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Collapse K757 - Deeds of the Cross-Morphew, Dobede and Collins families in Wisbech, Leverington, Manea, Parson Drove, etc. and in Walsoken and West Walton (Norfolk) and Exning (Suffolk), with probate papers of Collins familyK757 - Deeds of the Cross-Morphew, Dobede and Collins families in Wisbech, Leverington, Manea, Parson Drove, etc. and in Walsoken and West Walton (Norfolk) and Exning (Suffolk), with probate papers of Collins family
Expand F - Family PapersF - Family Papers
Collapse T - Title DeedsT - Title Deeds
Expand a - Cross-Morphew family deedsa - Cross-Morphew family deeds
Expand b - Dobede deeds: Exning (1)b - Dobede deeds: Exning (1)
Expand c - Dobede deeds: Fordham and Sohamc - Dobede deeds: Fordham and Soham
Expand d - Dobede deeds: Exning (2)d - Dobede deeds: Exning (2)
Expand e - Collins deeds: Culy family of Leveringtone - Collins deeds: Culy family of Leverington
Collapse f - Collins deeds: Wisbech St Mary, Manea, Walsoken and West Waltonf - Collins deeds: Wisbech St Mary, Manea, Walsoken and West Walton
241 - Letters (6 items) concerning Culy's estate in Wisbech St Mary, in occupation of Samuel Gaskin, and insurance policy on farm buildings in same.
242 - Manor of Maney: Admissions, etc. relating to property including 24a marsh formerly Elizabeth Fosher's, which John Hodson of Upwell acquired from John Woodward of Manea.
243 - Manors of West Walton: Admission etc. relating to c.8a in Meerditch field in 3 piece containing 1a3r, 1a and 5a20p which variously occupied by Abel Butler, Anne Everitt, Thomas Emotson, Thomas Handley, William Carter and Robert Catling, etc.
244 - Copy of probate of will dated 15 March 1731 of John Barne of St Austin's, London, merchant
245 - Extract from probate of will dated 16 March 1780 of George Barne of Theobalds, Hertfordshire, gent.
246-247 - Lease and release of 7a20p in West Walton. 1. Thomas Thornhill of Middlesex and Thomas Trollope of Oxford University, coheirs of George Barne, deceased. 2. John Murley of Walsoken, farmer, trustee for Thomas Handley of same, farmer. Consideration £210.
248 - Mortgage for securing £200 in same property. 1. Thomas Handley. 2. Charles Kelk of Walsoken, farmer. Consideration £115.
249-250 - Lease and release of same, for such lives as appointed by John Catling of Walsoken, farmer. 1. Thomas Handley. 2. Jacob Dornale of Walpole St Peter, Norfolk, farmer. Consideration £115.
251 - Manor of West Walton: Admission of John Caling to 1a land on surrender by Thomas Handley
252 - Legacy receipts and statements on account of John Catling deceased and declarations aboutCatlings births, burials etc.
253-254 - Lease and release of 7 pieces of land containing 26a3r34p freehold in West Walton and Walsoken. 1. Trustees for sale under will of Robert Catling late of Walsoken. 2. James Haygarth of Walsoken, farmer. Consideration £135. Small plan of site on allotments in margin.
255 - Bargain and sale of copyhold property in Walsoken and West Walton containing 23a1r0p. Parties as above, consideration £615.
256 - Surrender of a mortgage term on 7a27p in West Walton (see T246-50). 1. Nicholas Patmore of Takely, Essex, farmer. 2. Executors of late John Catling, Esq.
257 - Admission (2) of James Haygarth to 20a in West Walton, in 6 pieces
258 - Case for opinion concerning death of James Haygarth, with copies of baptismal entries for his daughters Frances, Susanna and Ann and declaration by John Youngs of Wisbech St Mary, yeoman.
259 - Abstract of title of late James Haygarth to 9a1r copyhold in West Walton, 1746-1837.
260 - Abstract of title of late James Haygarth to 1a copyhold in West Walton, 1746-1837.
