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Collapse 251 - Court papers251 - Court papers
Expand 1 - Court papers for cases arising in Abbotsley.1 - Court papers for cases arising in Abbotsley.
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Expand 3 - Court papers for cases arising in Alwalton.3 - Court papers for cases arising in Alwalton.
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Expand 7 - Court papers for cases arising in Brington.7 - Court papers for cases arising in Brington.
Expand 8 - Court papers for cases arising in Broughton.8 - Court papers for cases arising in Broughton.
Expand 9 - Court papers for cases arising in Buckden.9 - Court papers for cases arising in Buckden.
Expand 10 - Court papers for cases arising in Buckworth.10 - Court papers for cases arising in Buckworth.
Expand 11 - Court papers for cases arising in Bury cum Hepmangrove.11 - Court papers for cases arising in Bury cum Hepmangrove.
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Expand 16 - Court papers for cases arising in Colne.16 - Court papers for cases arising in Colne.
Expand 17 - Court papers for cases arising in Conington.17 - Court papers for cases arising in Conington.
Expand 18 - Court papers for cases arising in Covington.18 - Court papers for cases arising in Covington.
Expand 19 - Court papers for cases arising in Denton.19 - Court papers for cases arising in Denton.
Expand 20 - Court papers for cases arising in Diddington.20 - Court papers for cases arising in Diddington.
Expand 21 - Court papers for cases arising in Easton.21 - Court papers for cases arising in Easton.
Expand 22 - Court papers for cases arising in Ellington.22 - Court papers for cases arising in Ellington.
Expand 23 - Court papers for cases arising in Elton.23 - Court papers for cases arising in Elton.
Expand 24 - Court papers for cases arising in Everton cum Tetworth.24 - Court papers for cases arising in Everton cum Tetworth.
Expand 25 - Court papers for cases arising in Eynesbury.25 - Court papers for cases arising in Eynesbury.
Expand 26 - Court papers for cases arising in Farcet.26 - Court papers for cases arising in Farcet.
Expand 27 - Court papers for cases arising in Fenstanton.27 - Court papers for cases arising in Fenstanton.
Expand 28 - Court papers for cases arising in Fletton.28 - Court papers for cases arising in Fletton.
Expand 29 - Court papers for cases arising in Folksworth.29 - Court papers for cases arising in Folksworth.
Expand 30 - Court papers for cases arising in Great Gidding.30 - Court papers for cases arising in Great Gidding.
Expand 31 - Court papers for cases arising in Little Gidding.31 - Court papers for cases arising in Little Gidding.
Expand 32 - Court papers for cases arising in Steeple Gidding.32 - Court papers for cases arising in Steeple Gidding.
Expand 33 - Court papers for cases arising in Glatton.33 - Court papers for cases arising in Glatton.
Collapse 34 - Court papers for cases arising in Godmanchester.34 - Court papers for cases arising in Godmanchester.
1 - Descent of the ownership of the Place House in Godmanchester from 1599 to 1666 and its relevance to a seat in Godmanchester church.
2 - Interrogation of Anne Goldesburgh in a cause of the use of a seat in Godmanchester church against John Deane, gentleman, farmer of the impropriate parsonage of Godmanchester.
3 - Interrogation of John Deane in the cause in AH4/251/34/2.
4 - Articles against John Deane for AH4/251/2.
5 - Copy of AH4/251/4.
6 - Responses of John Deane to the articles against him given in court before John Manton, surrogate, and John Buck, registrar.
7 - Libel against John Deane (in Latin).
8 - AH4/251/34/7 in English.
9 - Deposition of William Clark the elder of Godmanchester, yeoman.
10 - Deposition of Jasper Cock of Hilton, labourer.
11 - Deposition of Jane Crofts wife of Richard Crofts of Godmanchester, labourer.
12 - Deposition of Margaret Baker of Godmanchester, widow.
13 - Deposition of Andrew Horner of Godmanchester, labourer.
14 - Deposition of James Lymer of Godmanchester, husbandman.
15 - Deposition of Henry Cockse of Godmanchester, shoemaker.
16 - Deposition of John White of Godmanchester, plasterer.
17 - Deposition of Thomas Smithyman of Godmanchester, bricklayer.
