, Coldham, Suffolk, with congratulations on May Bostock's marriage.
G7 - Sir Thomas Gage, Coldham, Suffolk, re interest on loan, Christmas invitation.
G8 - Sir Thomas Gage, Coldham, Suffolk, re visit of the Huddlestons to Coldham.
G9 - Sir Thomas Gage, Coldham, Suffolk, re purchase of Suffolk estate, with thanks for the chimney piece.
G10 - Sir Thomas Gage, Bury, re a fruitless journey, the purchase of a marble chimney piece.
G11 - Sir Thomas Gage, Coldham, Suffolk, re a loan.
G12 - Sir Thomas Gage, Coldham, Suffolk, re payment of debt, his son in Italy.
G13 - Sir Thomas Gage, Coldham, Suffolk, re the employment of a conveyancer.
G14 - Sir Thomas Gage, Coldham, Suffolk, re his wife's death, order for a ream of paper for his worthy Parson Mr Samuel, linseed oil for painting.
G15a - Sir Thomas Gage, Coldham, Suffolk, re payments for paper and linseed oil, his intended visit north to the Daltons and Sawston, a chaise for his brother to Newmarket.
G15b - Sir Thomas Gage, Coldham, Suffolk, re a visit to Sawston with Lady Gage to pay his respects, to meet there Lady Gage's sister, and proceed with them to Coldham.
G16 - Edward Galloway, S.J., London, agreeing to stand as godfather to Edward Huddleston, re Hampstead retirement for John Champion, S.J.
G17 - Edward Galloway, S.J., London, re his great gouty pains and hope to visit Sawston.
G18 - Charles Gapper, Henstridge, Dorset, offering to act as steward for the Lucas Dorset inheritance.
G19 - Charles Gapper, Henstridge, Dorset, asking for instruction on repairs to Dorset estate.
G20 - Mr Greaves and Mrs Porter, Fulbourn, Cambridgeshire, to Ferdinand and Mary Huddleston, with dinner invitation.
G21 - R. Green, London, re loan of three thousand pounds to Ferdinand for enclosure.
G22 - Rev. William Greenwood, Bath, re purchase of Hinxton Hall, French invasion and English annexations, Bath county news and Bath debut of Edward Huddleston.
G23 - Rev. William Greenwood, Bath, re purchase of Cambridgeshire estate, near-capture of the Spanish fleet.
H1 - Rev. Robert Harding, Perry, Buckinghamshire, with condolences on Ferdinand Huddleston's father's death.
H2 - Rev. Robert Harding, Perry, Buckinghamshire, acknowledging loans from Ferdinand and Mrs Bodenham.
H3 - Rev. Robert Harding, Perry, Buckinghamshire, acknowledging loan from Ferdinand, and replying to the aspersions of Mrs Bodenham.
H4 - Lord Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, offering commissions in the Cambridge militia to Richard and Edward Huddleston.
H5 - Draft of Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, to Lord Hardwicke, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, accepting commission offered by Hardwicke to Richard and Edward Huddleston.
H6 - John Havers, Covent Garden, London, with invitation to dinner.
H7 - S. Hawkes, Marlborough, Wiltshire, about an invitation to Sawston, payment of money due to him on a bond, vaccination of his family against the smallpox at present prevailing in the town.
H8 - Rev. Thomas Hewitt, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, re one Patty's health.
H9 - Mary Hyde, Marlborough, Wiltshire, refuting John Lucas's claim upon the estate of Mr Hall.
HD1 - Andrew Huddleston, Hutton John, Cumberland, All Saints Day, 1796, re a portrait of John Huddleston, O.S.B.
HD2 - Andrew Huddleston, Gray's Inn, with condolences for the death of Thomas Huddleston, a tilt at Lord Hardwicke, Oakapple Day.
HD3 - Edward Huddleston, London, re preliminaries to sale of estate.
HD4 - Frances Huddleston, O.S.A., Bruges, with condolences for Richard Huddleston's death.
HD5 - Frances Huddleston, O.S.A., Bruges, with congratulations to Ferdinand Huddleston on his marriage, thanks for the prompt payment of her annuity.
HD6 - Frances Huddleston, O.S.A., Bruges, re his children and want of a family chaplain.
HD7 - Frances Huddleston, O.S.A., Bruges, asking for a subscription for a Scottish translation of the Imitation of Christ.
HD8 - Frances Huddleston, O.S.A., Bruges, with family news.
HD9 - Draft of Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, to Henry Huddleston, London, reproving Henry's escapades.
HD10 - Henry Huddleston, London, re the cost of his articles, the abjuration oath, an heir to Hendred.
HD11 - Henry Huddleston, London, with repentance for the past and promises of information, with a note on Papal authority.
HD12 - Henry Huddleston, London, re mortgage on house property.
HD13 - Henry Huddleston, London, asking to be entered into Gray's Inn.
HD14 - Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re his ambitions as a lawyer, aspersions on Henry Bell, unflattering comment on his father's portrait.
HD15 - Henry Huddleston, London, re his employment in the chambers of Charles Butler.
HD16 - Henry Huddleston, London, re his training as a conveyancer.
HD17 - Henry Huddleston, London, re distraint of rent for Winckle Court.
HD18 - Henry Huddleston, Stratton Street, London, asking to transfer conveyancing, re a query from Andrew Huddleston, Ferdinand Huddleston's right to present a curacy at Lambspring Abbey, Germany.
HD19 - Henry Huddleston, London, re conveyancing, dinner with Sitwell, news of his soldier-brothers and marriage prospects of his sisters, a High Mass for the Pope, exercises in a pub with Catholic volunteers.
HD20 - Henry Huddleston, London, re a loan to pay land-tax, Thomas Huddleston's health, the lease of rooms in the Inns of Court.
HD21 - Henry Huddleston, London, advising Ferdinand Huddleston to double his Sawston rents, re his need for a clerk.
