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Collapse K757 - Deeds of the Cross-Morphew, Dobede and Collins families in Wisbech, Leverington, Manea, Parson Drove, etc. and in Walsoken and West Walton (Norfolk) and Exning (Suffolk), with probate papers of Collins familyK757 - Deeds of the Cross-Morphew, Dobede and Collins families in Wisbech, Leverington, Manea, Parson Drove, etc. and in Walsoken and West Walton (Norfolk) and Exning (Suffolk), with probate papers of Collins family
Expand F - Family PapersF - Family Papers
Collapse T - Title DeedsT - Title Deeds
Expand a - Cross-Morphew family deedsa - Cross-Morphew family deeds
Expand b - Dobede deeds: Exning (1)b - Dobede deeds: Exning (1)
Expand c - Dobede deeds: Fordham and Sohamc - Dobede deeds: Fordham and Soham
Expand d - Dobede deeds: Exning (2)d - Dobede deeds: Exning (2)
Expand e - Collins deeds: Culy family of Leveringtone - Collins deeds: Culy family of Leverington
Expand f - Collins deeds: Wisbech St Mary, Manea, Walsoken and West Waltonf - Collins deeds: Wisbech St Mary, Manea, Walsoken and West Walton
Expand g - Collins deeds: Boucher's Trusteesg - Collins deeds: Boucher's Trustees
Collapse h - Collins deeds: Walsoken and West Walton h - Collins deeds: Walsoken and West Walton
354 - List of allotments made to Joseph Climenson (in Walsoken)
355 - Sale particulars of cottages and about 134a arable and pasture, in Walsoken, West Walton and Leverington in 11 lots, with plan (same as T335). Memorandum that Lot2 was purchased by Joseph Climenson of Walsoken, farmer, for £300, being 6a3r12p in Wheatly Field.
356 - Certificates of marriage, etc. of members of Austin family (see T329)
357 - Declaration of identities of members of Austin family by Emma Adey (same as T328)
358 - Copy of probate, dated 27 June 1840, of Sarah Austin. (same as T326)
359 - Copy of counsel's opinion concerning disentailing of Austin's copyholds, 12 September 1844.
360 - Rough plan showing Lot 2 and adjoining property with names of owners
361 - Abstract of release of mortgage of Misses Bell, sated 8 July 1831, on property belonging to L'Estrange Southgate Austin, being Lot 2 later purchased by Climenson
362 - Abstract of title of L'Estrange Southgate Austin, Humphrey Austin and wife Emma to freehold and copyhold comprising Lot 2, 1755-1844.
363 - Abstract of title to copyhold premises of Lot 2, held of Manor of Walsoken Popenhoe, 1796, 1820.
364 - Appointments and release of covenant to surrender freeholds and copyholds comprising Lot 2. 1. L'Estrange Southgate Austin and others. 2. Joseph Climenson. Consideration £300. With certificate of examination of Emma, wife of Humphrey Austin
365 - Copy surrender by L'Estrange Southgate Austin and others of 3r20p held of Manor of Walsoken Popenhoe, to Joseph Climenson.
366 - Manor of Walsoken Popenhoe: Admission of Joseph Climenson as in T365
367 - Copy of certificate for redemption of land tax on property in Walsoken, 5 March 1803.
368 - Requisitions on title of trustees of will of late Joseph Climenson to property in Walsoken.
369 - Abstract of title of same to freehold and sopyhold estate in Walsoken, 1844-1873.
370 - Abstract of title of same to property copyhold of Manor of Walsoken Popenhoe, 1811-1873.
371a - Conveyance of 3a3r6p in Wheatly Field and 1a2r, both in Walsoken, with bargain and sale of 3r20p and 2r16p copyhold in same. 1. Trustees under will of Joseph Climenson. 2. George Duppa Collins of Wisbech, Esq. Consideration: £800.
371b - Manor of Walsoken Popenhoe: Admission of G.D.Collins to land including 3r20p (see T365) on surrender by trustees of Joseph Climenson
372 - Notice to Frederick Jackson to quit tenancy of property held by trustees under will of Joseph Climenson in Wilsoken.
373-374 - Lease and appointment and release with covenant to surrender copyholds, property being messuage and 21a in Wheatly Field, 5a in Walsoken Marsh, 12a in Le Mesnes, 4a3r36p in Marshland Smeath, and 18a3r in Marshland Fen, Walsoken. 1. Martha Sheepshanks of Exmouth, Devon, widow. 2. Thomas Sheepshanks of Trinity College, Cambridge, Esq.
375 - Manors of Walsoken Popenhoe, and Stone late Metcalfe: Admissions, etc. of Thomas Sheepshanks to property in Le Turpits and Sibley fields
376 - Extract from Walsoken Inclosure award relating to allotments to Thomas Sheepshanks, 1823
377-378 - Lease and appointment and release of 1r 5p in Biggs Drove, Walsoken. 1. John Wing of Wisbech, gent. 2. Thomas Wootton of Walsoken, farmer. Consideration: £5.
379 - Copy of will of Thomas Wootton leaving same property to son Frederick, dated 28 March 1832.
380 - Extract from probate, deated 27 November 1835, of John Wing
381 - Conveyance of same 1r 5p in Walsoken. 1. Frederick Wootton of Wisbech, yeoman. 2. John Beakley of Walsoken, yeoman. Consideration £76.
