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Collapse K509 - Mortlock Bank and EstateK509 - Mortlock Bank and Estate
Collapse 1 - Constitution and management of the Bank1 - Constitution and management of the Bank
Expand 1 - Papers relating to Mortlock family members as partners in the Bank1 - Papers relating to Mortlock family members as partners in the Bank
Expand 2 - Papers relating to London agents of Mortlocks Bank: John Bowden, James Cock2 - Papers relating to London agents of Mortlocks Bank: John Bowden, James Cock
Collapse 3 - Papers relating to London Agents: Esdaile, Esdaile, Esdaile and Hammet 3 - Papers relating to London Agents: Esdaile, Esdaile, Esdaile and Hammet
1 - Statement of John Mortlock's account with Sir James Esdaile and Co., bankers, January 1800 - December 1809
2 - Promissory note of John Hammet to repay John Mortlock £5,250 within 6 months, with interest
3 - Letter from William Esdaile to Messrs Mortlock
4 - Two letters from James Esdaile Hammet to Thomas Mortlock, advising the necessity for taking out licences for each branch [bank] and informing them that Sir John Cheetham Mortlock could prevent the continuance of the bank's name, 'John Mortlock Esq. and Sons'
5 - Letter from William Esdaile to Thomas Mortlock from W. Esdaile referring to Mortlock's claim on the estate of Sir Benjamin Hammet, deceased
6 - Letter from William Esdaile to Thomas Mortlock referring to 'affairs' of the late Sir Benjamin Hammet and wishing to be able to meet demands from the sale of his property
7 - Draft letter from Thomas Mortlock to Hammet requesting him to use his influence with Mr Esdaile to enquire about Sir Benjamin Hammet's debt to his father
8 - Statement of stocks sold for Thomas Mortlock through Sir James Esdaile and Co., attorneys.
9 - Memorandum of Sir James Esdaile's willingness to accept Mortlock's drafts up to £50,000 to be repaid within 18 months
10 - Letter from Esdaile and Co. to Messrs Mortlock concerning the drawing up of their indemnity
11 - Letter from J.E.H. [James Esdaile Hammet] to Thomas Mortlock from regretting that the former had not called and mentioning that he and Pascoe had spoken about Sir B.H. in his favour
12 - Letter from Esdaile and Co. to Thomas Mortlock, refusing a demand for repayment of the advance to the late Sir Benjamin Hammet, promised by John Hammet, but offering a smaller amount
13 - Two copy letters from Thomas Mortlock to Sir James Esdaile and Co. concerning indemnification to Rev. Dr. James Wood (master of St. John's College), and sale of stock
14 - Letter, from Esdaile and Co. to Messrs Mortlock and Co.Esdailes concerning security for indemnification for £10,000 given to the Rev. Dr. James Wood, master of St. John's College in 1815
15 - Copy letter from Esdaile and Co. to the Rev. Dr. James Wood, undertaking responsibility for money up to £10,000 deposited in Mortlock's bank, 27 April 1815
16 - Letter from James Esdaile Hammet to Thomas Mortlock relating to closure of Bishops Stortford and Saffron Walden branches (with wording of notice to clients) and Exchequer pay
17 - Draft letter from Thomas Mortlock to James Esdaile Hammet hoping obstacles with the Exchequer will be overcome and stating that £40,000 is to be advanced
18 - Letter from James Esdaile Hammet to Thomas Mortlock doubting that the anticipated money will be forthcoming and stating refusal of Mr Esdaile to agree to a mortgage unless the security to the government is set aside
19 - Letter from James Esdaile Hammet to Thomas Mortlock, with news of Mr E's hesitation, and his own hopes for settlement
20 - Draft reply from Thomas Mortlock to James Esdaile Hammet
22 - Letter from James Esdaile Hammet to Thomas Mortlock informing him that there will be no mortgage money unless the security to the Crown ceases altogether
23 - Letter from Esdaile and Co. to Thomas Mortlock relating to conditions on mortgage and closure of branches
24 - Letter from Esdaile and Co. to Thomas Mortlock requesting £10,000 to be sent up to aid payment of £23,000 to the Excise
25 - Copy letter from Thomas Mortlock to Esdaile and Co. with names of persons interested in taking up Stortford bank business, etc.
26 - Letter from Esdaile and Co. to Mortlock relating to rate of interest on remittances and public monies.
27 - Draft letter from Thomas Mortlock to James Esdaile Hammet, hoping to call on him and requesting a draft for £15 to be placed to credit of Revd W. Hildyard by W. Groom Esq.
28 - Letter from Esdaile and Co. to Thomas Mortlock, referring to abandonment of negotiation for loan upon mortgage, decision to end connection with Cambridge Bank, and requesting Thomas Mortlock to wind up his account and take his business elsewhere
29 - Correspondence relating to the mortgage of Abington Estate between Thomas Mortlock, Esdaile and Co, Messrs Smith, Payne and Smith, and Thomas Mortlock's brother
Expand 4 - Papers relating to London agents: Smith, Payne and Smith4 - Papers relating to London agents: Smith, Payne and Smith
Expand 5 - Documents produced in the Chancery Case of Lamprell v Mortlock, 18685 - Documents produced in the Chancery Case of Lamprell v Mortlock, 1868
Expand 6 - Papers relating to later partnerships6 - Papers relating to later partnerships
Expand 7 - Papers relating to general bank business7 - Papers relating to general bank business
Expand 2 - Accounts2 - Accounts
Expand 3 - Correspondence3 - Correspondence
Expand 4 - Papers relating to clients of the bank4 - Papers relating to clients of the bank
Expand 5 - Employees5 - Employees
Expand 6 - Estate documents6 - Estate documents
Expand 7 - Estate accounts 7 - Estate accounts
Expand 8 - Public positions of members of the Mortlock family8 - Public positions of members of the Mortlock family
Expand 9 - Borough and Corporation of Cambridge9 - Borough and Corporation of Cambridge