HD22 - Henry Huddleston, London, to Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, re deductions allowed from income tax.
HD23 - Henry Huddleston, London, rebutting Ferdinand Huddleston's charges of extravagance.
HD24 - Henry Huddleston, London, re Ferdinand Huddleston's purchase of Gosling's share in the Sawston Rectory estate.
HD25 - Henry Huddleston, London, re Thomas Couche and the Couch-Huddleston Dorset property.
HD26 - Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re purchase of Sawston Rectory estate, a tart aside on Gosling, cost of wine in 1800, watch repairs, Henry's poverty.
HD27 - Henry Huddleston, London, re acquisition of title deeds to the Sawston Rectory estate, payment of the Bostock debts, Edward Huddleston's resignation from the militia.
HD28 - Henry Huddleston, London, re Mr Bones's conveyancing in the purchase of the Sawston Rectory estate.
HD29 - Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re the purchase of Dorset estate, the evils of fasting in a state of ill-health.
HD30 - Henry Huddleston, London, re the sale of Huddleston stocks.
HD31 - Henry Huddleston, London, re deeds relating to Ferdinand Huddleston's purchase of Sawston Rectory estate and advowson.
HD32 - Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re loan to pay for the Sawston enclosure, the purchase of the living of the parish church, an Episcopal matter and a day with the Dominicans.
HD33 - Henry Huddleston, London, re sale of Purse Caundle.
HD34 - Henry Huddleston, London, denying his extravagance and listing his expenses.
HD35 - Henry Huddleston, London, re securities for loans, Edward Huddleston's financial difficulties.
HD36 - Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re the conditions for a loan to Ferdinand Huddleston, securities for a loan by Edward Huddleston.
HD37 - Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re Miss Cutting's demand for payment of bond, money-raising for Sawston enclosures.
HD38 - Henry Huddleston, London, re legal expenses and interest on loan.
HD39 - Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re financial matters.
HD40 - Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, sending Ferdinand Huddleston's accounts for 1801.
HD41 - Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re friction over Mary Scully's marriage settlement; also Henry to Mary Huddleston, Sawston, re family matters.
HD42 - Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re Mary Scully's wedding, loan for enclosure.
HD43 - Henry Huddleston, London, refuting charges of extravagance and of mixing in bad company.
HD44 - Draft of Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, to Henry Huddleston, London, re the cost of supporting Henry Huddleston, London, his expensive upbringing and education.
HD45 - Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re Henry's indebtedness to Ferdinand, his hopes for a place from Lord Hardwicke.
HD46 - Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re his expenses, Mrs Eyston's affairs, Denys Scully.
HD47 - Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re Ferdinand Huddleston account with Henry, the Sawston Enclosure Bill.
HD48 - Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re Ferdinand Huddleston' accounts, the problem of a difference in religion within marriage.
HD49 - Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re ownership of estate.
HD50 - Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re Dr Hobbs of Winslow, Sawston visit of Andrew Huddleston.
HD51 - Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re accounts, estate income.
HD52 - Henry Huddleston, London, re his financial difficulties.
HD53 - Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re loan for enclosure, Mary Huddleston's marriage settlement.
HD54 - Henry Huddleston, London, re a prospective loan from Mrs Needham, the dangers of an unsuitable marriage.
HD55 - Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re security required by a Mr Green for a loan to finance the Sawston enclosure.
HD56 - Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re two thousand pound loan, the possession of the Rectory estate deeds, Denys Scully's need of five hundred pounds.
HD57 - Henry Huddleston, London, re Ferdinand Huddleston's proposal to sell his share of the Dorset estate.
HD58 - Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re difficulties with raising loan for enclosure, an aside on Scully's butcher-grandfather.
HD59 - Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re his indebtedness to Ferdinand Huddleston, Christmas invitation to Edward Huddleston at Isley Walton.
HD60 - Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re a loan on mortgage for Sawston enclosure.
HD61 - Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re a loan for enclosure.
HD62 - Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re Dorset rents, interest on loan.
HD63 - Henry Huddleston, London, re loans for Sawston enclosure.
HD64 - Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re money owing on bond.
HD65 - Henry Huddleston's account with Ferdinand Huddleston.
HD66 - Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re his poverty and indebtedness.
HD67 - Henry Huddleston, London, with Ferdinand Huddleston's accounts.
HD68 - Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, re a tax on a legacy.
HD69 - Draft of Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, to Henry Huddleston, London, re Henry's indebtedness.
HD70 - Henry Huddleston, Gray's Inn, thanking Ferdinand for paying his debts.
HD71 - Ferdinand Huddleston, Bornhem College, Belgium, to Jane Huddleston, Sawston, assuring her of his own good health and the good health of his brothers.
HD72 - Ferdinand Huddleston, Monmouth, to Jane Huddleston, Sawston, with his first impressions of Monmouth.
HD73 - Ferdinand Huddleston, London, to Jane Huddleston, Sawston, re his laundry.
HD74 - Ferdinand Huddleston, Lincoln's Inn, to Jane Huddleston, Sawston, re household needs.
HD75 - Ferdinand Huddleston, London, to Jane Huddleston, Sawston, re his monetary needs.
HD76 - Ferdinand Huddleston, Lincoln's Inn, to Jane Huddleston, Sawston, re claim upon the Belchier estate, a plea for pocket money, a London wind-storm.
HD77 - Ferdinand Huddleston, London, to Jane Huddleston, Sawston, with legal advice on a writ for trespass.
HD78 - Ferdinand Huddleston, London, to Jane Huddleston, Sawston, re legal matters and gossip.
HD79 - Ferdinand Huddleston, Lincoln's Inn, to Jane Huddleston, Sawston, re the execution of a deed.
HD80 - Ferdinand Huddleston, London, to Jane Huddleston, Sawston, re the execution of a deed.