18 - Deposition of Simon Bayly of Godmanchester, cook.
19 - Deposition of Robert Lockington of Godmanchester, labourer.
20 - Deposition of Agnes Whitehead wife of Richard Whitehead of Godmanchester, tailor.
21 - Deposition of John Scott of Godmanchester, husbandman.
22 - Deposition of Alice Cotton of Godmanchester, widow.
23 - Deposition of Margaret Tryce of Godmanchester, widow.
24 - Deposition of Thomas Pont of Godmanchester, gentleman.
25 - Deposition of Robert Vinter of Godmanchester, gentleman.
26 - Deposition of Elizabeth Vinter of Godmanchester wife of William Vinter, clerk, Anna Bylot wife of Noah Bylot, and Mary Vinter relict of Robert Vinter deceased that they know nothing of the controversy of the seat between Anne Goldesburgh and John Deane.
27 - Citation paper against Richard Samuel, yeoman, and Hannah Lymor his wife for adultery, fornication and incontinency before their marriage. William Stevenson, yeoman, and Jane Burnaby alias Stevenson for the same. All to appear in Buckden parish church on Monday 7 May 1676. At Godmanchester.
28 - Written command from William Foster LLD, commissary and official in the Archdeaconry of Huntingdon 'shall for the tyme to come give due obedience to ye Kings Ecclesiastical Laws, and the lawfull comands of his Ordinary'.
29 - Citation paper against John Fletcher, labourer; James Fletcher, labourer, and Anne Fletcher his wife in a cause of defamation against John Herron, gentleman of Godmanchester. Citation served personally on 7 September by John Durant, apparitor.
30 - Citation against Samuel Skeggs, malster, in a cause of defamation against John Herron, gentleman, of Godmanchester. Citation served 23 September by John Durant, apparitor. At Godmanchester.
31 - Libels against John Fletcher.
32 - Libels against James Fletcher.
33 - Quorum nomina citation against John Lister, Thomas Lister, Robert Lister, farmers; Thomas Robins, farmer; Richard Croxton, innholder; and William Greenehop, labourer, in a cause of non-payment of tithes to John Badcock, vicar of Godmanchester.
34 - Quorum nomina citation against Richard Croxton, innholder, William Trust, widower, Joan Lister, widow, and John Whitehead, bodicemaker, in a cause of non-payment of tithes to John Badcock, vicar of Godmanchester.
35 - Quorum nomina citation against William Toseland, labourer, Samuel Fisher, shepherd, and Thomas Birch, cobbler, in a cause of non-payment of tithes to John Badcock, vicar of Godmanchester.
36 - Citation paper against William Stevenson, gentleman, and William Warren, yeoman, in a cause of non-payment of tithes to John Badcock, vicar of Godmanchester.
37 - Citation paper against Thomas Greene, yeoman, Robert Bleke, fuller, Godfrey Sybly, glazier, and Richard Crosse, labourer, in a cause of non-payment of tithes to John Badcock, vicar of Godmanchester.
38 - Citation paper against Thomas Greene, yeoman, in a cause of non-payment of tithes to John Badcock, vicar of Godmanchester.
39 - Citation paper against Anna Nutt, Anna Laxton and Hope Fisher in a cause of failing to ….?
40 - Citation paper against Anna Nutt in a cause of …..?
41 - Citation paper against Robert Baker, schoolmaster at Godmanchester Grammar School for failing to subscribe to the declaration against the Solemn League and Covenant.
42 - Citation paper against Robert Baker, schoolmaster at Godmanchester Grammar School for the same as in AH4/251/34/41.
43 - Citation paper against Robert Baker of Godmanchester.
44 - Articles against Stephen Parrill and William Fisher, churchwardens of Godmanchester and 22 other married persons for not resorting to public worship in Godmanchester parish church.
45 - Responses to the articles signed by both Stephen Parrill and William Fisher.
46 - Citation against Gaspar Robins.
47 - Citation against Robert Baker.
48 - Responses of John Badcock, vicar of Godmanchester, and William Cole and Thomas Arnold, parishioners, to the articles against Stephen Parrill and William Fisher (see AH4/251/34/44-45).