261 - Abstract of title of late James Haygarth to 1a3r copyhold in West Walton, 1747-1837.
262 - Abstract of title of late James Haygarth to 3a freehold in West Walton, 1792-1844
263 - Admissions (2) of Frances Smith, Ann Simpole and Susannah Brightly to copyhold property of their late farmer, James Haygarth.
264 - Conveyance of 7a20p freehold in West Walton, with covenant to surrender copyhold. 1. Womack and Frances Smith of Walsoken. Edward and Anne Simpole of same. William and Susanna Brightly of Wisbech St Mary. 2. Charles Hubbard of Walople, farmer. Consideration £845. With certificate of examination of the wives.
265 - Surrenders of copyhold property in West Walton by Womack Smith and others, and admission of Charles Hubbard to same.
266 - Abstract of title of trustees under will of late Charles Hubbard to freehold and copyhold property in West Walton, purchased by George Duppa Collins, 1848-1886.
267 - Manor of Walsoken Popenhoe; Admission to 5a part in Turpith field by Thomas Godfrey, 14 October 1771; . Albany Wallis, 4 October 1779; Joseph Hardmeat, 24 October 1793
268 - Abstract of title of William Breese to copyhold messuage in Walsoken the common right of which is to be sold to Joseph Hardmeat, 1760-1821.
269 - Extract from Walsoken Inclosure Award relating to allotments of Joseph Hardmeat.
270 - Manor of Walsoken Popenhoe: Admission of Ann Hardmeat to 5a, under will of father, Joseph Hardmeat.
271 - Agreement between Ann Hardmeat of Wisbech and the Lynn and Ely railway, to sell 1r30p in Walsoken for £230.
272 - Copy conveyance of same for £270,parties as above
273 - Copy of burial certificates, 13 September, 1853, of Ann Hardmeat at Wisbech St Peter.
274 - Abstract of title of devisees in trust for sale of late Joseph Hardmeat, to property in Walsoken, 1793-1853 (Lots 3 and 4).
275 - Acknowledgement of satisfaction on conditional surrender passed by late Joseph Hardmeat to late Simon Goodman, and assigned by him to Ann Littlewood of Wisbech.
276 - Manor of West Walton: Admission of George Duppa Collins to ta in Walsoken, part in Turpits field, on surrender by trustees of Joseph Hardmeat.
277 - Rough extracts from three deeds relating to Hardmeat's 1r30p and 5a, 17 April 1854 and 6 May 1865.
278 - Letter of attorney to surrender 13a pasture in Walsoken and 8a in Walton, copyhold. 1. William Carter of Lincolnshire, farmer, 2. William Clark of Wisbech, gent.
279 - Release of legacy of £50 left by Richard Emotson of Whittlesey, surgeon and apothecary. Parties as above.
280 - Manor of Walsoken Popenhoe: Admission of Thomas Sheepshanks of Trinity College, Esq., under sale from trustee f John Beakley, deceased, to messuage and 1a1r6p.
281 - Manor of Walsoken late Stone, not Metcalfe: Admission etc. relating to land in Wheatly field, Marshland Smeeth, etc. in Walsoken by Richard Allenby Delamore and Amey Delamore.
282 - Manor of West Walton Coleraine: Admission of Amey Delamore to property in same, on surrender by Richard Allenby Delamore.
283 - Manor of West Walton Coleraine: Deed of Enfranchisement of 13a2r moll land in Wheatley field in 3 parts belonging to Amey Delamore. Consideration: £26
284a - Manor of Walsoken Metcalfe: Admissions, etc., relating to property which passed from Richard Allenby Delamore, John Overton Hobson, to Philip Vassar.
284b - Declaration by Octavus Allenby of identities of R.A.Delamore, J.O.Hobson, etc
285 - Conveyance of property as in T283 (by measurement 12a1r9p) Consideration £850, and covenant to surrender copyholds. 1. John Overton Hobson of Sutton St Mary, Lincolnshire, gent. 2. Philip Vassar of Walsoken, farmer.