HD81 - Ferdinand Huddleston, London, to Jane Huddleston, Sawston, re personal and business news.
HD82 - Ferdinand Huddleston, London, to Jane Huddleston, Sawston, re the disputed possession of Vicarage estate.
HD83 - Ferdinand Huddleston, London, to Jane Huddleston, Sawston, with a legal opinion from George Wilmot, re his brother's behaviour, London news, household presents and commissions.
HD84 - Ferdinand Huddleston, London, to Jane Huddleston, Sawston, re Thomas Huddleston's delinquency, a new wig.
HD85 - Ferdinand Huddleston, London, to Jane Huddleston, Sawston, re claim on the estate of Thomas Belchier.
HD86 - Jane Huddleston, Sawston, to Ferdinand Huddleston, London, re his service in George Wilmot's office.
HD87 - Jane Huddleston, Sawston, to Ferdinand Huddleston, London, re John Champion's illness.
HD88 - Jane Huddleston, Sawston, to Ferdinand Huddleston, Lincoln's Inn, re Richard Huddleston's illness.
HD89 - Jane Huddleston, Sawston, to Ferdinand Huddleston, London, re medicine for Richard Huddleston.
HD90 - Jane Huddleston, London, re an investment.
HD91 - Jane Huddleston, London, re Mary Bostock's recovery from smallpox.
HD92 - Jane Huddleston, London, re a Channel crossing, Miss Harding, an archaeological postscript.
HD93 - Jane Huddleston, London, re exchange of presents.
HD94 - Jane Huddleston, London, re her journey from Bath, the Lucas's, remittance of money.
HD95 - Jane Huddleston, London, re baby Richard Huddleston's convulsions.
HD96 - Jane Huddleston, London, re death of a young relation.
HD97 - Jane Huddleston, London, re her own ill-health and the ill-health of her friends.
HD98 - Jane Huddleston, London, re Bath and family and public news.
HD99 - Jane Huddleston, London, re a visit to Crondon Park, family news.
HD100 - Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, to Jane Huddleston, Hatton Garden, London, re loan to free Richard Huddleston of debt.
HD101 - Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, to Jane Huddleston, Hatton Garden, re repayment of loan.
HD102 - Jane Huddleston, London, re her gout and rheumatism, her departure for Crondon Park.
HD103 - Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, to Jane Huddleston, London, re a loan, family news.
HD104 - Jane Huddleston, London, re schooling for her grandchild, housebreaking, senile marriages, London gossip and family news.
HD105 - Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, to Jane Huddleston, Hatton Garden, London, re loan, presents, local news.
HD106 - Jane Huddleston, London, re his wife's illness, presents for children.
HD107 - Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, to Jane Huddleston, with thanks for present, re treatment of an infectious disease.
HD108 - Jane Huddleston, Paris, to Ferdinand and Mary Huddleston, Sawston, with maternal blessings.
HD109 - Jane Huddleston, Bruges, to Ferdinand and Mary Huddleston, Sawston, with thanks for a Holy Week Book, a request to be permitted to Learne upon the Spinnet.
HD110 - Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, to Jane Huddleston, Glindon, Sussex, re a French priest as chaperon for a journey to London.
HD111 - Jane Huddleston, London, re Richard Huddleston's accident and loss of a leg, her own health.
HD112 - Jane Huddleston, London, re Richard Huddleston's recovery from accident requiring the amputation of his leg.
HD113 - Jane Huddleston, London, re religious consolations at Uncle Eyston's death-bed, his family legacies.
HD114 - Jane Huddleston, London, with request for money, refusal of invitation from the Countess of Shrewsbury.
HD115 - John Huddleston, O.S.B., re death of Frances Huddleston, the virtues of a sober and frugal life.
HD116 - Receipt from John Huddleston, O.S.B., for payment for Henry Bostock of five pounds annuity.
HD117 - Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, to Mary Lucas, Ibberton, Dorset, re finalization of their marriage settlement.
HD118 - Mary Lucas, Marlborough, Wiltshire, re his health smallpox scare.
HD119 - Mary Lucas, Marlborough, Wiltshire, re death, health and ill-health in her family, her wayward Jesuit brother.
HD120 - Mary Lucas, Marlborough, Wiltshire, re her brother and father, and family affairs.
HD121 - Ferdinand Huddleston, Hatton Garden, London, to Mary Lucas, Marlborough, Wiltshire, re their marriage settlement.
HD122 - Ferdinand Huddleston, London, to his wife Mary, Sawston, re Edward Galloway's legacy to their son Edward.
HD123 - Mary Huddleston, Sawston, to Ferdinand Huddleston, Hatton Street, London, re family news, funeral clothing for Edward Huddleston, S.J.
HD124 - Mary Huddleston, Sawston, to Ferdinand Huddleston, London, re household matters.
HD125 - Mary Huddleston, South End, Essex, re her life and lodgings at South End.
HD126 - Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, to Mary Huddleston, South End, Essex, re the sea-cure, arrangements for Mary to return home.
HD127 - Mary Huddleston, South End, Essex, re her return to Sawston, her health, South End news.
HD128 - Mary Huddleston, London, to Ferdinand and Mary Huddleston, Sawston, re Ramsgate bathing with a note on a money transaction by Henry Bostock.
HD129 - Mary Huddleston, Bruges, to Ferdinand and Mary Huddleston, Sawston, re their correspondence.
HD130 - Mary and Jane Huddleston, Bruges, to Ferdinand and Mary Huddleston, with a letter from Richard Huddleston to Ferdinand, attacking the doings of the Catholic Committee and the Shelbourne ministry.
HD131 - Mary Huddleston, Bruges, to Ferdinand and Mary Huddleston, Sawston, with dutiful best wishes.
HD132 - Mary Huddleston, Paris, to Ferdinand and Mary Huddleston, Sawston, re the clothing of a novice, Mrs Fitzherbert at a Parisian convent and cure wrought by Benedict Labre, fireworks for the birth of the Duc de Normandie.