49 - Citation against William Bosworth, farmer, Joseph Hunt, carpenter, Samuel Coney, grocer, Thomas Warren, labourer, in a cause of non-payment of tithes.
50 - Citation against John Stevenson in a cause of non-payment of tithes to William Clay.
51 - Citation against Alexander Brittaine of Abbotsley in a cause of non-payment of tithes to William Clay.
52 - Citation against Thomas Arnold in a cause of reformation of manners (defamation see AH4/251/34/57-58).
53 - Articles against Thomas Arnold in a cause of 'for speaking irreverently of ye holy sacrement & services of the Church'.
54 - Citation against John Stevenson for practising surgery without a licence.
55 - Citation against Thomas Mayle, yeoman, and Robert Lister, carpenter, in a cause of .….?
56 - Citation against William Cole, clerk, in a cause of …..?
57 - Citation against Thomas Arnold for defamation against Sarah Johnson.
58 - Articles against Thomas Arnold in a cause of defamation against Sarah Johnson.
59 - Citation against Thomas Arnold in a cause of divorce and separation from his new wife Mary.
60 - Articles against Thomas Arnold for clandestine marriage.
61 - Citation against Thomas Arnold and William Everett for clandestine marriage.
62 - Articles against Thomas Arnold 'for saying he had given 3 parts of himselfe to the Devill'.
63 - Citation against Thomas Negus in a case of defamation against Duling Salmon of Godmanchester, registrar of the Archdeaconry court of Huntingdon.
64 - Articles against Thomas Negus for defamation against Duling Salmon of Godmanchester, registrar of the Archdeaconry court of Huntingdon.
65 - Articles against Thomas Negus for refusing to stand up in Godmanchester church at the 'Reading of the Hymnes and other Services of the Church'.
66 - Citation against Stephen Triploe in a case of reformation of manners.
67 - Articles against Thomas Arnold and Maria his wife in a case of matrimonial separation.
68 - Citation against Stephen Parrell and William Fisher, churchwardens of Godmanchester in a case ……?
69 - Articles against Richard Croxton for not coming to church and for working on a Sunday.
70 - Articles against Jasper Mayle.
71 - Citation against Jasper Mayle in a cause of defamation against Duling Salmon, registrar of the Archdeaconry court of Huntingdon.
72 - Citation against Jasper Mayle in a cause of defamation against Duling Salmon.
73 - Articles against Jasper Mayle in a cause of defamation against Duling Salmon.
74 - Articles against Jasper Mayle in a cause of defamation against Duling Salmon.
75 - Citation against John Stephenson in a cause of reformation of manners.
76 - Citation against Jasper Mayle in a cause of contempt of articles against him.
77 - Articles against Jasper Mayle in a cause of adultery with Elizabeth Doughty wife of William Doughty of Godmanchester.
78 - Citation against Godfrey Bardwell junior and Sarah his wife in a cause of correction.
79 - Citation against John Parrell and Sarah his wife in a cause of fornication.
80 - Articles against John Parrell and Sarah his wife in a cause of fornication.
81 - Articles against Robert Stocker and his wife in a cause of clandestine marriage.
82 - Articles against Samuel Robins in a cause of defamation against Anne Whitbread wife of Joseph Whitbread.
83 - Statement that a seat in Godmanchester church belongs to the 'Bayliffs Assistants of the Borough of Godmanchester'.
84 - Citation against Elizabeth Amborough wife of William Amborough in a cause of …..?
85 - Citation against John Stocker in a cause of defamation against Elizabeth wife of William Everitt.
86 - Articles against Elizabeth Halfhead wife of John Halfhead in a cause of defamation against Sarah Newman.
87 - Deposition of William Reeve of Godmanchester against Elizabeth Halfhead.
88 - Articles against Anna Stocker and Robert Stocker in a cause of marital separation.
89 - Articles against Elizabeth Halfhead in a cause of defamation against Sarah Newman.
90 - Deposition of June Smith of Godmanchester.
91 - Deposition of Sara Tolton of Godmanchester.
92 - Articles against Elizabeth Halfhead in a cause of defamation against Sara Newman.
