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Collapse K588 - Cotton, Hynde Cotton and King families of Landwade and MadingleyK588 - Cotton, Hynde Cotton and King families of Landwade and Madingley
Expand A - Account RecordsA - Account Records
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1 - Licence in form of royal letters patent to crenellate manor houses at Cheveley and Penshurst (Kent) and house in London.
2 - Confirmation (inspeximus) by Elizabeth I in form of royal letters patent
3 - Agreement in form of indenture.
4 - Particulars of income of Sir John Cotton's estates, listing tenants and annual rents of estates in Landwade, Exning, Madingley and Girton, quit rents, income from property in Newmarket, Wicken, Cheveley, Stourbridge Fair, profits of manorial courts, etc
5 - Note of new tenants amending those in 588/E4
6 - Articles of agreement under which Thomas Buck, in return for lease of 7 years of lands to annual value of £360, undertakes to pay issues therefrom to Dame Jane Cotton for housekeeping at Madingley and Landwade, with articles apportioning financial responsibility for provision of food, wine, ale, payment of servants, etc. between Sir John Cotton and Jane his wife. Sir John Cotton of Madingley, knight and baronet, Dame Jane his wife, with Thomas Buck of Westwick, Esquire.
7 - Copy of writ diem clausit extremum of Henry VII to escheator in Suffolk (4 August 1499) and inquisition post mortem held at Ipswich (30 June 1500) into lands of Thomas Cotton, principally Manor of Exning, detailing descent of manor and naming Robert Cotton of full age his heir.
8 - Copy of writ diem clausit extremum of James I to escheator in Suffolk (11 May 1621) and inquisition post mortem held at Bury St Edmunds (24 May 1621) into lands of John Cotton of Cheveley, knight (as E3, with appurtenances in adjacent parishes), detailing tenure and value and naming John Cotton, aged 5, his heir.
9 - Particulars of Cotton estates in Landwade, Exning etc. and Madingley, Girton, Histon, detailing tenants and acreages, with later calculations and house numbers
10 - Memorandum of exchequer pension of £5 6s 8d granted to William Cotton (cf 588/E2) with accounts for this of 1712 and 1736.
11 - Rough account for same 588/E/10.
12 - Particulars of Landwade and Exning estates, detailing tenant, annual rents and land tax
13 - Particulars of Cotton estates in Madingley, Girton, Hardwick, Gamlingay, Landwade, Exning and Newmarket
14 - Papers relating to Bryant's Farm, Exning
15 - Sale particulars of Landwade Hall Estate and property in Burwell and Exning.
16 - 2 pages from sale particulars of Exning Hall Estate for Landwade Hall (190a3r11p) with private chapel and Chalk Farm, Exning (124a1r0p).
17 - Terrier of 138 acres copyhold lands of John Cleve of Hardwick, husbandman.
18 - Copy of inquisition post mortem held at Cambridge into lands of Edward Hynd Esquire, chiefly concerning descent of Manors of Ramseys and Enderbyes alias Pigotts in Girton and Burlewas alias Shire Manor, Morebarnes, Marehams and Harleston with members in Madingley, Coton, Hardwick, Dry Drayton and Cambridge.
19 - Small volume containing terrier of [Girton] Fields.
20 - Rental of farms (in ?Girton and Madingley) and of booths in Stourbridge Fair (cf. 588/T255)
21 - Terrier of freehold lands of William Fuller belonging to house called Richardsons in Hardwick (cf. 588/T257-8)
22 - Terrier of copyhold lands of William Fuller belonging to house called Maldins in Hardwick.
23 - Writ and inquisition ad quod dampnum for enclosure of highway leading from Madingley church to Drayton Field, with agent's account for procuring same and receipt for returning and enrolling with Clerk of the Peace (cf 588/Q504, page 182-3) with partial transcript.
24 - Draft and list of pictures at Madingley Hall, chiefly by Italian Renaissance artists and English eighteenth century portrait painters.
25 - List of paintings 'left by Mr Ford'. All of which included 588/E24
26 - Agreement between Sir J.H. Cotton, 4th baronet, and Lancelot ['Capability'] Brown for landscaping Madingley Hall grounds, and 3 letters from Brown at Hammersmith to Cotton about meeting him at Madingley.