HD133 - Mary Huddleston, London, re Richard Huddleston's illness, Sir Edward Throckmorton's third marriage, Lord Hardwicke's impending tour of Ireland.
HD134 - Mary Scully, Dublin, re household matters, a visit from Lady Hardwicke, Yorke's election for Cambridgeshire.
HD135 - Richard Huddleston, London, re administration of Richard's money.
HD136 - Richard Huddleston, London, with thanks for meats, London and family news.
HD137 - Richard Huddleston, London, re death of a relation.
HD138 - Draft of Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, to Thomas and Richard Huddleston, London, re payment of John Lucas's annuity.
HD139 - Richard Huddleston, London, re a Monmouth enquiry about a legacy, the chequered fortunes of Edward Galloway's manservant.
HD140 - Richard Huddleston, London, re family visiting, the dilatory tactics of General (Cornwallis?) in the American war.
HD141 - Richard Huddleston, London, re a swindler tenant at Winckle Court.
HD142 - Richard Huddleston, London, re the Gordon riots, the Lord Mayor's disavowal of the Protestant Association on canvassing the London Catholic electors.
HD143 - Richard Huddleston, Hatton Street, London, re Henry Bostock's illness, the arrival of a Dominican from Bornhem.
HD144 - Richard Huddleston, Hatton Street, London, re purchase of a long annuity for Edward Huddleston.
HD145 - Richard Huddleston, London, enclosing letter from Henry Bostock re Huddleston children on the continent.
HD146 - Richard Huddleston, London, re the sale of John Cluer's effects, the continental expenses of the Huddleston children.
HD147 - Richard Huddleston, London, advising Ferdinand Huddleston to dissociate himself from the Catholic Committee.
HD148 - Richard Huddleston, London, re treatment of a recalcitrant tenant, a letter from Charles Butler.
HD149 - Richard Huddleston, London, re house rents, purchase of stock and of boys' breeches.
HD150 - Richard Huddleston, London, re the death of Thomas Huddleston's wife Elizabeth.
HD151 - Richard Huddleston, London, re Ferdinand Huddleston's invitation to the Thomas Huddlestons to visit Sawston.
HD152 - Richard Huddleston, London, re Mrs Thomas Huddleston's illness after confinement.
HD153 - Richard Huddleston, London, re purchase of stocks.
HD154 - Richard Huddleston, London, re purchase of annuities, a family quarrel.
HD155 - Richard Huddleston, London, re the education appropriate to Ferdinand Huddleston's son Richard, attack on Pitt, increased taxes on beer, tea, windows.
HD156 - Richard Huddleston, London, re dispute over Dorset legacy.
HD157 - Richard Huddleston, London, re dispute with Couche over Dorset rents.
HD158 - Richard Huddleston, London, re family quarrel over legacy.
HD159 - Richard Huddleston, London, re dispute over Dorset rents, with Ferdinand Huddleston's calculations of the rent owing.
HD160 - Richard Huddleston, London, re stock purchase.
HD161 - Richard Huddleston, London, re purchase of stocks, settlement of the Couche dispute.
HD162 - Richard Huddleston, London, re stock purchase, with a list of Sawston tenants.
HD163 - Richard Huddleston, London, re Ferdinand Huddleston's account with Bostock and Huddleston, the purchase of stock.
HD164 - Richard Huddleston, London, re Ferdinand Huddleston's right to a treasure trove found near his paper mill.
HD165 - Richard Huddleston, London, re a wild Channel crossing, a night spent with Father Bedingfield outside Calais gate.
HD166 - Richard Huddleston, London, re news of the Huddleston children on the continent, the knifing of the Rackett heir at Bornhem College, Belgium.
HD167 - Richard Huddleston, London, re news from Brussels.
HD168 - Richard Huddleston, London, re purchase of shares for Ferdinand and Edward Huddleston, a Cheshire cheese from Brussels.
HD169 - Richard Huddleston, London, re his head pains, thanks for hamper of pigs and apples.
HD170 - Richard Huddleston, London, re conditions of a family marriage settlement.
HD171 - Richard Huddleston, London, re his illness, thanks from Frank Huddleston for Christmas box, postscript about Lord Abercorn.
HD172 - Richard Huddleston, London, re Ferdinand Huddleston's accounts and his own ill-health.
HD173 - Richard Huddleston, London, re repayment of loan, Richard Huddleston's return from Bornhem, sale of estate timber.
HD174 - Richard Huddleston, London, suggesting that Ferdinand Huddleston ignore Mr Butler's letter on Lord Petre's hobbyhorse.
HD175 - Richard Huddleston, London, re bill payments, family deaths.
HD176 - Richard Huddleston, London, re despatch of deeds.
HD177 - Richard Huddleston, London, re re-negotiation of leases with the new and old tenants of London properties, a continental excursion by the Bostock's and Huddlestons.
HD178 - Richard Huddleston, London, re mislaid keys to chest.
HD179 - Richard Huddleston, London, re impending visit of the Lombes and the Bells to Cambridge.
HD180 - Richard Huddleston, London, re household and money matters.
HD181 - Richard Huddleston, London, re purchase of a Sawston estate from a Mr Mackenzie.
HD182 - Richard Huddleston, London, re sale of timber from Dorset estate, death of Frances Huddleston O.S.A., good health of children in continental schools.
HD183 - Richard Huddleston, London, re receipts from timber sales on Huddleston estates.
HD184 - Richard Huddleston, London, re safety of children in Belgium during political disturbances, the fortune of an heiress and her marriage plans.
HD185 - Richard Huddleston, London, re a violent commotion in Brussels approving the valour of the brave Brabanters.
HD186 - Richard Huddleston, London, re the sale of the Mackenzie estate at Sawston, Presbyterian life, behaviour of a rival buyer.