93 - Citation against Elizabeth wife of Robert Upchurch of Godmanchester in a cause of defamation against Mary Toseland. At Huntingdon.
94 - Citation against Thomas Stocker and William Bennett, the old churchwardens of Godmanchester, for not giving up their arrears and paying the balance remaining in their hands to the present churchwardens.
95 - Citation against Rebecca King in a cause of perturbation.
96 - Citation against Joseph Bosworth for fornication with Elizabeth Warren. Cited personally on 15 April by John James, apparitor.
97 - Letter testimonial signed by James Heywood, vicar of Godmanchester, Samuel Dickens, rector of Hemingford ….. and Mark Hildesley, rector of Wyton, as to the good character and abilities of Anthony Dennis BA.
98 - Certification that the board presented by the churchwardens of Godmanchester at the visitation of the Bishop of Lincoln was taken down according to monition at the said visitation singed by James Heywood, vicar.
99 - Libel against Edward Higginson of Godmanchester for 'teaching School without a Lycence'.
100 - Citation against Elizabeth the wife of William Laxton in a cause of defamation against Anne the wife of John Wright of Godmanchester.
101 - Citation against Elizabeth wife of Thomas Bates of Godmanchester in a cause of defamation against Sarah Doughty of Godmanchester, spinster.
102 - Citation against John Negus of Godmanchester, tanner, in a cause of 'pulling down some ancient Common Seats in the parish Church of Godmanchester… and erecting one or two new seats or pews in the room thereof, without any lycence'.
103 - Account of 'the Books, Vestments and Vessels belonging to the Parish Church of Godmanchester exhibited to the Archdeacon at his Visitation June 20th 1740'.
104 - Citation against John Lancaster, Robert Vinter, Robert Reeve, Mary Laxton, spinster, and Jane Skeggs, widow, in a cause of substraction of tithes.
105 - Certificate signed by Edward Ross that he personally executed the citation in AH4/251/34/104.
106 - Inventory presented at the parochial visitation 2 May 1771 by Nicholas Cholwell, Archdeacon of Huntingdon.
107 - Inventory of the parish church of Godmanchester building and contents.
108 - Memorandum stating there is a letter dated 5 June 1834 from the Chapter clerk of Westminster relating to the Pensions and Procurations of Alconbury and Godmanchester, bound up with the Alconbury papers. Dean and Chapter of Westminster were patrons of both livings.
109 - Presentment of the churchwardens of Godmanchester at the visitation of the Right Reverend Francis Thomas McDougall, bishop, Archdeacon of Huntingdon, held in the parish church of All Saints, Huntingdon.
110 - Presentment of the churchwardens of Godmanchester at the visitation of the Right Reverend Francis Thomas McDougall, bishop, Archdeacon of Huntingdon, held in the Princes Street Schoolroom, Huntingdon.
Expand 35 - Court papers for cases arising in Grafham.35 - Court papers for cases arising in Grafham.
Expand 36 - Court papers for cases arising in Gransden.36 - Court papers for cases arising in Gransden.
Expand 37 - Court papers for cases arising in Haddon.37 - Court papers for cases arising in Haddon.
Expand 38 - Court papers for cases arising in Hamerton.38 - Court papers for cases arising in Hamerton.
Expand 39 - Court papers for cases arising in Hartford.39 - Court papers for cases arising in Hartford.
Expand 40 - Court papers for cases arising in Hemingford Abbots.40 - Court papers for cases arising in Hemingford Abbots.
Expand 41 - Court papers for cases arising in Hemingford Grey.41 - Court papers for cases arising in Hemingford Grey.
Expand 42 - Court papers for cases arising in Hilton.42 - Court papers for cases arising in Hilton.
Expand 43 - Court papers for cases arising in Holme.43 - Court papers for cases arising in Holme.
Expand 44 - Court papers for cases arising in Holywell cum Needingworth.44 - Court papers for cases arising in Holywell cum Needingworth.
Expand 45 - Court papers for cases arising in Houghton.45 - Court papers for cases arising in Houghton.
Expand 46 - Court papers for cases arising in Huntingdon.46 - Court papers for cases arising in Huntingdon.
Expand 47 - Court papers for cases arising in Keyston.47 - Court papers for cases arising in Keyston.
