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Collapse K676 - Photographs of members of Cambridge County Club and Cambridgeshire Militia.  Also a collection of maps, books and prints.K676 - Photographs of members of Cambridge County Club and Cambridgeshire Militia. Also a collection of maps, books and prints.
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Collapse Q - Voluntary Organisations: Photographs of members of the Cambridge County ClubQ - Voluntary Organisations: Photographs of members of the Cambridge County Club
1 - H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, elected an honorary member
2 - Drawing of Henry John Adean, Esq., of Babraham, M.P. for Cambridgeshire. Keeper of the rolls; Isle of Ely.
3 - Charles Allix, Esq., Swaffham Prior House, an original member of the club
4 - Colonel Charles Allix (Grenadier Guards), elected 1855 and John Peter Allix, M.P. for Cambridgeshire, elected 1809.
5 - Charles Peter Allix M.A., J.P., D.L., [1842-1921] member of club
6 - Copy of painting of John Peter Allix, of Swaffham Prior, elected 1784.
7 - Stanlake Batson, Esq., Horseheath Lodge, elected 1845
8 - Major Reginald Calvert (11th Hussars), Chief Constable of Cambridgeshire, 1877-1888, elected 1879.
9 - Reverend Edward Cheere, Papworth Hall, elected 1879.
10 - Reverend Frederick Cheere [1805-1872], Papworth Hall, elected 1870
11 - Reverend Frederick Cheere [1805-1872], Papworth Hall, elected 1871
12 - Robert Cheere, Esq., Papworth Hall, elected 1874
13 - William Henry Cheere, Esq., Papworth Hall, elected 1832
14 - Reverend Professor George Elwes Corrie D.D. [1793-1885], Master of Jesus College, elected 1858
15 - Engraving of Admiral Sir Charles Cotton, Bart., elected 1783
16 - Vice-Admiral George Davis, R.N. Chief Constable of Cambridgeshire, 1851-1876, elected 1853
17 - Duke of Devonshire, K.G., elected an honourary member
18 - Colonel Walter Henry Octavius Duncombe J.P., D.L., Waresley Park, member of the club 1882-1917
19 - Herbert Fitzroy Eaton, Esq., Stetchworth Park, elected 1871
20 - Richard Jeafreson Easton, Esq, M.P. (1835), Stetchworth Park, elected 1829
21 - T.J. Ficklin, Esq., The Grove, Cambridge, elected 1855
22 - Print of E. King Fordham, member of the club.
23 - Sir Herbert George Fordham, J.P., D.L., Odsey, Ashwell, Chairman of County Council.
24 - John Edward Fordham, Esq., Melbourn Bury, elected 1855
25 - Clement Francis, Quy Hall, member of the club 1858-1880
26 - Thomas Musgrave Francis, M.A., J.P., D.L., [1850-1931] Honourable secretary of County Club.
27 - Major E.H. Green de Freville, Hinxton Hall, elected 1889.
28 - Edward Purkis Frost J.P., D.L., West Wratting Hall, member of the club.
29 - Lieutenant Colonel Harry Frost, West Wratting Park, 4th Battilion of Suffolk Regiment, member of the club 1898
30 - Copy of painting of Reverend Philip Gardner D.D., [d.1826], of Conington Hall, an original member of the club, 1782
31 - Copy of painting of Philip Thomas Gardner of Conington, Gentleman Usher of King William IV, elected 1818
32 - Drawing of Thomas Charles Geldart, LL.D. [d.1877], Master of Trinity Hall, elected 1857
33 - Reverend William Godfrey [1811-1900], Kennet Hall, Newmarket, elected 1868
34 - Major Edward Goodwin (68th Regiment) J.P., Hildersham Rectory, elected 1871
35 - Dr Edwin Guest LL.D. [d.1880], Master of Gonville and Caius College, elected 1857
36 - Copy of Dr Edwin Guest LL.D. [d.1880], Master of Gonville and Caius College, elected 1857
37 - Copy of painting of Reverend J. Hailstone, of Anglesey Abbey, elected 1845
38 - Copy of painting of General Thomas Hall, member of club, 1791
39 - W.H.Hall, Esq., of Six Mile Bottom, elected 1876.
40 - William Parker Hamond, Esq., of Pampisford Hall, elected 1818
41 - Copy of painting of William Parker Hamond, Esq., of Pampisford Hall, elected 1850
42 - Copy of painting of Thomas Walter Harding V.D., D.L., J.P., of Madingley Hall, elected 1906.
43 - Print of Admiral The (4th) Earl of Hardwicke, P.C/. D.C.L., F.R.S., R.N., Wimpole Hall, Lord Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire. Elected 1834
44 - Drawing of Admiral The (4th) Earl of Hardwicke, P.C., D.C.L., F.R.S., R.N., Wimpole Hall, Lord Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire. Elected 1834
45 - Copy of painting of Sir Christopher Hatton, 5th Bart., of Longstanton, member of club 1693. With details of club's history.
46 - Copy of painting of Sir Thomas Hatton, 8th Bart., of Longstanton and Conington, an original member of club 1782.
47 - Copy of painting by Gainsborough of John Heathcote, Esq., of Conington Castle as a young boy, elected 1796.
48 - Sir Robert G.W. Herbert G.C.B., D.C.L., LL.D., D.L., Ickleton, member of club, 1867-1905
49 - Drawing of Mr E. Hicks of Wilbraham Temple, elected 1879
50 - Stanley E. Hicks, Esq., of Wilbraham Temple, M.O., for Cambridgeshire, 1880 elected 1849.
51 - R. Archer Houblon, Esq., of Bartlow elected 1879
52 - Denis Alexander S. Lawlor-Huddleston, Esq., Sawston Hall.