27 - List of fruit trees planted in kitchen garden at Madingley
28 - Sun Fire Office insurance policy for Madingley Hall and outbuildings
29 - Memorandum of dimensions of great parlour, china room and garden parlour at Madingley.
30 - Memorandum of position of larder yard drain at Madingley
31 - List of plate sent to London [for sale]
32 - List of plate sent to London [for sale]
33 - List of plate sent to London [for sale]
34 - Inventory of plate at Madingley Hall
35 - List of plate sent to London for sale in May 1778, with letter and account of Messrs Clayton and Co of King Street for sale
36 - Letter of Messrs Clayton and Co to Sir J.H. Cotton about intended sale of remaining plate
37 - Copy of notice to tenant farmers [?in Girton] instructing them to pay rent to sir J.H. Cotton's son, John Cotton Esquire (probably intended to be divided and sent to addressees in parts). Madingley, 24 March 1780
38 - Rental of Robert Phipps' Farm [?in Girton or Madingley] upon division to four separate farmers
39 - Particulars of Moor Barns Farm in Madingley and Cambridge open fields.
40 - Diagram showing position of pictures in gallery at Madingley.
41 - Valuation of windmill and other buildings at Madingley with receipts for interest in same annexed and ground rent receipt by Sir Charles Cotton.
42 - Notice to Sir Charles Cotton of assessment for Girton Inclosure rate
43 - Notice to Sir Charles Cotton of terms offered to his tenants farmers in Girton
44 - Inventory of pictures at Madingley, with postal cover
45 - Diagrams to show positions of pictures in different rooms in Madingley Hall
46 - List of plate and other effects and related memoranda
47 - Inventory of Madingley Hall, including detailed lists of books and paintings, by (?) Messrs Foster with annotations relating to sale or other mode of disposal.
48 - Copy of same (588/E/47) evidently belonging to Philadelphia Cotton, with other annotations.
49A - Sale particulars of the Madingley Estate (2566 acres).
49B - Printed sale plan to accompany same (E/49A) for land in Madingley and Cambridge St Giles
49C - Printed sale plan to accompany same (E/49A) for land in Girton with similar annotations (almost wholly on west side of Huntingdon Road except for Girton College site and land to south of Girton Turn).
50 - Inventories of pictures (based on 588/E44) and of effects at Madingley, the property of Miss [Philadelphia] Cotton.
51 - Fair copy of inventory of pictures
52 - Inventory (similar to 588/E/47-8) of property of Lady King of Madingley Hall left for use of HRH Prince of Wales [whilst undergraduate at Trinity College]
53 - Valuation of plate at Messrs Child.
54 - Valuation of Madingley Hall pictures of 1855 with column for amount raised at 1871 sale and notes of pictures given away or at Shortgrove
55 - Messrs Foster's sale catalogue, 'The Madingley Pictures and other effects', including furniture, tapestry and books for sale of 14 June 1871.
56 - Messrs Foster's sale catalogue, 'The Madingley Pictures and other effects', including furniture, tapestry and books for sale of 14 June 1871. Marked with amounts realised from sale, for Miss Cotton.
57 - Messrs Foster's sale catalogue, 'The Madingley Pictures and other effects', including furniture, tapestry and books for sale of 14 June 1871. Marked with amounts realised from sale, for Miss King.
58 - Messrs Foster's sale catalogue, 'The Madingley Pictures and other effects', including furniture, tapestry and books for sale of 14 June 1871. Marked with Philadelphia Cotton's lots with list of her pictures enclosed.
59 - Messrs Foster's sale catalogue, 'The Madingley Pictures and other effects', including furniture, tapestry and books for sale of 14 June 1871. Marked with purchasers' names.
60 - Messrs Foster's sale catalogue, 'The Madingley Pictures and other effects', including furniture, tapestry and books for sale of 14 June 1871, roughly marked with notes of sale.
61 - Sale particulars of the Madingley Hall Estate (1231a3r9p)
62 - Sale particulars of the Madingley Hall Estate (1231a3r9p)
63 - John Swan and Son of Cambridge sale catalogue for household furniture, domestic effects, etc., the contents of Madingley Hall, for sale of 25-27 July 1871, marked with prices fetched.
64 - John Swan and Son of Cambridge sale catalogue for landau and other carriages, agricultural implements, dairy utensils, contents of greenhouse and other outdoor effects at Madingley Hall for sale of 28 July 1871, marked with prices fetched.