Expand 48 - Court papers for cases arising in Kimbolton.48 - Court papers for cases arising in Kimbolton.
Expand 49 - Court papers for cases arising in Leighton Bromswold.49 - Court papers for cases arising in Leighton Bromswold.
Expand 50 - Court papers for cases arising in Molesworth.50 - Court papers for cases arising in Molesworth.
Expand 51 - Court papers for cases arising in Morborne.51 - Court papers for cases arising in Morborne.
Expand 52 - Court papers for cases arising in Water Newton.52 - Court papers for cases arising in Water Newton.
Expand 53 - Court papers for cases arising in Offord Cluny.53 - Court papers for cases arising in Offord Cluny.
Expand 54 - Court papers for cases arising in Offord d'Arcy.54 - Court papers for cases arising in Offord d'Arcy.
Expand 55 - Court papers for cases arising in Orton Longueville.55 - Court papers for cases arising in Orton Longueville.
Expand 56 - Court papers for cases arising in Orton Waterville.56 - Court papers for cases arising in Orton Waterville.
Expand 57 - Court papers for cases arising in Papworth Agnes.57 - Court papers for cases arising in Papworth Agnes.
Expand 58 - Court papers for cases arising in Great Paxton.58 - Court papers for cases arising in Great Paxton.
Expand 59 - Court papers for cases arising in Little Paxton.59 - Court papers for cases arising in Little Paxton.
Expand 60 - Court papers for cases arising in Ramsey.60 - Court papers for cases arising in Ramsey.
Expand 61 - Court papers for cases arising in Little Raveley.61 - Court papers for cases arising in Little Raveley.
Expand 62 - Court papers for cases arising in Abbots Ripton.62 - Court papers for cases arising in Abbots Ripton.
Expand 63 - Court papers for cases arising in Kings Ripton.63 - Court papers for cases arising in Kings Ripton.
Expand 64 - Court papers for cases arising in St. Ives.64 - Court papers for cases arising in St. Ives.
Expand 65 - Court papers for cases arising in St. Neots.65 - Court papers for cases arising in St. Neots.
Expand 66 - Court papers for cases arising in Sawtry All Saints.66 - Court papers for cases arising in Sawtry All Saints.
Expand 67 - Court papers for cases arising in Sawtry St. Andrew.67 - Court papers for cases arising in Sawtry St. Andrew.
Expand 68 - Court papers for cases arising in Sibson cum Stibbington.68 - Court papers for cases arising in Sibson cum Stibbington.
Expand 69 - Court papers for cases arising in Somersham. Includes cause papers for Pidley cum Fenton.69 - Court papers for cases arising in Somersham. Includes cause papers for Pidley cum Fenton.
Expand 70 - Court papers for cases arising in Spaldwick.70 - Court papers for cases arising in Spaldwick.
Expand 71 - Court papers for cases arising in Stanground.71 - Court papers for cases arising in Stanground.
Expand 72 - Court papers for cases arising in Great Staughton.72 - Court papers for cases arising in Great Staughton.
Expand 73 - Court papers for cases arising in Stilton.73 - Court papers for cases arising in Stilton.
Expand 74 - Court papers for cases arising in Stow Longa.74 - Court papers for cases arising in Stow Longa.
Expand 75 - Court papers for cases arising in Great Stukeley.75 - Court papers for cases arising in Great Stukeley.
Expand 76 - Court papers for cases arising in Little Stukeley.76 - Court papers for cases arising in Little Stukeley.
Expand 77 - Court papers for cases arising in Swineshead.77 - Court papers for cases arising in Swineshead.
Expand 78 - Court papers for cases arising in Thurning.78 - Court papers for cases arising in Thurning.
Expand 79 - Court papers for cases arising in Toseland.79 - Court papers for cases arising in Toseland.
Expand 80 - Court papers for cases arising in Upton with Coppingford.80 - Court papers for cases arising in Upton with Coppingford.
Expand 81 - Court papers for cases arising in Upwood with Great Raveley.81 - Court papers for cases arising in Upwood with Great Raveley.
Expand 82 - Court papers for cases arising in Warboys.82 - Court papers for cases arising in Warboys.
