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Collapse K588 - Cotton, Hynde Cotton and King families of Landwade and MadingleyK588 - Cotton, Hynde Cotton and King families of Landwade and Madingley
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1 - Memorandum ('Resolution') of court of half-hundred of Exning (damaged) with copy of same in letter of D. Thurston to Sir John Hynde Cotton, 21 November 1730.
2 - Quietus roll of John Cotton, sheriff of Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire.
3 - Accounts of Edmund Duke, Raphe Hansby and George Carleton for repairing royal stables at Sheen and Greenwich, signed by Robert Cecil and Julius Caesar.
4 - Memorandum of subscription and list of subscribers supporting office of sheriff of Cambridgeshire, with copy of 1726.
5 - Transcripts of ordinances, memoranda and letters, 1422/23-1714, concerning royal household, apparently compiled for guidance treasurer of the chamber.
6 - Transcripts (rolled) and translations of royal grants of 22 February 1444 and 5 April 1448 vill and half-hundred of Exning to William Cotton from patent rolls of Henry VI (cf Calendar of Patent Rolls 1446-1452, 1441-1446, p. 253, 1446-1453, pp. 155-6). (5 items).
7 - Appointment, by letters patent, of Sir John Hynde Cotton as treasurer of the chamber, and certificate of appointment. (Great seal of George II, in good condition, attached). (2 items).
8A - Sir John Hynde Cotton's rolls of account as treasurer of the chamber and other papers relating to the same office. (41 items). Dated Michaelmas 1745, Michaelmas 1746.
8B - Sir John Hynde Cotton's rolls of account as treasurer of the chamber and other papers relating to the same office. (41 items). Dated Michaelmas 1745, Michaelmas 1746.
9 - Copy letter from John Cutts, John Peyton and John Cotton, deputy lieutenants to the justices of the peace and constable of Cambridgeshire and Isle of Ely, for money to pay for militia, with a letter from Lord North, the lord lieutenant of Cambridgeshire, to his deputies concerning sending the militia to France (and transcript). (cf 'John Layer of Shepreth'). (2 items).
10 - Letter from John Cutts, John Peyton and John Cotton to Lord North, treasurer of the king's household and lord lieutenant of Cambridgeshire and Lord St John, lieutenant of Huntingdonshire, furnished by the county for the Earl of Essex and now lying idle in Plymouth. With transcript. (2 items).
11 - Sir John Hynde Cotton's appointment as deputy lieutenant of Cambridgeshire.
12 - John Cotton's appointment as deputy lieutenant of Cambridgeshire.
13 - Letter authorising Sir Charles Cotton and others as deputy lieutenants to act in certain cases during the absences of the lord lieutenant.
14 - Sir St Vincent Cotton's appointment as deputy lieutenant of Cambridgeshire and captain of militia. (2 items).
15 - Documents relating to the dispute between Sir John Hynde Cotton and Samuel Shepheard.
16 - Petition by town of Cambridge to their members of parliament, Sir John Hynde Cotton, 3rd baronet, and Thomas Bacon, for repeal of the Septennial Act, alluding favourable to the opposition to Excise Act.
17 - Letter of Sir John Hynde Cotton, 3rd baronet, to Lord Oxford for support against candidature of Gilbert Affleck in by-election for Cambridge Borough. 28 November 1736 and Dover Street [London], 30 November 1736.
18 - Copper plate of election circular of Sir John Hynde Cotton (with transcript). Madingley.
19 - 3 letters to Sir John Hynde Cotton, 3rd baronet, concerning Cambridgeshire 1741 parliamentary election campaign.
20 - Papers relating to Sir John Hynde Cotton's (4th baronet) 1752 election in Marlborough.
21 - Printed open letter by recently defeated candidate for chamberlain of City of London to successor as MP to Sir Robert Godschall, reproaching the latter for his lack of support in election and refusing his own in forthcoming parliamentary election unless he can disprove the allegations. Exchange Alley.
22 - Letters, etc relating to Sir John Hynde Cotton's (4th baronet), 1764 parliamentary election campaign in Cambridgeshire.
23 - Letters, etc relating to Sir John Hynde Cotton's, 4th baronet, 1767 parliamentary election campaign in Cambridgeshire.