HD187 - Richard Huddleston, London, re negotiations for the sale of the Mackenzie estate.
HD188 - Richard Huddleston, London, re payment of rents, buttons for Richard Huddleston.
HD189 - Richard Huddleston, London, re negotiations for the purchase of Mackenzie estate, investment of Edward Huddleston's money.
HD190 - Draft of Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, to Richard or Thomas Huddleston, asking for repayment of a loan for a hundred pounds to set up Henry Huddleston as a solicitor.
HD191 - Richard Huddleston, Bornhem College, Belgium, to Ferdinand and Mary Huddleston, Sawston, re his brother's coming to Bornhem.
HD192 - Richard Huddleston, Bornhem College, Belgium, to Ferdinand and Mary Huddleston, Sawston, with request for classical poets, progress of his brothers.
HD193 - Richard Huddleston, Bornhem College, Belgium, to Ferdinand and Mary Huddleston, with thanks for money and cakes.
HD194 - Richard Huddleston, Bornhem College, Belgium, to Ferdinand and Mary Huddleston, Sawston, re his vocation to the priesthood.
HD195 - Richard Huddleston, Antwerp, to Ferdinand and Mary Huddleston, Bornhem College news, promise of amendment of life, rumour of the war with Holland.
HD196 - Richard Huddleston, Bornhem College, Belgium, to Ferdinand and Mary Huddleston, re his unhappiness at Antwerp and recovery at Bornhem.
HD197 - Richard Huddleston, Bornhem College, Belgium, to Ferdinand and Mary Huddleston, re misunderstanding about his route home.
HD198 - Ferdinand Huddleston to Richard Huddleston, Coldham, Suffolk, re his return from Coldham to Cambridge.
HD199 - Ferdinand Huddleston to Richard Huddleston, Haughley Park, Bury, Suffolk, with local and family news.
HD200 - Ferdinand Huddleston to Richard Huddleston, Stratton Street, London, re a malicious fire.
HD201 - Richard Huddleston, London, re his plans and family and London news.
HD202 - Richard Huddleston, Bath, re his travels.
HD203 - Richard Huddleston, Sudbury, with assurances of Edward Huddleston's moral well-being, and of his own; with a complimentary postscript on the Abbé Martinet.
HD204 - Richard Huddleston, Little Holland Camp, Essex, re his Company's volunteering to go to Ireland.
HD205 - Ferdinand Huddleston, to Richard Huddleston, Clacton Camp, Essex, approving Richard's volunteering for Ireland, reporting the death of Bishop Berington.
HD206 - Richard Huddleston, Colchester Barracks, to Ferdinand Huddleston, re regiments sent to Ireland.
HD207 - Richard Huddleston, Colchester, to Ferdinand Huddleston, re the Duke of Portland's rejection of Lord Hardwick's appeal to permit the Abbé Martinet to remain in England.
HD208 - Richard Huddleston, Colchester Barracks, declining his father's marriage plans for him.
HD209 - Richard Huddleston, Dublin, re sale at Milton of the effects of Thomas Huddleston, his cousins' poverty, suppression of the '78 rebellion.
HD210 - Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, to Richard Huddleston, re purchase of Rectory estate, the Huddlestons' need of an heiress.
HD211 - Richard Huddleston, Ipswich, re piping wine, the Jerninghams and Creswell, troop movements in Ipswich.
HD212 - Richard Huddleston, Landguard Fort, Suffolk, re a money transfer.
HD213 - Richard Huddleston, Camp Lymne, Kent, re his marriage plans, his mother's sea-cure, Dublin after the Union, the Jerninghams.
HD214 - Thomas Huddleston, London, with receipt for interest payment.
HD215 - Thomas Huddleston, Newgate, London, Angram, Easingfold, Yorkshire, re Mary Bostock's smallpox.
HD216 - Thomas Huddleston, Newgate, London, to Ferdinand Huddleston, Angram, Easingfold, Yorkshire, re Mary Bostock's recovery from smallpox, Sally Duffkin's recovery from illness and the likelihood of her marriage to Richard Huddleston.
HD217 - Thomas Huddleston, Hatton Garden, London, re a hunting visit to Sawston.
HD218 - Thomas Huddleston, London, re purchase of candles and a sale of plate.
HD219 - Thomas Huddleston, London, re sale of plate.
HD220 - Thomas Huddleston, London, re sale of plate and purchase of candles, Bodenham's death.
HD221 - Thomas Huddleston, London, re sale of plate.
HD222 - Thomas Huddleston, London, re payments of Ferdinand's heriots, receipted by Ferdinand.
HD223 - Thomas Huddleston, Hatton Street, London, re birth of his daughter.
HD224 - Thomas Huddleston, London, re sale of goldware and plate.
HD225 - Thomas Huddleston, London, re payment of an annuity from the Lucas estate to John Lucas, S.J.
HD226 - Thomas Huddleston, London, re goods ordered by Ferdinand.
HD227 - Thomas Huddleston, London, with instructions re the purchase of stocks.
HD228 - Thomas Huddleston, London, re family news, exchange of presents.
HD229 - Thomas Huddleston, Hatton Street, re money and family news.
HD230 - Thomas Huddleston, London, re news of family of Bornhem, money matters.
HD231 - Thomas Huddleston, London, re family news, and Ferdinand Huddleston's bank account.
HD232 - Thomas Huddleston, London, re payment of Purse Caundle rents.
HD233 - Thomas Huddleston, London, re London riots over shop-tax.
HD234 - Thomas and Richard Huddleston, London, re purchase of long-term annuities, sale of Dorset timber, family presents.
HD235 - Thomas Huddleston, London, re family deaths, cost of engraving the front of the house.
HD236 - Thomas Huddleston, London, re purchase of an annuity, news of Huddleston children on the continent.