Expand 83 - Court papers for cases arising in Waresley.83 - Court papers for cases arising in Waresley.
Expand 84 - Court papers for cases arising in Hail Weston and Southoe.84 - Court papers for cases arising in Hail Weston and Southoe.
Expand 85 - Court papers for cases arising in Old Weston.85 - Court papers for cases arising in Old Weston.
Expand 86 - Court papers for cases arising in Winwick.86 - Court papers for cases arising in Winwick.
Expand 87 - Court papers for cases arising in Wistow.87 - Court papers for cases arising in Wistow.
Expand 88 - Court papers for cases arising in Woodston.88 - Court papers for cases arising in Woodston.
Expand 89 - Court papers for cases arising in Woodwalton.89 - Court papers for cases arising in Woodwalton.
Expand 90 - Court papers for cases arising in Woolley.90 - Court papers for cases arising in Woolley.
Expand 91 - Court papers for cases arising in Yaxley.91 - Court papers for cases arising in Yaxley.
Expand 92 - Court papers for cases arising in Yelling.92 - Court papers for cases arising in Yelling.
Expand 5 - Acts of Court5 - Acts of Court
Expand 6 - Papers mostly relating to disputed cases6 - Papers mostly relating to disputed cases
Expand 7 - General Citations7 - General Citations
Expand 8 - Citation Papers8 - Citation Papers
Expand 9 - Faculty books9 - Faculty books
Expand 10 - Intimations for Faculties10 - Intimations for Faculties
Expand 11 - Penances11 - Penances
Expand 12 - Letters Denunciatory of Excommunication12 - Letters Denunciatory of Excommunication
Expand 13 - Schedules of Excommunication13 - Schedules of Excommunication
Expand 14 - Volumes of Legal Formulae14 - Volumes of Legal Formulae
Expand 15 - Volumes of Wills and Administrations15 - Volumes of Wills and Administrations
Expand 16 - Wills16 - Wills
Expand 17 - Administration Bonds17 - Administration Bonds
Expand 18 - Probate Inventories18 - Probate Inventories
Expand 19 - Probate Accounts19 - Probate Accounts
Expand 20 - Monitions and Transfers of Wills20 - Monitions and Transfers of Wills
Expand 21 - Guardianship Papers21 - Guardianship Papers
Expand 22 - Visitation Processes22 - Visitation Processes
Expand 23 - Visitation Books23 - Visitation Books
Expand 24 - Procuration Rolls24 - Procuration Rolls
Expand 25 - Procuration Volumes25 - Procuration Volumes
Expand 26 - Mandates for Induction26 - Mandates for Induction
Expand 27 - Licences and Certificates27 - Licences and Certificates
Expand 28 - Bishop's Transcripts28 - Bishop's Transcripts
Expand 29 - Marriage Bonds and Allegations29 - Marriage Bonds and Allegations
Expand 30 - Terriers30 - Terriers
Expand 31 - Meeting House Petitions31 - Meeting House Petitions
Expand 32 - Register Office Ledgers32 - Register Office Ledgers
Expand 33 - Private Volumes33 - Private Volumes
Expand 34 - Surrogates Bonds34 - Surrogates Bonds
Expand 35 - Sequestration Bonds35 - Sequestration Bonds
Expand 36 - Cash accounts36 - Cash accounts
Expand 37 - Papers relating to Ecclesiastical Legislation37 - Papers relating to Ecclesiastical Legislation
Expand 38 - Official Papers and Correspondence38 - Official Papers and Correspondence
Expand 39 - Prebendary of Brampton39 - Prebendary of Brampton
Expand 40 - Prebendary of Buckden40 - Prebendary of Buckden
Expand 41 - Prebendary of Leighton Bromswold41 - Prebendary of Leighton Bromswold
Expand 42 - Prebendary of Stow Longa42 - Prebendary of Stow Longa
Expand 43 - Photographs and Drawings43 - Photographs and Drawings
Expand 44 - Supplementary records of the Archdeaconry created prior to 196044 - Supplementary records of the Archdeaconry created prior to 1960
Expand 45 - Supplementary records of the Archdeaconry created after 196045 - Supplementary records of the Archdeaconry created after 1960