65 - Sale particulars (with plan) of 163a2r12p arable and pasture in Madingley, for sale of 26 July 1879, with plan of same in April 1871.
66 - Advertisement from newspaper of sale of 1309a0r4p consisting of Moor Barns, How House and Catch Hall farms in St Giles Cambridge, Girton and Madingley for sale on 18 June 1887.
67 - Quit rental at Lady Day for manors of Reigate Priory and Bletchingley (Surrey) and Michaelmas for manor of Reigate Priory.
68 - Reigate Priory quit rental, including details of property and special conditions of tenure.
69 - Reigate Priory quit rental.
70 - Reigate Priory quit rental (including arrears for 1718).
71 - Reigate Priory quit rental, with details of property and occupiers
72 - Reigate Priory quit rental, with details of property and occupiers
73 - Certified copy of Writ and Inquisition ad quod dampnum for enclosure by Humphrey Parsons Esquire and alderman of footways in Reigate from Smith's Shop in Crossway to High Road between Bell Street and Woodhatch, and from Back Lane to Park Hill Close near his engine and ice houses
74 - Deed of Election by Sarah Parsons to have Reigate Mansion as her house upon majority of her son John in accordance with her late husband's will
75 - Certified copy of lease for five years of 3 November 26 Henry VIII [1534] by prior of Reigate to William Barkepoole of Reigate, yeoman, of Priory Lane Meadows (7acres) and heath lands adjacent called Wallensis (14acres)
76 - Transcript and translation of valuation of Reigate Priory from the Valor Ecclesiasticus of 1535-1536.
77 - Translated copy of Reigate Priory section of ministers' accounts for lands of dissolved religious houses in Surrey for 28-29 Henry VIII [1536-1537]
78 - Inventory of plate (London) including 'Madam Parson's Toilet' with note of pieces of Reigate.
79 - Attornment by Elizabeth Shelley of Reigate, widow, to be tenant of Sarah Parsons, widow and executrix of Humphrey Parsons, for messuage with garden in Reigate. Annual rent: £2 10s
80 - Extract from report of committee to inquire into charitable gifts in Reigate concerning house conveyed by Sir John Parsons, father of Humphrey Parsons for charitable uses.
81 - Inventory and appraisement of plate, part of personal estate of Humphrey Parsons.
82 - Inventory and appraisement of less valuable items, part of the personal estate of Humphrey Parsons.
83 - Papers relating to bankruptcy of John Parsons including accounts with creditors and proposals for sale of reversion of Reigate estate
84 - Small volume containing inventory of plate belonging to Sarah Parsons, annotated with items [given to] Lady Cotton and with separate list of those items at Reigate
85 - Rental of jointure estate and other estates of Sarah Parsons in Reigate
86 - Cover of letter and account about debt of Robert Hewer
87 - Westminster Contributionship insurance prospectus with renewal notice, premium account and premium account for 1750 for house in Burlington Street, London.
88 - Particulars and valuation papers of Hendon (Middlesex) estate
89 - Papers relating to sale of Reigate Priory Estate, and other properties in Horley, Nutfield, Buckland, Dorking, Capel, Leatherhead, Epsom and Clayhill (Surrey) and Hendon (Middlesex), including Act (6 George III, c26),
90 - Appointment by Sir John Hynde Cotton of Abraham Harman of Christchurch Spitalfields, gentleman, as rent collector and two letters of Harman to Cotton about financial matters
91 - Agreement between Sir John Hynde Cotton of Madingley, baronet, and Henry Goodwyn, James Bracy, Perry Erasmus Madox and Thomas Thornton of Lower East Smithfield, brewers, for lease for three years and further lease of The Clothworkers Arms on corner of Gracechurch Street and Eastcheap, London
92 - Release of £20 in rents for storehouses in Whites Yard, St Mary Whitechapel (Middlesex).
93 - Rental of properties in Wellclose Square, Spitalfields and Whitechapel, London
94 - Papers relating to London brewhouse estate, including letters about lease with [?Samuel] Whitbread and valuation of 1805, notice about parting and list of tenants. (1822)
95 - Papers, chiefly solicitor's correspondence, with Philadelphia Cotton about financial rights and sale of Manor Row property to St Katherine's Dock Co.
96 - Papers about extension of lease of Brewhouse Estate and Cock and Lion.