HD237 - Thomas Huddleston, London, re his visit to Sawston and contempt for the Catholic Committee.
HD238 - Thomas Huddleston, London, re purchase of an annuity, dinner smoking on the table.
HD239 - Thomas Huddleston, London, re purchase of stock and annuities.
HD240 - Thomas Huddleston, London, repudiating the suggestion that his daughter had a clandestine relationship with the Rev. Thomas Cautley.
HD241 - Note on the sale of the property of Thomas Huddleston, 1799.
HD242 - William Archer Huddleston, Shooter's Hill, accepting invitation.
HD243 - William Archer Huddleston, Shooter's Hill, re Sawston sports.
K1 - Thomas Kilvington, Cambridge, asking for news for Thomas Mitchell, enclosing Mitchell's letter of introduction.
K2 - William King, Oxford Street, London, re the sale of the effects of John Cluer, Marlborough, woollen draper, the property of Timothy Lucas.
K3 - Value of the same.
L1 - Thomas Lombe, Cambridge, inviting the Huddlestons and Bostocks to Cambridge.
L2 - Thomas Lombe, Cambridge, asking for a ticket for an installation in the Senate House.
L3 - Mr and Mrs Thomas Lombe, Cambridge, to Ferdinand and Mary Huddleston, Sawston, with dinner invitation.
L4 - Thomas Lombe, Cambridge, with thanks for Ferdinand Huddleston's services.
L5 - Thomas Lombe, Cambridge, re the lease of Dernford Mill.
L6 - Mr and Mrs Thomas Lombe, Cambridge, with dinner and invitation.
L7 - Rev. Daniel Longmire, Linton, Cambridgeshire, with an invitation to dinner.
L8 - Christopher Lowell, Sunbury, Middlesex, re recommendation for a chaplain to Sawston, his Sunbury congregation.
L9 - Christopher Lowell, London, re his 33 écoliers, and a school in Sunbury, with the school roll.
L10 - Christopher Lowell, Sunbury, Middlesex, with apologies for failing to supply a priest for Sunday at Sawston.
L11 - Christopher Lowell, Sunbury, Middlesex, re his boredom, sympathy for Richard Huddleston in his illness.
L12 - Christopher Lowell, Sunbury, Middlesex, with reminiscence of Sawston, re Richard Huddleston's illness, best wishes for the success of Ferdinand Huddleston's enclosures.
L13 - P.B. King, Camberwell, to Christopher Lowell, Sawston, re the death of a correspondent.
L14 - John Lucas, S.J., London, with thanks for hospitality.
L15 - John Lucas, S.J., Maryland, complaining of his family's neglect, and his want of money.
L16 - John Lucas, S.J., Queen Tree Patuxent, Maryland, re non-payment of his annuity.
L17 - John Lucas, S.J., Queen Tree Patuxent, Maryland, asking for details of his father's legacies and for a housemaid.
L18 - John Lucas, S.J., Queen Tree Patuxent, Maryland, offering Ferdinand Huddleston first refusal of purchase of his annuity.
L19 - Sir Thomas and Lady Fleetwood, to Ferdinand Huddleston, with an invitation to dinner.
L20 - Draft of Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, to John Lucas, S.J., Maryland, re Lucas's claim to his father's estate.
L21 - John Lucas, S.J., Queen Tree Patuxent, Maryland, re English war depredations, his claims and Mr Hall's estates.
L22 - John Lucas, S.J., Queen Tree Patuxent, Maryland, re his claims on his father's inheritance, life in America.
L23 - John Lucas, S.J., Queen Tree Patuxent, Maryland, grumbling, and with a request for garden seeds.
L24 - John Lucas, S.J., Queen Tree Patuxent, Maryland, re execution of a deed of sale.
L25 - John Lucas, S.J., Queen Tree Patuxent, Maryland, re execution of deed and sale of reversion.
L25a - John Lucas, S.J., Queen Tree Patuxent, Maryland, to Dyneley and Bell, London, re his signature to deed.
L26 - John Lucas, S.J., Queen Tree Patuxent, Maryland, re his signature to deed, his separation from his wife and prospective resumption of his priesthood.
L27 - John Lucas, S.J., St Inigoe's, Maryland, re negotiations for the execution of deed, Bishop Carroll's responsibility for restoring him to the priesthood.
L28 - John Lucas, S.J., St Inigoe's, Maryland, demanding twenty-five pounds for his signature to deed, re his mission into the wilderness.
L29 - John Lucas, S.J., St Inigoe's, Maryland, re his restoration into the priesthood, course of penance, with a request for legal expenses.
L29a - Certificate re the Maryland residence of John Lucas, S.J.
L29b - Jane Canning's note on the life of John Lucas, S.J.
L30 - Timothy Lucas, Marlborough, Wiltshire, re Mary Lucas's anxiety for a letter.
L31 - Copy of Ferdinand Huddleston to Timothy Lucas, re Ferdinand's marriage settlement.
L32 - Timothy Lucas, Marlborough, Wiltshire, re Ferdinand Huddleston's marriage settlement, Sawston.
L33 - Timothy Lucas, Marlborough, Wiltshire, re Mary Lucas's marriage settlement.
L34 - Ferdinand and Mary Huddleston, Sawston, to Timothy Lucas, Marlborough, Wiltshire, re John Lucas, S.J., other family news.
L35 - Ferdinand and Mary Huddleston, Sawston, to Timothy Lucas, Marlborough, Wiltshire, re the unfilial behaviour of John Lucas, S.J.
L36 - Draft of letters from Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, to Timothy and Mary Lucas, Marlborough, Wiltshire, and to George Wilmot, London, re Ferdinand's marriage settlement.
L37 - Timothy Lucas, Marlborough, Wiltshire, with condolences for the death of Ferdinand's baby.
