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Collapse K757 - Deeds of the Cross-Morphew, Dobede and Collins families in Wisbech, Leverington, Manea, Parson Drove, etc. and in Walsoken and West Walton (Norfolk) and Exning (Suffolk), with probate papers of Collins familyK757 - Deeds of the Cross-Morphew, Dobede and Collins families in Wisbech, Leverington, Manea, Parson Drove, etc. and in Walsoken and West Walton (Norfolk) and Exning (Suffolk), with probate papers of Collins family
Expand F - Family PapersF - Family Papers
Collapse T - Title DeedsT - Title Deeds
Expand a - Cross-Morphew family deedsa - Cross-Morphew family deeds
Expand b - Dobede deeds: Exning (1)b - Dobede deeds: Exning (1)
Expand c - Dobede deeds: Fordham and Sohamc - Dobede deeds: Fordham and Soham
Collapse d - Dobede deeds: Exning (2)d - Dobede deeds: Exning (2)
131-132 - Lease and release of messuage in Frogmore, Exning, with yard running down to the Common Street. 1. Ann Chapman of Burwell, widow, 2. John Jennings of Exning, shepherd. Consideration £18.
133 - Will of Jonathon Jennings of Exning, shepherd, leaving cottage with yard in Exning to wife Margaret, then to son James. Note on front, 'Not Proved'.
134 - Copy of Will of Jonathon Jennings of Exning, shepherd, leaving cottage with yard in Exning to wife Margaret, then to son James. Note on front, 'Not Proved'.
135 - Mortgage by way of demise for 500 years, of cottage with barn and 1r garden in Frogmore, Exning, for securing £50. 1. James Jennings of Exning, labourer. 2. Robert Robson of same, Esq.
136 - Memorandum of agreement concerning 2 cottages with garden and 36p land in Exning, sold for £100, between James Jennings and Thomas Mingay.
137 - Certificate of examination of Sarah, wife of James Jennings, in connection with conveyance (see. T138-9).
138-139 - Lease and release of 2 cottages and 1r garden in Frogmore, Exning. 1. John Rolfe and William Leonard. 2. John Dobede, junior of Exning, Esq. Consideration £50.
140 - Abstract of will of Thomas Mingay of Soham, leaving 2 freehold cottages in Exning and 2 0.5acre in Downfield, Soham, to his executors, John Rolfe of West Row, Mildenhall, gardener, and William Leonard of Padney, Wicken, farmer.
141 - Rough letter concerning property as in T140
142 - Conveyance of cottage and garden in Frogmore, Exning. 1. John Rolfe and William Leonard. 2. John Dobede, junior, of Exning, Esq. Consideration £50
143 - Conveyance of cottage and garden in Frogmore, Exning. 1. John Rolfe and William Leonard. 2. Henry Frederick Dobede of Exning Hall. Esq. Consideration £50.
144 - Terrier of land in Exning field in occupation of Mr Jerh. Bryant in Newmarket. Rough calculations on back.
145 - Copy of will dated 17 December, 1790, of Mrs Grace Bridgeman, late of Burwell, leaving all lands in Burwell and Exning to husband, John Bridgeman. Probate 15 January 1801
146 - Feoffment of 3.5a0.5r in 6 pieces in Exning, abuttals detailed, left by will of Grace Bridgeman. 1. Joseph Bridgeman of Burwell, yeoman. John Bridgeman of same, farmer. 2. Robert Sumner of Exning, butcher. Consideration £60
147 - Sale particulars of 2a3r freehold arable land in Exning, late the property of Mr Sumner, with memorandum that same was purchased by George Brooks for £197.
148 - Abstract if title to same, 1790-1819
149 - Affidavit of James Fuller, of Burwell, farmer, identifying 3.5a in Exning, late the property of Thoma Edmunds of Newmarket, bricklayer.
150 - Solicitor's bill for transactions, to George Brooks
151 - Receipt for £194 by William Custance and Charles Wedge, from John Plummer, being his rate for Exning inclosure.
152 - Notice from Inclosure Commissioner to Mr Plummer, setting out his allotments and fencing liabilities.
153 - Notice from Inclosure Commissioner to Mr Edmonds, setting out his allotments and fencing liabilities.
154 - Copy of settlement of messuage and 2a land at Exning, by John Hobbs of Exning, thatcher, and wife Rebecca, to uses stated
155 - Mortgage, for securing £70, of 2a allotment in Exning. 1. Jabez Hobbs of Exning, thatcher. 2. George Webster of Newmarket St Mary, grocer.
156 - Deed of a further charge on above mortgage, for securing £30. Parties as above
157 - Copy of will dated 12 July, 1820 of Robert Stockdale, fellow of Pembroke College, Cambridge, leaving all property to his brother, Reverend William Stockdale of Mears Abbey, Northants.
158 - Sale particulars of 20 lots of land in Exning, Newmarket St Mary, Burwell and Landwade, with plans. Memorandum that Lot 1 being 2a0r22p, a close near church in Exning, was purchased by Charlotte Bryant of Exning for £150.