97 - Papers about extension of lease of Brewhouse Estate and Cock and Lion.
98 - Papers about extension of lease of Brewhouse Estate and Cock and Lion.
99 - Papers about Wellclose Square property and terms of Lady Cotton's will.
100 - Papers submitted for opinion on manorial rights of East Smithfield.
101 - Report and valuation on Manor of East Smithfield, with solicitor's covering letter to Mrs Rowley Smith.
102 - Binderton (Sussex), etc: Letter to Walter Smythe of Stopham (Sussex) to Sir J.H. Cotton, 4th baronet.
103 - Copy of will of Mary Hamilton of Binderton relating to estate with cover apologising for failure to send previously
104 - Valuation of Binderton Estate and estates of Sir James Peachey in Lodsworth, Burton, Pulborough, Hardham and Wiggonholt (Sussex) proposed to be exchanged, with rough note on same.
105 - Binderton (Sussex), etc: Petition of Walter Smythe and other parties to Lords for leave to bring Bill to effect exchange
106 - Act to enable Walter Smythe to exchange Manor of Binderton for other lands
107 - Particulars and valuation of estates of John Wogan, Esquire in Boulston and Philbetch in Marlowes (Pembs)
108 - Copy of Boulston section of estates as in 588/E107
109 - Shortgrove in Newport (Essex): China and linen lists
110 - Inventory of heirloom plate of William Charles Smith of Shortgrove and letter about same
111 - J. Swan and Son marked sale catalogue for sale of household furniture and wine cellar at Shortgrove on 14-15 and 17 August 1883.
112 - Sotheby's sale catalogue for portion of library of W.C. Smith of Shortgrove on 10-11 May 1889.
113 - Sotheby's sale catalogue for portion of library of W.C. Smith of Shortgrove on 10-11 May 1889, with annotations of purchasers and prices.
114 - Notes of sale of library of W.C. Smith of Shortgrove.
115 - Cutting from local newspaper relating to sale of library of W.C. Smith of Shortgrove.
116 - Cutting from local newspaper relating to sale of estate of Shortgrove.
117 - A.H. Turner & Co sale catalogue of furniture, paintings and other effects at Shortgrove for sale on 10-11 May 1892.
118 - Insurance schedule of pictures from Madingley Hall [? at Walden Place].
119 - Inventory and valuation of furniture and other effects of late Major William Affleck King of Walden Place.
120 - Thurgood & Son sale catalogue of contents of Walden Place for sale on 15 May 1888.
121 - Marked copy of Thurgood & Son sale catalogue of contents of Walden Place for sale on 15 May 1888.
122 - Accounts for sale of contents of Walden Place.
123 - Inventory of plate deposited at Barclays Bank, Saffron Walden (small volume).
124 - Sworder & Sons sale catalogue of contents of Plaw Hatch mansion, Bishop's Stortford, for sale of 28-29 November 1899.
125 - Marked copy of Sworder & Sons sale catalogue of contents of Plaw Hatch mansion, Bishop's Stortford, for sale of 28-29 November 1899.
126 - Lists of plate belonging to Miss E.A. King including that left to her by Mrs Rowley Smith.
127 - Volume containing inventory of contents of Madingley Hall.
128 - Insurance premium receipt for Madingley Hall.
129 - Excise receipt for 4000 ozs of silver plate.
130 - Notes on china and medals. (2 items).
131 - Valuation of plate, books, etc. (3 items).
132 - Papers relating to the Parsons family of Reigate: 2) warrant to be gentleman usher, 1762; 3) copy of S. Parsons' will, etc, 1769; 5) letter re Parsons' estate, 1788.
133 - Papers concerning Reigate estate, etc: 1) rents at Reigate, 1752; 3) Bow Lane rents, 1714; 4) Reigate estate, 1767; 8) Hamble estate, 1827; 11) accounts for use of reward; 11a) drafts - O'Dunne, 1779; 12) excise draft, 1777; 13) receipts, 1778; 14) release, ?1779; 15) receipt, 1780; 16) land tax.
134 - Inventory of Miss Lettice Cotton's household goods at the Close, Salisbury (small volume) with catalogue of prints, 1804.
135 - Papers concerning the Wogan estates in Pembrokeshire: 2) copy will of John Wogan, 1774/1775; 3) account.
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