L38 - Timothy Lucas, Marlborough, re family business.
L39 - Edward Lunn, Cambridge, to Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, re forwarding of accounts.
L40 - Rev. Daniel Lysons and Samuel Lysons, Cambridge, asking about the history of Sawston Manor.
M1 - F. M., Antwerp, to Ferdinand? Sawston, re war in the Low Countries.
M2 - John Mapletoft, Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, re fine or renewal of Pembroke lease.
M3 - Richard Martin, Austborn Tarrant, Dorset, re the execution of Timothy Lucas's will.
M4 - Charles Martindale, Cambridge, re an appointment and his son's smallpox inoculation.
M5 - Charles Martindale, Cambridge, re the Bambridge action against the trustees of Huntingdon's charity.
M6 - Charles Martindale, Cambridge, re the distraint of debtor's effects.
M7 - Charles Martindale, Cambridge, re responsibility for repair of river - Cambridgeshire and mill-race.
M8 - William Martindale, Cambridge, re the insurance of Dernford paper mill.
M9 - Abbé Martinet, Hammersmith, accepting Ferdinand's offer of the Sawston chaplaincy.
M10 - Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, to Uriah Matthews, Barton, Cambridgeshire, ordering him off Ferdinand's farm.
M11 - Frances Mawley, Vauxhall Walk, London, asking for a brace of partridges.
M12 - J. and J. Millington, London, with bill for window frames and sashes.
M13 - Thomas Mitchell, Angram, Easingwold, Yorkshire, with Yorkshire news, re Lawrence Sterne.
M14 - Thomas Mitchell, Angram, York, re his wife's ill-health, pleasantries about Ferdinand's forthcoming marriage.
M15 - Thomas Mitchell, Hotspring's, Bristol, with congratulations to Ferdinand on his marriage, re Mitchell's wife's ill-health.
M16 - Thomas Mitchell, Bristol Wells, York, re his wife's ill-health, consequent unlikelihood of their visit to Sawston.
M17 - Thomas Mitchell, Bristol, re his wife's health, impending visit to Sawston.
M18 - Thomas Mitchell, Bransby, Easingwold, Yorkshire, with thanks for Sawston hospitality.
M19 - Thomas Mitchell, Aberford, Yorkshire, re Rev. Thomas Coutley, Ferdinand's children, the old days in George Wilmot's chambers.
M20 - Thomas Mitchell, Aberford, Yorkshire, with an invitation, re Edward Huddleston.
M21 - Thomas Mitchell, York, enquiring after Ferdinand's family.
M22 - Thomas Mitchell, York, assuring Ferdinand of bed and board for his visit.
M23 - Lord Montagu to Ferdinand Huddleston, misaddressed as Frederick, Hatton Garden, London, demanding quitrents for Kirtling Manor.
M24 - Lord Montagu, Cowdray, Sussex, asking for payment of rent arrears.
M25 - Richard Moore, Sturminster, Dorset, re Oliver-Lucas bond, payment of Dorset rents.
M26 - Richard Moore, Sturminster, Dorset, re Ibberton rents, theft of Purse Caundle timber.
M27 - Draft of Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, to Richard Moore, Sturminster, Dorset, re Dorset rents, the condition of sale of land and value of timber.
M28 - Richard Moore, Sturminster, Dorset, re Mrs Rawe's death, payment of Ibberton rents.
M29 - Richard Moore, Sturminster, Dorset, re Dorset rents and house repairs.
M30 - Richard Moore, Sturminster, Dorset, re Purse Caundle rents.
M31 - Richard Moore, Sturminster, Dorset, re Caundle rents and timber sales.
M32 - Richard Moore, Sturminster, Dorset, re Caundle rents.
M33 - Mother Mary Augustine More, O.S.A., Bruges, re the death of Frances Huddleston, O.S.A., on the sixtieth anniversary of her profession.
N1 - Draft of Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, to H. Newby, a notice to quit possession of a house for the new owner, John Jones.
O1 - Mary Oliver, Mash, Dorset, to Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, with congratulations on the birth of a son.
O2 - Mary Oliver, Mash, Dorset, to Ferdinand Huddleston, Hatton Garden, London, re a pressing creditor.
O3 - Mary Oliver, Mash, Dorset, to Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, with re settlement of Dorset estates.
O4 - Mary Oliver, Mash, Dorset, to Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, re settlement of Dorset estates.
P1 - Abbé Papin, London, to Ferdinand and Mary Huddleston, Sawston, postponing his departure from London.
P2 - Abbé Papin, London, to Ferdinand and Mary Huddleston, Sawston, resigning his chaplaincy at Sawston.
P3 - Draft of Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, to Thomas Parker, St James Place, London, demanding payment of Babraham quitrents.
P4 - Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, re drafting and presentation of Enclosure Bill.
P5 - Christopher Pemberton, Richard's Coffee House, Temple, re local opinion on substitution of land for tithes through enclosure.
P6 - Christopher Pemberton, Richard's Coffee House, Temple Bar, re Gosling's participation in enclosure.
P7 - Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, re sparring over appointment of Enclosure Commissioners, Pampisford enclosure.
P8 - Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, re appointment of Enclosure Commissioners, arrangements for second reading of Enclosure Bill.
P9 - Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, re arrangements for passage of Enclosure Bill.
P10 - Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, to Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, re fencing of enclosed land.
P11 - Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, to Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, re appointment.
P12 - Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, re the call for army subscriptions and volunteers.
P13 - Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, re Sawston farm rents, enclosure costs.
P14 - Christopher Pemberton, Cambridge, advising Ferdinand Huddleston to meet the Enclosure Commissioners to pay the cost of enclosure.
P15 - Draft of Ferdinand to Christopher Pemberton, on envelope franked 2.5.1807, re interest on payment for land.
P16 - Mr and Mrs Christopher Pemberton, Newton, Cambridgeshire, to Ferdinand and Mary Huddleston, Sawston, with invitation.