159 - Abstract of title of Sir St Vincent Cotton, Bart., to freehold manor and estate at Exning, 1678-1829
160 - Supplemantal abstract of title of same, to land in Landwade, Burwell and Exning, 1830-33
161-162 - Copy lease and reconveyance of farmhouse, orchard and 6 closes in Landwade; cottage, 3 closes and 14a, in Burwell called Ness Farm; 21a called Ash Tree Piece in Burwell; lands in Exning. 1. Christopher Pemberton Esq of Cambridge. 2. Sir St Vincent Cotton of Madingley, Bart. Recitals: 1824, 1825, 1829, 1830, 1831
163-164 - Lease and release of 2a22p arable and pasture close in Exning, with schedule of deeds. 1. Sir St. Vincent Cotton. 2. Sarah and Charlotte Bryant, of Exning. Consideration £150.
165 - Declaration by Christopher Pemberton about his uncle, Reverend John Stevenson of Great Wilbraham (deceased)
166 - Abstract of title of William Taylor to 3a3r3p freehold in Exning, with rough alterations making it thhat of John Francis Clark, 1805-1841.
167 - Conveyance of same property, consideration: £207. 1. William Taylor of Exning, yeoman and others. 2. John Francis Clark of Newmarket St Mary, architect.
168 - Draft agreement to sell Exning Lodge, Exning House or Place, 'now in a dilapidated state', and 2060a, in Exning and Burwell, with rough lists of some allotments made under Exning Inclosure Award. 1. William Byrant of Newmarket St Mary, banker. 2. John Dobede of Soham Place, Esq. Consideration £90,000
169 - Declaration by William Parr Isaacson of Newmarket, gent., concerning titles to estates conveyed in T168 above, with schedule of rents [total annual rent £4,022]
170 - Draft lease of 95a in Exning, part of the above estate. 1. John Dobede. 2. William Edwards of Newmarket All Saints, gent.
171 - Draft lease of 294a allotment in Hatch Field and 104a in Exning to William Ratcliff of Newmarket, gent.
172 - Draft lease of messuage with 6a and 94a in Exning, to Charles Phillips of Newmarket St Mary
173 - Abstract of title of Jabez Hobbs to 2a land in Exning, sold to James Graham, 1823-52
174 - Conveyance of 2a land in Exning on the Fordham Road. 1. Jabez Hobbs of Exning, thatcher, and his mortgage. 2. James Graham of Exning, groom. Rentals: 5 August 1851 and 18 October 1852. Total consideration: £155
175 - Abstract of title of James Porter to 0.5a arable in Exning, 1812-1854
176 - Conveyance of property as in T176. 1. James Porter of Exning, yeoman. 2. James Graham. Consideration: £64.
177 - Solicitor's bill to John Dobede relating to his mortgage of estate in Exning purchased from Miss Cotton, and estate in Soham and Exning, for £14,000.
178 - Deed of covenant to produce deeds of 1a3r29p in Exning, with schedule of deeds. 1. John Dobede. 2. Barnard Colman of Wood Ditton, merchant
179 - Solicitor's bills, letters, receipts etc., concerning Dobede's mortgage of the Exning Estate
180 - Bargain and sale of 2a1r8p copyhold in Exning. 1. Trustees under will of Thomas Moody, late of Newmarket, Esq. 2. John Dobede of Exning Hall, Esq. Consideration £170.
181 - Probate of will dated 8 November 1869 of John Dobede of Exning Hall, Esq. Consideration £170
182 - Copy deed of disclaimer by James Button, a trustee under will of John Dobede, deceased, of copyhold held of the manors of Burwell Ramseys and Burwell Tiptofts.
183 - Form for succession duty on real property to which Henry Frederic Dobede of Exning Hall was liable, upon death of his father, John Dobede.
184 - Form for succession duty on real property as in T184
185 - Draft release and reconveyance of estate of Exning including capital messuage with bailiffs house, wheelwright's and blacksmith's shop and site of house called 'Ansicles' and over 700a, with assignment of £20,000. 1. Sir Charles Whetham of Gordon Square, London and others. 2. Henry Frederick Dobede. James Button of Newmarket, gent. Recitals of 1826 and 1844
186 - Draft release and reconveyance of mansion house, with several closes and two dwellings in Frogmore, in Exning and £4,000. Parties as in T185. Recital mortgage, 1841.
187 - Draft release and reconveyance of 200a called 'Severals', 335a, 3 farmhouses, 381a called severally 'Pleasances' and 'Edgars' and 15a in Exning, with assignment of £11,400. Parties as in T185. Recital of mortgage, 1842.
188 - Draft release and reconveyance of extensive estate lying in Exning and Burwell, etc. Parties as in T185. Consideration £55,000. Recital of messuage, 1862.
189 - Draft release and reconveyance of property (unspecified) in Cambridgeshire and Suffolk. 1.Thomas Wentworth. Henry Cust. 2. Henry Frederick Dobede and James Button. Consideration unspecified, Recital of mortgage, 1867.