53 - Ferdinand Huddleston, Esq., [1814-1890]. Of Sawston Hall.
54 - Drawing of Richard Huddleston, Esq., [1768-1847], of Sawston Hall, elected 1850.
55 - Print of Lieutenant Colonel Alfred Paget Humphrey M.V.O., D.L., J.P.
56 - Sir George Murray Humphrey M.D., LL.D., F.R.S., Grove Lodge, Cambridge, Professor of Surgery.
57 - Engraving of painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds of Soame Jenyns Esq., Bottisham Hall, an original member of the club, 1782
58 - Reverend H.Latham, Master of Trinity Hall, elected 1881
59 - Engraving of Lord George Manners of Cheveley Park, Newmarket, M.P., for Cambridgeshire.
60 - Copy of painting of Thomas Musgrave. Archbishop of York 1847-1860, elected 1835
61 - Print of George Onslow Newton D.L., J.P., Croxton Park, St Neots.
62 - James Packe, Esq., Vice-Provost of King's College, elected 1845
63 - Sir G.E. Paget K.C.B., member of the club.
64 - Portrait drawing of Edmund Henry Parker [1858-1928], Thorneycreek, Cambridge, mayor of Cambridge 1893.
65 - Reverend S. Parkinsin D.D., F.R.S., Fellow of St John's College, elected 1885.
66 - Albert Julian Pell, B.A., D.L., J.P., [1820-1907], Wilburton Manor, Chairman of Quarter Sessions, Isle of Ely.
67 - Print of Oliver Claude Pell, Esq., Wilburton Manor, 1st chairman of Isle of Ely County Council, member of club 1870-1891.
68 - Captain Francis Perry Cambell Pemberton, (2nd Life Guards) killed in action 1914.
69 - Henry William Pemberton, Trumpington Hall, elected 1862
70 - Reverend Algernon Peyton, J.P., Rector of Doddington 1811-1868 Chairman of Quarter Sessions, Isle of Ely for 25 years, elected 1825.
71 - Reverend James Porter D.D., Master of St Peter's College, elected 1884.
72 - Print of Christopher W. Robinson, Esq., of Dullingham House, elected 1858.
73 - Benjamin Bridges Hunter Rodwell, Esq., [1815-1892] Q.C., M.P. for Cambridgeshire. 1874-1881, elected 1875
74 - Thomas St. Quintin, Esq., Hatley Park, elected 1837
75 - Captain Sidney Stanley J.P., D.L., Longstowe Hall, elected 1864.
76 - John St.Tharp, Esq., Hatley Park, elected 1857.
77 - Joseph Sidney Tharp, Esq., elected 1847
78 - Reverend John Thornhill, Rector of Boxworth, Honourable Secretary of club 1860-1874, elected 1854.
79 - Charles Watson Townley, Esq., of Fulbourn Manor, Lord Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire, member of club 1848-1893.
80 - R. Greaves Townley, Esq., M.P., for Cambridgeshire, 1831-1841, 1847-1852, elected 1813.
81 - Sir Thomas Wade, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., British Minister in China 1871-1883, elected 1890.
82 - Portrait drawing of Sir Charles Watson, Bart., Wratting Park, an original member of club, 1782.
83 - T.H.Wilkinson, Esq., of Upper Hare Park. Honourable Secretary of club 1855-1860, elected 1852.
84 - The Honourable Eliot Thomas Yorke, M.P. for Cambridgeshire.
85 - Unknown member of club, by Lambert Watson Ltd, Folkestone.
86 - Unknown member of club.
87 - Book, 'Notes on Cambridge Country Club, instituted 1693'. Privately printed, c.1911.
88 - Facsimile photograph of Saxton's map of Northants, Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and rutland, 1599. Presented to the club by H.G.Fordham, 1901.
89 - Photograph of cloisters of the Benedictine Priory at Swaffham Bulbeck. Presented by a member of the club, 1904.
90 - Photograph of the seal of the Augustinian Priory at Anglesea, in Bottisham. Presented by a member of the club, 1905.
91 - Engraving of Pythagoras' School, Cambridge, by S. Hooper, 1783. Presented by a member of the club, 1905.
92 - Engraving of Cambridge Castle, by S. Hooper, 1783. Presented by a member of club, 1905.
93 - Copy of oil painting, 'Newmarket Heath in the Time of Charles II', belonging to Stanlake Batson Esq., of Horseheath Lodge. Presented to the club by Reverend C.H. Brocklebank, of Bartlow House, 1906.
94 - Book, 'Cambridgeshire Maps: a descriptive catalogue of the maps of the county and of Great Level of the Fens, 1579-1900', by H.G.Fordham, 1908. Incorporating a paper by Fordham, 'Notes on the Cartography of the Counties of England and Wales'. Presented to the club by the author, 1909.
95 - Supplement and additions to 'Cambridgeshire Maps', by Fordham, 1907. Presented to the club by author, 1909.
96 - Book, 'Hertfordshire Maps, a descriptive catalogue of the maps of the county, 1579-1900', by H.G. Fordham. 1909. Presented to the club by author, 1909.
97 - Extract from report of 10th International Congress on Agriculture, held at Gand, July 1913. A short history on the School of Agriculture of the University of Cambridge, by Sir Herbert-George Fordham.
98 - A print of the racehorse Plenipo, after a painting by [Thomas] Sidney Cooper, entitled "'Plenipo', the property of Stanlake Batson, Esq., of Horseheath, Winner of the Derby in 1834. The portraits are those of Mr. [George] Payne, the Trainer, and [Patrick] Connelly, the Jockey. Painted by Sidney Cooper."
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