286 - Statements of succession duty on property of Richard Allenby Delamore, Reverend Samuel Allenby Hobson, John Overton Hobson and William Henry Hobson.
287 - Mortgage for securing £200 and covenant to surrender copyholds, subject to prior mortgage, property being as in T285 and 3a2r20p copyhold. 1. Philip Vassar. 2. Frederick Watson and James Fraser f Norwicj, gents. Includes notice of mortgage to first mortgagees
288 - Abstract of title of Reverend Chauncy Hare Townshend to manors of Walpole and West Walton, 1826-27.
289 - Manor of Walsoken Metcalfe: surrender by Thomas Peatling of Wisbech, wine merchant to George Duppa Collins of Wisbech, gent., of 3a3r12p, consideration £382.
290 - Manor of Walsoken Metcalfe: Acknowledgement of satisfaction on conditional surrender of 4a3p by Richard Fairey of Walsoken to John Gardiner of Wisbech, newspaper proprietor.
291 - Sale plan of lots 1-13, Crown Lands, in West Walton, Walsoken, Walpole and Wisbech. (badly creased and torn)
292 - Conveyance of c.23a in New Field, Warren Field and Great Pelmer Field, including lots 7 and 8 of the above, Crown Land in West Walton. 1. Onourable C.A.Gore, Commissioner of H.M.Woods, Forests etc. 2. George Duppa Collins. Consideration: £1,420. Plan of lots in margin.
293 - Sale particulars and plans of farmhoue, cottages, lands in Walsoken, Emneth and West Walton
294 - Manor of West Walton: Admission of Reverend William Bonner Hopkins to 1a1r in Lark Field, Walsoken after purchase from trustees of Frederick Catling, deceased.
295 - Receipt for £1,045 for 'Lot 1', property in West Walton, bought by George Duppa Collins from the Commissioners of H.M.Woods, with covering note.
296 - Covering letter from Great Eastern Railway to surveyor, concerning level crossing at Walsoken.
297 - Manorial receipts for admissions, etc. of George Duppa Collins to copyholds
298 - Manor of West Walton and members: Admission of Mary Pocock and Elizabeth Boucher Prankerd to 1a1r in Larkfield, Walsoken (see T294) after death of G.D.Collins who survived William Bonner Hopkins.
299 - Manor of West Walton Coleraine: Admission of Philip George Collins to 3r34p in Walsoken under will of G.D.Collins.
300 - Manor of West Walton Coleraine: Enfranchisement of Philip George Collins to 3r34p in Walsoken under will of G.D.Collins.
301 - Agreement to lease for 1 year 50a3r29p arabe and pasture in Wiggenhall St Mary, rent £75. 1. Executors of George Duppa Collins (deceased). 2. Charles Pentelow of Wisbech St Mary, farmer.
302 - Agreement to lease for 1 year 108a2r3p arable and pasture with farmhouse and cottage in Walsoken, West Walton in Marshland fen rent £160. 1. As above. 2. Joseph Smith of Sutton St Edmunds, Lincolnshire, farmer.
303 - Application from National Telephone Company for wayleave for 3 telephone poles on land adjoining canal in Walsoken, to trustees of G.D.Collins (deceased)
Expand g - Collins deeds: Boucher's Trusteesg - Collins deeds: Boucher's Trustees
Expand h - Collins deeds: Walsoken and West Walton h - Collins deeds: Walsoken and West Walton
Expand j - Collins deeds: Wisbech (1)j - Collins deeds: Wisbech (1)
Expand k - Collins deeds: Parson Drove and Maneak - Collins deeds: Parson Drove and Manea
Expand m - Collins deeds: Wisbech (2)m - Collins deeds: Wisbech (2)
Expand n - Papers of Boucher's Trusteesn - Papers of Boucher's Trustees
Expand o - Papers relating to Thomas Bouchero - Papers relating to Thomas Boucher
Expand p - Jecks and Boucher partnership and dissolutionp - Jecks and Boucher partnership and dissolution
Expand q - Cross-Morphew family deeds: supplementary papersq - Cross-Morphew family deeds: supplementary papers