190 - Draft release and reconveyance of property in Cambridgeshire and Suffolk. 1. The Marquis of Clanrikarde. 2. Henry Dobede and James Button. Consideration £15,000, recitals of mortgage, 1867
191 - Draft release and reconveyance of property mortgages in 1879 (not specified). 1. Reverend Samuel Wayte. 2. Henry Dobede. Consideration £5,000; recital of 1879.
192 - Draft release and reconveyance of property mortgaged in 1881 (unspecified). 1. Robert Robertson, Esq. 2. Henry Dobede. Consideration £10,000; reference to mortgage, 1881.
193 - Schedule of real estates of Henry Frederick Dobede in Exning and Burwell, formerly belonging to John Dobede of Exning Hall. Deceased.
194 - Extract from Exning Inclosure Award showing allotments and old inclosures purchased by late John Dobede of William Bryant in 1844 (2 copies)
195 - Deductions liable on the estate of Henry Frederick Dobede.
196 - Requisitions on title by John Dobede to the Jockey Club. (2 copies)
197 - Schedule of freehold and copyhold property in Burwell, with rough calculations concerned Bryant's land. (5 items)
198 - Solicitors' bills to Henry Dobede on the selling of Exning Lodge ('in a very bad state'), including furniture, to the Jockey Club for £2,000. (2 copies)
199 - Draft conveyance of 'The Manor House' eith paddock and orchard, in Exning. 1. Henry Frederick Dobede of Soham ,Esq. 2. Henry Luke of Exning, Jockey. Consideration: £1000.
200 - Manor of Exning Hall: draft surender of several small closes in Exning including Ash Yard, Parsonage Croft and Burnt Yard. 1. Henry Frederick Dobede and James Button. 2. Right Honourable James Lowther of Wilton Castle, Redcar, Yorkshire. Consideration: £1,400.
201 - Manor of Burwell Ramseys; draft surrender of about 7a, 21a, 8a in Mill field, Burwell. Parties as above. Consideration: £1,850.
202 - Manor of Burwell Tiptofts: draft surrender of 3r in South field and c.8a in Mill field and South field. Parties as above. Consideration: £450.
203 - Solicitor's correspondence, etc. including writ of summons for Henry Frederick Dobede to appear and pay solicitors' expenses for sale of Soham and Exning estates.
204 - Probate of will dated 12 November, 1886, of Rosa Adelaide Dobede formerly of Exning Lodge, later of Brookden, Fittleworth, Sussex sister of Henry Frederick Dobede.
205 - Residuary account of same Rosa Dobede
206 - Probate of will dated 14 February 1909, of Henry Frederick Dobede of Brookdean, Fittleworth, Sussex.
207 - Accounts of executors of same
208 - Assignment and release of reversion of marriage settlement made between Henry Frederick Dobede and Louisa Frederika Eaton, later Conyers, in 1866. 1. Mrs L.F.Conyers of Bournemouth, widow. 2. Executors of H.F. Dobede.
209 - Release and annuity of £200 payable under a separation deed of 1875. 1. Mrs L.F. Conyers. 2. Henry Gerald Fairman Dobede of London, Esq. Philip George Collins of same, Solicitor.
210 - Transfer of £2,100 being part of mortgage debt of £18,100 chargeable on 83 Upper Thames Street, London. 1. Henry Gerald F Dobede and another. 2. Ronald Peake of London, and another Solicitors.
211 - Transfer of mortgage debt of £17,850. Parties as above,
212 - Account of property chargeable with estate duty on death of Mary Henrietta Dobede of Nice, France, sister in law of Henry Frederick Dobede.
213 - Trust account and legacy duty account on estate of Heny Frederick Dobede which became divisible at death of Louisa Fredericka Conyers. (3 items)
Expand e - Collins deeds: Culy family of Leveringtone - Collins deeds: Culy family of Leverington
Expand f - Collins deeds: Wisbech St Mary, Manea, Walsoken and West Waltonf - Collins deeds: Wisbech St Mary, Manea, Walsoken and West Walton
Expand g - Collins deeds: Boucher's Trusteesg - Collins deeds: Boucher's Trustees
Expand h - Collins deeds: Walsoken and West Walton h - Collins deeds: Walsoken and West Walton
Expand j - Collins deeds: Wisbech (1)j - Collins deeds: Wisbech (1)
Expand k - Collins deeds: Parson Drove and Maneak - Collins deeds: Parson Drove and Manea
Expand m - Collins deeds: Wisbech (2)m - Collins deeds: Wisbech (2)
Expand n - Papers of Boucher's Trusteesn - Papers of Boucher's Trustees
Expand o - Papers relating to Thomas Bouchero - Papers relating to Thomas Boucher
Expand p - Jecks and Boucher partnership and dissolutionp - Jecks and Boucher partnership and dissolution
Expand q - Cross-Morphew family deeds: supplementary papersq - Cross-Morphew family deeds: supplementary papers