24 - Letters and note of Lord Sandwich.
25 - Letters, etc relating to Sir John Hynde Cotton's, 4th baronet, 1774 parliamentary election campaign in Cambridgeshire.
26 - Letters to Sir John Hynde Cotton, 4th baronet, relating to 1780 parliamentary election.
27 - Letter of James Tylney Long regretting he had been unable to attend progress of Small Debt Bill for Cambridgeshire through the House, Wanstead House.
28 - Various papers concerning elections and parliamentary business.
29 - Covering letter from Sir Stanier Porten to Sir John Hynde Cotton for stay of execution for William Johnson in Ely gaol.
30 - Sir John Hynde Cotton's commission as militia captain and covering letter. (2 items).
31 - Naval papers of Sir Charles Cotton (1753-1812), admiral of the White.
32 - Naval papers of Sir Charles Cotton (1753-1812), admiral of the White: A list of the flag officers of His Majesty's fleet (printed).
33 - Naval papers of Sir Charles Cotton (1753-1812), admiral of the White: List of the ships of the Royal Navy with those lost or captured in the war (printed).
34 - Naval papers of Sir Charles Cotton (1753-1812), admiral of the White: Log book of the Prince.
35 - Naval papers of Sir Charles Cotton (1753-1812), admiral of the White.
36 - Naval papers of Sir Charles Cotton (1753-1812), admiral of the White: notebook.
37 - Appointment of Sir Charles Cotton as vice admiral of the red squadron.
38 - Appointment of Sir Charles Cotton as commander-in-chief of a squadron off the coast of Portugal.
39 - Appointment of Sir Charles Cotton as commander-in-chief of ships on coasts of Spain and Portugal from Cape Finistere to Cape St Vincent to Madeira, etc.
40 - Naval papers of Sir Charles Cotton (1753-1812), admiral of the White: papers, orders, etc relating to naval affairs mainly in Portugal. (102 numbered documents). 1794-1796, 1807-1808.
41 - Naval papers of Sir Charles Cotton (1753-1812), admiral of the White
42 - Letters from Lord Collingwood and others concerning Sir Arthur Wellesley's expedition to Portugal, etc. (13 items).
43 - Appointment of Sir Charles Cotton as admiral of the Blue squadron.
44 - Letters, papers, case for opinion relating to freight, etc.
45 - Appointment of Sir Charles Cotton as commander-in-chief of HM ships in the Mediterranean.
46 - Appointment of Sir Charles Cotton as admiral of the White.
47 - Appointment of Sir Charles Cotton as commander-in-chief of the Channel fleet.
48 - Appointment of Mr Charles Cotton lieutenant of the Royal Sovereign.
49 - Appointment of Lieutenant Charles Cotton as lieutenant of the Phaeton.
50 - Appointment of Lieutenant Charles Cotton as lieutenant of the Phaeton.
51 - Appointment of Lieutenant Charles Cotton as lieutenant of the Seringapatam.
52 - Appointment of Lieutenant Charles Cotton as lieutenant of the Victory.
54 - Appointment of John Hynde King as ensign in the 49th Foot with Queen Victoria's signature.
55 - Appointment of John Hynde King as lieutenant in the 49th Foot with Queen Victoria's signature.
56 - Letter and certificate concerning decease and will of Charles Cotton King, midshipman on Princess Charlotte. (2 items).
57 - Letter appointing William Affleck King as cornet in the 4th Light Dragoons.
58 - Leave of absence granted to Cornet William Affleck King of the 4th Light Dragoons.
59 - Letters concerning payment of compensation for John Hynde King's hand lost at Sebastapol. (3 items).
60 - Appointment of John Hynde King as lieutenant-colonel, unattached, signed by Queen Victoria.
61 - Letter requesting Captain William Affleck King to join the headquarters of the 4th Light Dragoons immediately.
62 - Appointment of William Affleck King as captain of the 17th Foot, signed by Queen Victoria.
63 - Appointment of John Hynde King as colonel.
64 - Appointment of William A. King as major of the 17th Foot.
65 - Papers concerning Sir John Cotton's rights as master of game at Newmarket. (14 items).
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