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Collapse K588 - Cotton, Hynde Cotton and King families of Landwade and MadingleyK588 - Cotton, Hynde Cotton and King families of Landwade and Madingley
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Collapse W - WillsW - Wills
1 - Probate of will dated 20 July 1673 of Robert Tall of Girton, blacksmith.
2 - Probate of will dated 16 April 1685 of Joseph Pyke of Over, yeoman.
3 - Letters of administration granted to Margaret Trefusis, widow, of Trefusis, Cornwall, for the estates of her late husband, Samuel Trefusis.
4 - Schedules of Lady Cotton's deeds with solicitor's bill and covering letter. (5 items).
5 - Probate of will dated 1 October 1516 of John Seyntwary, parson of Landbeach.
6 - Will of Anne Cotton, sister and sole heir of Thomas Cotton, son and heir of Robert Cotton, on entering the Abbey of Denney.
7 - Probate of will dated 10 May 1542 of Dame Alyce Cotton, widow of Sir Robert Cotton.
8 - Probate of will of William Munnes the elder.
9 - Fragment of will of Anne Sheepe of Burwell.
10 - Copy of the will of Sir John Cotton, baronet, of Landwade.
11 - Copy of will of Sir Robert Cotton of Hatley St George.
12 - Copy of will of William Stewkeley of Wiltsford, Wiltshire.
13 - Letter of administration for estates of James Craggs with agreement by administrators to pay legacies, etc and copy of earlier administration. (4 items).
14 - Nuncupative will of Anne Cotton, leaving her watch to John Hynde Cotton, esquire, and other property to sisters Jane, Elizabeth, Francis, Dorothy and Agnes.
15 - Will of Dorothy Cotton, leaving her possessions to her sisters Jane, Anne, Elizabeth, Francis and Agnes.
16 - Will of Elizabeth Cotton, leaving her possessions to her sisters Anne, Francis, Dorothy, Agnes, and a guinea each to her brother and sister Sancroft.
17 - Will of Francis Cotton.
18 - Probate of will dated 21 April 1726 of Margaret, wife of Sir John Hynde Cotton, baronet.
19 - Probate of will dated 13 November 1736 of Catherine Pern, widow of John Pern, esquire, of St Andrew's Holborn, London.
20 - Will of Jane Cotton, leaving all her property to her sisters, Anne, Elizabeth, Frances, Dorothy and Agnes, and giving details of her funeral.
21 - Will of Sarah Parsons of London, widow.
22 - Particulars of estates of Sir John Hynde Cotton deceased, to be settled on his sons, and particulars of estates of marriage settlement.
23 - Copy of will dated 17 May 1754 of Ann Nugent, wife of Robert Nugent, esquire, of St George's Hanover Square, Middlesex.
24 - Probate of will dated 4 June 1767 of Agnes Cotton.
25 - Will of John Parsons, esquire, of Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire.
26 - Probate of will dated 14 June 1798 of Lettice Cotton, spinster.
27 - Inquisitions post mortem and ad quod damnum relating to estates at Landwade, Cheveley, Girton, Madingley, etc.
28 - Probate of will dated 11 May 1829 of Sarah Cotton of Brunswick Place, Bath, spinster.
29 - Copy of will of Maria Philadelphia Louisa Hills.
30 - Copy of will of Dame Maria Susanna King of Madingley, widow.
31 - Epitome of will of Philadelphia Cotton, spinster.
32 - Epitome of will of William Charles Smith late of Shortgrove, esquire, deceased.
33 - Copy and epitome of will of Fanny Rowley Smith.
Expand Z - Miscellaneous papersZ - Miscellaneous papers