P17 - George Penham, H.M.S. Royal William, Spithead, to Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, re disembarkation of the Cambridgeshire Militia at Portsmouth for Ireland.
P18 - Richard Pococke, Minall, Wiltshire, to Bostock and Huddleston, Hatton Street, London, re his bonds on Timothy Lucas.
P19 - Peter Poole, London, calling Ferdinand Huddleston to Edward Galloway's death-bed.
R1 - Frances Rawe, Mash, Dorset, to Ferdinand Huddleston re the sale of Mrs Oliver's house.
R2 - Mary Rawe, Ingatestone Hall, asking for details of Timothy Lucas's illness.
R3 - Draft by Ferdinand Huddleston to Frances or Mary Rawe, re division of the Dorset rents, Edward Huddleston's legacy from Galloway.
R4 - Ferdinand Huddleston to Richard Rawe, Mash, Dorset, re Mrs Oliver's illness and property responsibilities.
R5 - Richard Rawe, Rainbow Coffee House, London, re family matters.
R6 - Richard Rawe, Upper Charlotte Street, London, re sale of Ibberton and Bellchalwell estates, other Lucas beneficiaries..
R7 - Thomas Robinson, Queen Tree Paxutent, Maryland, to Ferdinand Huddleston, Sawston, announcing the death of John Lucas, S.J., in 1794, asking charity for his widow.
R8 - Thomas Robinson, Ware Park Mills, Hertford, to Ferdinand Huddleston, asking to buy Sawston land
R9 - John Roe, re sale of coach.
R10 - John Martha Root, Dunmore, Sussex, re financial transaction not clearly stated.
R11 - James Russell, London, re sale of John Lucas's annuity.
R12 - James Russell, London, re sale of John Lucas's annuity.
S1 - Denys Scully, Dublin, re Ferdinand's debt to Scully, the expense of a trip to England, shortage of money due to war.
S2 - Denys Scully, London, re his wife's ill-health, acknowledging receipt of five hundred pounds.
S3 - Denys Scully, Dublin, asking for a further three hundred pounds, re his wife's illness and impending visit to England.
S4 - Denys Scully, London, arranging to receive payment of three hundred pounds.
S5 - Draft of Ferdinand Huddleston to James Scully, Dublin, asking Scully to allow postponement of the payment of the principal of Mary Scully's jointure.
S6 - Denys Scully, London, asking payment of his London expenses, re the shaky conditions of the Irish Exchange.
S7 - Denys Scully, Thayer Street, London, re Mary Scully's health, acknowledging payment of loan and invitation.
S8 - James Scully, Kilfeacle, Ireland, re Mary Huddleston's marriage settlement.
S9 - Lewis Sequeira, London, re payment for wine.
S10 - Lewis Sequeira, London, with bill for sherry and hamper.
S11 - William Short, O.P., Portman Square, London, re the impracticality of appointing John Bullock, O.P., as chaplain to Sawston.
S12 - Rev. Charles Stuart, Ashen, Norfolk, congratulating for the Galloway legacy.
S13 - Rev. Charles Stuart, Ashen, Norfolk, re arrangements for a meeting.
S14 - Rev. Charles Stuart, Ashen, Norfolk, re impending visit to Sawston.
S15 - Rev. Charles Stuart, Ashen, Norfolk, re loan.
S16 - Rev. Charles Stuart, Ashen, Norfolk, re a loan on mortgage on house property.
S17 - Rev. Charles Stuart, Ashen, Norfolk, re health of the two families.
S18 - Richard Summerfield, Cambridge, re bill for Pampisford enclosure.
T1 - William Tassell, Cambridge, re payment of road maintenance.
T2 - William Taylor, Sawston, to Ferdinand Huddleston, Hatton Street, London, re electoral canvassing at Sawston.
T3 - Francis Tennant, Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, offering Ferdinand the purchase of college land.
T4 - Rev. Edward Thackeray, King's College, Cambridge, re care of horse.
T5 - Thoda Thicknesse, London, with condolences for his father's death.
T6 - Joseph Turner, Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, re Ferdinand's purchase of college land at Sawston.
T7 - Joseph Turner, Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, re Ferdinand's purchase of college land at Cambridge.
V1 - John Vowell, London, re treatment of the discoverer of the Sawston treasure trove.
V2 - John Vowell, London, re treatment of the labourer who found the Sawston treasure trove.
W1 - Charles Welch, Evesham, Worcester, re Ferdinand's signature to legal forms for settling up trustees to Mrs Berkeley's estate.
W2 - Julines Wheeler, St John's College, Cambridge, to Ferdinand to St John's College.
W3 - Sarah Whitby, Hammersmith, re her neglect of Ferdinand Huddleston.
W4 - Robert White, Cambridge, re removal of Daniel Swann to the parish responsible for his maintenance.
W5 - Robert White, Cambridge, re removal of Daniel Swann to the parish responsible for his maintenance.
W6 - Robert White, Cambridge, re parish costs of parochial lawsuit.
W7 - George Wilmot, Lincoln's Inn, re Ferdinand's marriage settlement, with list of Sawston rents and tenants.
W8 - George Wilmot, Lincoln's Inn, re Blount and Lucas marriage settlements.
W9 - George Wilmot, Lincoln's Inn, re interest payment on loan.
W10 - Elizabeth and George Williams, Bristol, with condolences for Richard Huddleston's death, proposal that their mother come to Sawston.
W11 - Joseph Wimpey, London, re Edward Huddleston's Charlotte Street rents.
W12 - Ferdinand Huddleston, to Wrights Bank, London, ordering payment to Henry Huddleston.
Y1 - Printed letter from Christopher Yorke, Charles Stuart, London, canvassing for the County election.
Expand C3 - Letters to Richard Huddleston C3 - Letters to Richard Huddleston