382 - Appointment of messuage and 1r 5p land in Walsoken. 1. John Beakley. 2. Reverend Thomas Sheepshank of Coventry, clerk. Consideration £76.
383 - Acknowledgements of satisfaction on conditional surrenders by Thomas Sheepshanks, and declaration of same by Thomas Wilkins, the mortgagee.
384 - Abstract of title of Reverend Thomas Sheepshanks to messuage and 34a0r25p freehold and copyhold in Walsoken, 1822-1872.
385 - Observation on title to same
386 - Conveyance of same property with covenants to surrender sopyholds. 1. Reverend Thomas Sheepshanks. 2. George Duppa Collins of Wisbech, gent. Consideration £2,132.
387 - Manor of Walsoken Popenhoe: surrender by Thomas Sheepshanks to George Duppa Collins to 8a3r28p and latter's admission to same. With note of enfranchisement, 1878.
388 - Manor of Walsoken Metcalfe: admission of G.D.Collins to 3a3r8p, with note of enfranchisement, 1895.
389 - Manor of Inglethorpe otherwise Emneth Blee: Receipt of consideration for enfranchisement of 4a in Mearditch Field, West Walton, estate of late G.D,Collins.
390 - Manor of West Walton Coleraine: admission, etc. relating to various property in Inham Field, Marshland Smeeth, etc., passing to G.D. Collins via Adderley Howard, Samuel M.Cross, William Hewson and Benjamin Stockdale.
391 - Mortgage for securing £800 and covenant to surrender copyhold, property being 3a20p and 1a22p in Wheatly field, Walsoken. 1. Philip Vassar of Walsoken, farmer. 2. William Richard Pollard of Leamington, Warwickshire, Esq.
392 - Manor of Walsoken Metcalfe: conditional surrender, property and parties as above
393 - Extract from Walsoken rate book relating to property of Philip Vassar
394 - Abstract of title of Philip Vassar to freehold and copyhold estate in Walsoken, 1805-1872.
395 - Observations on title to freehold and copyhold estate in Walsoken
396 - Reconveyance of property mortgaged in 1868 (see T391) with acknowledgement of satisfaction for same. 1. W.R.Pollard and others. 2. Philip Vassar.
397 - Manor of Walsoken Metcalfe: Surrender by Philip Vassar of same property to George Duppa Collins.
398 - Purchase contract for 17a2r15p in Wheatly field, Walsoken, Consideration £1,800. Parties as above.
399 - Bill of admission of George Duppa Collins to copyhold properties
400 - Conveyance of 8a3r33p in Wheatly Field, Walsoken, with covenance to surrender 1a1p copyhold and to indemnify against annuities affecting same. 1. Trustees of William A. Colvile. 2. Thomas Green of Walsoken, seed presser. Consideration £590. Plan of site in margini.
401 - Manor of Walsoken Popenhoe: Surrender of 1a1p parties as above, and admission of Thomas Green to same.
402 - Mortgage for securing £500, with covenant to surrender sopyhold, property as in T400 above. 1. Thomas Green. 2. Alexander Peckover and George Dawbarn, both of Wisbech, Esq. Endorsed with reconveyance of same, 11 October 1872. With the same conveyance.
403 - Manor of Walsoken Popenhoe: Conditional surrender of 1a1p, parties as above
404 - Observations on title to land conveyed by T. Green to George Duppa Collins, with solicitors letter and copy of same.
405 - Agreement for sale and purchase of property as in T400 above, Consideration £900. 1. Thomas Green. 2. George Duppa Collins.
406 - Abstract of title of Thomas Green to same property 1825-1871
407 - Supplemantal abstract of title of same, 1872
408 - Manor of Walsoken Popenhoe: Surrender by Thomas Green to property as in T403, to George Duppa Collins.
409 - Sale plan of Lots 14-24 of Crown Lands in West Walton and Walsoken
410 - Manor of West Walton with members: Deed of enfranchisement of 1a1r in Lark field, Walsoken, in 2 moieties, to Elizabeth Boucher Prankerd and Mary Pocock.
411 - Lease for 7 years of 17a1r14p arable and pasture in Walsoken, annual rent £60. 1. Trustees of will of George Duppa Collins. 2. Richard Bath of Hampstead, Middlesex, fruit grower. With claim for compensation for improvements at same.
412 - Agreement to lease 34a1r3p in Marshland Fen, Walsoken and Emneth, annual rent £63. 1. Trustees of will of George Duppa Collins. 2. George and Joseph Herbert of West Walton, farmer.
413 - Agreement to lease 5a0r28p pasture in Watlington, Norfolk, annual rent £16. 1. Trustees of will of George Duppa Collins. 2. John Balls of Wiggenhall St Peter, Norfolk, farmer.
Expand j - Collins deeds: Wisbech (1)j - Collins deeds: Wisbech (1)
Expand k - Collins deeds: Parson Drove and Maneak - Collins deeds: Parson Drove and Manea
Expand m - Collins deeds: Wisbech (2)m - Collins deeds: Wisbech (2)
Expand n - Papers of Boucher's Trusteesn - Papers of Boucher's Trustees
Expand o - Papers relating to Thomas Bouchero - Papers relating to Thomas Boucher
Expand p - Jecks and Boucher partnership and dissolutionp - Jecks and Boucher partnership and dissolution
Expand q - Cross-Morphew family deeds: supplementary papersq - Cross-Morphew family deeds: supplementary papers